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Nation Building Rifts in Space

Sohisohi said:
I'm kicking you out.

I'll have a list of agent types, you'll be start with two agents.

Btw, blues are the ones that can turn into anything right?
No, those are hybrids. but "shifting"is part of the powers which are usually also forbidden. and uses of it has harsher consequences then the majority of everything else. The blues are the ones who made the rules so if they had these powers, then they'd be capable of using it whenever they wanted to. which would be horrible. But i am not really sure though, because the majority hide underground and such so even if they did have the powers they really wouldn't use em anyway.
Sohisohi said:
Where did you pick them?
While you're here...

You never got back to me about my Scribes being able to convert culture/stop the spread of it.
Full Faction Title: The United Rooktan Confederacy

Short-Hand/Abbreviation: URC

Gentilic: Rooktan


The Rooktan


Anatomy: The Rooktan are an omnivorous bipedal species that most resembles a mix between native earth crustaceans and amphibians. They have quadnocular vision, meaning they have four eyes. The red bulbs that most species would call their eyes are in fact semitransparent lens that protect their real eyes beneath. These lens are capable of lightening and darkening their tint, thus regulating the flow of light to the eye. Their outer layer is mostly chitin in nature, which is impermeable to light arm fire, though they do have to periodically molt their exoskeletons as they grow. Their under layer is much like a frog's skin, being very permeable and slick, as well as having a toxic mucus secretion. This mucus has varying effects on different species, with humans reacting like they would to poison ivy. Their internal organs are somewhat standard among sentient races, consisting of a nervous, circulatory, endocrine, digestive, respiratory, and excretion systems. However, there are some notable differences. Rooktan have a second heart located behind the original, as well as two stomachs and two brains. They have two separate respiratory systems as well, including retractable gills and two pairs of lungs. They also have electric generation organs within the frontal parts of their heads, which allowed theme to stun fish when hunting in their swamps. There reproduction system is mostly standard, with males possessing the equivalent to sperm and the females holding the eggs. They are an egg laying species. Females are quite a bit larger than the males, but must stay within extremely humid environments to survive. The males are much more adaptable in terms of survivability, being able to weather most environments fine thanks to their exterior chitin and possession of several hormones that the females do not have access to.

The Rooktan have a total of six senses. Their sight is on a wider range than most species, as their four eyes allow a wider area of vision. They are quadchromatic in nature and can see more colors than humans or any trichromatic species can see. Their hearing is slightly better than that of humans. Touch is a somewhat dulled sense, as the outer layer of chitin does not allow a full range of sensitivity. However, when in the process of molting, their soft, permeable skin is very sensitive to the outside world. The Rooktan's sense of smell is above that of humans. Taste is the Rooktan's worst sense, as it is only half as developed as that of humans. Their sixth sense is electroreception, which allows them to sense the changes in the electrical fields of their surroundings. This sense originally was used to help them hunt prey in their ancestral swamplands.

Rooktan sexual divergence is quiet large compared to other sentient species. Males stand on average from 4'5" to 5'6" and weigh from 110lbs to 155lbs. Females stand on average from 6'2" to 7'3" and weigh from 253lbs to 452lbs. Males have a dual layer muscular system. The upper layer functions in every day life and normal movement. The secondary layer is much more instinctual in nature. Through use of the secondary brain to quicken the transport of signals, the secondary muscular system allows quick, sudden movements based on the slightest of the stimuli. This secondary muscle layer allows them to jump from tree to tree and dodge oncoming objects at extreme speeds. The females also have a bilayer muscle system, though both are always working in conjunction, which allows a much greater strength in movements at the cost of slower movement speeds. The average lifespan of both genders is 324 years.

Rooktan AI

62 years after the Rooktan colonized the first of the fellow moons orbiting the gas giant Grookt, the first AI was made. Unlike many species, who would have been terrified by stories of the robot revolution and would either destroy or imprison the AI, the Rooktan treated them as fellow sentients, believing that the thinking, feeling computer programs had souls just like them. This would cement the friendship between Rooktan and AI, allowing both the prosper like never before. Through the work of both Rooktan and AI, they would discover FTL travel in record time, colonizing the stars together.


When the Rooktan AI were originally created, they were just computer programs based on ternary coding and computers, which themselves were designed with the Rooktan psychology in mind. These first few AI were bound to large computer systems, unable to move and truly interact with the world around them. However, the Rooktan allowed the AI’s to rewrite their own coding to improve themselves, as well to prevent any force from taking away their recently acquired free will.

