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Nation Building Rifts in Space

That's actually the doctrine of my faction.

Modern guns and designs worked, so instead of coming up with crazy shit, they just stuck with gunpowder, fire and manuever tactics, tanks, etc.

They just updated it with "modern" materials technology, and added drones, APS, and such to the mix.
Hazeron said:
That's actually the doctrine of my faction.
Modern guns and designs worked, so instead of coming up with crazy shit, they just stuck with gunpowder, fire and manuever tactics, tanks, etc.

They just updated it with "modern" materials technology, and added drones, APS, and such to the mix.
Bullets can't cut through advanced steel beams.

that is why we invented the "fire at the direct same spot" doctrine. ;)
So. I'mma not read anyone else stuff unless A. I need to or B. I get Mod status. If I see bs i'll call the person out. Looking forward to playing with ya all.
MorpheusDavol said:
So. I'mma not read anyone else stuff unless A. I need to or B. I get Mod status. If I see bs i'll call the person out. Looking forward to playing with ya all.
I'd recommend you do that anyway.
Kazami42 said:
Just don't meet draco. Or you're fucked.
Naw. Nuclear weapons: 30 megaton, 50 megaton, and 200 megaton payloads in terms of what we are doing is not alot. The only ridiculous megaton on there is 200. While my nation can produce all types of megatons, there is no absolute point for a 200 megaton bomb as the fallout even in space would cause un-needed casuailities to your own ships and troops.

Vastime mostly uses kinetic weapons and SBMs/ICBMs (Space Ballistic missles, Intercontinental ballistic missiles.) following the halo in terms of that a bit. Don't let the numbers scare you, a well thought out plan and quick battle field thinking can trump most of anything. Like do you understand how much it would cost to produce a 200 megaton bomb and the ridiculous nature of it? Simply unpractical and if I do encounter him and he proves hostile I'll show just why I outfitted my navy just as I did.

I purposefully left out info such as the megatons of my bombs, compliments to my ship (missile pods etc), etc because this shouldn't turn into number wanking. I have that info yes, and will send it to the creator if need be but simply I just rather do the rp when it starts and grow my people.
Also side note for those you speaking about dark matter and energy, I just like to throw out there we don't even fully know what either are. In fact we have a number of theories. Dark energy simply effects the expanding of the universe as we know it, that is it. I don't understand how dark energy can atomize a organic being. You're taking something like fire and changing the properties completely as a example. Just saying that nothing is perfect and will always be a end game level thing. We have years to grow in this roleplay (icly). If your dark energy whatever it is can atomize organic beings then I'm assuming it's poop against in organic substances like shielding, other energy, metals, etc.

My biggest pet peeve in nation roleplays is when people create end game tech and nations who seem like precursors from halo (the people before forerunners.) While no one is being super OP in terms of military FROM WHAT I'VE BARELY seen. I do worry that some of ya'll will come into thinking you can just be like lol 'better tech and bigger ships.' Realty check, ships are expensive. Weapons are prototypes. People die. Loosing one ship means you've lost vauble tech, expensive missiles, and lives. Be careful how you play. I could rant on a whole bunch of mechanics but all you gotta take away is:

Wait till we get in the actual rp before we yell OP or mary sue. Not only is is disrespectful to your fellow players but also might make people shy away from this. If you got a problem take it to PM or the creator. @Kazami42 @Sohisohi @Hazeron @Donder172 I only tagged ya'll because your the only ones on this page and I wasn't about to go look for everyone else. Just my general thoughts, I'm ready to start roleplaying lmao.
MorpheusDavol said:
Also side note for those you speaking about dark matter and energy, I just like to throw out there we don't even fully know what either are. In fact we have a number of theories. Dark energy simply effects the expanding of the universe as we know it, that is it. I don't understand how dark energy can atomize a organic being. You're taking something like fire and changing the properties completely as a example. Just saying that nothing is perfect and will always be a end game level thing. We have years to grow in this roleplay (icly). If your dark energy whatever it is can atomize organic beings then I'm assuming it's poop against in organic substances like shielding, other energy, metals, etc.
My biggest pet peeve in nation roleplays is when people create end game tech and nations who seem like precursors from halo (the people before forerunners.) While no one is being super OP in terms of military FROM WHAT I'VE BARELY seen. I do worry that some of ya'll will come into thinking you can just be like lol 'better tech and bigger ships.' Realty check, ships are expensive. Weapons are prototypes. People die. Loosing one ship means you've lost vauble tech, expensive missiles, and lives. Be careful how you play. I could rant on a whole bunch of mechanics but all you gotta take away is:

Wait till we get in the actual rp before we yell OP or mary sue. Not only is is disrespectful to your fellow players but also might make people shy away from this. If you got a problem take it to PM or the creator. @Kazami42 @Sohisohi @Hazeron @Donder172 I only tagged ya'll because your the only ones on this page and I wasn't about to go look for everyone else. Just my general thoughts, I'm ready to start roleplaying lmao.
Dark matter, I am using the same mechanics the combine but adding reactors and energy conduits to it. [The only way i can say it without losing you] Which means on a planet It is the same as i displayed a miniature test of with the strider. To people it atomizes them, To buildings it simply blows them up like a oversized tank shell. However in space it'd be with similar property but much more useful and destructive. That is 1: why there are ships with it instead of just powered by it, and 2: If it was useless i wouldn't of used them.

I could explain dark matter however i would most likely be replied with: "SPEAK IN ENGLISH!" Besides, That's the planet version which is 70X smaller and what not. Of course that'd be shit against the majority of star ships. xD
Kazami42 said:
Dark matter, I am using the same mechanics the combine but adding reactors and energy conduits to it. [The only way i can say it without losing you] Which means on a planet It is the same as i displayed a miniature test of with the strider. To people it atomizes them, To buildings it simply blows them up like a oversized tank shell. However in space it'd be with similar property but much more useful and destructive. That is 1: why there are ships with it instead of just powered by it, and 2: If it was useless i wouldn't of used them.
I could explain dark matter however i would most likely be replied with: "SPEAK IN ENGLISH!" Besides, That's the planet version which is 70X smaller and what not. Of course that'd be shit against the majority of star ships. xD
What I'm getting from this is you are using it like a controlled volatile energy, similar to nuclear energy in uses. I understand 'science' speak to a point I suppose. They are simply another form of energy to be put bluntly with no super advantages or disadvantages correcT?

EDIT 1: I'm not saying it was useless but that nothing is a end all be all energy, there has to be flaws and what not was all I was applying. So long as you play fairly and just I won't have a problem.
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MorpheusDavol said:
What I'm getting from this is you are using it like a controlled volatile energy, similar to nuclear energy in uses. I understand 'science' speak to a point I suppose. They are simply another form of energy to be put bluntly with no super advantages or disadvantages correcT?
EDIT 1: I'm not saying it was useless but that nothing is a end all be all energy, there has to be flaws and what not was all I was applying. So long as you play fairly and just I won't have a problem.

The otaru adapt to its aggressors. Such as if they were to go to war with earth, while it was in its wwi state, Or would be similar to WWI tech or medieval tech. They aren't just bastards who go around killing just to kill lol.

Depends but pretty much. A energy usage of it is in the misc documentation under neath the citadel information. which it is used to power a entire city. So yeah.

However the weapon version of it on the planet is simply...... Imagine a big bulky shotgun in what it looks like, But the barrel is very smooth and long while the ass end of it is oversized in comparison to everything else. As said it can only attack people and atomize them, However it can also be used to destroy buildings. like a oversized tankshell would take down the front end of a house. like a battering ram.

The space generator [on the flagship lookalike anyway.] Is the same as the citadel. [You'll have to read about that one.] However the weapon variant is not anything really special. It doesn't atomize ships, It doesn't entirely cut through ships in half. It basically does the same as a building with the earth variant. However due to being longer, bigger/wider, and capable of holding more of it. Basically it would shoot part of a ship and blow a hole into it depending on how thick the armour is. so say dracos, I could pop a few holes into him, he'd still be capable of....... "moving" i guess, there isn't really a term for flying in space. and proceed as usual. The only difference being he has some large holes in his haul with people floating out of it.

Small ships including dropships which would be caught in the beam would be entirely destroyed. And ships that aren't small, but are similar or semi-larger than my frigate would experience the same issue as the larger ship, holes. Only difference being even LARGER holes. But let me put it this way.

Would you rather have them act like THIS:

And instantly just kill "dat ass" with using ionized gases and particles, Or with "sun power" Surprise:


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HmWDdmTAE8[/media] [Though the firing lazer beam is basically the same but smaller and doesn't instantly kill you.]
Or would you rather just have a similar beam of light, which all it does is shoot at you after around 10 minutes of charging, and pops a similar to implosion detonation onto your haul and then lets it float in space. Which only affects parts of the ship connected to that damaged section, that cannot be sealed? Because i imagine starships with any form of sealing doors somewhere. This would be like a bomb on the size of a really reinforced building.

Here i know of a ship in kotor that looks like it got blasted 28 times by one, let me find it for ya. hold on.

Imagine that. [Well of course there would be more than just burning damage, and you could look inside of the hole to the interior but yeah. pretty much that in enough blasts. The smallest hole being on the far front of the ship. However of course it is as long - large as one of my flagships so yeah. Dropships and similar small ships are equal or smaller than that hole and yes it is a hole. while medium ships are bigger and longer than that hole by a large majority, while large ships like this are well... That. I mean unless you let them just repeatedly blast at you, If you have a large ship it isn't gonna have too much of a problem unless its next target is the bridge. Which usually it only targets other vital points such as fuel, engines, weapon - ammunition storages and letting that kill you.] So while still being a useful weapon, It doesn't instantly "rekt" anything. Unless it gets a direct hit on the above vital points, the worse you'd have is alot of holes in your ships if you let it blast away at you, and everyone inside a sealed area suffocates to death and floats out of the ship. Though to be honest i have ships larger and longer than my "flagship lookalike" which are made to ram you, and then have all the personnel on board ironically enough board your ship if it survived and steal it if possible or place mines down rendering it destroyed or useless. Which i haven't added. However depending if anyone goes imperium of man levels of ship insanity, It may or may not be made to steal their large ships. However there are ships i have which are bait ships. which only look destroyed, or basically are and are repaired but to look like they're destroyed still. to get past borders, invade and steal ships, and or look like that in the above picture. Which main purpose is to intimidate people, aid in stealing ships, or to collect a population from a population center and or indoctrinate them. not really a warship.

So basically, It sounds like the starkiller base that is mobilized. However it really isn't. However you probably met them, There are people who read things that only sound devastating however realistically are not. and then complains OP over it. Which if you've met, you'd know how annoying they are. lol. Anymore questions i can help you with?
Sounds pretty cool, enjoyed reading it. I hope your people will enter into a alliance/federation with mines one day.

Or wage brutal war that ends in mutually assured destruction (jk)
MorpheusDavol said:
Sounds pretty cool, enjoyed reading it. I hope your people will enter into a alliance/federation with mines one day.
Or wage brutal war that ends in mutually assured destruction (jk)
Will the Qwatt be invited to this tea party of doom?

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.gif.26c3136cc5145ac5cbf5517ae396c2e1.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131511" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.gif.26c3136cc5145ac5cbf5517ae396c2e1.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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MorpheusDavol said:
Sounds pretty cool, enjoyed reading it. I hope your people will enter into a alliance/federation with mines one day.
Or wage brutal war that ends in mutually assured destruction (jk)
As i told the "qwatt master" The otaru are usually friendly so. Unless something happened they wouldn't attack randomly. unless a reason was say needing a population center area. because some districts also have a "the more you have, the more you get" type of deal. where the more kids you have the more benefits of life you can get easier. So there is that as well but they would at least look about before they try invading someone. They are basically the friendlier version of the empire in star wars.
MorpheusDavol said:
Only if you bring the guts.
Give us a moment.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.67f3f56298c2065ebe7bb14257716948.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131514" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.67f3f56298c2065ebe7bb14257716948.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I'm going to fast track your nation, so that way we can get this thing started immediately.

If not today, then tomorrow morning.

Kazami42 said:
Despite being trained for even as long as any other, and trained and has as much knowledge as any other trained soldier, There are teenagers in the military of the ages 16 - 19. Usually wearing a armored/militarized school uniform.

Despite most high ranks being insane, there is a rare few who are rogue.

however rogues are usually killed off or rehabilitated.

Most big ass technology are easily killable/disactivatable.

Vastly hostile when in war.

Usually has powers such as "shifting" aka looking like someone else are forbidden.


Uses multiple fuel methods, so anyone with similar fuel can come across ruins of technology and take them if other technology don't reactivate secretly and kill them.

Has a fascination with experimentation with most technology being tested and mass-scaled. however most still being experimental anyway.


Any people who are accepted to live in otaru space are obligated to follow their laws.

Merciless in war.
<- How are two these downsides.

OSF [Otaru special forces] Being the most extreme faction branch of the military. Upon seeing it, It is considered that you're already dead or the area they're in are to be used for war and everyone in it to leave or die. so thus they usually use them at a low frequency except in special conditions or a certain criteria is met, and uses the national guard as the main military.

Since the majority of things are anti-matter powered - Nuclear powered. <- As in. . . Your ships and tanks?

There is very unlikely for survivors unless they found a room more reinforced than the starship itself, or got out of the area.

^^^Under what circumstance^^^

Large ships can't go quickly through any planet atmosphere without being ripped apart slowly, and the reactors inside over heated and over charged.

Adapts to civilizations they're at war with. [Like if they fought against humanity while humans were still in Vietnam era. Then otaru would fight using usually only WWI technology, or things similar in appearance.].
By rogue, do you mean deserters?
By this, do you mean your nations becomes hostile to everyone, even allies?

Blunt. . . What?

"anyone with similar fuel can come across ruins of technology and take them if other technology don't reactivate secretly and kill them." What?

Kazami42 said:
Star: Neru nikita. K-type.

First planet/Volcano world: Hercules.

Second planet/Dwarf planet: Vinator. [1 rock satellite.]

Third planet/Gas Giant: visk.

