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Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 ||

I blink at him. "What the hell." I state and I bring my hand up around my face, and feel a scar. "And what is this scar? What are my superpowers, and for god's sake what is my damn name?" I ask Jameson.
Yuri Exp. X 0001

Yuri wuld hear Jameson but ignores and keeps looking toward the ground seems traumatised

"ok all the gurls here have attitude & i do NOT APPRECIATE THAT" "there is no information on any of u guys. no names or medical history or anything about ur past" i get a idea for the power part "hello yuri come over here"
Yuri EXP X 0001

i wuld stare at the floor then chakes mi head geting mi minde of what i was thinking and hear Jameson "Im coming" i say as i get up and walk towards Jameson
Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 ||

"Can I at least have some MEDICINE like ADVIL FOR MY FUCKING HEADACHE!" I yell back at Jameson. "And my powers?" I say impatiently. This is all too weird, but at the same time, very intriguing.

"shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" i shh with my finger doin the shh motion by my mouth & then i put it by her mouth "shhhhhhhhhhhh" "ok i want u to look at this boy" "focus on him or stare hard. u have mind imprisonment so u should be able to make him fall into a coma"
Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 ||

I raise an eyebrow at the old man, but do as I'm told. I stare at the boy infront of me long and hard, with intense focus. I will my brain to trap his mind.
Yuri EXP X 0001

I wuld feel odd and...i cant move "What the.....im going to kill Jameson for this" i say in mi mide as i fall down

"u can also implant memories in people & they will think its real. so idk think of something funny or weird & stare at him or touch him or somethin & put the fake memory in him"
Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 ||

I watch him, paralyze and fall right before my eyes. "Huh. That worked." I give him a light nudge with my foot, and smirk, pleased at my ability that he is unable to move. While he is still paralyzed, I think of a memory of Yuri running from the police, and tripping over a bush and getting caught. Again, I will my mind to implant this memory there.

"um ok maybe think super hard again & wake him up or it might ware off because there is little known about this ability rn but do what u can to wake him"


i walk over with cookies
Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 ||

I shake my head, very confused. I will him to wake up. I stare long and hard, and try to get him to wake up. "I.. I don't think I can.." I say.
Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 ||

I stare so hard at Yuri, practically glaring at him. I focus hard, and then I feel a weight lifted off my shoulders. "That was.. woah" I say. I wait for him to wake up, believing I had accomplished.
Yuri Exp. X 0001

I wuld wake up and look around "Ugh...ok can sombodi explain what happend" i say clearly confused of here power

(Wait do i remember that Emili17 said?)
ooc- u can think of the memory if u want


"yuri did u figure any of your powers out yet?"


i offer cookies to 0017 & yuri
Yuri Exp. X 0001

Yuri wuld look at Jameson "Do powers make you feel like you have somthing atach to your back"Yuri says as he start to feel somthing in his back as he looks theres nothing...then wuld look at Lexa "and can you explai why you do that in a time like this......weres the police?" he says as he takes a cooki

"police???? where??" i put th cabin in lockdown mode "ok 0017. concentrate again. u can mimic his power or suppress it or make it stronger" "i do not know hong long it will last though"
Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 ||

I laugh loudly to myself. "Looks like my memory trick worked!" I say still laughing. My tone turns serious, and I focus on my next task. I try to suppress his power, then take it on, then make it stronger.

( it works, but what exactly is his power?)
Yuri Exp 0001

"pleas tell mi whats going on i remember being followd bi police...and whats on mi back!?" i say and feel like if somthing was atach to mi back but there nothing but then stops feeling it but then he can feel it again and worse like if its connected

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