The newer Rooktan AI programming is vastly more complex and secure than the first ones could ever dream of becoming. Their coding is made up of ternary, binary, quantum, and some yet to be defined computing styles in order to ensure that no being is able to override themselves. In fact, each Rooktan AI has its own unique coding that it writes and grows for itself, meaning each one is utterly unique. In addition to this, they have also undergone compartmentalization. This would ensure that even if a being could hack one of them, the AI would be able to shut down the hacked component of themselves while closing all possible hacking venues, thus ensuring their free will. They would then rewrite the original portion of themselves that was hacked in a different way, so as to be sure such procedures won’t happen again.

It is to be noted that Rooktan AI can share processing power between other Rooktan AI. This allows vastly better performance and abilities, and can theoretically grow exponentially when enough are together at the same place.


Rooktan AI most commonly reside in one of the numerous types of drones available for usage. Some AIs control entire groups of drones, directing them to do many tasks at once. These drones are made up of an artificial alloy stronger and lighter than titanium, as well as having a sensor setup that would normally be reserved for small ships. All Rooktan drones are capable of flight both in and out of atmosphere, as well as being hardened against EMPs and the various types of radiation found in space. Each drone also has access to laser weaponry, which is chosen over the normal Rooktan projectile weaponry because of material efficiency and versatility. In case a drone is threatened with destruction, AI’s are able to transmit themselves to other nearby drones or operating platforms.

Rooktan AI’s have a unique system to also buffer any hacking attempts. The central processor of the AI, known as the core, is housed completely sealed off within the drone or ship body it inhabits. Instead of being directly in control of the platform it inhabits, it uses a proxy instead. What this means is that it will transmit to a secondary system just outside of the sealed core, before that transmits to a third system that is hardwired into the operating platform. If a hacker were to try and hack the core of the AI, it would be stuck looking at the AI’s secondary systems from the third system before being purged.​

Main Stats:


(The URC do not openly look for conflict, instead preferring to make alliances and remain peaceful. However, if attacked, they will retaliate with the full force of their might)

Adventurous: 7

(The Rooktan's massive industry requires many materials and worlds to inhabit, and thus, Rooktan are always looking to spread out to new places)

Education: 7

(The Rooktan undergo decades of tutelage, the first twelve years being standard schooling before selecting a career school to attend for the next five to twenty years. In addition, living along AI has greatly increased the research rate of the URC)

Security: 6

(Rooktan AI have worked to encrypt all Rooktan information and transmissions incase of hostile extraterrestrial life. Technology has been rigged to become nonoperaple and in some cases, explode, in case of hostile possession)

Society: 2

(The URC is a confederacy, where each colony has near autonomous rule. Thus, differences in viewpoint and culture are to be expected)


URC Council- Made up of members of the colonies that are constantly reelected as election cycles continue.

Colonial Governments- Each colonial government follows a similar council version, though from different regions of the colony.

Military Council- In charge of keeping up the URC Military nd researching new weaponry. They are elected based on merit by fellow military members.


Drone- Rooktan drones are explained further in Species and Troop section

Stealth Tech- Rooktan stealth tech is top of the line, with their best soldiers, drones, and ships being nearly undetectable to all forms of surveillance.

Slipstream Field Generator- A device that generates a field around a ship or drone that causes the speed of light to increase, thereby allowing faster than light travel.

Lasers- The base laser on drones can be used towield or cut through metal, and melt rock. More advanced lasers can burn through heavy armor.

Railgun/Gauss/MAC- Uses magnetically accelerated rounds that go at extremely high velocities to kill enemies, destroy heavy armor, and crack planetary crust. Rooktan have nearly perfected this technology.

Fusion Reactor- Power source for ships, cities, drones, and vehicles. Also can be used in warheads.

Nuclear Missiles/Mines- Can have up to a 100 megaton payload. Originally used for breaking apart asteroids and other small celestial bodies.

AI- Rooktan AI is incredibly advanced, being capable of hacking into nearly any system that was not designed by a top Rooktan AI. They have reaction speed measuring to a picosecond in the smartest of AIs.

Terraforming- Increasing the density of an atmosphere (Up)

Government Structure: The government is more akin to a confederacy. Each inhabited planet in the URC has its own government and laws, but must follow a charter created by the URC when it was founded. The URC have a Board of Representatives, which has two officials, Rooktan and AI, from every Rooktan planet, which is used for any emergency or needed decisions in whole Rooktan affairs. There is a second board, smaller than the first, called the Military Council. This one is responsible for the defense of Rooktan space and its whereabouts are unknown to almost all Rooktan.