Fourth planet/Ringed planet: Otaru. [Home planet, multiple, 1 super moon.]

Fifth planet: Kursk. [rock planet.]

Sixth planet/Water giant: Zeta. [1 volcanic satellite.]

Seventh planet/Ice/Winter planet: norsaki.

Eighth Planet/satellite: keslikov. [Jungle planet.]

Ninth planet/Barren: sadarha. [Rock planet.]

Tenth planet: Castiel. [2 moons, a forest/jungle moon, and a ice moon.] [Jungle-esk planet on one half, the other half being rocky and a barren desert.]
I did grant you the ability to start with more worlds, though this is too much. Last time we talked about this, it sounded like you just wanted your home world and a larger planet to rotate around a gas giant. Now you have 14 planetoids, 13 of which can all be inhabitable at some point. No amount of disadvantages would grant you this big of a system.
Full Faction Tittle: The Republic of United Systems

Short-Hand/Abbreviation: RUS

Gentilic: Rusian

Species: Human

Literally just humans. (Most of this will be expanded on in my format)

Main Stats:







Leader: Leroy Harrison

A reserved man who is fond of drink, he is responsible for creating the first unified human government and is also the head of the UN.

Treasury: Talc Louis

Outgoing, intelligent, and a gun nut.

Justice: Dredd Ford

An extremely conservative, to the books man who always follows the law.

Military: Nathan Drake

Adventurous, and known for personally leading his men into combat.


Viable space elevators: Allows mass transportation of goods into orbit

FTL: Slipspace; will be covered more in format below

Weaponry: Chemically propelled, or magnetically propelled

Space: Only some ships can leave orbit, most ships are built in orbit and can't leave gravity well under own power

Government Structure: Democratic Republic, styled after the United States

It's most important laws guarantee the freedoms and rights of any sapient beings that are within Rusian territory.

Economy Structure: Capitalistic free market

Society Structure: Modern nation structure, predominant religions include most modern religions, as well as some new ones

Major parties include Expansionists (self explanatory), Imperialists (creating a human empire), and Militarists (building up arms to defend humanity)

Military Structure: Modern US military structure

Troop Choices: Will be covered in bottom format

Advantages: Extremely tactically diverse, fast expanding, literally will not give up

Disadvantages: Low tech, relies on fossil fuels, inefficient government



[species Sheet]

Name:Homo Sapiens

General Life-Span (Eternal Allowed): 90 years without surgery, several hundred with surgery and augments

Appearance: Human beings have a wide variety in their appearance, but in general they shared a bipedeal humanoid shape with 2 arms attached to their chest, and two legs attached to their pelvis. They have two eyes, a nose, and a mouth with both incisors and grinding teeth. They are generally 5 to 6 feet tall when mature, and are of average build.

Attributes: Human beings are possessed by a strong sense of curiosity. They are known for trying to discover anything they can, and have a long history filled with exploration. With training, they also make adept fighters. They are also quite industrious. They are generally accepting and can be considered an amicable people; however, there are still some racist groups in existence.

History: Humans arose several million years ago on the planet Earth, in the Sol system. For most of the existence of humanity, they lived in extremely simple hunter-gatherer societies. However, around ten thousand years ago, humans began to domesticate plants and animals, allowing them to form advanced civilizations. In the year considered 2030 by their calendar, scientists in Germany discovered how to build viable space elevators, greatly increasing their ability to utilize space. 20 years later, another nation known as Japan discovered the key to space; practical FTL. The Trans-Fukishaw engine (named in honor of it's inventor, Fukishaw Kojima) operates by ripping open a "hole" in space, leading to an alternate dimension referred to as Slip-space. Distances in this dimension are greatly dilated; 100 miles in Slip-space is about a tenth of a light year in real space (meaning a ship that can travel 600 MPH can reach the nearest star to Earth, which is 4 light years away, in seven hours). However, the size of the engines mean it can only be mounted on ships, and Slip-space is filled with exotic radiation, meaning ships must be specially shielded to ensure the survival of the crew. Around this time, the EU, headed by Germany at the time, organized most of the world's nations into a single government after several decades of action with the UN.

[Faction Sheet]

Name:Republic of United Systems

Type of Government:Representative Democracy

Leader(s): President

Home Planet: Earth, Sol System

Morality: Lawful Neutral

History: Established in 2110 by Germany, the RUS has spread throughout Sol and multiple surrounding systems. It is a capitalistic system, with laws in place to prevent abuse by corporations. Laws are proposed by a house of elected representatives from the colonies, while a President commands the military and heads the government. A senate of 12 judges also goes over laws, ensuring the following the RUS constitution. The main points of the constitution include:

Freedom of religion, speech, and press

The right to bear arms to defend yourself

Rights to protect citizens from governmental abuse

Limits on mechanization of industry to make sure people can still be employed

Synthetic lifeforms that are proven to be fully sapient are considered human and have the full rights of any other citizen of the RUS

Alien lifeforms that are proven to be fully sapient are considered human and are eligible to be granted citizenship to the RUS

They have had many encounters with hostile "swarm races" (non-sapient races characterized by a hive-mind and an insane desire to expand) as they colonized the space around Sol. They have fought fungal, insectoid, and more exotic swarm races, leading to them having a relatively medium sized standing army.

Economy: Capitalistic. Paper currency known as Euros. Most space exploration and colonization efforts are privatized.


RUS high command; contains all the command elements of all branches of the RUS military.

RUS air-force;responsible for in-atmosphere aircraft.

RUS Infantry; contains infantry commanders

RUS Mechanized: commands mechanized vehicles

RUS Navy; Commands all spaceborne ships owned by the military.

RUS Central Government: Contains all civic and governmental institutions and positions.



*Access Granted*

Loading BOPI files

Burea of Paranormal investigation

Classified organization dedicated to the defense of the RUS from anomalous artifacts. When miners unearth an ancient alien artifact and suddenly start a death cult dedicated to some unknown diety and begin practicing blood magic, these are the guys who cover it up.

They have facilities throughout RUS space. The most "prominent" is Site 7, a secure holding facility on the planet REDACTED, in the REDACTED system. Site 7 stores multiple artifacts currently being studied by the BOPI.

The BOPI maintains a military branch known as the Mobile Task Force. They also maintain a small fleet, usually used for transporting MTF squads and raining down hellfire when a threat is unable to be contained.

Culture: There is a massive variety of cultures in the human race, because of natural geologic borders during humanity's early history. However, several main groups exist. There is a massive amount of mix between the groups, and even then there are massive mixtures in the groups themselves, so this is a rough outline.

European: Characterized by classic (modern day) architecture, a strong sense of innovation, and classic European values, Europeans are a ambitious people who love their ancestors culture. They mainly speak German or english, and follow Christianity.

Neo-Arabic: A strange blend of cutting edge technology and down to Earth values characerize the Arabic people. Arabic people are known for being extremely inventive and strive for modernization, in an attempt to bring back the Golden Age of the Muslim world. Many Arabic cities have skyscrapers next to humble stone Mosques, and traditional Muslim garb goes alongside vests and suits. Liberal Islam is commonly followed, but radicals still exist amongst fringe groups.

Asiatic: Asiatic culture is heavily influenced by ancient Chinese values (due to their prevalence in early human history), leading to many similarities in the region amongst eachother, such as a honor focused society and what is known as "Far East architecture". This has decreased in modern times, but it can still be found in a common respect for elders and a strong sense of pride intheir culture.

Slavic: Located mainly in central and northen Asia, Slavs are an...interesting group, with dozens of different languages and culture. However, they share a common majority of Russian Orthodox christianity, and a efficient style of building. However, they are quickly trying to make up for the damage the USSR did while it was in power.

African: Another mixture of the old and new, African culture has a very homely feel to it; known for their powers in trade, and many of the largest manufacturing corporations are based in Africa due to it's large open space, workforce, and resources.


Power systems: Mainly fission and fusion for cities; use of fossil fuels mainly for land vehicles or generators for smaller installations, as well as renewable energy.

FTL: Slip-Stream; utilizes an alternate dimension where distance is greatly dilated in comparison to real space.

Space travel engines: Fusion drive for forward momentum. A deuterium fusion reactor ejects it's plasma out a series of rockets on the back of the ship, propelling it forward at high speeds. Fine maneuvering is accomplished by small rockets firing out compressed air along the ship, and all ships have emergency shaped charges for quickly dodging attacks or getting some extra thrust.

Medical: Shadowrun level genetic and mechanical augmentation, anti-aging treatments, reliable cancer treatment.

Space to surface: Vast majority of space borne ships cannot make planetfall without being trapped. Most movement of cargo is performed by orbital elevators. The only ships that can make planetfall and take off again are large, specialized transports, usually used for military landing operations or for civilian shipping. Smaller shuttles for transporting people are ineffecient for usage as military transports due to their large profile and slow speed.

Industrial: Mostly modern technology for production. Most raw materials are collected from asteroids or large scale ground mining operations.


Mars Tech

CEO: Torgue Johnson, 70 years old. Born 2020, March 7th http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/borderlands/images/6/65/Torgue_Intro_1.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20121121054124

Assests: Mines and factories on Mars, Africa, and other planets

History: Established in 2043 by Torgue Johnson, Mars tech was the foremost provider of mining equipment and a major investor in the mining industry for the first colonies in Sol. However, this changed in 2050, August 3rd, on the day the first slip space engine was succesfully tested. The activation of the engine caused one of the main mining complexes Mars Tech owned on Deimos, one of the moons of mars, to go silent. Unfortunately, Torgue was touring the facility on that day to inspect word of ruins found on the planet. 2 days later, when a recovery team was sent, it was discovered that they had done the impossible; they had unlocked the gates to Hell itself. The facility was overrun by gibbering horrors; however, what they didn't expect was that one man would drive them back. Torgue was determined to not let these Demon motherfuckers take over the facility; he organized the few survivors left to barricade themselves into the repair bay, using mining equipment and mining hardsuits to hold off the demons. Meanwhile, Torgue grabbed a chainsaw, a sawn off shotgun, an automatic rifle, and a set of security armor, and delved into the depths of the facility. He fought his way through hordes of demons, before going into hell itself. He managed to destroy the artifact keeping the gate open, barely escaping Hell before it was locked forever. (Still iamge taken from camera near digsite: http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/square_small/12/120457/2136167-3.jpeg) With the portal closed, the remaining survivors decided that it was now their duty to create the biggest, baddest weapons to fight any further threats to humanity. Today, Torgue is now a hardass that personally advertises for Mars Tech's products, and they produce some of the most badass weaponry available.


CEO: John Kondrad, Age unknown, Birth Date unknown http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/specops/images/a/a9/Konrad.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120713123726

Assests: Arms manufacturing plants across universe

History: Established in 2031 by it's founder Richard Harrison, ARMA Corp was a major weaponry producer on Earth. However, in 2053, a man named John Konrad managed to outmanuever other share holders and acquire the trust of the board, gaining a majority in the company's stocks and being assigned CEO of ARMA corp. It is unknown where he comes from, and any of his background; he showed up one day in the former United States with a large sum of money and an entire mercenary outfit that he identified as "The Damned 33rd". He immediatly set out to expand ARMA corp, outsourcing to foreign vehicle manufacturers and absorbing DHB Industries' Point Blank Body Armor. This allowed them to become one of the largest arms manufacturers in the RUS, with multiple government contracts.

(Prepare for wall of text)

General tactics: RUS tactics rely on heavy amounts of support and electronic warfare. Command structures are high priority targets, and electronic warfare forces will incessantly attack enemy communications and guidance systems. Combat wise, infantry rely on Fire and Manuever tactics, using heavy volumes of fire to suppress enemies, while another group advances on the enemy. Once there, the advancing squad will either flank the enemy to cut them down from an angle where they aren't protected by cover, use grenades to kill them, or in rare cases, advance into melee combat. Artillery, air support, and orbital bombardment are also heavily used during Fire and Maneuver, replacing the advancing squad; a squad suppresses the target, before requesting a strike on the target's position. Trapped by the supressive fire, they will hopefully be destroyed by the attack.

Armored vehicles are ALWAYS supported by infantry riding in APC's to help screen for infantry and prevent flanking, along with IFV's. However, these tactics require large amounts of supplies to support, and a massive support unit. A regular army group requires many mechanics, drivers, and other such personnel to keep the army supplied.





An...unorthodox melee weapon, the AV-73 can best be described as a chainsaw with a sword handle. For safety reasons, one edge of the blade (the one facing the wielder) has a cover built in. Usually used in close quarters jungle combat by the especially insane.

Tru-Steel Machete


Military Grade Machete made with a tungesten-steel alloy, making it hard and still letting it have a thin blade. Can be used to cut (studs on back of blade), chop, or carve. Standard equipment for jungle operations. Very good at killing eldritch abominations or parasitic aliens.


ARMA corp

Literally just a parachute. Used by paratroopers, or orbital troopers (they parachute from orbital landers. Yes, they are that insane.)

Tactical flash-light

ARMA corp

Steel frame heavy duty flashlight designed to be used in any environment. Watertight, vaccum resistant, and comes with a spike for insertion into the ground. Standard issue.

M3-Combat knife


Tempered steel combat knife. Standard issue. Can also function as a bayonet.



Dyson Tech

With a range of 40 meters, the MT-37 is a valuable tool in close quarters or urban combat. It is capable of detecting motion; however, this can be a detriment when in industrial areas, due to machinery.


ARC-Riot Shield

ARMA corp

A heavy riot shield used in CQC and riot control. Capable of stopping 15 7.62x39mm rounds.

M5-Laser Designator

ARMA corp

Laser designator used to call in guided munitions. Rugged and waterproof. Has minor EMP hardening.

M80-Anti personnel mine

Mars tech

Area of denial device. Buried underground and activated; when the sensors on top indicate movement, it launches four charges through the ground and into the air, where they will detonate, sending lethal shrapnel flying in a 180 arc around it. Range of detonation is variable, allowing you to detonate it at knee, stomach, head, or any other level up to 10 feet. Can be fitted with incendiary and white phosporous explosives.

