Other Roleplay Pet peeves

Saying ypur descriptive when your bot descriptive/not marchingnline lengths.
Like I get it I write alot in terms of my responses but If I wrote like 3 paragraphs and tou come back with like half a paragraph that just isn't fair. Especially if you do it every time. I know some people do it for speed and stuff but honestly I'd rather wait and get a good response I can sink my teeth into and really play off of
taking ages to write out a nice long reply/starter with a length that was already agreed on only to get two or three short sentences in response with very little to go from
taking ages to write out a nice long reply/starter with a length that was already agreed on only to get two or three short sentences in response with very little to go from
Exactly! Feels like all that efforts gone to waste
Exactly! Feels like all that efforts gone to waste
Yep! Especially when the length was already discussed and I wrote a little over 500 to get not even 100 back. Even 500 is on the shorter end for my replies I like long responses generally, just why agree to a word count minimum knowing full well that you are just going to ignore it?!
Yep! Especially when the length was already discussed and I wrote a little over 500 to get not even 100 back. Even 500 is on the shorter end for my replies I like long responses generally, just why agree to a word count minimum knowing full well that you are just going to ignore it?!
Yes! Like if I'm writing alot and taking my time I'm fine with my partner doing the same! I'd rather wait for a reply that I can really get into then one where its just nothing
Filling out a complex and long-coded character template, only for it to break on you, and needing to find where you messed up; it's like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
When you’re trying to stay engaged in a rp but it seems that everything you put out is just swept off by your partner(s). It makes it incredibly difficult to remain motivated to post when there is so little interest shown back in both IC and OOC yet you’re trying your best to be interesting
dude, my biggest pet peeve is when people get mad at me for something my character did- but quickly, let me explain. i don’t let my characters do anything extremely bad without the other persons permission but i mean maybe my characters in a bad mood, the other character said something to annoy him or maybe that’s just his personality and the other person gets mad at me OOC.

or when people expect me to change my characters into completely different people to the point where they aren’t even my characters.
I tend to get irritated when a player is unwilling or unable to laugh at their own character(s), because it makes me feel like they're too personally invested in the RP- to the point of not being able to separate themself from their character(s) and taking offense at any 'slight' on their actions or personality.

I make it a point to make fun of my characters and the objectively silly things they do, because I think it's important to mark that distance between yourself and this fictional person you've created- you can support their decisions and their motivations and at the same time be able to say 'Yes, their sheer obstinacy or reluctance to look at this thing realistically here is excessive to the point of being absurd', and then we can all laugh about that together.

But if other players in the RP are always super serious about their characters, then I feel this weird pressure to be the same way with mine, whereas if they're making fun of the silliness of their own creations then I feel that gives me license to do the same with mine, if that makes sense xD
If you're going to use an AI to write your character for a fandom roleplay, please keep in mind that some AI just makes shit up. So you'll have to go back and read through it and make sure that there's no mistakes or made-up things in it.

I don't even dislike the idea of someone using an ai to write a character that much but there's something so annoying of the laziness to not even doublecheck that what it has written is correct.
Having a writing partner suddenly introduce a dark theme into an RP never intended for one ... and very poorly IMO.

As an example: I had an RP based in a young man of humble origins meeting a young lady that came from old money. Multibillionaire trust fund baby. The idea was that he would never be good enough to meet her family's approval.

What does she do? She has her character raped by a USAF General. The dark twist was bad enough. But I can't, for the life of me, wrap my head around a US General of any branch that would be willing to throw away a 20+ year career in a woman, likely half his age with enough legal power to send him to prison for life. If it had been some low ranking guy with little to lose, maybe.

Now maybe if she had discussed the event as a prelude to the guy helping her get past the trauma and earning her respect and admiration enough to go against her family's opinion of the guy, I could see that. I might have suggested the lower rank. And maybe have the event be back in her past - after she has gotten past the worst. Let's face it. She isn't likely to be thinking about marrying some guy for a very, very long time - far longer than most RP's last.

It was supposed to be a light hearted RP.
People using AI Art or fancy text in their sheets. This will make me avoid you. I can't stand AI Art and I can barely read fancy text at times.
Why are people still wanting to double!? Its hard enought to find people to rp with these days so why is the obesssion with doubling?!
Why are people still wanting to double!? Its hard enought to find people to rp with these days so why is the obesssion with doubling?!

There aren't that many people who want to play canons is my guess. As every time I offer to just play a canon my partner acts like I have grown a third head. Unfortunately a lot of people want to have the Canon x OC dynamic without anyone actually wanting to play the canon so it leads to people attempting to double for "fairness".
not sure if I should vent about my discord issues or not when trying to find rp people.
When the gm allows for any style of FC.

Like more of an Ick really than a pet peev. But it just don't sit right to see charries on the roster repped by anime and cartoony art on one end then like realistic art and recognizable actors on the other.

To me its like watching a movie with really cheap assed CGI copy/pasted into scenes lol
finding people and sticking with partners is so difficult 😭!
Being into something no one wants to roleplay.
Another thing is when the person I'm roleplaying with refuses to talk and have fun or talk ideas outside of the roleplay, because I'm a very talkative person.
Perfect thread to rant on, so here is a list of my pet peeves!!

1. When people make villians (or heroes) look dumb or stupid to make their OC seem better. Like, if this a world class mastermind supervillian, he is not about to become an idiotic fool to make your character look better.

2. When people specifically ask for no overpowered OCs, and then ever single one of their characters are overpowered. Make it make sense dude.