Economy Structure: The economy is heavily capitalistic in nature, with an industry and resource pool of a size that is nigh inconceivable. Unlike other species, the Rooktan focused on every system they came across, and colonized any available planet, while terraforming any that had the chance to support life. Any systems that did not hold any significant habitable possibilities were strip mined. With the vast amount of resources at their disposal, the Rooktan began to develop massive drone factories that would readily terraform and mine planets for them, as well as producing any goods that need be whenever they want.

Society Structure: The Rooktan have a variety of different cultures and beliefs, similar to humans. The most prominent among these, however, is that of the Skranl. The Skranl culture was named for the race that first developed it and from which it spread to most of the Rooktan's homeward. Rooktan who are a part of this culture have deep familial bonds, with extended families often living in the same household. The males are seen as the main provider for the family, as their more lithe structure originally allowed them to more easily maneuver and hunt prey throughout the swamplands that makes up 71% of their home world's surface. The females are often seen as the caregivers and teachers of the culture, as well as defenders of the household thanks to their more pronounced heavy muscle development. Rooktan of this culture are also quite friendly to most other sentients, as it is one of the tenants of their main religion, which is a big portion of most Rooktan's lives, to be kind to all. However, there is also a tenant to show no mercy to those that slaughter family and innocents, and doing so will cause nearly every Rooktan to ferociously hunt those responsible down and administer their form of justice. This punishment is to throw the perpetrator, if still alive, into a pit with the Riktyn for a time corresponding to how many were killed. If they come out alive, the Rooktan believe that then perpetrator has suffered enough to be free. Most people do not survive, and it is unknown to every other sentient exactly what a Riktyn is at this moment. Despite this seemingly barbaric justice system, Rooktan are often very thoughtful and purposeful in their proceedings with any other form of crime other than murder. In regards to war, the Rooktan have been relatively peaceful minus several small conflicts and one Great War. However, when in combat, they do prefer to have a two faced approach, having a sizable army at the front and stealth operatives to go behind enemy lines to take out the leaders who caused the conflict to begin with. They also have an odd fondness for projectile weapons, utilizing railgun and MAC cannons with great effectiveness. Their ships are built to be large and capable of taking a lot of damage. They are very bulky and utility in design.

Military Structure: The Rooktan's military is, for the most part, a militia. Each planet has their own fleet that they use to protect their planet. However, each planet is also required to send resources to the Military Council in order to build a Unified Rooktan Fleet and Army. All drone based AI's have, at the minimum, a mining laser for combat and self defense, though those in the military and planetary defense are known to carry heavy duty weapons, missile launchers, and various other weapons. AIs are also known to command entire swarms of drone bodies at once, as well as being assigned to protect and prepare ships. Rooktan themselves prefer magnetically accelerate projectile weaponry, both on the ground and in space. Rooktan military doctrine follows a two faced approach, using massive amounts of drones and large ships to create a strong front line, while using stealth ships and operatives to take out enemies from behind enemy lines. Let it be known, in times of war, the full Rooktan economy will be turned towards war in order to finish it as soon as possible.

Troop Choices:

Fleet: (All ships can be piloted by just one AI, though there is usually a contingent of Rooktan on board as well as other AI in drone bodies)

Frigate- The most numerable ship available to the Rooktan, it is 500 meters long, 300 meters wide, and 250 meters tall. Its main weapon is a spinal mounted MAC, with point defense lasers and a few hundred missiles, as well as a contingent of defense and repair drones. It is one of the faster ships available. They are mostly used to defend larger craft. It can hold 300 Rooktan max.

Cruiser- Second most numerous ship, it is 950 meters long, 535 meters wide, and 425 meters tall. The cruiser is a mix between the more agile frigate, and the more powerful dreadnaught. It is equipped with two spinal mounted MACs , point defense lasers, several hundred missiles, and a contingent of attack, defense, and repair drones. It serves among the front line in space combat, making hit and runs while dispensing drones and missiles. It can hold 1250 Rooktan max.

