Other Roleplay Pet peeves

When people take advantage of a thread that doesn't require apps in order to toss in characters that are wildly OP or don't fit the setting at all. Like, a slice of life anime high school is not the place for the aliens from Predator. Yes, that happened once.
I really hope there isn't a limit to this but

calling my character "a fucking airhead." because she made a boob window joke. (The character in question was a male who has a triangle cut out between his pecks) I like to throw in jokes or anything so the rp isn't CONSTANTLY serious, serious, serious. It's supposed to be fun. Throwing in jokes and comedy is normal. I'm not great at jokes and boob window is the only one I could come up with off the top of my head but that's no reason to insult my character and act completely disgusted. Especially when you yourself have actual disgusting habits in rp.
Feeling like an entire roleplaying site is ignoring you and your thread. That a pet peeve, right?
Being bugged for responses every time I come online, even if I just posted. Takes me completely out of even wanting to continue.
My pet-peevees are pretty simple,

♤ Those who ignore me completely, ghosting is rude, i try to give everyone a chance,

♤ When someone have a character that claims to be the "son" or "daughter", EVEN if they never had children canonically, that happened to me and i am EXTREMLY uncomfortable with that,

♤ Romance is ALWAYS associated to erotica, when both genres aren't the same at all,

♤ Text-talk, i always find that to be lazy, really lazy talk..

♤ People who add me but stay silent, like, what the hell am i supposed to guess? I met TOO many who used their "anxiety" or whatever, it's annoying..

♤ People who "already know" my characters, they are like, "oh, you are *insert name*, from *insert city* in *insert country*"

Their characters never met mines canonically, so the whole "i'm magic" or whatever, it's like their characters read the bios, something they WEREN'T supposed to read.

And i can go on..
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when people say they are wanting to do a fandom rp but they only and do only Ocs. Not that there is anything wrong with OCs but I'm seeing no one wanting to do a naruto rp and whats a naruto rp without the actual character naruto involved in a rp?!
why are people so scared of trying to write as a character from a fandom?! is writing fanfics any diffrent!?
why are people so scared of trying to write as a character from a fandom?! is writing fanfics any diffrent!?
This sort of falls under my own pet peeve of being heavily criticized because I rp a canon character different from my partner's personal view/headcanon

My last two partners were way more into their own headcanons and I think that clouded their views on the characters, because of this I couldn't play characters IC, I was always being pushed to play them in a certain way. This lead to a lot of fighting.
One of the characters in question was a badass bitch, takes no bullshit, will put you in your place, my partner headcanoned that she would have a soft and submissive side. He based this entire thing off a scene she appears in the movie and a scene like it never happens again. But he was essentially expecting housewife material. And of course, he wanted her with his self insert.
With Oc's nobody can tell me I'm roleplaying them wrong because they are mine, nobody has headcanons of my OCs.
why are people so scared of trying to write as a character from a fandom?! is writing fanfics any diffrent!?
I am used of fandom characters, because i know their biographies, and i know to capture them well.. Morally.

I tried to create some OCs but i dealt with so much writer blocks, i shifted back to fandoms RPs and never changed since.
This sort of falls under my own pet peeve of being heavily criticized because I rp a canon character different from my partner's personal view/headcanon

My last two partners were way more into their own headcanons and I think that clouded their views on the characters, because of this I couldn't play characters IC, I was always being pushed to play them in a certain way. This lead to a lot of fighting.
One of the characters in question was a badass bitch, takes no bullshit, will put you in your place, my partner headcanoned that she would have a soft and submissive side. He based this entire thing off a scene she appears in the movie and a scene like it never happens again. But he was essentially expecting housewife material. And of course, he wanted her with his self insert.
With Oc's nobody can tell me I'm roleplaying them wrong because they are mine, nobody has headcanons of my OCs.
That’s straight controlling your characters
I forgot..

We are in the site, but we should use another because it's "faster"?

like i was in a site "dedicated for roleplayers", but many were on Discord, and i was like a pariah for not having it, until now..

Using two text-based sites at the same time isn't in my competences, plus, inviting any random users, which is dangerous.. But many did it anyways.

If i am using a site, why should i move to another, especially with someone i just met online?

Doesn't make sense to me.
This sort of falls under my own pet peeve of being heavily criticized because I rp a canon character different from my partner's personal view/headcanon