3. When people try to control my character while we roleplay. I understand if it is something that has been previously discussed, but if we are just regularly roleplaying and you start controlling my characters actions, and even go as far to start making them say stuff, you are going to lose me as a rp partner. Sorry not sorry!!

4. When people use abbreviations while we roleplay. I get if stuff like that is used ooc chit-chat, but please do not start using it in ICC chat!! It just seems sort of.. unprofessional? I don't know, it's just a very big ick of mine. Use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation to the best of your ability please 🙏

5. When I send a long reply to only receive a paragraph or less. Now I am not saying that I write novella type stuff, but I would say I am semi-lit with usually 2-3 paragraphs per reply. If I send 3 full flesh paragraphs for you to work with, and you send me a few sentences back, I will be quite disappointed and pissed off.

6. This one goes along with 5, but taking an ungodly amount of time to send a very short reply. I usually take less than an hour (usually less than 30 minutes) to get a reply in, but when you are taking days to reply with a paragraph or two, you are going to lose my interest very quickly.

7. Never talking to me ooc, or giving very half-assed responses while we talk out of rp. I love to talk ooc and have fun with some chit-chat, but if you aren't willing to plot and talk about our characters, I will most likely leave that roleplay. Ooc is basically a must for me with any rp partner, and I'm not saying we have to be close friends, but just have the decency to plan out the rp as we go along 😭

I believe that is all!! Thank you for reading this very long rant list, I think this is the most I've ever written at once 💀😭
people who send you a PM replying to your interest check, you reply, and then they ghost. i'd rather get no bites on an interest check than field 7 million of those before getting to someone who will actually stick around.
Feeling like I'm along for the ride in someone else's fanfiction. There is a particular type of gripe I have when i feel like I'm just a side character in someone else's story.

While I like to make expansive stuff, I typically try to keep focus on the player for whatever I narrate/GM on the rare occasions I do. It's a very good way for me to lose energy and interest in the RP midway. I can sometimes feel when other players are losing intertest in this way too. Replying begins to feel like a chore as I sit back for mountains of exposition about pet characters who I don't necessarily know anything about and am simply not invested in yet.

I would probably say if a GM wants to get attention on their character, just mention them and feel free to emphasize their importance as a figure. I don't mind feeling small at all. But when the focus is all on them, I go "I have seen this dynamic many times and I know exactly where it's going."

Roleplayers that aren't focused on character interaction...I find it mostly affects like, people who are into military plots. Like, really interested in military plots. It's great you wrote three pages of stuff going on but you left little room for me to interact and contribute to the plot.
If you plan to join a RP that is already established, read through the most recent pages to get a feel for it. If most of the players are making lengthy posts and you like one or two-liners, it's highly likely you're not going to fit in well. Chances are you will be barely acknowledged ICly. This isn't out of feelings of superiority, but because such tiny posts do not give us anything to work with. That said, if a RP is fast-paced and the majority of players prefer very brief posts, a player who likes to make lengthy posts may not have a good time.

Check the post dates to get an idea of how fast the RP goes.

Save everyone and yourself time and a headache by reading the room before joining an established game.
Being into something no one wants to roleplay.
Another thing is when the person I'm roleplaying with refuses to talk and have fun or talk ideas outside of the roleplay, because I'm a very talkative person.

So counter point to pet peeve. I avoid doing this because whenever I've done this something always goes wrong. Not generally with me but say I make a discord group. I leave for a period of time as people do and I come back to a HUGE fight. Someone is now debating the color of someone's hair not being described properly in a post. Oh wait, did you not say hello to everyone in that room when your roleplaying. What a baddie you are. It happens.

The petty argument fractures the story I've been working on for months and then no one ever talks to each other. Over HAIR COLOR.

This is my pet peeve. Can we not get along? Can we just like not get offended? Be easy going?

It seems rarity these days but I do miss it. I miss the time when people could talk on the internet forever and still write a good story.
So these are old peeves that, happily, I haven't seen around recently (knock on wood ;P ), but it used to really bug me when

-GMs had either too much follow-up for their RPs (like asking if players remembered the RP or were still interested, when their posts stating said interest were less than 24h old), or not enough (not giving players clear deadlines or following up with them after expressing interest, only to then turn around and complain that everyone lost interest).

-Players who wouldn't bother to read through an RP's setup or Lore properly, and who would then submit characters that didn't work because of it. Bonus points if you were that one infamous player who only ever RP'ed one character (nothing necessarily wrong with that), but who refused to adapt said character to fit the setting and just tried to shoehorn them, as-is, into any setup no matter how ill-matched or inappropriate.

For this last one, I swear I'm not coming for anyone- everyone has their preferences and their reasons for choosing to set things up the way they do, and these are definitely valid. But a big frustration for me is when I come specifically to this site for RP, and then RPs I'm interested in require me to go off-site for any part of them (Lore on Google Docs, OOC on Discord, ...).

It's gotten to the point where, though I realize it would require an organizational overhaul that wouldn't make sense given how much the norm this has become, I almost wish the site would just have a system that flagged RPs as being completely on or off-site in some way, just so I didn't have to scroll through walls of text each time I see something I'm interested in to figure out whether or not I can actually join xD

(Or heck at that point might as well make it a filtering system allowing players to search through recruitment forums by the rules/specifications of the RP ;P )

Anyway, mini-rant over! I love this site and the people here, but sometimes it feels good just to vent and get things off my chest ^^

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