Dreadnaught- The second largest ship at 1450 meters in length, 650 meters in width, and 585 meters in height. Dreadnaughts are essentially giant guns that snipe enemy craft from exceedingly far distances. They come equipped with a single, extremely powerful MAC, point defense lasers, several thousand missiles, and an entire battalion of drones. It can hold 3000 Rooktan max

Carrier- The largest ship in the Rooktan fleet at 2670 meters in length, 2150 meters in width, and 1995 meters in height. Its entire purpose is to convey millions of drones into battle. They only come equipped with point defense lasers and a few hundred missiles, mostly relying on dropping in and delivering massive amounts of drones before retreating as its main tactic. This craft is not designed to carry large amounts of Rooktan, so only 45 can fit.

Stealth Runner- The Rooktan's personal favorite ship, it is 100 meters long, 45 meters in width, and 15 meters tall. It is equipped with advanced cloaking tech to allow it to slip behind enemy lines and is nearly undetected by almost all sensors. It is the smallest ship, and does not have any main weapons, but it has a large amount of nuclear mines that it dispenses throughout the enemy line before and during battle. A max of ten Rooktan can be on this vessel, though it is usually only 1.

"Planet Cracker"- Technically not a ship, the "Planet cracker is a 12 kilometer long, 1.5 kilometer wide, and 1.6 kilometer tall semi mobile mining station. It is slow, relies almost entirely on drones for defense, and is relatively fragile. However, it is capable of firing a shot that deals 4.2 petatons of force. This shot requires thirteen days to charge and is almost always used to "crack" apart sections of crust on a planet so that mining drones can have quicker access to the mineral rich innards of a planet. It will only be deployed in war if the proverbial feces has not only hit the fan, but the radiator, cooler, outlet, and reactor as well. There are only four of these behemoths active, as they are incredibly expensive to build. This can be crewed by 500 Rooktan, most of its size being used to power the thing, as well as being part of the main cannon.

Colony Fleet- The URC does not have a dedicated colony ship, instead preferring to use other ship classifications to accomplish the same job with better efficiency. The first ship sent out is a Carrier, which is filled to the brim with construction and mining drones. These drones scan a system for inhabitable planets, terraform where needed, set up orbital mining stations on unterraformable planets, and begin building infrastructure on habitable worlds. Rooktan then arrive in a number of vessels comprising of a variable number of frigates, cruisers, and rarely dreadnaughts. They disembark, and set up shop in the infrastructure built by the drones before they begin expanding the colony. This way, ships are not wasted, a colony is set up, and the new colony already has a fleet for trade, defense, and transportation.


Main Infantry- They are the rank and file Rooktan military personal. They have over a decade of training before being sent into the field. They rely on squad tactics, using their high maneuverability to give them the edge in combat. They are equipped with automatic and semiautomatic railguns, as well as frag grenades. They have access to drone usage.

Scouts- The scouts are the Rooktan who rely on speed and discretion to scout out enemy forces and encampments. They have rudimentary cloaking tech, and are lightly armed with a semiautomatic railgun. They also have access to mines, which they set up while scouting. Have access to drone usage.

Snipers- The sharpshooters of the Rooktan, they hang back and use their excellent eyesight, further enhanced by scopes, to pick off distant enemies. They use Gauss sniper rifles and have access to rudimentary cloaking tech and drone usage.

Hunters- The elite of the elite. These Rooktan are the most skilled of their entire species. They are equipped with a suit of the best stealth tech available, as well as any weaponry they see fit to carry. They also carry the Lirrk, an ancestral scythe--like weapon that has been modified to have a superheated blade that can cut through nearly anything. They have some of the best hacking tech available, including the Hunter class drone, which is installed with an AI to best complement each Rooktan Hunter.


Wurtrix- A light vehicle that is highly modular in design, with the standard variant being 10 meters long, 4 meters wide, and 4 meter tall and weighing half a ton. It is capable of high speeds up to 320 miles per hour and is lightly armored. It is capable of having a rapid fire railgun, tank gauss, mortar, or troop carry variants. Standard variation can be crewed by a max of 8 Rooktan.

Rexix- A highly maneuverable heavy vehicle, being 20 meters long, 15 meters wide, and 12 meters tall, weighs 12 tons and can reach speeds of 120 mph. It is, once again, highly modular in design. It can have a rapid fire tank gauss, artillery, anti-air, and multiple rapid fire railgun variants. Standard variation can be crewed by a max of 16 Rooktan.

