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Question on technology - particularly communication technology and how advanced/accessible it is?
So, if some character, definitely not Luc, some other person...Cul or something. If this Cul guy suddenly became wanted for...I dunno...something crazy like murder or whatever, if he was on the ship, how soon would everyone find out?

Similar question with magic.
From the description, I'm imagining a LOTR/Tinkerbell level magic? Such that it supplements other activities and abilities rather than steals the show?
And then, how accessible is it/what is public opinion?
Question on technology - particularly communication technology and how advanced/accessible it is?
So, if some character, definitely not Luc, some other person...Cul or something. If this Cul guy suddenly became wanted for...I dunno...something crazy like murder or whatever, if he was on the ship, how soon would everyone find out?

Similar question with magic.
From the description, I'm imagining a LOTR/Tinkerbell level magic? Such that it supplements other activities and abilities rather than steals the show?
And then, how accessible is it/what is public opinion?

Communication would be limited to word of mouth or tangible items like posters or letters. Couriers, pigeons, and messengers exist, and are accessible to most unless dirt-broke or without literacy (though I suppose they could draw images). In-person deliverance of information is of course safer and more reliable than an item that can be intercepted.

If some other character, not Luc of course, this Cul fellow, happened to be wanted for murder, I think it would depend on the renown of the crime. Someone who steals a loaf of bread isn’t going to receive a witch-hunt, while murdering someone of importance/someone who comes from money would be subject to notoriety. That being said, it would also depend on the location. Say for example, someone from Zenith would be more likely to know about Wanted/Crimes in Zenith rather than what’s happening in the Cascades and vice versa, especially since communications is delayed. It’d be akin to watching the news irl, you may learn of impactful events in other countries like an earthquake or new law, but smaller, menial news probably wouldn’t travel outside (unless you search for it). If they know a murderer has fled the city and may be residing in another, warnings will be sent.

As for how quick everyone would find out, that’s something the writer of this Cul fellow would have the final decision in. When at sea it is unlikely the crew would receive a lot of communications outside of what is in direct relation to their objectives (or personal, family letters), but there would be nothing stopping a sudden informant letting the ship know Hey there’s suspicions you might have a murderer onboard, xoxo gossip girl. It may be they dock at a city and come face to face with a wanted poster. It may also be that the writer plots with someone that they recognise this Cul fellow immediately, and he strikes a deal or finds a way to stave off the reveal. It’s all very dependent on the writers and when they’d like their character’s secrets to come to light. While I plan to put the crew in precarious situations, I won't spoil a secret without permission (and I expect the same of others in the roleplay).

As for magic, you’re completely right that it’s less Woosh Woosh Harry Potter and more of a subtle feature. It is not something that can be learned, more inherited/born with it, and public opinion is generally very unfavourable and apprehensive towards it and its users (which is a small population). The Cascades is a differentiation to this, as they use wards on their city walls to deflect the dark, and nobody’s going to have an issue with that because it’s proving convenient. It also fuels their very “mystical” culture, so a double bonus.

PHEWWW I hope those answers help you out!!
Communication would be limited to word of mouth or tangible items like posters or letters. Couriers, pigeons, and messengers exist, and are accessible to most unless dirt-broke or without literacy (though I suppose they could draw images). In-person deliverance of information is of course safer and more reliable than an item that can be intercepted.

If some other character, not Luc of course, this Cul fellow, happened to be wanted for murder, I think it would depend on the renown of the crime. Someone who steals a loaf of bread isn’t going to receive a witch-hunt, while murdering someone of importance/someone who comes from money would be subject to notoriety. That being said, it would also depend on the location. Say for example, someone from Zenith would be more likely to know about Wanted/Crimes in Zenith rather than what’s happening in the Cascades and vice versa, especially since communications is delayed. It’d be akin to watching the news irl, you may learn of impactful events in other countries like an earthquake or new law, but smaller, menial news probably wouldn’t travel outside (unless you search for it). If they know a murderer has fled the city and may be residing in another, warnings will be sent.

As for how quick everyone would find out, that’s something the writer of this Cul fellow would have the final decision in. When at sea it is unlikely the crew would receive a lot of communications outside of what is in direct relation to their objectives (or personal, family letters), but there would be nothing stopping a sudden informant letting the ship know Hey there’s suspicions you might have a murderer onboard, xoxo gossip girl. It may be they dock at a city and come face to face with a wanted poster. It may also be that the writer plots with someone that they recognise this Cul fellow immediately, and he strikes a deal or finds a way to stave off the reveal. It’s all very dependent on the writers and when they’d like their character’s secrets to come to light. While I plan to put the crew in precarious situations, I won't spoil a secret without permission (and I expect the same of others in the roleplay).

As for magic, you’re completely right that it’s less Woosh Woosh Harry Potter and more of a subtle feature. It is not something that can be learned, more inherited/born with it, and public opinion is generally very unfavourable and apprehensive towards it and its users (which is a small population). The Cascades is a differentiation to this, as they use wards on their city walls to deflect the dark, and nobody’s going to have an issue with that because it’s proving convenient. It also fuels their very “mystical” culture, so a double bonus.

PHEWWW I hope those answers help you out!!
You cooked a 7-course meal worthy of all the Michelin stars

Thank you very much
Tiptoeing onto rpn is like Christmas every time. New CSes to cherish. Thank-you team for your beautiful work.
Everyone working hard in their kitchens to make their best meals to place into Gao's expecting hands.
good morning!

I have come to the unfortunate realization that Ratthew is the tallest person on this ship out of the CSes completed

We're doomed
Time to take out Rat’s kneecaps. Just … knock off a few inches and save the ship. 6’3? Nah, I say 5’9. Problem solved.
Hello, rpn was not giving notifications!

I kinda wanted to know more about the religious lore, and figured I'd ask here instead of dms since it could be helpful to everyone else!
Gao Gao
Is there a preexisting idea on what the king/royal family is like? If King Rowan is well liked or cruel or an absent ruler beyond what was in the doc about the lack of an heir? :O Or can I make stuff up and then it can be workshopped later if/when character approved?
I imagine there's some degree of lack of control given the strong presence of pirates, and all the dispute that implies with economy and general happiness in the populace
From the Umbra perspective, me n GAO previously joked abt the king sort of being like a guy on a NYC street declaring himself the king of the world n ppl just... speedwalking in a wide circle around him side eyeing the entire time
also gao automatically autocaps on my phone so bare with me here if it looks like my typing of gao's name is incredibly aggressive
From the Umbra perspective, me n GAO previously joked abt the king sort of being like a guy on a NYC street declaring himself the king of the world n ppl just... speedwalking in a wide circle around him side eyeing the entire time
I cannot describe with words how funny this is your brains are a beautiful maze I would like to map out

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