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Fantasy π‘πŽπ†π”π„ 𝐖𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐒 β€” OOC

PLEASE give me your music braincells, I have been rapid clicking through song after song trying to find a vibe for my two children and I am bereft and barren
Pookie give me whatever ideas and information And little headcanons you have an I will slap together a playlist for them I got your back πŸ˜‹
The second child has been s p a w n e d

Pookie give me whatever ideas and information And little headcanons you have an I will slap together a playlist for them I got your back πŸ˜‹
I am ever so lovingly tempted but alas. this is my rock and I am but sisyphus climbing that hill
The second child has been s p a w n e d

I am ever so lovingly tempted but alas. this is my rock and I am but sisyphus climbing that hill
Your characters are beautiful I want to give them a smooch 🫡

Also universal experience wanting one character to suffer and one character to just have a good time
Your characters are beautiful I want to give them a smooch 🫡

Also universal experience wanting one character to suffer and one character to just have a good time
Characters can be so shaped, as a little treat

and what a coincidence because I would lie myself down at the feet of your characters in adoration
Characters can be so shaped, as a little treat

and what a coincidence because I would lie myself down at the feet of your characters in adoration
You better watch out if our characters get accepted I’m gonna slither into your brain and whisper pleas to conspire and scheme with your beautiful kings
I would like to ask a question in this judgement free zone but uh. I am a bbcode neanderthal and really only understand the sacred texts of Copy and Paste. I know some codes require you to do a lil clickly click or scrolly scroll to get to the juicy written bits, but I cannot for the life of me tell if that one code almost everyone is using is supposed to be navigable or just a sort of a static placeholder 😭 The one Gao is using for Funai Ren, for example
EXCELLENT okay thank you. I have wondered about this for an embarrassingly long amount of time 😎
You are not alone
First time I saw that kind of placeholder, I clicked and scrolled on every inch of the post. Even tried opening it on my phone and changing orientation.
Felt rather unintelligent when I realised it was just a placeholder.
peachpuff peachpuff I'm so sorry to @ you like this but I squealed a little when I saw Daisy Head in your placeholder as I am rewatching a show she was in (and from where I perceived the light of my girlie's FC) excellent choice, 10/10, no notes

I have continued my productive streak, and Rosaline is now finished! Blessed be the show Harlots and Ms. Corby-Tuech's character for being inspiration for my darling courtesan
Besties I gotta know what water you are all drinking to finish your CSes to such high quality & at such speed.
Besties I gotta know what water you are all drinking to finish your CSes to such high quality & at such speed.
Have you ever experienced the joys of warm, maybe filtered maybe not, plastic bottled water bought in bulk. Sometimes you can put them in the fridge for an extra bit of of flavor.
The "I finished my uni finals what do I do with my life until next semester" tears of English majors in reusable characters plastic mlord
Have you ever experienced the joys of warm, maybe filtered maybe not, plastic bottled water bought in bulk. Sometimes you can put them in the fridge for an extra bit of of flavor.
My enrichment time is sipping from little ground puddles, none of this bottled water propaganda. Back in my day we-

Um the perfect hydration of a ROLEPLAY WELL PREPPED thank you amen. Literally the fountain of youth is hidden in this plot
everyone JUMP the sweet-talker 🫡 don't let them escape
How stylish, how annoying, how rude...!

With a nice lag let me bark into the conversation and the plotting. I've been partly interested in this RP - I mean huge potential but would I fit in? So after careful consideration I decided to give taking actively part in the RP a shot and started thinking on my character. The "Butcher" role caught my eye somewhy but alas there're still some factors that maintain the doupt in me.

Firstly, if I'm not able to create the character sheet until the deadline, well, that's a telltale in itself. Secondly I've already seen a well-crafted "Butcher" at the Characters Thread which I adored, so let's just say I'm way to easy to be convinced to let someone else play that role instead of me...
I guess that's the point of this whole 'applications' stuff, we'll see, we'll see...
I think I just wanted to say hi and share my thoughts with y'all. Nevertheless, I'm looking forward to follow this RP in any - let it be active or passive - ways<3
I am working so slow and avoiding my last essay (ik after graduation how dare they), but i'm getting there!
How stylish, how annoying, how rude...!

With a nice lag let me bark into the conversation and the plotting. I've been partly interested in this RP - I mean huge potential but would I fit in? So after careful consideration I decided to give taking actively part in the RP a shot and started thinking on my character. The "Butcher" role caught my eye somewhy but alas there're still some factors that maintain the doupt in me.

Firstly, if I'm not able to create the character sheet until the deadline, well, that's a telltale in itself. Secondly I've already seen a well-crafted "Butcher" at the Characters Thread which I adored, so let's just say I'm way to easy to be convinced to let someone else play that role instead of me...
I guess that's the point of this whole 'applications' stuff, we'll see, we'll see...
I think I just wanted to say hi and share my thoughts with y'all. Nevertheless, I'm looking forward to follow this RP in any - let it be active or passive - ways<3
Doubt? In this economy? Forbidden.

I understand application processes can feel discouraging, I myself have decided not to apply to a countless number of roleplays. I’m personally not fond of competitive application energy and I don’t want writers to feel that they’re β€œbattling” for an exclusive spot where if they don’t get picked they miss out on the roleplay forever. I’ve seen gorgeous writing & plotting potential be missed simply because the GM has had to pick only one for a role. According to the needs of the roleplay it can be understandable, but Rogue Waves has a lot of flexibility with those roles being optional ideas to begin with.

The main thing I’m looking for in characters is how unique they feel. Meaning if there’s two applying to the same role, if I happened to remove their roles and struggle to make huge comparisons between their character sheets, it’s likely they’ll both be accepted (and a new role name idea will float their way). I am much more interested in a range of motives, alliances, and personalities reflected in the crew. The more different, the better.

I suppose in that aspect, this process is less β€œFIGHT FIGHT FIGHT” and more of a little vetting process to see how people write, ensure there’s not 5 of the same character with the same background and same personality, and adjust any minor things that may not mesh with this universe.

If the aspect of the written roles also seems to be adding to your doubt, writers are completely free at creating their own. Maybe crafting your own role will simmer some worries away, but no matter your final decision, thank-you dearly for the interest in the roleplay.

I also forgot to say hello, so hello good morning and welcome to our glorious ooc.

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