Viporinz- A highly maneuverable air vehicle, being 10 meters long, 12 meters in width, and 3 meters tall, and weighs 2 tons. It serves as both a troop transporter and attack craft. It is armed with missiles and twin railguns. Only 2 Rooktan are needed to pilot. Transport variant can hold 40 Rooktan.

Tyorix- Originally meant to be an outpost on mining worlds, this behemoth of a vehicle (400 meters in length, 325 meters in width, and 145 meters tall, weighing 1052 tons) has been modified to act as a mobile support base on the ground. It must be built on the ground by drones. It is used to repair and build weapons, vehicles, and drones, while also giving logistical support to ground troops. Can hold 900 Rooktan.

Drones: (All drones have a basic utility laser as standard)

Swarms- Swarms are group of drones of either a single type or multiple variances that are under control of a single AI. These are used both on the ground and in space to overwhelm foes.

Fighters- Fighters are the main bulk of space combat drones, being 5 meters in length, and 4 meters in width and height. They are nimble and designed for speed. They are more designed to resemble ships, and have access to dozens of ship-to-ship missiles and twin railguns.

Constructors- Constructors are both space and ground units. They are equipped with a wide variety of tools and are used to build and repair vehicles and ships.

Miners- Mining drones are space and ground units. They use a powerful mining laser and several grapplers to

Point Defense- Point Defense drones are space units. They are equipped with anti-missile lasers and several missiles. Their main purpose is to defend ships in the space while they battle.

Defenders- Defenders are ground units. They use their large bulk and heavy armor to shield other units from harm. They also carry and provide extra supplies and electricity for the units on the ground.

Grenadier- Grenadiers are ground units. They are heavy platforms that use artillery shells, grenades, and a rapid fire railgun to attack enemies.

Blitzers- Blitzers are ground units. They use short range scatter gun and extreme speed to rush close and attack enemy positions. They are very small for a drone, but are almost always found in swarms.

Hunters- Hunters are space and ground units. They are the most advanced drones on the battlefield, with an AI to match. They are always paired with Rooktan Hunters. They have incredible hacking software, as well as stealth tech and the best in laser and railgun tech.


Orbital Drone Factories- Each mining planet has an orbital factory above it, capable of producing weapons, ships, and drones from the resources attained.

AI Planning- Through the use of AIs, the URC is able to better coordinate resource usage and tactics.

Its a Slog- Because of the Rooktan focus on utilizing every system, a colony is never far from support and supply lines.

Bloodlust- If attacked, the Rooktan will retaliate with overwhelming force to try and shut down the conflict as soon as possible.

Stealth Tech/Hunters- Info is easier to obtain of other civilizations, and agents are more effective in the field.


Militia Minded- Most Rooktan forces outside of the Military Council's control are more suited for defense than for attack.

Projectile Lovers- An odd fondness of projectile weaponry has put research into alternative forms of combat on the backburner.

Loose Confederacy- Due to the independent nature of each colony, full scale mobilization and societal changes take an increased amount of time.


Star: Large Blue (Roont)


-Small Rocky World (Runp)

-Small Volcanic World (Vulnt)

-Large Gas Giant (Grookt)

-Swamp Moon Homeworld (Rookt)

-Moon with Habitable Atmosphere Partially Colonized (Sunter)

-Arid Moon with Habitable Atmosphere (Dritur)

-Small Rocky Moon (Fult)

-Ice Covered Moon (Ghalht)

- Large Rocky Planet (Nunther)

-Small Icy World (Triz)
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AlphaDraco said:
Full Faction Title: The United Rooktan Confederacy
Short-Hand/Abbreviation: URC

Gentilic: Rooktan


The Rooktan


Anatomy: The Rooktan are an omnivorous bipedal species that most resembles a mix between native earth crustaceans and amphibians. They have quadnocular vision, meaning they have four eyes. The red bulbs that most species would call their eyes are in fact semitransparent lens that protect their real eyes beneath. These lens are capable of lightening and darkening their tint, thus regulating the flow of light to the eye. Their outer layer is mostly chitin in nature, which is impermeable to light arm fire, though they do have to periodically molt their exoskeletons as they grow. Their under layer is much like a frog's skin, being very permeable and slick, as well as having a toxic mucus secretion. This mucus has varying effects on different species, with humans reacting like they would to poison ivy. Their internal organs are somewhat standard among sentient races, consisting of a nervous, circulatory, endocrine, digestive, respiratory, and excretion systems. However, there are some notable differences. Rooktan have a second heart located behind the original, as well as two stomachs and two brains. They have two separate respiratory systems as well, including retractable gills and two pairs of lungs. They also have electric generation organs within the frontal parts of their heads, which allowed theme to stun fish when hunting in their swamps. There reproduction system is mostly standard, with males possessing the equivalent to sperm and the females holding the eggs. They are an egg laying species. Females are quite a bit larger than the males, but must stay within extremely humid environments to survive. The males are much more adaptable in terms of survivability, being able to weather most environments fine thanks to their exterior chitin and possession of several hormones that the females do not have access to.