Also comes in an anti-tank variety, where the 4 launch tubes are replaced with one large launch tube that shoots a heavy AT charge directly upwards into the bottom of a passing vehicle. Has anti-tamper systems that causes the device to detonate if not properly disarmed.

Weaponry and Armor

RUS weaponry is designed to be reliable and highly modifiable. They purely use kinetic weaponry; while lasers have better penetrative power, the fact that the beam doesn't tumble or expand while it goes through the body means that it doesn't deal as much actual damage as a bullet. Overheating issues and limited range due to energy dispersion have also blocked their attempts to make reliable laser weaponry.



Black Water


30 round magazine

700 RPM

This reliable assault rifle is the main weapon of the RUS infantry corps. Utilizing a bullpup design to cut down on weight, it is highly customizable, with multiple grips for attachments, including:

Large selection of scopes, under-barrel launchers/shotguns, laser sights, multiple barrel attachments.

The round can penetrate most modern body armor in several shots from standard engagement range (150 meters)

Jurgen 14.5

Black Water

14.5 x 114mm APFSDS

5 round magazine

Semi automatic, bolt action

The Jurgen is the premiere long rifle of RUS forces, wielded by marksmen. The massive armour piercing rounds resemble a large needle, and are constructed out of depleted uranium. A single shot from one of these will turn a man's torso into a bloody mist, or penetrate the rear armor of some lightly armored vehicles.


ARMA Corp.


900 RPM

45 round magazine

The light MP09 is usually used by scouting forces, military police, support defense units, and as a secondary weapon by heavy weapon users. Very ineffective against any form of body armor.

Hellstorm Flamethrower

Mars Tech

Napalm-liquid gas mix

Effective range of 40 meters

Canister contains enough fuel for 10 seconds of consecutive fire. Backpack mount contains enough fuel for 2 minutes of fire.

Seemingly out of place on the modern battlefield, this terrifying weapon still excels in close quarters combat and in clearing fortifications. It is also highly effective against the myriad swam races RUS faces.

KSV 5 semi-automatic shotgun

ARMA Corp.

12 gauge buckshot/flechette/grenade/slug

12 shell capacity


50 yards effective range

This advanced CQC weapon is constructed out of a plastic polymer for high strength. It is effective in clearing buildings or tunnels, and has a wide range of shells available, some of which are listed above.

Mataba 45

Redirect Notice

Black Water


6 shot cylinder


Issued to officers as a sign of rank, the Mataba 45 is a heavy hitting self defence weapon that can easily drop unarmored targets.

Raven handgun

Black Water



15 round magazine

The standard sidearm of RUS military forces, the Raven is intended as a weapon of last resort. Soldiers normally carry only 3 extra magazines for their sidearm.



Frag (M100, ARMA corp): 15 meter kill radius, shrapnel, pressure wave that can pop a man's lungs

Incendiary (M100-I, Mars Tech): Napalm, 10 meter radius, 1500 to 2200 degrees fahrenheit

Smoke Screen (M100-S, ARMA corp): 30 meter smoke radius

Flashbang(M100-F, ARMA corp): Causes temporary blindness and deafness






125 round drum magazine, 500 round belts for usage when mounted

The son of the RPK series of machine guns, the RPK 25 is a general purpose machine gun, able to be carried by infantry as an LMG or mounted onto a tripod for use as a medium machine gun. Packing as much punch as an assault rifle, the RPK-25 is not a gun to be trifled with.

Browning .50 machine gun


Mars Tech

12.7x99mm rounds

900 RPM

500 round box magazine, much higher if attached to internal ammo supply

The longest used weapon in history, the Browning has proven itself to be a reliable, effecient, and deadly weapon system for longer than an entire century.



Black Water

A 6 shot, revolving cylinder grenade launcher. Launches 40mm grenades for anti-infantry purposes. Can be equipped with fragmentation, HE, incendiary, or WP rounds. Comes with an internal range finder that lets it detonate at any range.

M5 Multi-threat system

ARMA Corp.

One AT or AA warhead

Effective range: 800 meters

The M5 is a multi-purpose anti vehicle weapon. It can be fitted with a HEAT round designed to penetrate the armor of a tank and kill the crew, or a proximity air burst warhead designed to destroy aerial vehicles. It has a back-blast of about 20 feet.

Power Armor weaponry and equipment: Weapons too large to be fired by unarmored humans. Mainly made by Mars Tech



Mars Tech

Napalm/gasoline mix

50 yards effective range

A massive flamethrower that literally cannot be held up by normal humans. Can melt through hordes of infantry, and slag light vehicles.


ARC-PA Shield

A massively upscaled version of the ARC shield, it is capable of surviving 100 7.62x39mm rounds or 1 12.7mm round



Mars Tech

A collobartive effort with Black Water, the XM35 is a special grenade machine gun for use by troops in power armor. It fires out 40mm grenades at a rate of 80 rounds a minute, and an internal range finder allowing them to detonate at any range. Comes with fragmentation, HE, WP, or incendiary grenades.



A massively oversized hand grenade the size of a water bottle, it is designed for usage by people in power armor. The top of the grenade has to be twisted to arm it, before pushing the button. Has an effective kill radius of 30 meters

Mataba 47


Black Water

A massive handcannon designed for use by PA troopers. It fires 14.5mm armor piercing rounds, and has a cylinder with enough room for 6 rounds. Will snap a man's arm without PA.



ARMA corp.

Including a helmet with an integrated Heads up display, the standard issue armor of the RUS infantry corps is an all around good suit of armor. The chest armor is a empty frame that can be inserted with a variety of armor plating; different sizes and strengths are used depending upon the situation. The common plate is a solid block of specialized ceramics that shatter on impact to spread the force of the bullet around, coated by a layer of steel. It can stop around 5 7.62x39 rounds at standard engagement range. It has enough space for around 12 magazines, several grenades, a bayonet, and a sidearm. It comes in multiple camouflage patterns, including digital, jungle, desert, and many more. The uniform underneath is made out of a high strength synthetic fabric that traps heat and is easy to wash. Comes in as many color variants as the armor itself.

Heavier versions with full limb protection are available.

Also comes with an optional hazmat variant; a enclosed hazmat suit with integrated air filter and air supply, made out of flak weave, and with metal reinforced boots. Chest plate and full limb armoring cover the suit.


Flight uniform

Dyson Tech

Standard issue for all pilots; it has specialized heating coils to ensure the pilot stays warm while in-flight, and are equipped with equipment that helps prevent pilots from falling unconcious during high stress, high speed maneuvers.


Winter combat gear


Consists of a snow white uniform, snow white standard combat armor, and snow pattern cold weather jacket. Also comes with choice of fur cap or hood.

Mark 1 Stealth Suit

Dyson Tech

This advanced suit of armor is intended for cover operations. It is a stripped down version of standard issue body armor, with the inclusion of a black undersuit. Every single inch of the armor is covered in micro cameras and screens. Each screen broadcasts the footage from the camera behind it, giving the wearer the appearance of being see-through. The armor also changes it's heat to match it's surroundings, helping to fool IR sensors.

LG Sniping Armor



A modified form of the RM-45, LG armor is designed for long distance engagements. Heat sinks in the armor help disguise heat, and a complicated array of computers and sensors in the helmet assist with target acquisition and aiming.

MK23 Low Pressure atmosphere suit

Dyson Tech


Mars Tech

Naval Uniforms



Uniforms issued to naval personnel



Harrier Jetpack

A light jetpack given to some soldiers in terrain that can require the use of a jetpack. It has enough fuel for 2 minutes of continuous flight, and can hold up a grown man in full combat gear.

Power Armor: The RUS fields several models of power armor. Power armor is controlled by the operator through a nueral interface that allows them to move the armor like it is an extension of their body, and use onboard systems without physical input.

A1 Model (http://orig09.deviantart.net/e149/f/2015/288/f/1/cod_ghost___juggernaut_for_xnalaraxps_by_kalash_1947-d9cdh8u.jpg): 7 feet tall. Produced by Mars Tech. Has a series of servo-motors that enhance the wearers strength, allowing them to flip a car and lift 15 times their body weight. Protection is offered by a series of extremely thick padded titanium-tungesten plates, with a heavy flak underweave. Hazmat variety comes completely self contained. Armor plating is capable of withstanding 300 rounds of 7.62, or 1 12.7 (.50) shells. Actual armored vehicles beat it in every way, and anything vaguely resembling an anti-armor weapon will easily defeat it. Can maintain a slow walking pace of 3 MPH, and a running pace of 7 MPH. Runs off of pre-charged energy cells, powering the armor for 24 hours of intensive activity. Comes with an inbuilt HUD that counts the amount of ammo in the integrated weapons, integrity of the suit, and environmental conditions.

B1 Model (http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/blacklighttangodown/images/b/b8/BLR_Hardsuit_White.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130313083807): 8 feet tall. Also produced by Mars Tech, the B1 model of power armor has improved defensive capabilities over the A1 model. It's armor can resist 500 rounds of 7.62x39mm or 3 12.7 rounds. It also has a nuclear fuel cell, allowing it to operate for several days without recharge. Like the A1 model, it has a HUD. It also allows the wearer to lift 30 times their body weight. However, it can only move at a slow pace of 3 MPH; it cannot sprint at all. To offset this, it has built in jump jets, allowing it to reach the upper stories of building or quickly jet across the ground. Has a built in motion tracker with a range of 40 meters.

A1-Heavy Support Model

Mars tech

Issued to heavy gunners. Mainly used in close quarters and urban combat as a mobile firing platform.

2 MR24s

Optional upgrades:

Extra armoring that increases durability by 100 shots of 7.62x39mm and 2 12.7, but makes it impossible to run.

Jetpack attached to back of armor with two minutes of fuel; however, it makes the armor even more bulky and has to be removed first before removing the ammo container on the back of the armor, slowing down reloading

Shoulder mounted 20mm cannon, single shot, 30 rounds, airburst HE

A1-Incineration Model

Mars tech

Issued to troops going into close quarters combat against Swarm Races or in jungles, the incineration variant of the A1 fields an Incinerator into combat. Comes with extra insulation to resist high temperatures, and improved air filters to prevent carbon dioxide poisoning.

2 MR24s, 2 MR24s (incendiary model)

Optional Upgrades:

Back mounted fuel tank, 10 minutes of fuel. Extreme explosion hazard

Wrist mounted ARC-PA riot shield, extendable

Wrist mounted AV-73 (cannot be taken with ARC-PA)

A1-Grenadier Model

Mars Tech

A heavy anti-infantry PA unit, Grenadiers are designed to ruin anything vaguely resembling a soft target. Able to turn entire bunkers into shrapnel filled deathtraps, they excel at clearing out infantry.

Optional Upgrades:

Wrist mounted ARC-PA riot shield, extendable

Unit Composition

RUS ground forces operate with the same command structure of the former USA, described here Military organization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Standard infantry loadout:

Standard issue body armor

2 Fragmentation grenades

Melee weapon


Entrenching shovel

Days worth of food and water

Raven handgun, 3 reloads

Non support weapon chosen for specific situation, 10 reloads. Includes assault rifles and shotguns.

Smoke Grenade (optional)

Support grenades (optional)

Support unit

Body armor

2 fragmentation grenades

(One):LMG, flamethower, XM30, rocket launcher

5 reloads for LMG, 10 canisters or fuel tank for flamethrower, 5 of each rocket for Multi Threat Response launcher, 24 grenades of various types

SMG with 10 reloads


Smoke Grenade

Melee weapon

Anti-fungal response squad

Same as support unit, but always equipped with a hazmat suit and a flamethrower with a backpack mounted fuel tank.

Support team

Squad of 3 men, with standard infantry loadout. They also carry either a portable mortar or a MV1 in separate parts, along with a sizable amount of ammunition.

Marksman team

One support unit armed with an LMG and normal gear for supression and defense of sniper

One sniper equipped with normal infantry gear, LG Armor, switching out the main weapon for an Anti-Material rifle with 10 magazines. They are also equipped with laser designators.

A-1 Heavy Gunner

Belt fed Browning with a 1000 round ammo backpack

Shoulder mounted rocket launcher (5 HEAT, 5 HE)

2 MR24's

1 AV-73

Mataba 47, 6 speed loaders

Any optional equipment for that model

A-1 Incinerator

Incinerator Unit, 5 tanks for 1 minute (or 10 minute back mounted tank)

2 MR24's

1 AV-73

Mataba 47, 6 speed loaders

Any optional equipment for that model

A-1 Grenadier

1 XM35 with a 400 round backpack

4 MR24's

1 AV-73

Mataba 47, 6 speed loaders

Any optional Equipment for that model

Combat engineer

Shotgun or SMG, with 10 reloads each

Combat knife

1 day of rations and water

Standard combat armor

Tools for bypassing electronic and mechanical locks, including cutting barbed wire

Several satchel charges or antipersonnel mines (optional)

Fortification tools

EOD unit

Power armor, with no attached weaponry and extra armor plating

Defusal tools

Covert-Op's unit

One Stealth Suit


Suppressed Raven, 3 magazines

Suppressed MP09, 10 magazines

Laser designator

4 satchels of C4


V5 Hulk


This 4 tracked tank is designed to be able to conquer any terrain. The tracks give it unparalleled traction and suspension, allowing it to traverse even the rockiest terrain. It has 3 layers of armor: a 8 inch thick layer titanium-tungesten alloy, a 8 inch thick layer of ceramic plating designed to spread out the force of an impact to reduce penetration, and a second 8 inch thick layer of titanium-tungesten alloy. It is angled at strategic areas to increase the chance of richochet. The surface of the armor is also coated in bricks of high-explosive; when a projectile of sufficient mass and velocity strikes it, the brick detonates, sending out an explosive blast that either nuetralizes or negates some of the energy of the projectile. The armor is held at an angle, increasing the chance incoming projectiles will ricochet off. It is powered by a high grade diesel turbine, and can sustain a pace of 60 MPH on flat roads, and around 40 on rough terrain.

