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Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments


"get off ur lazy asses & go in the stable. there are dummies to practice on & random objects & i will be w / u guys 1 on 1 but for now just practice ok" 
cleo lott / / exp 0667

i get a lighter & i kight my arm & i get a 2nd degree burn & it hurts hella bad & it heals & i look at th dummy in front of me & i set it on fire w / the lighter



cleo lott

"but what is th point if i have this lighter in my hand"
Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 ||

I roll my eyes as I stand up. I walk over to one of the dummies, and attempt to do mind imprisonment. After what seems like 100 fails, I call over Jameson. "These won't work on me. All my powers are mind tricks, and this dummy doesn't have a mind. I can't paralyze it, I can't insert a memory, and I sure as hell can't take any powers from it!" I yell in frustration.

Yuri Exp' X 0001

I get up and go inside the stabel and i whanted to get use too mi vectores and i wuld walk towards a table were there some tools and wuld grab the hammer with 1 of the vectores and seem to be floting to others as he culd change there frecuensi at will so they can be more powerfull
Vivienne Sinclair ♦ ♦ Experiment 0918

Vivienne practiced her hand-to-hand combat with the dummy. This is getting really stupid, my punches are way too soft.
Emiele Santana | Experiment 0077 |

I shrug, get up, and go to a dummy a little far off. That dude is getting on my nerves, which was supposed to be vice versa. I strike the dummy with my foot, doing a strong roundhouse kick. Humph, that was easier then expected. I then throw some mixed punches and kicks to the lower area.
cleo lott / / 0667

i roll my eyes at vivienne & her soft baby hits & i swing my leg & i kick th dummy in the face & it shakes


"ok yuri would u like to practice your powers with me?? i have exercise for u to do"
Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 ||

A hot wave of anger comes over me as I get yelled at. I take it out on the dummy, punching, slapping, elbowing, and kicking it. Please with myself, I say out loud, "Who wants to be my human dummy, and let me practice my real powers on them?" I ask, very bored.
Vivienne Sinclair ♦ ♦ Experiment 0918

Vivienne looks over to Em, landing kick after kick to her dummy. At least she can fight. Vivienne then picks up a knife near-by aiming it onto the dummy's forehead. The knife landed on the bridge of it's nose. Close enough, she thought.
Yuri Exp. X 0001

"I still dont know what they can do only thing i know is that i cant see them...but ok Jameson" Yuri says insted of exited.nervius as he dint know what his vectores can do yet
Emiele Santana | Experiment 0077 |

I hear what Lexa says and I immediately stop. "I volunteer. This is boring af anyways. It's too easy for a dummy." I say, letting my hair go back to its natural form.
Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 ||

"That's what I was thinking. I can easily beat the shit out of a dummy. Can I try to put a memory in your head?" I ask Emiele.

"ok whiny babies this is from the labs" i set up th tiny device that puts interactive lifelike dummies around & other holorgraphic stuff so it looks v hunger games training area "round 1 yuri" i throw normal tools at him cus i want to see if they will be caught by th vectors 
cleo lott / / exp 0667

i play with a bow & arrow but idk a l ot about it so i just shoot at stuff w / it
Emiele Santana | Experiment 0077 |

I consider it for a moment. "Nothing can be red though,." I mutter as nod my head. "And I hope my head doesn't explode or something." I add with a nervous chuckle.
Vivienne Sinclair ♦ ♦ Experiment 0918

Vivienne continues throwing knives at the dummies. Her aim getting a little bit better each time she throws.
Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 ||

You have no ideaaa, I think to myself, recalling what I had don in the morning. "It won't. and no red." I close my eyes and focus. I put a good memory for Em; a beach with white sand, and clear blue waters. There's a sunset in the sky, and palm trees waving in a slight breeze. She's on the beach having a good time. I place it in her head, and open my eyes.
Yuri Exp X 0001

Yuri sees the Tool going at him as his vectores were now clearly visible like white arms coming from Yuri,s back he wuld grab the tool and crush it as he wuld open his vectore and pises of the tool wuld fall
Magdalena Eastwood ◇ 2113

I take a few jabs at one of the newer dummies and notice a few flying knives, each throw getting a little better. "You may want to release slightly earlier," I suggest helpfully, keeping my eyes to myself to keep it as an optional suggestion and not as a command due to the new power. I give the dummy a sweeping kick and dodge as it brings a fist my way.
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"ok level 2" i throw bigger & heavier things. i am testing 2 see how powerful the vectors are
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Emiele Santana | Experiment 0077 |

* I close my eyes and see I'm on the beach. It looks pretty nice e specially the way the sun so setting. I feel tempted to climb the palm trees, but shake my head. * I snap back to reality. "That was nice. Thanks for no red. Weird fear, can't explain it. Anyways, I heard something about new dummies?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.
Vivienne Sinclair ♦ ♦ Experiment 0918

"Thanks," she said to the girl next to her and tries releasing the knife a little earlier. Bullseye! The knife landed on the dummy's forehead causing it to fall to the ground.
Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 ||

"Was it believable? And was it real-looking?" I ask her. "And yeah, I wanna go check them out!" I walk over to an empty dummy, and see a few spears and knives. Trying my luck, I aim in between the eyes, the heart, the stomach,and one at the neck. I throw all the knives in a row, hitting my targets perfectly. I smile, proud of what I can do.
Yuri Exp X 0001

Yuri wuld look at the hevier object coming at him as he wuld use 3 vectors to grab it and with some effort clearly seen he cruches it aswell as yuri started to get a minor nosebleed

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