My last two partners were way more into their own headcanons and I think that clouded their views on the characters, because of this I couldn't play characters IC, I was always being pushed to play them in a certain way. This lead to a lot of fighting.
One of the characters in question was a badass bitch, takes no bullshit, will put you in your place, my partner headcanoned that she would have a soft and submissive side. He based this entire thing off a scene she appears in the movie and a scene like it never happens again. But he was essentially expecting housewife material. And of course, he wanted her with his self insert.
With Oc's nobody can tell me I'm roleplaying them wrong because they are mine, nobody has headcanons of my OCs.
The only two characters that I feel overly protective of are Draco and Sasuke
Right now? Wanting to get back into roleplay. And I mean like... Actual, fun roleplay. Not to sound like a degenerate (lol), but for a while now, I've been mainly been in discord and tumblr rp communities (not from here before anyone asks just btw) that are... you know, nsfw. Like, my brain is so fried and it is so so easy to just do nsfw roleplays especially on discord where you know, you're not expected to deliver quality. And I think that's impacted the way I approach roleplay and it's been bugging me. I want to get back into roleplay that is plot-focused, has quality in its writing, and not just... filthy, you know? I want something fun, interesting, and makes me feel the same way I feel when I read a good book. But it's like my head comes up blank when I try to think of plots, or things that might seem interesting to roleplay with someone and would keep both of our attentions. I used to roleplay a lot on here when I was 14-16 ish roughly and it used to come so easy to me but now..? Idk, man. I'm like a fish on land D:
I forgot..

So, i was on another site and i have noticed, that.. Females characters get more attention and love than males characters, it could be a preference, but in reality, it was.. Worse than that.

i had posts where nobody interracted with, while a female character got constant praises.. 🙄

It was really not fair, and i kept it to myself, until now.
I forgot..

So, i was on another site and i have noticed, that.. Females characters get more attention and love than males characters, it could be a preference, but in reality, it was.. Worse than that.

i had posts where nobody interracted with, while a female character got constant praises..🙄

It was really not fair, and i kept it to myself, until now.
.. Yeah, that’s awful 😞 I’m sorry
is there no equality these days? like I swear in a discord server there are more female ocs than male ocs. What is happening people!
is there no equality these days? like I swear in a discord server there are more female ocs than male ocs. What is happening people!
I think people are up to something..

Besides, what's wrong with males characters?

They never answered my question, which was legitimate.
I think people are up to something..

Besides, what's wrong with males characters?

They never answered my question, which was legitimate.
I play both male and female don’t understand it either
I play both male and female don’t understand it either
I understood why, but still, it's a form of discrimination that is sadly normalized.

And it's really not an harmless preference, i won't dares saying it..
I actually have an interesting answer to this particular discussion, with the gender disparity. A significant portion of online RP is descended from tabletop RPGs like D&D and such, yeah? In fact I'm currently doing my very first campaign right now, and I learned something pretty interesting there.

It's to be noted that everyone else in this campaign is getting into RP as a whole for the first time with this. It's also to be noted that my group is all women, myself included. I noticed that as they created their very first RP characters (and even some subsequent backup characters after that), they all created women. But with my background being totally online RP and no live-action forms, I didn't even really consider that I'd picked a male. Cue me awkwardly realizing that I was the ONLY ONE who chose to be a male in this campaign lol.

So I asked a family member about why this could be, and they had a pretty simple explanation: On average, a lot of men are comfortable playing both men and women, while a lot of women just stick to their own gender.

Why exactly THAT is, I'm not totally sure! It could be men are a little less self-conscious about their live action RP on average, and are thus more willing to experiment outside the boundaries of their own experience. Maybe they tend to have more of an appreciation for female characters than women do for male characters. But that trend's existence could easily ripple out throughout the online RP world too.

That being said, I really haven't noticed a significant gender disparity of characters in my own experience. Not online, anyways. Maybe I just got lucky? I'm really just throwing out theories based on the ONE experience I've had where female characters have been more common than male.
Oh, i got another, and this one is recent!

So, i was ALWAYS stalked by a female OC elsewhere, whenever i had a certain playby, she ALWAYS sended me a friend request, despite the fact that i told her "NO" more than once.

She never had any RP details, and i hated her attitude, how she forced herself on me in a repetitive manner.

Needless to say that she get reported, but she sometimes deleted to re-make her account, different name and face, but exact same details, and she made me uncomfortable as hell, trying to hit on my pre-shipped muse, the same that i have now.

But as i'm using a male character, it wasn't a "big deal" when it was that.
Oh, i got another, and this one is recent!

So, i was ALWAYS stalked by a female OC elsewhere, whenever i had a certain playby, she ALWAYS sended me a friend request, despite the fact that i told her "NO" more than once.

She never had any RP details, and i hated her attitude, how she forced herself on me in a repetitive manner.

Needless to say that she get reported, but she sometimes deleted to re-make her account, different name and face, but exact same details, and she made me uncomfortable as hell, trying to hit on my pre-shipped muse, the same that i have now.

But as i'm using a male character, it wasn't a "big deal" when it was that.
Hoooooly crap, yeah ew ew ew, that's horrible and so stalkery I'm so sorry.
Oh, i got another, and this one is recent!

So, i was ALWAYS stalked by a female OC elsewhere, whenever i had a certain playby, she ALWAYS sended me a friend request, despite the fact that i told her "NO" more than once.

She never had any RP details, and i hated her attitude, how she forced herself on me in a repetitive manner.

Needless to say that she get reported, but she sometimes deleted to re-make her account, different name and face, but exact same details, and she made me uncomfortable as hell, trying to hit on my pre-shipped muse, the same that i have now.

But as i'm using a male character, it wasn't a "big deal" when it was that.
Bro, I’m so sorry that’s not ok keep reporting

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