Crew:1 commander, 1 gunner, 1 pilot

Armanent: Pintle mounted Browning, 500 round box magazine

Coaxial RPK-25 pounder, autoloader containing 2000 rounds

Hull mounted RPK-25, autoloader with 2000 rounds

120 MM rifled cannon (Can fire HEAT, SABOT, canister, or HE). Can carry up to 80 shells in total, of any mix of shell types

Defensive systems:

Active defense system; a miniature "grenade launcher" on top of the tank is hooked up to a series of sensors around the tank. When it detects incoming projectiles, it fires a high speed grenade at the incoming projectile in an attempt to redirect or detonate it. It is ineffective against multiple targets coming from different directions, or kinetic perpetrators (SABOT shells). Connected to an internal supply of 25 grenades.

Smoke grenade launchers: Two three barreled grenade launchers on the front of the tank fire out smoke grenades. The smoke, besides hiding the vehicle from view, also fools IR sensors and smart missiles.

Badger IFV


A fast and light vehicle designed for anti-infantry work. During armored assaults, they ensure that the MBT's are protected from infantry attempting to flank them. It has much lighter armor than the Behemoth, with each layer only being 4 inches thick, to reduce weight. It is powered by a high performance gasoline engine.

Crew: 1 pilot/commander, 1 gunner


20mm cannon, with an internal ammo capacity of 600 rounds.

Coaxial RPK-25, 2000 round internal ammo supply

Two rocket pods attached on either side of the turret, each one containing six rockets. They can fire incendiary, high explosive, or white-phosphorous. A pod can be replaced with a single shot anti-tank TOW launcher.

Equipped with an active defense system that is weaker than the MBT mounted versions.

Hellion APC

ARMA corp

A large APC designed to support MBT's during advances, it has a medium amount of armor. Each layer is 4 inches thick. It also has an APS system, and explosive reactive armor. It has a ram on the front for clearing debris during urban operations, and its wheels are designed to be able to handle sudden elevation changes (going over wrecked cars, rocks, etc.). Powered by a diesel engine.


25mm auto cannon, designed to deal with infantry. It fires high explosive shells, and has an internal auto loader with 900 rounds.

Two barreled turret mounted TOW launcher.

Coaxial RPK-25, 2000 round internal ammo supply

Crew:1 pilot, 1 gunner

It can carry around a squad's worth of infantry.

Carrion Mobile AA

ARMA corp

A tracked, mobile AA platform used to protect mobile forces from air attack. It has armoring as strong as an APC. It is equipped with a high power radar that can detect planes up to 5 miles away. It uses a gasoline engine.

Crew: One pilot, one gunner


Quad-linked 23mm cannons, with an internal ammo supply of 4000 rounds. Used to fill the air with an ungodly amount of lead.

4 rocket pods. Each one contains 16 air-burst rockets, designed to either shred planes apart with the shrapnel from their detonation or knock them around with the blast wave.


Mjilnor Mobile Artillery

Mars Tech

This all terrain vehicle is designed to set up behind the front lines and bombard enemy troops and fortifications. Each round is guided by a targetting computer, increasing accuracy.

Crew:1 driver, 1 loader, 1 gunner, squad assigned to defend it

Armament: 120 MM rifled cannon, capable of firing HE, white phosphorous, smoke, or chemical shells. It can hold 45 shells in internal storage. Range of 40 KM.

Rocket Variant

Cannon can be replaced by 24 cylinder heavy rocket launcher capable of firing cluster, HE, white phosporous, or chemical rockets. Has a range of 60 KM, but takes longer to reload.


Morgar Systems 34 artillery piece

ARMA corp

Produced by a sub-division of ARMA corp, the Morgar Systems 34 is a vehicle towed 120mm artillery cannon, intended to be put in entrenched positions.

Crew: 1 loader, 1 gunner

Armament: 120mm rifled cannon, fires HE, WP, Smoke, or chemical shells

M4 "Bob"


Named for the way it bobs up an down when going over rough terrain, the M4 is a heavy duty transport truck. Capable of hauling up to 10 tons, these trucks are the backbone of RUS ground supply lines. It can be converted to hold a large gas tank, or up to 20 men in the back.

Powered by a diesel engine.


Rorsch Humvee MK2


This lightly armored transport vehicle is used to safely transport single fireteams during combat situations, usually in urban areas. Equipped with a 5 shot active protection system (only rated against light anti-tank rockets), 1 inch thick single layer titanium-tungesten armor, bulletproof glass, and blast-protected undercarriage.

Crew:1 driver, 1 gunner

Armament: Pintle mounted Browning, uses box magazines OR XM35 with 50 round magazines OR RPK-25 with box magazines

Wunder Weapons

Rare, extremely powerful vehicles that can annihlate anything in their path. May or may not be designed after binges of science fiction movies and old Nazi blueprints.

WW Gott

Mars Tech

Based off of German "Wunder Weapon" designs (and maybe one or two science-fantasy novels), the V1 Gott is an ungodly killing machine. It is the size of a two story suburban house, and covered in weapon emplacements. Modern materials and power supplies enable to to actually be a feasable combat vehicle, and improvements in anti-air weaponry have negated the threat airplanes face to tanks as large as this. Deployed in wide open areas to remove anything vaguely resembling an armed vehicle. Usually acts as the command vehicle of an armored regiment. Powered by several high grade diesel engines; can manage about 30 MPH on flat roads, and 15 on rough terrain

Crew: 1 commander, 1 pilot, 30 gunners

Armament: 480mm rifled cannon, mounted onto a limited rotation turret. Can carry up to 200 shells in total

24 hull mounted RPK-25's, covering all sides of the vehicle. 2000 rounds each

Coaxial 30mm cannon, 4800 round autoloader

4 hull mounted Brownings, 1000 rounds each

Pintle mounted Browning; uses box magazines

2 turreted 20mm cannons to the sides of the main cannon, 240 degree rotation. 1000 rounds each

2 back mounted Anti-air rocket pods, on small extendable platforms for use when immobile. 24 rockets each. Also have twin linked 23mm cannons, 2000 rounds each

Frontal hull mounted rocket cannon, firing out a massive 400mm rocket propelled explosive shell. Based off of the main cannon of the German Sturmtiger.

Defensive systems:

Sloped, double triple layer armor; each layer is 1 foot thick. Also equipped with explosive reactive armor

Multiple APS launchers all across vehicle, providing protection from attacks from all sides

Smoke launchers

WW Far Tod


Mars Tech

Another German design, the Far Tod is infact a Carl Gustav (one of the few German superweapons that made it past the planning stages) upgraded with modern materials to increase it's lethality. Usually escorted into battle by other forces.

Crew: 1 gunner/pilot

Armament: Rocket propelled 600mm mortar, range of 70 km. A single shot can destroy several houses. No internal ammo storage, loaded by ammo crane and hauled in shells


RUS makes usage of many types of drones to augment their infantry forces. RUS drones usually act independantly, but can be remote controlled.

Quaker R43

Dyson Corp

4 fan rotor engines

The Quaker R43 is an unarmored, small drone used for recon in urban combat scenarios. A camera mounted on the front relays information to soldier's HUDS, allowing them to spot enemies and monitor the flow of battle more easily. The drones are about the width and length of a human torso, and can fly for several days without recharge. Comes with thermal, IR, and NV modes.

Quaker R43-C

4 fan rotor engines

Belly mounted, turreted 400 round MP09

A lightly armed version of the Quaker R43, the C model is made for taking care of infantry and security. They are usually deployed in swarms of dozens to hundreds of drones. The engineers in the drone design department deny hosting weekly matches of old Call of Duty games.

Goliath CD

Mars Tech


Top mounted turreted Browning, 1000 rounds

Tow missile launcher

Frontal mounted flamethrower, 4 minutes capacity

6 missile rocket pod, loaded with HE or WP

Protection: 4 inches titanium-tungesten composite

Smoke launchers

Operates for 48 hours without recharge

The Goliath is an infantry support drone that is used for supression and light anti-armor work. It can be used for transporting ammunition on it's topside. It's legs are able to navigate jungles and rubble strewn cities, allowing it to travel where most vehicles cannot.

Runner Mk4


Dyson Corp

A scouting and search and rescue robot, the Runner is unarmed and lightly armed. Many units are equipped with basic AI modules that can eventually adapt into full sentience, up to the emotional range and intelligence of a dog. Comes with a head mounted camera with IR and NV modes.

Imitantur Autem V6


Dyson Corp

A combat android designed to augment human forces, the Imitantur is equipped with a self learning artifical intelligence that can eventually grow to a full human conciousness. Each unit is given a monthly turing test, and once it unanomiously passes it it is declared a full citizen of the RUS and allowed to choose it's own career; if it chooses to leave the military, it's conciousness is transfered into a demilitarized shell. The militarized Imitantur shell is a tungesten-steel composite frame, with hydraulics granting it the strength of 15 men. The AI core is located inside of it's chest, along with a rechargeable 48 hour battery. The 'chest' of the chassis can survive 2 7.62x39mm rounds at standard combat range, and they are generally equipped with standard issue armor to increase their survivability. The "eye" on the front has up to 3 times the power of the human eye, and comes with NV, IR, and a HUD built in.


RUS maintains a large air-presence during any ground operations. RUS vehicles designated as aircraft are flying vehicles unable to operate out of atmosphere. They are used for fire support and transport.

MK3 Clear Skies

Dyson Corp

2 jet-turbine engines

Mach 2.5 capable

Range:10000 miles without refuel


Twin 20mm cannons, internal ammo supply of 1000 rounds

4 missile hard points. Each one can accept either a bundle of 3 heavy, long range anti-air missiles, or a missile pod containing six shorter range light anti-air missiles. Both are heat seeking. Long range has a range of 8 miles, short range a range of 4 miles.

Defensive measures:

6 use flare system; dispenses a series of multiple flares used to confuse IR and heat-guided missiles. Doesn't affect active radar.

Chaff system; launchers that dispense a cloud of chaff (small strips of metal) that confuse radar. 3 uses.

The MK3 Clear Skies is the premiere air-superiority fighter of the RUS planetary air force. As it's name suggests, it is mainly an anti-air fighter, focusing on clearing the skies of enemy fighters and bombers.

Fury HGS

Mars Tech

4 fan rotor engines

15000 miles without refuel


Frontal: 2 Twin linked turreted Browning turrets with 3000 round ammo capacity each, one turreted 20mm cannon 500 round ammo capacity, 2 six tube turreted missile launchers that fire out HE, WP, or AT rockets

Sides: 6 Brownings (3 for each side) 2000 rounds each, missile mounts for 24 heavy missiles (12 each side)

Top: 2 quad linked turret Brownings 4000 rounds each, 4 turreted 12 tube turreted Anti air missile launchers

Bottom: 2 twin linked turreted Browning turrets 3000 rounds each, 4 20mm cannons 500 rounds each, 2 six tube turreted missile launchers that fire out HE, WP, or AT rockets

Back: 2 Browning turrets, 2000 rounds each

Defensive measures:

50 use flare system

Chaff launchers

APS system with 100 rounds

Triple layer armor system, 4 inches each layer

Crew: 22 (1 pilot, 1 copilot, 20 gunners)

The Fury is one of the most insane in atmosphere vehicles devised by the engineers of the RUS. It bristles with guns, and has the same armor an APC would use. All the guns are remotely controlled from inside the ship. The engineers who designed it resolutely deny that they were watching James Cameron's Avatar the night before, and any similarities with a certain giant gunship are purely a coincidence. Furys serve to lead aerial assaults and as a floating area of denial device. As once said by a wise person on the classic forum of 4chan, "Basically, you park it in a place and forget about that place, because it is now Defened".

A-12 Warthog

Mars Tech

Mach 1.5 capable

12000 mile range without refuel

Crew:Pilot, co-pilot

Co-pilot controls missile system


GAU-8 Avenger: 30mm autocannon, firing out massive depleted uranium shells. 4200 RPM. Internal ammo supply of 4200 rounds.

6 missile hardpoints. Each one can be armed with either a Hellfire-2 missile, a laser guided JDAM, a heat seeking anti-armor missile, or a rocket pod containing 6 HE rockets.

Has a 6 use flare system.

Based off of the highly popular A-10 Warthog from the United states, the A-12 Warthog is a heavy fire support aircraft. Focusing on an anti armor role, it's cannon and compliment of missiles can reduce multiple tanks into scrap metal. It usually flies at a slow speed, allowing it more time to line up and fire on their targets.

MK5 Sand-Devil


8000 mile range

250 MPH

Crew:Pilot, co-pilot


30mm Autocannon, firing out high explosive armor piercing rounds. Controlled by co-pilot. 2000 round internal ammo capacity

2 missile pods, containing 6 HE, incendiary, or white phosporous rockets

2 bundles of AT rockets, with 3 rockets in each one. Uses IR targetting.

Defensive systems:

10 use flare system

1 inch titanium/tungsten armor

The MK5 Sand-Devil is an anti-tank and infantry attack helicopter. Utilizing it's cannon and rockets, it can devastate infantry and armor. However, it's low altitude when in combat compared to other attack craft leave it vulnerable to infantry or armor mounted anti-air weapons.

V5 Albatross


4 tilt rotor engines

Load capacity: 400 tons

Troop capacity:80

Max range: 15000 miles

Crew: Pilot, co-pilot, 2 door gunners


Two door mounted MV1 cannons, internal ammo supply of 5000 rounds

The V5 Albatross is a heavy transport helicopter designed to transport large amounts of supplies or vehicles into areas too tight to allow the landing of heavier aircraft.



Mark 3 Chinhook

Load capacity: 120 tons

Troop capacity: 24 troops

Max range: 7000 miles

Crew: Pilot, co-pilot, one door gunner (OPTIONAL)

Armament: One rear mounted Browning, 1000 rounds (OPTIONAL)

A lighter transport helicopter dedicated for smaller transport operations, the Chinhook can still haul a good sized tank and two squads.



Two fan rotor engines

6000 mile range

Capacity:8 troops

Crew: 1 pilot, 1 co-pilot, 2 door gunners

Armament: 2 door mounted RPK-25's, 1000 rounds each

The Sea-Hawk is a light transport helicopter designed to quickly transport single squads into combat. It is unable to carry any vehicles.

