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Fantasy Rise of the Beasts


A Cosmic Goat
(This is my first officially created rp.The storyline is based on the online animation, "Fur."I hope you enjoy! :D )

In a world ravaged by war, people have sought refuge in the middle of The Fiery Tundra Desert. Few would dare enter the Tundra so the people of the desert had very few enemies. A large and beautiful city called was built with a mighty wall around it to protect against intruders, bandits, and the worst of all...beasts.

'Beasts' can be any creature including dragons, changelings, werewolves and even nymphs and fairies. Humans who show traits of beasts are thrown outside the wall into the treacherous Tundra where they have to avoid bandits or other dangerous creatures. However there has been a new threat, the shadowhounds, an evil and destructive race of demons whose only goal is to destroy or devour anything that moves. With more and more beasts appearing, the humans may have to realize the beasts could be their greatest defense against the shadowhounds, who are also increasing in numbers. And even though they my not want to, the beasts may also have to realize they have no choice but to fight.
The sun shone over the desert, baking whatever was beneath it. Outside the walls of Crille, the land was harsh and cruel and not many survived. However this is where people known as beasts where forced to roam and live.

Brooklyn pulled up her hood and looked at her tracker. She was heading towards the closest oasis, luckily it was close. The treasure hunter had become an expert at finding them with or without a tracker, but it sure had made it easy. She turned up her walkman and started walking/dancing to the spot.
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Fresh prey. The snow-haired women though, observing her target a distance away with binoculars. She watched the girl dancing around the dessert like an absolute clown. The wolf smirked, this would be even easier than she initially thought.

She was a thieve, they called her the white flash. She was famous around these parts for her thievery. The women drew her blade from its sheath, sparkling in the sunlight. The women dashed at insane speed towards the girl leaving a sand trail in her wake.

The wolf brandished her blade at the girl in front of her. "Empty your pockets, worm." The wolf threatened. She just wanted money, nothing more. She was a thief not a killer.

(Sorry if there's typos wrote this on my phone)
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The wolf started approaching, raising her sword slightly to represent an offensive stance. Her mouth parted, showcasing her fangs. "Empty. Your. Pockets." She demanded, her voice took on a deeper tone. Yui starred the girl down, her eyes unblinking. She was getting increasingly angrier by the second.
I looked up at the sun and smiled. It was warm and comforting. I was in need of a break from my fellow bandits, so I came to my safe haven. It was a small little Oasis in the dessert that I had found a few months ago. The trees helped provide some shade and shelter, and there was a small little lake in it that provided water for me to drink. There were also a few rodents and birds that I could hunt if I ever got hungry. I was currently walking along the edge of the Oasis when I heard two voices near by. "Strange..." I mumbled to my self. I had never run into others while I was here. I decided to climb a tree to get a better look and hide until I found out more. I really hoped I wouldn't have to fight. A long and deep cut on my arm was still healing from when I was sparring with the bandits yesterday and one them got in a lucky shot. Finding a good place in the tree where I could observe the owners of the voices if and/or when they came close enough to the Oasis for me to see them, I settled down to wait.
Tyler was out scouting when he saw the girl with a Walkman. He made sure to remain undetected as he followed her, turing invisible whenever she would happen to glance his way and making sure to disturb as little sand as possible. He thought maybe she could have something of value, or even lead him to something more valuable such as water.

He was right about the water, but while he was contemplating how best to get what he wanted, another thief dashed up and started a mugging process. He was running out of invisibility, so he shifted into beast form and remained invisible. If all went well he could see what each of them could do before swiping something valuable. For now, waiting undetected was his best option.

