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Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

Emiele Santana | Experiment 0077 |

I feel the fake Muriel and my clone go. Crap, I think. I dash like a madman to the window, climb in, and climb into bed. I wonder if they ever check the beds? Shaking my head, I let my hair free of manipulations. Maybe thinking good things will result in good dreams. Sheep on the ceiling, waves from a lake, a soft rock in a wooden boat..
Emiele Santana | Experiment 0077 |

I get up and wander down the hallways mindlessly. I couldn't take the soft pounding in my head from too many manipulations. Would any more expermients find us, join us? I bump into something and swear. "Oh, now my thoughts can become real things too?" I say sarcastically. "You okay?" I ask, looking her over. "We shouldn't be out here though, or Jameson is going to get mad at us. When I mean us, I mean me. I've already created two offenses, I'm sure of that." I ramble on.
Vivienne Sinclair ♦ ♦ Experiment 0918

Being an empath can suck at times, she thought as she can sense the distress of this person. "I'm alright," Vivienne whispers, "Who are you?"
Emiele Santana | Experiment 0077 |

I smirk. "Em. I'm just another experiment." I say quietly, letting my hand drop. "Anyways, I'm starving even though it's ridiculous late. I didn't see much of you earlier." I say as I start walking to the kitchen. "You coming?" I ask.
Emiele Santana | Experiment 0077 |

I roll my eyes. "Fine." I say, sending manipulations to our rooms. "I was hungry." I say while taking out cold leftovers. "What's your number on your dog tag?" I ask as I hop on the counter.
Vivienne Sinclair ♦ ♦ Experiment 0918

"0918," she said to Em, "I'm Vivienne. Call me Viv."

Vivienne then took out a box of cookies from the cabinet.
Emiele Santana | Experiment 0077 |

"Cool Viv. We having a pot luck or something?" She asks with a chuckle, motioning to the cookie box. "You drink?" I ask as I pull out a beer if she wanted it. I just took some water. Sitting on the counter, I face her.
Vivienne Sinclair ♦ ♦ Experiment 0918

Vivienne shakes her head. "I'm not much of a drinker." She plops a cookie in her mouth and grabs a glass to pour herself some milk.
Emiele Santana | Experiment 0077 |

I shrug and put back the drink. "That's okay, neither am I. I can't really drink, or it'd probably disrupt my manipulations. Speaking of, what's your power Viv?" I ask, eating some food.
Vivienne Sinclair ♦ ♦ Experiment 0918

She takes a sip of milk and swallows. "Well..I can create realistic illusions and an empath as in I can feel people's desires, emotions and even heal their emotional pain."
Vivienne Sinclair ♦ ♦ Experiment 0918

She sighs and nods. "Yup. Right now I'm trying to hone my empath skills to something more useful. Like controlling someone's emotion or something."
Emiele Santana | Experiment 0077 |

I notice her sigh and try to cheer her up. "It's still something really cool you know. Besides, we're all practicing. Tomorrow is training anyways." I say.
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Vivienne Sinclair ♦ ♦ Experiment 0918

She smiles at Em's comment and finishes her glass. "I wonder how many people are here."
Emiele Santana | Experiment 0077 |

"Not too much. Just don't get on certain peoples bad side. I'd be one of them." I say shrugging, hopping off the counter. "I'm actually going to go to bed now." I say with a small giggle. "See ya Viv." I say, going back to my room.
Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 ||

I wake up alone in the woods, confused and disoriented with a massive headache. Where am I? What is my name? And why do I have a pounding headache? I look around for any evidence someone may be near me. I hear noises coming from all over - the trees moving with wind, animal noises, and the faintest drip of rain. I get up and start to walk around. I look down at my feet- is it possible? Tire tracks! I decide to follow them, hoping they will lead me somewhere. Annoyed, I break into a run, following the tires. Eventually, the tracks stop, and I come to my destination. What is this place? I see lights on in a house, and human activity. I walk up and knock on the door.

i look through th spy stuff & i open the door cus i see it was the last missing experiment "oh hello sweetie come in"
Yuri EXP. X 0001

i wuld get up from mi bed and open the door of mi room and head towards the living room

(If there is 1)
Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 ||

I gladly walk inside. "Thank you for letting me inside your home." I say as I look around. "I would introduce myself, but it seems that I have forgotten my name, and all I have is this stupid dog tag, whatever this means" I say with an annoyed eye roll.

"its ok honey. there are others just like u are here but they are sleeping" "would you like me to give you more info or would u like to rest too??"
Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 ||

"Information. I can rest later." I say. What does that lady know, and what could she possibly tell me, I think to myself.

"YURI WHAT ARE U DOING" "BED" i go to th door "oh i see 0017 finally decided to show up. at 3 am" "muriel i will handle this"


"but i have already been here. i was helping her."


"ur not doing anything go away"


i go to the kitchen to get cookies "did jameson not catch u two??"


"ok 0017. my wife & i are a part of an organization called armour which protects human kind and people like yourself & the others. a terrorist group called the taliabetz took u from ur life & wiped ur mind clean & gave u abilities...... super abilities....... they dropped u in the forest to be picked up for brainwashing & testing cus they wanted turn u kids into human weapons to take over countries & governments & stuff"

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