V5 Pave-Low

Mars Tech

Range: 15000 miles

Weight capacity: 200 tons, 150 troops

6 use flare system

The V-5 Pave-Low is an absolute behemoth of a plane. It is used to carry massive amounts of supplies and troops to front line operations, and can air-drop even tanks.


XV-1 Saber

Dyson Corp

Range:10 light seconds

High grade rocket fuel engine, two nozzles. Maneuvering thrusters located around craft.


30mm nozzle mounted cannon, 2000 round internal feed

4 missile hardpoints, utilizing either two of the missiles used by the Clear Sky. Large ones have been modified to have a range of 10000 miles, and small ones have a range of 2500 miles.

Defenses: 10 use flare system

Crew: 1 pilot, 1 co-pilot

The XV-1 Saber is the space-superiority fighter of the space branch of the RUS air-force. This advanced fighter is mainly used to deter enemy fighter-bombers, but can also be used in a scouting role.


Dyson Corp

Two high-grade rocket engines

Range: 25 light seconds

Crew: 1 pilot, 1 co-pilot, 2 gunners


*NOT SHOWN* One roof mounted and one belly mounted twin linked 23mm cannons, remote controlled. Internal ammo feed of 5000 rounds each.

16 missile hardpoints, intended to be equipped with large anti-ship missiles. Missiles are designed to penetrate and then detonate. Can also be equipped with nuclear ordinance.

The V5-Striker is a heavy bomber intended for anti-corvette and cruiser work. It is usually escorted by several swords while it makes an attack run.

Sirius-Class Corvette

Dyson Corp

Deuterium Fusion engine

Range: 5 light years

Slip space drive


Spinal mounted 200mm railgun, firing a 10 ton rod of depleted uranium capped with a tungsten penetrator. Fired at 3 percent light with 5 tons of force speed using an electrically charged pair of rails.

6 Phalanx missile launchers, with 30 anti-ship rockets each.

6 twin link 1200mm cannons. Three are on each side of the front of the ship, and each one fires out a gryo-rocket; the initial charge is a solid block of caseless propellant, while a secondary stage composed of a large rocket on the back activates, launching the shell faster. The shells (Which have a tungesten penetrator) are desgined to detonate after penetration, maximizing damage. Used for closed quarters combat.


Triple layer armor, each layer is 8 feet thick.

Cyber-warfare suite, utilizing advanced computers and multiple communications arrays to fill enemy communication channels with junk-data and white noise. Can also display false positives for radar contacts.

Dozens of point-defense autocannons, each composed of twin linked 30mm cannons and a missile pod with anti-fighter missiles. Connected to an IFF system that fires on nearby craft without proper authorization

Sensors: 500 light second active sensors, 50 light second passive sensors


500 meters long, 150 meters wide, 100 meters tall

The Sirius is a light spaceship, used to screen carriers and battleships. It is mainly intended for anti-pirate and harassment work, but they can take down heavier ships in numbers.

HALO-class Cruiser

Dyson Corp

Deuterium Fusion engine

Slip space drive

Range: 8 light years


Spinal mounted 300 MM railgun, firing a 15 ton DU slug with a tungsten penetration cap at 5 percent light speed, for 8.5 megatons of force

One 200 MM railgun for each "arm" of the ship, two in total. 10 ton slug, 3 percent light speed

12 twin link 1200mm cannons.

12 Phalanx missile launchers, 30 anti-ship missiles each

4 launch tubes for nuclear missiles; the largest one they can fire is a Minuteman

20 warheads, up to 10 missiles

Dozens of point defense turrets

Hanger space for 12 fighters or bombers

Defenses: Triple layer armor, each layer is 12 feet thick

750 meters long, 450 meters wide, 200 meters tall


Sensors:1000 light second active sensors, 150 passive

HALO class cruisers (named after the popular 21st century series) are the main attack craft of the RUS navy. Capable of fielding a small fighter compliment, HALO's are not meant to be messed with.

Bull-class battleship

Dyson Corp

Deuturium Fusion engine

Range:15 light years

Slip space Drive


Dual spinal mounted 400mm rail-gun, firing a 25 ton DU Tungesten penetrator rod at 8 percent lightspeed for 101 megatons of force

Two twin linked 300 mm railguns, 15 ton, 5 percent lightspeed.

24 Phalanx launchers, 30 missiles each

24 twin link 1200mm cannons.

8 nuclear launch tubes, able to fit Fat-Men or smaller

50 Warheads, 15 missiles

Hundreds of point defense turrets

Hanger space for 40 fighters or bombers

Defenses: double triple layer armor (Has 6 layers in total, 3 tungsten, 3 ceramic). Each layer is 15 feet thick

Highly advanced electronic warfare suite


300 light seconds active, 500 light seconds passive

Crew: 4000

1750 meters long, 1000 meters wide, 500 meters tall

This behemoth of a ship is made to annihilate the opposition. Packing enough nukes to incinerate anything vaguely resembling a settlement on the Eastern Seaboard, and railguns that can blow a Sirius Class Corvette in half with one shot, this ship can kill anything resembling a ship.

D-10 Landing Ship

Mars Tech

4 high grade rocket engines, 4 tilt rotor engines

Crew: 6 (Pilot, co-pilot, 4 bridge crew)

Weight capacity: 10000 tons, 1000 troops. Able to carry about 40 tanks, or 2 Gotts

250 meters long, 50 meters wide, 30 meters tall

Defenses: 1 inch thick triple layer armor, 50 use flare system, dozens of point defense turrets

The D-10 is one of the few ships in the RUS navy that can go from orbit to atmosphere. Used for landing actions, and for ferrying troops and cargo to the ground. Usually attached to naval ships. Capable of air-dropping vehicles, and launching airplanes from mid-air to help defend it while landing.

D-8 Landing Ship

Dyson Tech

4 high grade rocket engines, 4 tilt rotor engines

Weight capacity: 500 tons, 100 troops. Able to carry 2 tanks

100 meters long, 25 meters wide, 15 meters tall

Defenses: half an inch thick triple layer armor, 50 use flare system, 12 point defense turrets

A smaller landing ship designed to drop off small amounts of infantry and a few armored vehicles, such as a scouting force or check-up squad. Frequently used by civillian shipping corporations, without the weaponry.



Nuclear Warheads

MFDD-Tactical Nuke

Payload:1 kiloton of TNT

A infantry portable miniature-nuclear weapon. Intended for clearing out entrenched enemies, or for destruction of hardened fortifications.


Payload:15 kilotons

Tactical nuclear weapon used to destroy enemy divisions with acceptable collateral damage.


Payload:1 megaton

Heavy nuclear weapon used in space combat or for destroying cities.


Payload: 50 megatons

Able to scorch entire forests, the D-10 is made for absolute destruction.

delivery Platforms:

Patriot missile: Can contain 8 V4 MIRVS/1 W100

Firestorm missile: 16 V4 MIRVS/4 W100 MIRVS

Tsar Missile: 1 D-10


RUS has access to the entire chemical and biological arsenal of the 21st century world. They have also designed many deforestation agents and anti-fungal agents, to assist in jungle combat.


When invading planet: Hell march 3

Bayonet charge: Panzerkampf

Space battle: Midway (by Sabaton)

Air battle: Aces In Exile
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Hazeron said:
Full Faction Tittle: The Republic of United Systems
Short-Hand/Abbreviation: RUS

Gentilic: Rusian

Species: Human

Literally just humans. (Most of this will be expanded on in my format)

Main Stats:







Leader: Leroy Harrison

A reserved man who is fond of drink, he is responsible for creating the first unified human government and is also the head of the UN.

Treasury: Talc Louis

Outgoing, intelligent, and a gun nut.

Justice: Dredd Ford

An extremely conservative, to the books man who always follows the law.

Military: Nathan Drake

Adventurous, and known for personally leading his men into combat.


Viable space elevators: Allows mass transportation of goods into orbit

FTL: Slipspace; will be covered more in format below

Weaponry: Chemically propelled, or magnetically propelled

Space: Only some ships can leave orbit, most ships are built in orbit and can't leave gravity well under own power

Government Structure: Democratic Republic, styled after the United States

It's most important laws guarantee the freedoms and rights of any sapient beings that are within Rusian territory.

Economy Structure: Capitalistic free market

Society Structure: Modern nation structure, predominant religions include most modern religions, as well as some new ones

Major parties include Expansionists (self explanatory), Imperialists (creating a human empire), and Militarists (building up arms to defend humanity)

Military Structure: Modern US military structure

Troop Choices: Will be covered in bottom format

Advantages: Extremely tactically diverse, fast expanding, literally will not give up

Disadvantages: Low tech, relies on fossil fuels, inefficient government



[species Sheet]

Name:Homo Sapiens

General Life-Span (Eternal Allowed): 90 years without surgery, several hundred with surgery and augments

Appearance: Human beings have a wide variety in their appearance, but in general they shared a bipedeal humanoid shape with 2 arms attached to their chest, and two legs attached to their pelvis. They have two eyes, a nose, and a mouth with both incisors and grinding teeth. They are generally 5 to 6 feet tall when mature, and are of average build.

Attributes: Human beings are possessed by a strong sense of curiosity. They are known for trying to discover anything they can, and have a long history filled with exploration. With training, they also make adept fighters. They are also quite industrious. They are generally accepting and can be considered an amicable people; however, there are still some racist groups in existence.

History: Humans arose several million years ago on the planet Earth, in the Sol system. For most of the existence of humanity, they lived in extremely simple hunter-gatherer societies. However, around ten thousand years ago, humans began to domesticate plants and animals, allowing them to form advanced civilizations. In the year considered 2030 by their calendar, scientists in Germany discovered how to build viable space elevators, greatly increasing their ability to utilize space. 20 years later, another nation known as Japan discovered the key to space; practical FTL. The Trans-Fukishaw engine (named in honor of it's inventor, Fukishaw Kojima) operates by ripping open a "hole" in space, leading to an alternate dimension referred to as Slip-space. Distances in this dimension are greatly dilated; 100 miles in Slip-space is about a tenth of a light year in real space (meaning a ship that can travel 600 MPH can reach the nearest star to Earth, which is 4 light years away, in seven hours). However, the size of the engines mean it can only be mounted on ships, and Slip-space is filled with exotic radiation, meaning ships must be specially shielded to ensure the survival of the crew. Around this time, the EU, headed by Germany at the time, organized most of the world's nations into a single government after several decades of action with the UN.

[Faction Sheet]

Name:Republic of United Systems

Type of Government:Representative Democracy

Leader(s): President

Home Planet: Earth, Sol System

Morality: Lawful Neutral

History: Established in 2110 by Germany, the RUS has spread throughout Sol and multiple surrounding systems. It is a capitalistic system, with laws in place to prevent abuse by corporations. Laws are proposed by a house of elected representatives from the colonies, while a President commands the military and heads the government. A senate of 12 judges also goes over laws, ensuring the following the RUS constitution. The main points of the constitution include:

Freedom of religion, speech, and press

The right to bear arms to defend yourself

Rights to protect citizens from governmental abuse

Limits on mechanization of industry to make sure people can still be employed

Synthetic lifeforms that are proven to be fully sapient are considered human and have the full rights of any other citizen of the RUS

Alien lifeforms that are proven to be fully sapient are considered human and are eligible to be granted citizenship to the RUS

They have had many encounters with hostile "swarm races" (non-sapient races characterized by a hive-mind and an insane desire to expand) as they colonized the space around Sol. They have fought fungal, insectoid, and more exotic swarm races, leading to them having a relatively medium sized standing army.

Economy: Capitalistic. Paper currency known as Euros. Most space exploration and colonization efforts are privatized.


RUS high command; contains all the command elements of all branches of the RUS military.

RUS air-force;responsible for in-atmosphere aircraft.

RUS Infantry; contains infantry commanders

RUS Mechanized: commands mechanized vehicles

RUS Navy; Commands all spaceborne ships owned by the military.

RUS Central Government: Contains all civic and governmental institutions and positions.



*Access Granted*

Loading BOPI files

Burea of Paranormal investigation

Classified organization dedicated to the defense of the RUS from anomalous artifacts. When miners unearth an ancient alien artifact and suddenly start a death cult dedicated to some unknown diety and begin practicing blood magic, these are the guys who cover it up.

They have facilities throughout RUS space. The most "prominent" is Site 7, a secure holding facility on the planet REDACTED, in the REDACTED system. Site 7 stores multiple artifacts currently being studied by the BOPI.

The BOPI maintains a military branch known as the Mobile Task Force. They also maintain a small fleet, usually used for transporting MTF squads and raining down hellfire when a threat is unable to be contained.

Culture: There is a massive variety of cultures in the human race, because of natural geologic borders during humanity's early history. However, several main groups exist. There is a massive amount of mix between the groups, and even then there are massive mixtures in the groups themselves, so this is a rough outline.

European: Characterized by classic (modern day) architecture, a strong sense of innovation, and classic European values, Europeans are a ambitious people who love their ancestors culture. They mainly speak German or english, and follow Christianity.

Neo-Arabic: A strange blend of cutting edge technology and down to Earth values characerize the Arabic people. Arabic people are known for being extremely inventive and strive for modernization, in an attempt to bring back the Golden Age of the Muslim world. Many Arabic cities have skyscrapers next to humble stone Mosques, and traditional Muslim garb goes alongside vests and suits. Liberal Islam is commonly followed, but radicals still exist amongst fringe groups.

Asiatic: Asiatic culture is heavily influenced by ancient Chinese values (due to their prevalence in early human history), leading to many similarities in the region amongst eachother, such as a honor focused society and what is known as "Far East architecture". This has decreased in modern times, but it can still be found in a common respect for elders and a strong sense of pride intheir culture.

Slavic: Located mainly in central and northen Asia, Slavs are an...interesting group, with dozens of different languages and culture. However, they share a common majority of Russian Orthodox christianity, and a efficient style of building. However, they are quickly trying to make up for the damage the USSR did while it was in power.