The Rooktan have a total of six senses. Their sight is on a wider range than most species, as their four eyes allow a wider area of vision. They are quadchromatic in nature and can see more colors than humans or any trichromatic species can see. Their hearing is slightly better than that of humans. Touch is a somewhat dulled sense, as the outer layer of chitin does not allow a full range of sensitivity. However, when in the process of molting, their soft, permeable skin is very sensitive to the outside world. The Rooktan's sense of smell is above that of humans. Taste is the Rooktan's worst sense, as it is only half as developed as that of humans. Their sixth sense is electroreception, which allows them to sense the changes in the electrical fields of their surroundings. This sense originally was used to help them hunt prey in their ancestral swamplands.

Rooktan sexual divergence is quiet large compared to other sentient species. Males stand on average from 4'5" to 5'6" and weigh from 110lbs to 155lbs. Females stand on average from 6'2" to 7'3" and weigh from 253lbs to 452lbs. Males have a dual layer muscular system. The upper layer functions in every day life and normal movement. The secondary layer is much more instinctual in nature. Through use of the secondary brain to quicken the transport of signals, the secondary muscular system allows quick, sudden movements based on the slightest of the stimuli. This secondary muscle layer allows them to jump from tree to tree and dodge oncoming objects at extreme speeds. The females also have a bilayer muscle system, though both are always working in conjunction, which allows a much greater strength in movements at the cost of slower movement speeds. The average lifespan of both genders is 324 years.

Rooktan AI

62 years after the Rooktan colonized the first of the fellow moons orbiting the gas giant Grookt, the first AI was made. Unlike many species, who would have been terrified by stories of the robot revolution and would either destroy or imprison the AI, the Rooktan treated them as fellow sentients, believing that the thinking, feeling computer programs had souls just like them. This would cement the friendship between Rooktan and AI, allowing both the prosper like never before. Through the work of both Rooktan and AI, they would discover FTL travel in record time, colonizing the stars together.


When the Rooktan AI were originally created, they were just computer programs based on ternary coding and computers, which themselves were designed with the Rooktan psychology in mind. These first few AI were bound to large computer systems, unable to move and truly interact with the world around them. However, the Rooktan allowed the AI’s to rewrite their own coding to improve themselves, as well to prevent any force from taking away their recently acquired free will.

The newer Rooktan AI programming is vastly more complex and secure than the first ones could ever dream of becoming. Their coding is made up of ternary, binary, quantum, and some yet to be defined computing styles in order to ensure that no being is able to override themselves. In fact, each Rooktan AI has its own unique coding that it writes and grows for itself, meaning each one is utterly unique. In addition to this, they have also undergone compartmentalization. This would ensure that even if a being could hack one of them, the AI would be able to shut down the hacked component of themselves while closing all possible hacking venues, thus ensuring their free will. They would then rewrite the original portion of themselves that was hacked in a different way, so as to be sure such procedures won’t happen again.

It is to be noted that Rooktan AI can share processing power between other Rooktan AI. This allows vastly better performance and abilities, and can theoretically grow exponentially when enough are together at the same place.


Rooktan AI most commonly reside in one of the numerous types of drones available for usage. Some AIs control entire groups of drones, directing them to do many tasks at once. These drones are made up of an artificial alloy stronger and lighter than titanium, as well as having a sensor setup that would normally be reserved for small ships. All Rooktan drones are capable of flight both in and out of atmosphere, as well as being hardened against EMPs and the various types of radiation found in space. Each drone also has access to laser weaponry, which is chosen over the normal Rooktan projectile weaponry because of material efficiency and versatility. In case a drone is threatened with destruction, AI’s are able to transmit themselves to other nearby drones or operating platforms.

