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Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

OOC: no i'm waking you up right now!!

Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 ||

Realizing what I have just done, I open my eyed wide in terror. I focus long and hard to first,try to put a memory of Em and I being friends, so that she wouldn't be mad when she woke up. Using my second power, I focus long and hard, and get her conscious again. "Um, the bell has rung, we should probably go to the meeting place or whatever" I say quckily.
Emiele Santana | Experiment 0077 |

I open my eyes and see Lexa. "Oh crap! You're right Lexa." I say, snapping my fingers. "If you want to borrow some clothes so you don't have to go to your room, I can loan you some. That, or send manipulations of us to stay in our place until we get there?" I say, getting up fast. I find a white v neck and blue jeans, which I manipulate to red. It seems that appearances last the longest, with things made out of the blue last the shortest. I change my hair to a pale, baby powder blue.
Magdalena Eastwood ◇ 2113

I wake in a cold sweat, shooting up to sit up straight in bed, running my hands through my hair and placing them on my face. I slide out of bed, still dressed in the outfit from last night. I head out of my room and then outside, carelessly going through the walls. Once at the stable, I wait, my expression blank with apathy though I'd like to start training.
Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 ||

Oh that worked, I think to myself. She is a nice girl, I'll apologize for that later. "And I'm fine wearing this, we just should probably hurry! Let's go!" I say as I scurry out the door.
Yuri Exp. X 0001

Yuri wuld hear the bell Finally i get to train with his powers as he was clearly exited he wuld rush to the empty stabel scraching his head with his new power and exited to have it
Emiele Santana | Experiment 0077 |

"Yeah!" I say as I run to where we're supposed to be, the stables. By the time I get there, I'm bent over, nearly about to heave last nights leftovers. I manage to manipulate that I look fine. I should really stop using my powers so much. Standing up, I take away the manipulation.
Vivienne Sinclair ♦ ♦ Experiment 0918

She slipped on a pair of black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt. Looking over her shoulder Vivienne grabs her brush by her bedside table and begins to brush her hair. Once finished, she put on her sneakers and leaves her room.
cleo lott / / exp 0667

i get coffee from the kitchen & i go out to stable & my eyes hurt for a sec but they heal "damn its cold af i hate the morning" "why cant this wait til noon wtf"
Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 ||

I throw my hair up in a loose ponytail, with a few strands hanging around framing my face. My loose white shirt and black leggings from the previous night are still intact, and I look around at the other experiments, only knowing Em and Yuri. They were all so lucky to wake up with each other.. and my eyes glaze over as I get deeply lost in my thoughts.
Vivienne Sinclair ♦ ♦ Experiment 0918

Vivienne heads downstairs, smelling fresh coffee and sunny side up as she approached the kitchen.
Emiele Santana | Experiment 0077 |

I play with my hair so much, that it seems like a rainbow. I only avoid a certain color though. Seems I have Erytophobia. Looking at the others, I wave at Lexa. She was a good friend, as was Mag too.
Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 ||

Snapping out of my daze, I look around at the others. My headache is still present, and I didn't like being awoken so early. I lift my eyes up to Jameson. "What are we doing?" I ask lazily.
Yuri Exp. X 0001

"yep Jameson"Yuri says exited to start as he whanted to know his full potential of his powers
Vivienne Sinclair ♦ ♦ Experiment 0918

She takes a bite out of her sunny side up and looks over to Jameson, sensing he was in a good mood, despite last night.
Emiele Santana | Experiment 0077 |

"Don't even try to be happy and preppy with us Mr. Coconut Bra aka Jameson." I say with a small smirk. "We all just want to get this over with so we can get our coffee and warmth back." I say, crossing my arms.

"were u not listening????? i am gonna train u guys. we are gonna do this every morning. i will teach u how to fight & how to use ur powers" i have announcements first se let us sit in a lil circle & we will talk" i sit "0077 pls stfu"

cleo lott / / exp 0667

i sit & i glare
Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 ||

I sit down and look at all the familiar faces. "Well.... get to it?" I say in a rude tone filled with annoyance.
Vivienne Sinclair ♦ ♦ Experiment 0918

Vivienne joins everyone in a circle. "We're not all going to sing kum buh yah or something are we?"
Magdalena Eastwood ◇ 2113

I sit down cross-legged and raise my eyes to Jameson, continuing to wait for something to actually happen.
Yuri Exp. X 0001

Yuri wuld sit down and join the others and loo at jameson and wait for the traning to start
Emiele Santana | Experiment 0077 |

I roll my eyes and sit down on the ground. He did say I couldn't talk. In a manipulation,I use bright shades of green to write in the air, "Well, I stfu. What are we doing now Coconut? P?S. You did say I couldn't talk.." It says.

"ok 1st i am done with most of ur attitudes so you better keep ur sass to yourself. now we will meet here every morning at sunrise & we will train hard. i want u all to have full control of powers & know how to defend yourselves with or without ur powers. u also need to know how fight with our without them. there will be a curfew that u all must be in the house by 10 pm. no more going out after 10. if you ever decide to go off my property in the woods WHICH IS NOT ALLOWED BECAUSE I HAVE JUST GOTTEN NEW THAT TH TALIABETZ ARE SEARCHING FOR U GUYS OUT THERE RIGHT NOW. then u must wear a mask. there are masks all over the house in case of a emergency. if anything ever happens u must wear it so they do not know ur identity. they will find you and kill u" "ok also do not abuse ur powers" i look at 0077 "or i will make a rule called no POWERS IN TH HOUSE" "if u all want to succeed then u all must get along & learn how to use ur powers together & how to work together"
Vivienne Sinclair ♦ ♦ Experiment 0918

Everyone is getting impatient, she thought as she drums her fingers onto her lap. I'm so close to creating an illusion of a deserted island to get our mind off of this sh*t.

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