African: Another mixture of the old and new, African culture has a very homely feel to it; known for their powers in trade, and many of the largest manufacturing corporations are based in Africa due to it's large open space, workforce, and resources.


Power systems: Mainly fission and fusion for cities; use of fossil fuels mainly for land vehicles or generators for smaller installations, as well as renewable energy.

FTL: Slip-Stream; utilizes an alternate dimension where distance is greatly dilated in comparison to real space.

Space travel engines: Fusion drive for forward momentum. A deuterium fusion reactor ejects it's plasma out a series of rockets on the back of the ship, propelling it forward at high speeds. Fine maneuvering is accomplished by small rockets firing out compressed air along the ship, and all ships have emergency shaped charges for quickly dodging attacks or getting some extra thrust.

Medical: Shadowrun level genetic and mechanical augmentation, anti-aging treatments, reliable cancer treatment.

Space to surface: Vast majority of space borne ships cannot make planetfall without being trapped. Most movement of cargo is performed by orbital elevators. The only ships that can make planetfall and take off again are large, specialized transports, usually used for military landing operations or for civilian shipping. Smaller shuttles for transporting people are ineffecient for usage as military transports due to their large profile and slow speed.

Industrial: Mostly modern technology for production. Most raw materials are collected from asteroids or large scale ground mining operations.


Mars Tech

CEO: Torgue Johnson, 70 years old. Born 2020, March 7th http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/borderlands/images/6/65/Torgue_Intro_1.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20121121054124

Assests: Mines and factories on Mars, Africa, and other planets

History: Established in 2043 by Torgue Johnson, Mars tech was the foremost provider of mining equipment and a major investor in the mining industry for the first colonies in Sol. However, this changed in 2050, August 3rd, on the day the first slip space engine was succesfully tested. The activation of the engine caused one of the main mining complexes Mars Tech owned on Deimos, one of the moons of mars, to go silent. Unfortunately, Torgue was touring the facility on that day to inspect word of ruins found on the planet. 2 days later, when a recovery team was sent, it was discovered that they had done the impossible; they had unlocked the gates to Hell itself. The facility was overrun by gibbering horrors; however, what they didn't expect was that one man would drive them back. Torgue was determined to not let these Demon motherfuckers take over the facility; he organized the few survivors left to barricade themselves into the repair bay, using mining equipment and mining hardsuits to hold off the demons. Meanwhile, Torgue grabbed a chainsaw, a sawn off shotgun, an automatic rifle, and a set of security armor, and delved into the depths of the facility. He fought his way through hordes of demons, before going into hell itself. He managed to destroy the artifact keeping the gate open, barely escaping Hell before it was locked forever. (Still iamge taken from camera near digsite: http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/square_small/12/120457/2136167-3.jpeg) With the portal closed, the remaining survivors decided that it was now their duty to create the biggest, baddest weapons to fight any further threats to humanity. Today, Torgue is now a hardass that personally advertises for Mars Tech's products, and they produce some of the most badass weaponry available.


CEO: John Kondrad, Age unknown, Birth Date unknown http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/specops/images/a/a9/Konrad.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120713123726

Assests: Arms manufacturing plants across universe

History: Established in 2031 by it's founder Richard Harrison, ARMA Corp was a major weaponry producer on Earth. However, in 2053, a man named John Konrad managed to outmanuever other share holders and acquire the trust of the board, gaining a majority in the company's stocks and being assigned CEO of ARMA corp. It is unknown where he comes from, and any of his background; he showed up one day in the former United States with a large sum of money and an entire mercenary outfit that he identified as "The Damned 33rd". He immediatly set out to expand ARMA corp, outsourcing to foreign vehicle manufacturers and absorbing DHB Industries' Point Blank Body Armor. This allowed them to become one of the largest arms manufacturers in the RUS, with multiple government contracts.

(Prepare for wall of text)

General tactics: RUS tactics rely on heavy amounts of support and electronic warfare. Command structures are high priority targets, and electronic warfare forces will incessantly attack enemy communications and guidance systems. Combat wise, infantry rely on Fire and Manuever tactics, using heavy volumes of fire to suppress enemies, while another group advances on the enemy. Once there, the advancing squad will either flank the enemy to cut them down from an angle where they aren't protected by cover, use grenades to kill them, or in rare cases, advance into melee combat. Artillery, air support, and orbital bombardment are also heavily used during Fire and Maneuver, replacing the advancing squad; a squad suppresses the target, before requesting a strike on the target's position. Trapped by the supressive fire, they will hopefully be destroyed by the attack.

Armored vehicles are ALWAYS supported by infantry riding in APC's to help screen for infantry and prevent flanking, along with IFV's. However, these tactics require large amounts of supplies to support, and a massive support unit. A regular army group requires many mechanics, drivers, and other such personnel to keep the army supplied.





An...unorthodox melee weapon, the AV-73 can best be described as a chainsaw with a sword handle. For safety reasons, one edge of the blade (the one facing the wielder) has a cover built in. Usually used in close quarters jungle combat by the especially insane.

Tru-Steel Machete


Military Grade Machete made with a tungesten-steel alloy, making it hard and still letting it have a thin blade. Can be used to cut (studs on back of blade), chop, or carve. Standard equipment for jungle operations. Very good at killing eldritch abominations or parasitic aliens.


ARMA corp

Literally just a parachute. Used by paratroopers, or orbital troopers (they parachute from orbital landers. Yes, they are that insane.)

Tactical flash-light

ARMA corp

Steel frame heavy duty flashlight designed to be used in any environment. Watertight, vaccum resistant, and comes with a spike for insertion into the ground. Standard issue.

M3-Combat knife


Tempered steel combat knife. Standard issue. Can also function as a bayonet.



Dyson Tech

With a range of 40 meters, the MT-37 is a valuable tool in close quarters or urban combat. It is capable of detecting motion; however, this can be a detriment when in industrial areas, due to machinery.


ARC-Riot Shield

ARMA corp

A heavy riot shield used in CQC and riot control. Capable of stopping 15 7.62x39mm rounds.

M5-Laser Designator

ARMA corp

Laser designator used to call in guided munitions. Rugged and waterproof. Has minor EMP hardening.

M80-Anti personnel mine

Mars tech

Area of denial device. Buried underground and activated; when the sensors on top indicate movement, it launches four charges through the ground and into the air, where they will detonate, sending lethal shrapnel flying in a 180 arc around it. Range of detonation is variable, allowing you to detonate it at knee, stomach, head, or any other level up to 10 feet. Can be fitted with incendiary and white phosporous explosives.

Also comes in an anti-tank variety, where the 4 launch tubes are replaced with one large launch tube that shoots a heavy AT charge directly upwards into the bottom of a passing vehicle. Has anti-tamper systems that causes the device to detonate if not properly disarmed.

Weaponry and Armor

RUS weaponry is designed to be reliable and highly modifiable. They purely use kinetic weaponry; while lasers have better penetrative power, the fact that the beam doesn't tumble or expand while it goes through the body means that it doesn't deal as much actual damage as a bullet. Overheating issues and limited range due to energy dispersion have also blocked their attempts to make reliable laser weaponry.



Black Water


30 round magazine

700 RPM

This reliable assault rifle is the main weapon of the RUS infantry corps. Utilizing a bullpup design to cut down on weight, it is highly customizable, with multiple grips for attachments, including:

Large selection of scopes, under-barrel launchers/shotguns, laser sights, multiple barrel attachments.

The round can penetrate most modern body armor in several shots from standard engagement range (150 meters)

Jurgen 14.5

Black Water

14.5 x 114mm APFSDS

5 round magazine

Semi automatic, bolt action

The Jurgen is the premiere long rifle of RUS forces, wielded by marksmen. The massive armour piercing rounds resemble a large needle, and are constructed out of depleted uranium. A single shot from one of these will turn a man's torso into a bloody mist, or penetrate the rear armor of some lightly armored vehicles.


ARMA Corp.


900 RPM

45 round magazine

The light MP09 is usually used by scouting forces, military police, support defense units, and as a secondary weapon by heavy weapon users. Very ineffective against any form of body armor.

Hellstorm Flamethrower

Mars Tech

Napalm-liquid gas mix

Effective range of 40 meters

Canister contains enough fuel for 10 seconds of consecutive fire. Backpack mount contains enough fuel for 2 minutes of fire.

Seemingly out of place on the modern battlefield, this terrifying weapon still excels in close quarters combat and in clearing fortifications. It is also highly effective against the myriad swam races RUS faces.

KSV 5 semi-automatic shotgun

ARMA Corp.

12 gauge buckshot/flechette/grenade/slug

12 shell capacity


50 yards effective range

This advanced CQC weapon is constructed out of a plastic polymer for high strength. It is effective in clearing buildings or tunnels, and has a wide range of shells available, some of which are listed above.

Mataba 45

Redirect Notice

Black Water


6 shot cylinder


Issued to officers as a sign of rank, the Mataba 45 is a heavy hitting self defence weapon that can easily drop unarmored targets.

Raven handgun

Black Water



15 round magazine

The standard sidearm of RUS military forces, the Raven is intended as a weapon of last resort. Soldiers normally carry only 3 extra magazines for their sidearm.



Frag (M100, ARMA corp): 15 meter kill radius, shrapnel, pressure wave that can pop a man's lungs

Incendiary (M100-I, Mars Tech): Napalm, 10 meter radius, 1500 to 2200 degrees fahrenheit

Smoke Screen (M100-S, ARMA corp): 30 meter smoke radius

Flashbang(M100-F, ARMA corp): Causes temporary blindness and deafness






125 round drum magazine, 500 round belts for usage when mounted

The son of the RPK series of machine guns, the RPK 25 is a general purpose machine gun, able to be carried by infantry as an LMG or mounted onto a tripod for use as a medium machine gun. Packing as much punch as an assault rifle, the RPK-25 is not a gun to be trifled with.

Browning .50 machine gun


Mars Tech

12.7x99mm rounds

900 RPM

500 round box magazine, much higher if attached to internal ammo supply

The longest used weapon in history, the Browning has proven itself to be a reliable, effecient, and deadly weapon system for longer than an entire century.



Black Water

A 6 shot, revolving cylinder grenade launcher. Launches 40mm grenades for anti-infantry purposes. Can be equipped with fragmentation, HE, incendiary, or WP rounds. Comes with an internal range finder that lets it detonate at any range.

M5 Multi-threat system

ARMA Corp.

One AT or AA warhead

Effective range: 800 meters

The M5 is a multi-purpose anti vehicle weapon. It can be fitted with a HEAT round designed to penetrate the armor of a tank and kill the crew, or a proximity air burst warhead designed to destroy aerial vehicles. It has a back-blast of about 20 feet.

Power Armor weaponry and equipment: Weapons too large to be fired by unarmored humans. Mainly made by Mars Tech



Mars Tech

Napalm/gasoline mix

50 yards effective range

A massive flamethrower that literally cannot be held up by normal humans. Can melt through hordes of infantry, and slag light vehicles.


ARC-PA Shield

A massively upscaled version of the ARC shield, it is capable of surviving 100 7.62x39mm rounds or 1 12.7mm round



Mars Tech

A collobartive effort with Black Water, the XM35 is a special grenade machine gun for use by troops in power armor. It fires out 40mm grenades at a rate of 80 rounds a minute, and an internal range finder allowing them to detonate at any range. Comes with fragmentation, HE, WP, or incendiary grenades.



A massively oversized hand grenade the size of a water bottle, it is designed for usage by people in power armor. The top of the grenade has to be twisted to arm it, before pushing the button. Has an effective kill radius of 30 meters

Mataba 47


Black Water

A massive handcannon designed for use by PA troopers. It fires 14.5mm armor piercing rounds, and has a cylinder with enough room for 6 rounds. Will snap a man's arm without PA.



ARMA corp.

Including a helmet with an integrated Heads up display, the standard issue armor of the RUS infantry corps is an all around good suit of armor. The chest armor is a empty frame that can be inserted with a variety of armor plating; different sizes and strengths are used depending upon the situation. The common plate is a solid block of specialized ceramics that shatter on impact to spread the force of the bullet around, coated by a layer of steel. It can stop around 5 7.62x39 rounds at standard engagement range. It has enough space for around 12 magazines, several grenades, a bayonet, and a sidearm. It comes in multiple camouflage patterns, including digital, jungle, desert, and many more. The uniform underneath is made out of a high strength synthetic fabric that traps heat and is easy to wash. Comes in as many color variants as the armor itself.

Heavier versions with full limb protection are available.

Also comes with an optional hazmat variant; a enclosed hazmat suit with integrated air filter and air supply, made out of flak weave, and with metal reinforced boots. Chest plate and full limb armoring cover the suit.


Flight uniform

Dyson Tech

Standard issue for all pilots; it has specialized heating coils to ensure the pilot stays warm while in-flight, and are equipped with equipment that helps prevent pilots from falling unconcious during high stress, high speed maneuvers.


Winter combat gear


Consists of a snow white uniform, snow white standard combat armor, and snow pattern cold weather jacket. Also comes with choice of fur cap or hood.

Mark 1 Stealth Suit

Dyson Tech

This advanced suit of armor is intended for cover operations. It is a stripped down version of standard issue body armor, with the inclusion of a black undersuit. Every single inch of the armor is covered in micro cameras and screens. Each screen broadcasts the footage from the camera behind it, giving the wearer the appearance of being see-through. The armor also changes it's heat to match it's surroundings, helping to fool IR sensors.

LG Sniping Armor



A modified form of the RM-45, LG armor is designed for long distance engagements. Heat sinks in the armor help disguise heat, and a complicated array of computers and sensors in the helmet assist with target acquisition and aiming.

MK23 Low Pressure atmosphere suit

Dyson Tech


Mars Tech

Naval Uniforms



Uniforms issued to naval personnel



Harrier Jetpack

A light jetpack given to some soldiers in terrain that can require the use of a jetpack. It has enough fuel for 2 minutes of continuous flight, and can hold up a grown man in full combat gear.

Power Armor: The RUS fields several models of power armor. Power armor is controlled by the operator through a nueral interface that allows them to move the armor like it is an extension of their body, and use onboard systems without physical input.