(@Daggora Keket Just a tip, most people write in third person. It's not a requirement (obviously), but it does help others to read the post and remember character names.)
(@Shog I know, sorry. I kinda tend to switch between third and first person out of habit without noticing. Just let me know and I'll switch back to Third. )
Yui borrowed her feet within the air, allocating strength within her legs. In one fluid movement, she leaped several meters in to the air above the girl. Yui's hair then stretched and distorted becoming longer spontaneously, several white spikes flew from the air, towards the girl like needles. The projectiles were sharp enough to skewer the average person if all of them had landed correctly. Yui performed a flip, mid air, landing a distance behind her original position. She never wanted to hurt the girl, but she was one of the stubborn ones that did not accept defeat. It was a shame really, why trade her life for a few coins. Yui crouched down, ready to strike again if her attack somehow failed. Yui was not aware that the person she was up against was a beast, just like she was.
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Brinie said:
Yui borrowed her feet within the air, allocating strength within her legs. In one fluid movement, she leaped several meters in to the air above the girl. Yui's hair then stretched and distorted becoming longer spontaneously, several white spikes flew from the air, towards the girl like needles. The projectiles were sharp enough to skewer the average person if all of them had landed correctly. Yui performed a flip, mid air, landing a distance behind her original position. She never wanted to hurt the girl, but she was one of the stubborn ones that did not accept defeat. It was a shame really, why trade her life for a few coins. Yui crouched down, ready to strike again if her attack somehow failed. Yui was not aware that the person she was up against was a beast, just like she was.
She gracefully dodged the spikes.
Tyler held his breath. Not because he was overly impress with the girls attack, but because she landed just a few feet in front of him. If he wanted, he could reach out and and make a cut in her arm. Despite him still being invisible, it wouldn't helip if she happened to notice the the sand he had disturbed by standing there. Again, waiting was his best option.
Silver trotted, head down, tail swishing behind her, ears perked, in the general directions of where she smelled both water, other beasts and food...as a wolf it made things easier since her oaws where large and carried her over the sand, she was a father large wolf, at least 5 feet high...she is a Fauna after all and an elemental one at that
Daggora saw a girl leap into the air and shoot spikes out of her hair, before flipping and landing back on the ground out of sight on the other side of a sand dune. 'Impressive' She Thought. 'Sadly It looks like I might have to fight if they come this way.'
Zzzzzzzzzzoooooooommmmmmm..... The bike rode across the dunes as smooth as silk. Why wouldn't it? It was bulit from the ground up, from parts of wrecks as well as business deals.

* What a life... A Jack of all Trades.*

Jacks were hired men that would do any job for a certain price. Assassins to thieves, a Jack would do his work without the hassle of meetings or messy trade offs.

*Perfect for someone like me... *

Samuel didn't have any deals in place, his ride was for scavenging parts from wrecks. He tried to upgrade his mobile home as much as he could, not only that, but to find a job if he could. His bike wasn't his real home, no way, his home was sheltered in a canyon called "Suicide Fall". Quite the lonely and frightening place, but home all the same. A beep brought him back to his senses, LOW WATER.

*Oh... Thats right. I need to collects some water for the road. There should be an Oasis around here somewhere...*

He sped on to his destination, the same Oasis where the fight was commencing.
Kestrel flew over the desert as a normal sized falcon. The warm breeze ruffled the feathers around her face. To her right, she noticed an oasis that looked promising. She turned and headed that way, until she heard a fight going on. She flew higher and hovered in place, observing a group of people. Most of them looked human enough, but then again, so did Kestrel. She didn't want to make the mistake of making assumptions again. A girl leaped off the ground and shot spikes out of her hair. Kestrel was so surprised she stopped flapping her wings for a moment and fell several feet before regaining her balance. She was correct, the girl wasn't a normal human. Most likely another beast like Kestrel herself. Kestrel couldn't trust them though. She had learned the hard way that beasts were often just as dangerous, if not more so, than regular humans.
Silver heard sounds of a fight and she broke into a run, she smelled another wolf and threw her head back with a howl
"Impressive." Yui spoke out loud. In truth, she expected the girl to be cut in to ribbons right then and there. But to her surprise, she managed to dodge and was very much alive. That meant that she had some experience in battle, so the snow-hair colored girl could not take her lightly. Yui held her sword steady with both hands, this little thing had gone on long enough, it was time to end it. Then, a certain sound reached her ears, it was the howl of a wolf. The woman was unable to resist her primitive urges. The woman's body grew and became distorted, her hair turned brown and she spouted fur. Her body grew and destorted until she changed forms entirely. The wolves head lifted in to the air and returned the howl.
Brinie said:
"Impressive." Yui spoke out loud. In truth, she expected the girl to be cut in to ribbons right then and there. But to her surprise, she managed to dodge and was very much alive. That meant that she had some experience in battle, so the snow-hair colored girl could not take her lightly. Yui held her sword steady with both hands, this little thing had gone on long enough, it was time to end it. Then, a certain sound reached her ears, it was the howl of a wolf. The woman was unable to resist her primitive urges. The woman's body grew and became distorted, her hair turned brown and she spouted fur. Her body grew and destorted until she changed forms entirely. The wolves head lifted in to the air and returned the howl.
She blinked, "Well lookie here...."
Silver skidd to a halt ten feet away femythe two who where fighting, her large wolf ears perked up at the return howl, she barked and looked from the wokf to the girl and shook the sand out of her fur
The wolf gave its tail a simple wag to and fro. Her eyes became fixed to the wolf that stood not too far from her. It was rare to see a beast when they aren't actively trying to kill each other. The wolf turned its head to face the girl, she would let her leave. It was likely whatever she had on her was not even worth the trouble.
She smirked as she walked way and looked at her bag. Then she ran off as fast as she could until she disappeared over a hill.
Silver wagged her tail and shifted bck into her "human form" though she was a furry and still looked like a wolf, she wore a black jacket and jeans that had a few holes in them, with black combat boots
Daggora froze as she heard the two howls, but didn't have time to react as she saw a girl run over the top of the sand dune towards the Oasis.

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