One Thousand Club
Okay guys, I think I'll be pulling out the Palorikan. I just don't think I could play them without the Lorenganel, as I built the two races around each other when I first made them. (For more info, the Lorenganel were hyper advanced but nearly hunted to extinction by a race known as the Null, even though the Lorenganel had a greater technological advantage as they never understood the concept of war. Lorenganel fled the galaxy and hung out in dark space for several million years before coming back, finding their enemy gone. To insure that they would be prepared for it if the Null returned, the uplifted the Palorikan, who were suffering from near extinction due to an alien bacteria. That explains the high yields on weapons and ships, though even those were nerfed compared to what the Lorenganel could have made with fully functioning tech, as they build their structures on an atomic scale and have devices that literally take apart and absorb all the parts of an atom.)
So anyway, I'll be bringing in my preferred species, the Rooktan.
So anyway, I'll be bringing in my preferred species, the Rooktan.