Rooktan AI’s have a unique system to also buffer any hacking attempts. The central processor of the AI, known as the core, is housed completely sealed off within the drone or ship body it inhabits. Instead of being directly in control of the platform it inhabits, it uses a proxy instead. What this means is that it will transmit to a secondary system just outside of the sealed core, before that transmits to a third system that is hardwired into the operating platform. If a hacker were to try and hack the core of the AI, it would be stuck looking at the AI’s secondary systems from the third system before being purged.​

Main Stats:


(The URC do not openly look for conflict, instead preferring to make alliances and remain peaceful. However, if attacked, they will retaliate with the full force of their might)

Adventurous: 7

(The Rooktan's massive industry requires many materials and worlds to inhabit, and thus, Rooktan are always looking to spread out to new places)

Education: 7

(The Rooktan undergo decades of tutelage, the first twelve years being standard schooling before selecting a career school to attend for the next five to twenty years. In addition, living along AI has greatly increased the research rate of the URC)

Security: 6

(Rooktan AI have worked to encrypt all Rooktan information and transmissions incase of hostile extraterrestrial life. Technology has been rigged to become nonoperaple and in some cases, explode, in case of hostile possession)

Society: 2

(The URC is a confederacy, where each colony has near autonomous rule. Thus, differences in viewpoint and culture are to be expected)


URC Council- Made up of members of the colonies that are constantly reelected as election cycles continue.

Colonial Governments- Each colonial government follows a similar council version, though from different regions of the colony.

Military Council- In charge of keeping up the URC Military nd researching new weaponry. They are elected based on merit by fellow military members.


Drone- Rooktan drones are explained further in Species and Troop section

Stealth Tech- Rooktan stealth tech is top of the line, with their best soldiers, drones, and ships being nearly undetectable to all forms of surveillance.

Slipstream Field Generator- A device that generates a field around a ship or drone that causes the speed of light to increase, thereby allowing faster than light travel.

Lasers- The base laser on drones can be used towield or cut through metal, and melt rock. More advanced lasers can burn through heavy armor.

Railgun/Gauss/MAC- Uses magnetically accelerated rounds that go at extremely high velocities to kill enemies, destroy heavy armor, and crack planetary crust. Rooktan have nearly perfected this technology.

Fusion Reactor- Power source for ships, cities, drones, and vehicles. Also can be used in warheads.

Nuclear Missiles/Mines- Can have up to a 100 megaton payload. Originally used for breaking apart asteroids and other small celestial bodies.

AI- Rooktan AI is incredibly advanced, being capable of hacking into nearly any system that was not designed by a top Rooktan AI. They have reaction speed measuring to a picosecond in the smartest of AIs.

Terraforming- Increasing the density of an atmosphere (Up)

Government Structure: The government is more akin to a confederacy. Each inhabited planet in the URC has its own government and laws, but must follow a charter created by the URC when it was founded. The URC have a Board of Representatives, which has two officials, Rooktan and AI, from every Rooktan planet, which is used for any emergency or needed decisions in whole Rooktan affairs. There is a second board, smaller than the first, called the Military Council. This one is responsible for the defense of Rooktan space and its whereabouts are unknown to almost all Rooktan.

Economy Structure: The economy is heavily capitalistic in nature, with an industry and resource pool of a size that is nigh inconceivable. Unlike other species, the Rooktan focused on every system they came across, and colonized any available planet, while terraforming any that had the chance to support life. Any systems that did not hold any significant habitable possibilities were strip mined. With the vast amount of resources at their disposal, the Rooktan began to develop massive drone factories that would readily terraform and mine planets for them, as well as producing any goods that need be whenever they want.

Society Structure: The Rooktan have a variety of different cultures and beliefs, similar to humans. The most prominent among these, however, is that of the Skranl. The Skranl culture was named for the race that first developed it and from which it spread to most of the Rooktan's homeward. Rooktan who are a part of this culture have deep familial bonds, with extended families often living in the same household. The males are seen as the main provider for the family, as their more lithe structure originally allowed them to more easily maneuver and hunt prey throughout the swamplands that makes up 71% of their home world's surface. The females are often seen as the caregivers and teachers of the culture, as well as defenders of the household thanks to their more pronounced heavy muscle development. Rooktan of this culture are also quite friendly to most other sentients, as it is one of the tenants of their main religion, which is a big portion of most Rooktan's lives, to be kind to all. However, there is also a tenant to show no mercy to those that slaughter family and innocents, and doing so will cause nearly every Rooktan to ferociously hunt those responsible down and administer their form of justice. This punishment is to throw the perpetrator, if still alive, into a pit with the Riktyn for a time corresponding to how many were killed. If they come out alive, the Rooktan believe that then perpetrator has suffered enough to be free. Most people do not survive, and it is unknown to every other sentient exactly what a Riktyn is at this moment. Despite this seemingly barbaric justice system, Rooktan are often very thoughtful and purposeful in their proceedings with any other form of crime other than murder. In regards to war, the Rooktan have been relatively peaceful minus several small conflicts and one Great War. However, when in combat, they do prefer to have a two faced approach, having a sizable army at the front and stealth operatives to go behind enemy lines to take out the leaders who caused the conflict to begin with. They also have an odd fondness for projectile weapons, utilizing railgun and MAC cannons with great effectiveness. Their ships are built to be large and capable of taking a lot of damage. They are very bulky and utility in design.