A1 Model (http://orig09.deviantart.net/e149/f/2015/288/f/1/cod_ghost___juggernaut_for_xnalaraxps_by_kalash_1947-d9cdh8u.jpg): 7 feet tall. Produced by Mars Tech. Has a series of servo-motors that enhance the wearers strength, allowing them to flip a car and lift 15 times their body weight. Protection is offered by a series of extremely thick padded titanium-tungesten plates, with a heavy flak underweave. Hazmat variety comes completely self contained. Armor plating is capable of withstanding 300 rounds of 7.62, or 1 12.7 (.50) shells. Actual armored vehicles beat it in every way, and anything vaguely resembling an anti-armor weapon will easily defeat it. Can maintain a slow walking pace of 3 MPH, and a running pace of 7 MPH. Runs off of pre-charged energy cells, powering the armor for 24 hours of intensive activity. Comes with an inbuilt HUD that counts the amount of ammo in the integrated weapons, integrity of the suit, and environmental conditions.

B1 Model (http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/blacklighttangodown/images/b/b8/BLR_Hardsuit_White.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130313083807): 8 feet tall. Also produced by Mars Tech, the B1 model of power armor has improved defensive capabilities over the A1 model. It's armor can resist 500 rounds of 7.62x39mm or 3 12.7 rounds. It also has a nuclear fuel cell, allowing it to operate for several days without recharge. Like the A1 model, it has a HUD. It also allows the wearer to lift 30 times their body weight. However, it can only move at a slow pace of 3 MPH; it cannot sprint at all. To offset this, it has built in jump jets, allowing it to reach the upper stories of building or quickly jet across the ground. Has a built in motion tracker with a range of 40 meters.

A1-Heavy Support Model

Mars tech

Issued to heavy gunners. Mainly used in close quarters and urban combat as a mobile firing platform.

2 MR24s

Optional upgrades:

Extra armoring that increases durability by 100 shots of 7.62x39mm and 2 12.7, but makes it impossible to run.

Jetpack attached to back of armor with two minutes of fuel; however, it makes the armor even more bulky and has to be removed first before removing the ammo container on the back of the armor, slowing down reloading

Shoulder mounted 20mm cannon, single shot, 30 rounds, airburst HE

A1-Incineration Model

Mars tech

Issued to troops going into close quarters combat against Swarm Races or in jungles, the incineration variant of the A1 fields an Incinerator into combat. Comes with extra insulation to resist high temperatures, and improved air filters to prevent carbon dioxide poisoning.

2 MR24s, 2 MR24s (incendiary model)

Optional Upgrades:

Back mounted fuel tank, 10 minutes of fuel. Extreme explosion hazard

Wrist mounted ARC-PA riot shield, extendable

Wrist mounted AV-73 (cannot be taken with ARC-PA)

A1-Grenadier Model

Mars Tech

A heavy anti-infantry PA unit, Grenadiers are designed to ruin anything vaguely resembling a soft target. Able to turn entire bunkers into shrapnel filled deathtraps, they excel at clearing out infantry.

Optional Upgrades:

Wrist mounted ARC-PA riot shield, extendable

Unit Composition

RUS ground forces operate with the same command structure of the former USA, described here Military organization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Standard infantry loadout:

Standard issue body armor

2 Fragmentation grenades

Melee weapon


Entrenching shovel

Days worth of food and water

Raven handgun, 3 reloads

Non support weapon chosen for specific situation, 10 reloads. Includes assault rifles and shotguns.

Smoke Grenade (optional)

Support grenades (optional)

Support unit

Body armor

2 fragmentation grenades

(One):LMG, flamethower, XM30, rocket launcher

5 reloads for LMG, 10 canisters or fuel tank for flamethrower, 5 of each rocket for Multi Threat Response launcher, 24 grenades of various types

SMG with 10 reloads


Smoke Grenade

Melee weapon

Anti-fungal response squad

Same as support unit, but always equipped with a hazmat suit and a flamethrower with a backpack mounted fuel tank.

Support team

Squad of 3 men, with standard infantry loadout. They also carry either a portable mortar or a MV1 in separate parts, along with a sizable amount of ammunition.

Marksman team

One support unit armed with an LMG and normal gear for supression and defense of sniper

One sniper equipped with normal infantry gear, LG Armor, switching out the main weapon for an Anti-Material rifle with 10 magazines. They are also equipped with laser designators.

A-1 Heavy Gunner

Belt fed Browning with a 1000 round ammo backpack

Shoulder mounted rocket launcher (5 HEAT, 5 HE)

2 MR24's

1 AV-73

Mataba 47, 6 speed loaders

Any optional equipment for that model

A-1 Incinerator

Incinerator Unit, 5 tanks for 1 minute (or 10 minute back mounted tank)

2 MR24's

1 AV-73

Mataba 47, 6 speed loaders

Any optional equipment for that model

A-1 Grenadier

1 XM35 with a 400 round backpack

4 MR24's

1 AV-73

Mataba 47, 6 speed loaders

Any optional Equipment for that model

Combat engineer

Shotgun or SMG, with 10 reloads each

Combat knife

1 day of rations and water

Standard combat armor

Tools for bypassing electronic and mechanical locks, including cutting barbed wire

Several satchel charges or antipersonnel mines (optional)

Fortification tools

EOD unit

Power armor, with no attached weaponry and extra armor plating

Defusal tools

Covert-Op's unit

One Stealth Suit


Suppressed Raven, 3 magazines

Suppressed MP09, 10 magazines

Laser designator

4 satchels of C4


V5 Hulk


This 4 tracked tank is designed to be able to conquer any terrain. The tracks give it unparalleled traction and suspension, allowing it to traverse even the rockiest terrain. It has 3 layers of armor: a 8 inch thick layer titanium-tungesten alloy, a 8 inch thick layer of ceramic plating designed to spread out the force of an impact to reduce penetration, and a second 8 inch thick layer of titanium-tungesten alloy. It is angled at strategic areas to increase the chance of richochet. The surface of the armor is also coated in bricks of high-explosive; when a projectile of sufficient mass and velocity strikes it, the brick detonates, sending out an explosive blast that either nuetralizes or negates some of the energy of the projectile. The armor is held at an angle, increasing the chance incoming projectiles will ricochet off. It is powered by a high grade diesel turbine, and can sustain a pace of 60 MPH on flat roads, and around 40 on rough terrain.

Crew:1 commander, 1 gunner, 1 pilot

Armanent: Pintle mounted Browning, 500 round box magazine

Coaxial RPK-25 pounder, autoloader containing 2000 rounds

Hull mounted RPK-25, autoloader with 2000 rounds

120 MM rifled cannon (Can fire HEAT, SABOT, canister, or HE). Can carry up to 80 shells in total, of any mix of shell types

Defensive systems:

Active defense system; a miniature "grenade launcher" on top of the tank is hooked up to a series of sensors around the tank. When it detects incoming projectiles, it fires a high speed grenade at the incoming projectile in an attempt to redirect or detonate it. It is ineffective against multiple targets coming from different directions, or kinetic perpetrators (SABOT shells). Connected to an internal supply of 25 grenades.

Smoke grenade launchers: Two three barreled grenade launchers on the front of the tank fire out smoke grenades. The smoke, besides hiding the vehicle from view, also fools IR sensors and smart missiles.

Badger IFV


A fast and light vehicle designed for anti-infantry work. During armored assaults, they ensure that the MBT's are protected from infantry attempting to flank them. It has much lighter armor than the Behemoth, with each layer only being 4 inches thick, to reduce weight. It is powered by a high performance gasoline engine.

Crew: 1 pilot/commander, 1 gunner


20mm cannon, with an internal ammo capacity of 600 rounds.

Coaxial RPK-25, 2000 round internal ammo supply

Two rocket pods attached on either side of the turret, each one containing six rockets. They can fire incendiary, high explosive, or white-phosphorous. A pod can be replaced with a single shot anti-tank TOW launcher.

Equipped with an active defense system that is weaker than the MBT mounted versions.

Hellion APC

ARMA corp

A large APC designed to support MBT's during advances, it has a medium amount of armor. Each layer is 4 inches thick. It also has an APS system, and explosive reactive armor. It has a ram on the front for clearing debris during urban operations, and its wheels are designed to be able to handle sudden elevation changes (going over wrecked cars, rocks, etc.). Powered by a diesel engine.


25mm auto cannon, designed to deal with infantry. It fires high explosive shells, and has an internal auto loader with 900 rounds.

Two barreled turret mounted TOW launcher.

Coaxial RPK-25, 2000 round internal ammo supply

Crew:1 pilot, 1 gunner

It can carry around a squad's worth of infantry.

Carrion Mobile AA

ARMA corp

A tracked, mobile AA platform used to protect mobile forces from air attack. It has armoring as strong as an APC. It is equipped with a high power radar that can detect planes up to 5 miles away. It uses a gasoline engine.

Crew: One pilot, one gunner


Quad-linked 23mm cannons, with an internal ammo supply of 4000 rounds. Used to fill the air with an ungodly amount of lead.

4 rocket pods. Each one contains 16 air-burst rockets, designed to either shred planes apart with the shrapnel from their detonation or knock them around with the blast wave.


Mjilnor Mobile Artillery

Mars Tech

This all terrain vehicle is designed to set up behind the front lines and bombard enemy troops and fortifications. Each round is guided by a targetting computer, increasing accuracy.

Crew:1 driver, 1 loader, 1 gunner, squad assigned to defend it

Armament: 120 MM rifled cannon, capable of firing HE, white phosphorous, smoke, or chemical shells. It can hold 45 shells in internal storage. Range of 40 KM.

Rocket Variant

Cannon can be replaced by 24 cylinder heavy rocket launcher capable of firing cluster, HE, white phosporous, or chemical rockets. Has a range of 60 KM, but takes longer to reload.


Morgar Systems 34 artillery piece

ARMA corp

Produced by a sub-division of ARMA corp, the Morgar Systems 34 is a vehicle towed 120mm artillery cannon, intended to be put in entrenched positions.

Crew: 1 loader, 1 gunner

Armament: 120mm rifled cannon, fires HE, WP, Smoke, or chemical shells

M4 "Bob"


Named for the way it bobs up an down when going over rough terrain, the M4 is a heavy duty transport truck. Capable of hauling up to 10 tons, these trucks are the backbone of RUS ground supply lines. It can be converted to hold a large gas tank, or up to 20 men in the back.

Powered by a diesel engine.


Rorsch Humvee MK2


This lightly armored transport vehicle is used to safely transport single fireteams during combat situations, usually in urban areas. Equipped with a 5 shot active protection system (only rated against light anti-tank rockets), 1 inch thick single layer titanium-tungesten armor, bulletproof glass, and blast-protected undercarriage.

Crew:1 driver, 1 gunner

Armament: Pintle mounted Browning, uses box magazines OR XM35 with 50 round magazines OR RPK-25 with box magazines

Wunder Weapons

Rare, extremely powerful vehicles that can annihlate anything in their path. May or may not be designed after binges of science fiction movies and old Nazi blueprints.

WW Gott

Mars Tech

Based off of German "Wunder Weapon" designs (and maybe one or two science-fantasy novels), the V1 Gott is an ungodly killing machine. It is the size of a two story suburban house, and covered in weapon emplacements. Modern materials and power supplies enable to to actually be a feasable combat vehicle, and improvements in anti-air weaponry have negated the threat airplanes face to tanks as large as this. Deployed in wide open areas to remove anything vaguely resembling an armed vehicle. Usually acts as the command vehicle of an armored regiment. Powered by several high grade diesel engines; can manage about 30 MPH on flat roads, and 15 on rough terrain

Crew: 1 commander, 1 pilot, 30 gunners

Armament: 480mm rifled cannon, mounted onto a limited rotation turret. Can carry up to 200 shells in total

24 hull mounted RPK-25's, covering all sides of the vehicle. 2000 rounds each

Coaxial 30mm cannon, 4800 round autoloader

4 hull mounted Brownings, 1000 rounds each

Pintle mounted Browning; uses box magazines

2 turreted 20mm cannons to the sides of the main cannon, 240 degree rotation. 1000 rounds each

2 back mounted Anti-air rocket pods, on small extendable platforms for use when immobile. 24 rockets each. Also have twin linked 23mm cannons, 2000 rounds each

Frontal hull mounted rocket cannon, firing out a massive 400mm rocket propelled explosive shell. Based off of the main cannon of the German Sturmtiger.

Defensive systems:

Sloped, double triple layer armor; each layer is 1 foot thick. Also equipped with explosive reactive armor

Multiple APS launchers all across vehicle, providing protection from attacks from all sides

Smoke launchers

WW Far Tod


Mars Tech

Another German design, the Far Tod is infact a Carl Gustav (one of the few German superweapons that made it past the planning stages) upgraded with modern materials to increase it's lethality. Usually escorted into battle by other forces.

Crew: 1 gunner/pilot

Armament: Rocket propelled 600mm mortar, range of 70 km. A single shot can destroy several houses. No internal ammo storage, loaded by ammo crane and hauled in shells


RUS makes usage of many types of drones to augment their infantry forces. RUS drones usually act independantly, but can be remote controlled.

Quaker R43

Dyson Corp

4 fan rotor engines

The Quaker R43 is an unarmored, small drone used for recon in urban combat scenarios. A camera mounted on the front relays information to soldier's HUDS, allowing them to spot enemies and monitor the flow of battle more easily. The drones are about the width and length of a human torso, and can fly for several days without recharge. Comes with thermal, IR, and NV modes.

Quaker R43-C

4 fan rotor engines

Belly mounted, turreted 400 round MP09

A lightly armed version of the Quaker R43, the C model is made for taking care of infantry and security. They are usually deployed in swarms of dozens to hundreds of drones. The engineers in the drone design department deny hosting weekly matches of old Call of Duty games.

