Experiences What's your most common writing habit?


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Whether it's writing a half dozen paragraphs, enjoying snappy action sequences, or paying close attention to character dynamics, we all have our favorite styles and flavors of writing!

I was wondering what some of your most common habits are in your styles, though!

For example: I am in love with adjectives! I don't think I'll ever write without them. They add good clarification to how dialogue is presented, and can layer the dynamics more finely than leaving them out.

Have you noticed something like that in your own writing?
I'm obsessed with using character actions to convey thoughts and feelings. I also like similes and metaphors. I also just like learning techniques or relearning stuff I use often but didn't know it.

I've probably used similes for years and had to look it up to find that it is in fact, something I use everyday in rp. :)
I tend to very heavily get into my characters' heads, often times to the point that I neglect other aspects of the scene. Like, what is going on in the surroundings? Things like that.

I sprinkle in text-ified words like: outta, defo, cuz, gonna, etc in my posts. Annoying yeah but like it's to prove I'm not using AI to post lol
Before I get into dialogue I have this OCD about the paragraphs all being proportional. If one paragraph has 450 words then the next should be fairly close to that so that the page itself (i use Google docs) looks neat and organized.

Drives me crazy.
a bad habit instead of a good or intentional one, but I have a tendency to sometimes (without noticing) suddenly start using the same word at utterly ludicrous frequencies. Its like the single most common thing I have to fix when I go through and edit something I wrote, having to look up synonyms or re-word things to not be repetitive.
Apparently I like to describe eyes a lot -- not just the color, but things like pupils blowing out / narrowing into slits, gaze sharpening or locking into something. But I mean - It's just so easy to convey emotion by describing them so :')
Whether it's writing a half dozen paragraphs, enjoying snappy action sequences, or paying close attention to character dynamics, we all have our favorite styles and flavors of writing!

I was wondering what some of your most common habits are in your styles, though!

For example: I am in love with adjectives! I don't think I'll ever write without them. They add good clarification to how dialogue is presented, and can layer the dynamics more finely than leaving them out.

Have you noticed something like that in your own writing?
Writing habits? Hm...never heard of her!

My own habits are stated to be using 'as' and 'however'. I can't necessarily flow with things that easily without those words, and so I sometimes force myself to count each time I use them in a post. Even after that, while writing, I might just keep in mind that "add however only in the next to paragraphs, at least, so that the readers feel like the forgot about it! That way...they aren't repeating anything". That sequence will go on and on.
I have some role play habits, I tend to use the same words a lot, if a character is showing an action, like: “shrinked” “punched” “grew” “jumped”
I want to find more words and expand my vocabulary because of this.

I also do this thing where I tend to make the character ask questions a lot? And I really don’t know why I do it. 😮‍💨

I really like adding jokes and humor into the role play, as well as using the bold and italics to convey something, or make the who’s saying Something, really pop.

I also really like writing dialogue, and how the character interacts with another, and the world :3

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