Other Roleplay Pet peeves

Hoooooly crap, yeah ew ew ew, that's horrible and so stalkery I'm so sorry.
I even questioned her mental-health, like, nobody who are trully normal does that.
If you reach out to me about writing don't make it a requirement/demand/no choice of me to have my posts coded because I'm not going to bother with it or go forward with a roleplay. Coding may be the thing for some folks but it's just not for me.
When people sign up on a rp site but they donโ€™t talk to you or show up the next day!
When people sign up on a rp site but they donโ€™t talk to you or show up the next day!

Did you mean signed in? As in โ€œwhen you see someone is online but they arenโ€™t talking to you about your roleplay.โ€

Or did you mean when someone makes a new account on a site but isnโ€™t active?
Did you mean signed in? As in โ€œwhen you see someone is online but they arenโ€™t talking to you about your roleplay.โ€

Or did you mean when someone makes a new account on a site but isnโ€™t active?

First one
When people sign up on a rp site but they donโ€™t talk to you or show up the next day!
Maybe they are busy. I know a lot of people, including myself, that log in but will be either away from the computer or will do other things.
Maybe they are busy. I know a lot of people, including myself, that log in but will be either away from the computer or will do other things.

I legit forget to log out all the time. Not just on this site either. I think itโ€™s cuz Iโ€™m on my phone at work a lot.
People who impose hard word limits and will not negotiate. If I'm being expected to write 1,000 for every post, it'll feel less like I'm writing a reply and more like I'm filling a quota. I write what's required for the post. Scene setters, for example, require multiple paragraphs to get the reader into the world. Introspective moments require delving into a character's inner thoughts. Dialogue exchanges, however, do not need to be an essay.

I simply can't jive with partners who preach quality over quantity while in the same breath expecting 1,000+ word posts from me. At that point, which is it?
Right now? Wanting to get back into roleplay. And I mean like... Actual, fun roleplay. Not to sound like a degenerate (lol), but for a while now, I've been mainly been in discord and tumblr rp communities (not from here before anyone asks just btw) that are... you know, nsfw. Like, my brain is so fried and it is so so easy to just do nsfw roleplays especially on discord where you know, you're not expected to deliver quality. And I think that's impacted the way I approach roleplay and it's been bugging me. I want to get back into roleplay that is plot-focused, has quality in its writing, and not just... filthy, you know? I want something fun, interesting, and makes me feel the same way I feel when I read a good book. But it's like my head comes up blank when I try to think of plots, or things that might seem interesting to roleplay with someone and would keep both of our attentions. I used to roleplay a lot on here when I was 14-16 ish roughly and it used to come so easy to me but now..? Idk, man. I'm like a fish on land D:
i totally get you. nsfw wasn't the problem for me, i've never been big on it, but my problem was with character aiโ€” i can look at my writing there and see how much more repetitive, flavorless, brainless it is when compared to my writing from however long ago, before i started using it. what i've found helps me is to do little writing challengesโ€” like, for example, get those "oc interview" things and respond to them in character! it's even more fun if you go back and forth with a friend. other than that, try challenging yourself with random scenes. i struggle with action scenes so sometimes i'll be watching, like, the boys or something, and try to put those fight scenes into words (which... can be pretty hard if you've ever seen a fight scene from the boys ๐Ÿ’€). on top of that, even just reading more can help you find the inspiration you need.

but i agree, the brain fog that comes with not "properly" writing for so long can definitely feel killer, i hope you can find your groove again c:
People who complain about their character not being given enough romantic attention while not putting any effort into making them actually interesting/approachable.
What is the matter with everyone wanting to double up these days?! Like I just looked at seven threads and they all said they double up!
People who reply to my interest checks with a simple, "I'm interested in role-playing with you."

... Okay? Was there anything in my entire thread that caught your eye?

That makes me think they didn't care enough to actually tell me about themselves, what they were interested in, or what they would like to do. No duh you're interested, or you wouldn't be messaging me. I shouldn't do the chore of getting those answers out of you.
Why do people on discord remove you as a friend when you both are excited to rp together? Like did something happen I was not aware of?
I'm obligated to post this every time I come across it.