Goliath CD

Mars Tech


Top mounted turreted Browning, 1000 rounds

Tow missile launcher

Frontal mounted flamethrower, 4 minutes capacity

6 missile rocket pod, loaded with HE or WP

Protection: 4 inches titanium-tungesten composite

Smoke launchers

Operates for 48 hours without recharge

The Goliath is an infantry support drone that is used for supression and light anti-armor work. It can be used for transporting ammunition on it's topside. It's legs are able to navigate jungles and rubble strewn cities, allowing it to travel where most vehicles cannot.

Runner Mk4


Dyson Corp

A scouting and search and rescue robot, the Runner is unarmed and lightly armed. Many units are equipped with basic AI modules that can eventually adapt into full sentience, up to the emotional range and intelligence of a dog. Comes with a head mounted camera with IR and NV modes.

Imitantur Autem V6


Dyson Corp

A combat android designed to augment human forces, the Imitantur is equipped with a self learning artifical intelligence that can eventually grow to a full human conciousness. Each unit is given a monthly turing test, and once it unanomiously passes it it is declared a full citizen of the RUS and allowed to choose it's own career; if it chooses to leave the military, it's conciousness is transfered into a demilitarized shell. The militarized Imitantur shell is a tungesten-steel composite frame, with hydraulics granting it the strength of 15 men. The AI core is located inside of it's chest, along with a rechargeable 48 hour battery. The 'chest' of the chassis can survive 2 7.62x39mm rounds at standard combat range, and they are generally equipped with standard issue armor to increase their survivability. The "eye" on the front has up to 3 times the power of the human eye, and comes with NV, IR, and a HUD built in.


RUS maintains a large air-presence during any ground operations. RUS vehicles designated as aircraft are flying vehicles unable to operate out of atmosphere. They are used for fire support and transport.

MK3 Clear Skies

Dyson Corp

2 jet-turbine engines

Mach 2.5 capable

Range:10000 miles without refuel


Twin 20mm cannons, internal ammo supply of 1000 rounds

4 missile hard points. Each one can accept either a bundle of 3 heavy, long range anti-air missiles, or a missile pod containing six shorter range light anti-air missiles. Both are heat seeking. Long range has a range of 8 miles, short range a range of 4 miles.

Defensive measures:

6 use flare system; dispenses a series of multiple flares used to confuse IR and heat-guided missiles. Doesn't affect active radar.

Chaff system; launchers that dispense a cloud of chaff (small strips of metal) that confuse radar. 3 uses.

The MK3 Clear Skies is the premiere air-superiority fighter of the RUS planetary air force. As it's name suggests, it is mainly an anti-air fighter, focusing on clearing the skies of enemy fighters and bombers.

Fury HGS

Mars Tech

4 fan rotor engines

15000 miles without refuel


Frontal: 2 Twin linked turreted Browning turrets with 3000 round ammo capacity each, one turreted 20mm cannon 500 round ammo capacity, 2 six tube turreted missile launchers that fire out HE, WP, or AT rockets

Sides: 6 Brownings (3 for each side) 2000 rounds each, missile mounts for 24 heavy missiles (12 each side)

Top: 2 quad linked turret Brownings 4000 rounds each, 4 turreted 12 tube turreted Anti air missile launchers

Bottom: 2 twin linked turreted Browning turrets 3000 rounds each, 4 20mm cannons 500 rounds each, 2 six tube turreted missile launchers that fire out HE, WP, or AT rockets

Back: 2 Browning turrets, 2000 rounds each

Defensive measures:

50 use flare system

Chaff launchers

APS system with 100 rounds

Triple layer armor system, 4 inches each layer

Crew: 22 (1 pilot, 1 copilot, 20 gunners)

The Fury is one of the most insane in atmosphere vehicles devised by the engineers of the RUS. It bristles with guns, and has the same armor an APC would use. All the guns are remotely controlled from inside the ship. The engineers who designed it resolutely deny that they were watching James Cameron's Avatar the night before, and any similarities with a certain giant gunship are purely a coincidence. Furys serve to lead aerial assaults and as a floating area of denial device. As once said by a wise person on the classic forum of 4chan, "Basically, you park it in a place and forget about that place, because it is now Defened".

A-12 Warthog

Mars Tech

Mach 1.5 capable

12000 mile range without refuel

Crew:Pilot, co-pilot

Co-pilot controls missile system


GAU-8 Avenger: 30mm autocannon, firing out massive depleted uranium shells. 4200 RPM. Internal ammo supply of 4200 rounds.

6 missile hardpoints. Each one can be armed with either a Hellfire-2 missile, a laser guided JDAM, a heat seeking anti-armor missile, or a rocket pod containing 6 HE rockets.

Has a 6 use flare system.

Based off of the highly popular A-10 Warthog from the United states, the A-12 Warthog is a heavy fire support aircraft. Focusing on an anti armor role, it's cannon and compliment of missiles can reduce multiple tanks into scrap metal. It usually flies at a slow speed, allowing it more time to line up and fire on their targets.

MK5 Sand-Devil


8000 mile range

250 MPH

Crew:Pilot, co-pilot


30mm Autocannon, firing out high explosive armor piercing rounds. Controlled by co-pilot. 2000 round internal ammo capacity

2 missile pods, containing 6 HE, incendiary, or white phosporous rockets

2 bundles of AT rockets, with 3 rockets in each one. Uses IR targetting.

Defensive systems:

10 use flare system

1 inch titanium/tungsten armor

The MK5 Sand-Devil is an anti-tank and infantry attack helicopter. Utilizing it's cannon and rockets, it can devastate infantry and armor. However, it's low altitude when in combat compared to other attack craft leave it vulnerable to infantry or armor mounted anti-air weapons.

V5 Albatross


4 tilt rotor engines

Load capacity: 400 tons

Troop capacity:80

Max range: 15000 miles

Crew: Pilot, co-pilot, 2 door gunners


Two door mounted MV1 cannons, internal ammo supply of 5000 rounds

The V5 Albatross is a heavy transport helicopter designed to transport large amounts of supplies or vehicles into areas too tight to allow the landing of heavier aircraft.



Mark 3 Chinhook

Load capacity: 120 tons

Troop capacity: 24 troops

Max range: 7000 miles

Crew: Pilot, co-pilot, one door gunner (OPTIONAL)

Armament: One rear mounted Browning, 1000 rounds (OPTIONAL)

A lighter transport helicopter dedicated for smaller transport operations, the Chinhook can still haul a good sized tank and two squads.



Two fan rotor engines

6000 mile range

Capacity:8 troops

Crew: 1 pilot, 1 co-pilot, 2 door gunners

Armament: 2 door mounted RPK-25's, 1000 rounds each

The Sea-Hawk is a light transport helicopter designed to quickly transport single squads into combat. It is unable to carry any vehicles.

V5 Pave-Low

Mars Tech

Range: 15000 miles

Weight capacity: 200 tons, 150 troops

6 use flare system

The V-5 Pave-Low is an absolute behemoth of a plane. It is used to carry massive amounts of supplies and troops to front line operations, and can air-drop even tanks.


XV-1 Saber

Dyson Corp

Range:10 light seconds

High grade rocket fuel engine, two nozzles. Maneuvering thrusters located around craft.


30mm nozzle mounted cannon, 2000 round internal feed

4 missile hardpoints, utilizing either two of the missiles used by the Clear Sky. Large ones have been modified to have a range of 10000 miles, and small ones have a range of 2500 miles.

Defenses: 10 use flare system

Crew: 1 pilot, 1 co-pilot

The XV-1 Saber is the space-superiority fighter of the space branch of the RUS air-force. This advanced fighter is mainly used to deter enemy fighter-bombers, but can also be used in a scouting role.


Dyson Corp

Two high-grade rocket engines

Range: 25 light seconds

Crew: 1 pilot, 1 co-pilot, 2 gunners


*NOT SHOWN* One roof mounted and one belly mounted twin linked 23mm cannons, remote controlled. Internal ammo feed of 5000 rounds each.

16 missile hardpoints, intended to be equipped with large anti-ship missiles. Missiles are designed to penetrate and then detonate. Can also be equipped with nuclear ordinance.

The V5-Striker is a heavy bomber intended for anti-corvette and cruiser work. It is usually escorted by several swords while it makes an attack run.

Sirius-Class Corvette

Dyson Corp

Deuterium Fusion engine

Range: 5 light years

Slip space drive


Spinal mounted 200mm railgun, firing a 10 ton rod of depleted uranium capped with a tungsten penetrator. Fired at 3 percent light with 5 tons of force speed using an electrically charged pair of rails.

6 Phalanx missile launchers, with 30 anti-ship rockets each.

6 twin link 1200mm cannons. Three are on each side of the front of the ship, and each one fires out a gryo-rocket; the initial charge is a solid block of caseless propellant, while a secondary stage composed of a large rocket on the back activates, launching the shell faster. The shells (Which have a tungesten penetrator) are desgined to detonate after penetration, maximizing damage. Used for closed quarters combat.


Triple layer armor, each layer is 8 feet thick.

Cyber-warfare suite, utilizing advanced computers and multiple communications arrays to fill enemy communication channels with junk-data and white noise. Can also display false positives for radar contacts.

Dozens of point-defense autocannons, each composed of twin linked 30mm cannons and a missile pod with anti-fighter missiles. Connected to an IFF system that fires on nearby craft without proper authorization

Sensors: 500 light second active sensors, 50 light second passive sensors


500 meters long, 150 meters wide, 100 meters tall

The Sirius is a light spaceship, used to screen carriers and battleships. It is mainly intended for anti-pirate and harassment work, but they can take down heavier ships in numbers.

HALO-class Cruiser

Dyson Corp

Deuterium Fusion engine

Slip space drive

Range: 8 light years


Spinal mounted 300 MM railgun, firing a 15 ton DU slug with a tungsten penetration cap at 5 percent light speed, for 8.5 megatons of force

One 200 MM railgun for each "arm" of the ship, two in total. 10 ton slug, 3 percent light speed

12 twin link 1200mm cannons.

12 Phalanx missile launchers, 30 anti-ship missiles each

4 launch tubes for nuclear missiles; the largest one they can fire is a Minuteman

20 warheads, up to 10 missiles

Dozens of point defense turrets

Hanger space for 12 fighters or bombers

Defenses: Triple layer armor, each layer is 12 feet thick

750 meters long, 450 meters wide, 200 meters tall


Sensors:1000 light second active sensors, 150 passive

HALO class cruisers (named after the popular 21st century series) are the main attack craft of the RUS navy. Capable of fielding a small fighter compliment, HALO's are not meant to be messed with.

Bull-class battleship

Dyson Corp

Deuturium Fusion engine

Range:15 light years

Slip space Drive


Dual spinal mounted 400mm rail-gun, firing a 25 ton DU Tungesten penetrator rod at 8 percent lightspeed for 101 megatons of force

Two twin linked 300 mm railguns, 15 ton, 5 percent lightspeed.

24 Phalanx launchers, 30 missiles each

24 twin link 1200mm cannons.

8 nuclear launch tubes, able to fit Fat-Men or smaller

50 Warheads, 15 missiles

Hundreds of point defense turrets

Hanger space for 40 fighters or bombers

Defenses: double triple layer armor (Has 6 layers in total, 3 tungsten, 3 ceramic). Each layer is 15 feet thick

Highly advanced electronic warfare suite


300 light seconds active, 500 light seconds passive

Crew: 4000

1750 meters long, 1000 meters wide, 500 meters tall

This behemoth of a ship is made to annihilate the opposition. Packing enough nukes to incinerate anything vaguely resembling a settlement on the Eastern Seaboard, and railguns that can blow a Sirius Class Corvette in half with one shot, this ship can kill anything resembling a ship.

D-10 Landing Ship

Mars Tech

4 high grade rocket engines, 4 tilt rotor engines

Crew: 6 (Pilot, co-pilot, 4 bridge crew)

Weight capacity: 10000 tons, 1000 troops. Able to carry about 40 tanks, or 2 Gotts

250 meters long, 50 meters wide, 30 meters tall

Defenses: 1 inch thick triple layer armor, 50 use flare system, dozens of point defense turrets

The D-10 is one of the few ships in the RUS navy that can go from orbit to atmosphere. Used for landing actions, and for ferrying troops and cargo to the ground. Usually attached to naval ships. Capable of air-dropping vehicles, and launching airplanes from mid-air to help defend it while landing.

D-8 Landing Ship

Dyson Tech

4 high grade rocket engines, 4 tilt rotor engines

Weight capacity: 500 tons, 100 troops. Able to carry 2 tanks

100 meters long, 25 meters wide, 15 meters tall

Defenses: half an inch thick triple layer armor, 50 use flare system, 12 point defense turrets

A smaller landing ship designed to drop off small amounts of infantry and a few armored vehicles, such as a scouting force or check-up squad. Frequently used by civillian shipping corporations, without the weaponry.



Nuclear Warheads

MFDD-Tactical Nuke

Payload:1 kiloton of TNT

A infantry portable miniature-nuclear weapon. Intended for clearing out entrenched enemies, or for destruction of hardened fortifications.


Payload:15 kilotons

Tactical nuclear weapon used to destroy enemy divisions with acceptable collateral damage.


Payload:1 megaton

Heavy nuclear weapon used in space combat or for destroying cities.


Payload: 50 megatons

Able to scorch entire forests, the D-10 is made for absolute destruction.

delivery Platforms:

Patriot missile: Can contain 8 V4 MIRVS/1 W100

Firestorm missile: 16 V4 MIRVS/4 W100 MIRVS

Tsar Missile: 1 D-10


RUS has access to the entire chemical and biological arsenal of the 21st century world. They have also designed many deforestation agents and anti-fungal agents, to assist in jungle combat.


When invading planet: Hell march 3

Bayonet charge: Panzerkampf

Space battle: Midway (by Sabaton)

Air battle: Aces In Exile
This makes me want an Earth colony.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.29d69af7b8eecc3642162693701a8f6f.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131516" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.29d69af7b8eecc3642162693701a8f6f.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




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Pat said:
This makes me want an Earth colony.
View attachment 292512





Earth is ready. (Yes, I have most of the equipment shown in these pictures, except for the stuff in the Starship Troopers picture. My men use the Ghost Recon armor and the rifles from Killzone.)
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