Please please please leave either mobile friendly or accessible versions of your post somewhere. Posting in 8pt font with colors that don't read well on the website background are so hard for people like me who are blind. It takes just a few seconds to add a spoiler block with no code. I won't yell at anyone or chase them down over it but I promise considering us disabled people won't ruin whatever aesthetic you have going. I just want to be able to read what you're writing without needing a text to speech or zooming in on the website.
I just want to be able to read what you're writing without needing a text to speech or zooming in on the website.
God big same. I was into coding way back when but it was simple at the top at bottom. Making me deal with a *scroll box*?? Kill. (Hyperbole)
I'm obligated to post this every time I come across it.

Please please please leave either mobile friendly or accessible versions of your post somewhere. Posting in 8pt font with colors that don't read well on the website background are so hard for people like me who are blind. It takes just a few seconds to add a spoiler block with no code. I won't yell at anyone or chase them down over it but I promise considering us disabled people won't ruin whatever aesthetic you have going. I just want to be able to read what you're writing without needing a text to speech or zooming in on the website.
I'm with you there. I'll take a plain, easy-to-read post over a fancy formatted post I can't access via mobile any day. At the end of the day, both communicate the same thing; one just looks prettier than the other.
Yunalescaa Yunalescaa : As someone who is visually impaired and registered legally blind, I can totally relate (and I was actually just about to post the same thing, but you already beat me to it!) Sometimes I'll copy and paste into word, re-format and change the font color so I can actually read it, but usually I just end up moving on and not bothering. When people use complicated codes and tabs and the sorts, it can make some posts nearly impossible to copy and paste.
I guess just "hey wanna rp" messages. With no explanation or what they're into. I'm also very annoyed by people who don't use capitalization or proper punctuation, this is usually an ignore and no response.
I guess just "hey wanna rp" messages. With no explanation or what they're into.
Those are annoying. I stopped answering after a while because I always end up fishing for information about what they are into, pitch ideas, and their responses being okay, okay, sounds good.
Those are annoying. I stopped answering after a while because I always end up fishing for information about what they are into, pitch ideas, and their responses being okay, okay, sounds good.
Yeah I can't stand having to be the one to shoulder carrying the entire conversation and yet they keep starting one. I feel bad but I just end up ghosting these people. I try in good faith to interact but dms give me mild anxiety compared to group settings to begin with. If youre not going to give me anything to work with please consider the fact you have "hey'd" with no response every day for a month that I'm not listening.
@ A Sparkling Zombie A Sparkling Zombie : For me, my computer is set at a lower screen resolution than 'normal', so the text is already a lot larger for me than it would be for a typical RPN user. I can comfortably read the font size as it is here at its default. What I have trouble with is when users change the font color or use a different font style. I use the 'night/dark' style setting on RPN, as the contrast of dark background and white font is most comfortable for me to read. For me, I struggle a lot with contrasts so anything other than black/white or a strong contrast like that make it near impossible for me to read. I do struggle with reading text when users make the font smaller than RPN's default.

Getting back on topic, I agree those "hey, wanna rp" messages are really frustrating to deal with. I don't mind people reaching out to me and asking to RP, but if they're gonna do that, it'd be nice to know a bit more about them so I'll know if we're compatible writing partners.
I don't like someone reaching out to me about starting a roleplay and I'm the only one giving ideas. Or everything I'm saying they are just repeating as if that's their idea of adding in stuff when it's not anything at all. That does nothing for me. I don't need you to repeat what I'm saying every single message. ๐Ÿ˜‘
Not sure if I can call it a pet peeve at the moment but I've got mixed experiences with people who played isekai'd characters. Not on this site though; I'm new here ๐Ÿ˜Š.

We've got dude A. Pretty chill OOC; just uses the isekai elements of their characters for introspection and the like.

And we've got dude B. Also pretty chill OOC but uses the isekai'd element of their character as an excuse to read up everything in the wiki about which settings other player's characters came from so their character can befriend everyone and be the glue that holds the group together RP wise. Also has a tendency to ask how our characters will react to the situation at hand so their character can establish good rapport with ours instantly. A bit boring to RP with in the long run and as a result I took a break from that RP. One of our other players who was the most patient with dude B got fed up and killed their own character out of frustration before leaving.
People who complain about their character not being given enough romantic attention while not putting any effort into making them actually interesting/approachable.
Yes, i hate this so much, they never do anything themselves, so they expect other (mostly males muses), to give them all the attention they want.

It's stupid as hell, i turned down so many because of that idiocy.

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