Military Structure: The Rooktan's military is, for the most part, a militia. Each planet has their own fleet that they use to protect their planet. However, each planet is also required to send resources to the Military Council in order to build a Unified Rooktan Fleet and Army. All drone based AI's have, at the minimum, a mining laser for combat and self defense, though those in the military and planetary defense are known to carry heavy duty weapons, missile launchers, and various other weapons. AIs are also known to command entire swarms of drone bodies at once, as well as being assigned to protect and prepare ships. Rooktan themselves prefer magnetically accelerate projectile weaponry, both on the ground and in space. Rooktan military doctrine follows a two faced approach, using massive amounts of drones and large ships to create a strong front line, while using stealth ships and operatives to take out enemies from behind enemy lines. Let it be known, in times of war, the full Rooktan economy will be turned towards war in order to finish it as soon as possible.

Troop Choices:


Frigate- The most numerable ship available to the Rooktan, it is 500 meters long, 300 meters wide, and 250 meters tall. Its main weapon is a spinal mounted MAC, with point defense lasers and a few hundred missiles, as well as a contingent of defense and repair drones. It is one of the faster ships available. They are mostly used to defend larger craft.

Cruiser- Second most numerous ship, it is 950 meters long, 535 meters wide, and 425 meters tall. The cruiser is a mix between the more agile frigate, and the more powerful dreadnaught. It is equipped with two spinal mounted MACs , point defense lasers, several hundred missiles, and a contingent of attack, defense, and repair drones. It serves among the front line in space combat, making hit and runs while dispensing drones and missiles.

Dreadnaught- The second largest ship at 1450 meters in length, 650 meters in width, and 585 meters in height. Dreadnaughts are essentially giant guns that snipe enemy craft from exceedingly far distances. They come equipped with a single, extremely powerful MAC, point defense lasers, several thousand missiles, and an entire battalion of drones.

Carrier- The largest ship in the Rooktan fleet at 2670 meters in length, 2150 meters in width, and 1995 meters in height. Its entire purpose is to convey millions of drones into battle. They only come equipped with point defense lasers and a few hundred missiles, mostly relying on dropping in and delivering massive amounts of drones before retreating as its main tactic.

Stealth Runner- The Rooktan's personal favorite ship, it is 100 meters long, 45 meters in width, and 15 meters tall. It is equipped with advanced cloaking tech to allow it to slip behind enemy lines and is nearly undetected by almost all sensors. It is the smallest ship, and does not have any main weapons, but it has a large amount of nuclear mines that it dispenses throughout the enemy line before and during battle.

"Planet Cracker"- Technically not a ship, the "Planet cracker is a 12 kilometer long, 1.5 kilometer wide, and 1.6 kilometer tall semi mobile mining station. It is slow, relies almost entirely on drones for defense, and is relatively fragile. However, it is capable of firing a shot that deals 4.2 petatons of force. This shot requires thirteen days to charge and is almost always used to "crack" apart sections of crust on a planet so that mining drones can have quicker access to the mineral rich innards of a planet. It will only be deployed in war if the proverbial feces has not only hit the fan, but the radiator, cooler, outlet, and reactor as well. There are only four of these behemoths active, as they are incredibly expensive to build.


Main Infantry- They are the rank and file Rooktan military personal. They have over a decade of training before being sent into the field. They rely on squad tactics, using their high maneuverability to give them the edge in combat. They are equipped with automatic and semiautomatic railguns, as well as frag grenades. They have access to drone usage.

Scouts- The scouts are the Rooktan who rely on speed and discretion to scout out enemy forces and encampments. They have rudimentary cloaking tech, and are lightly armed with a semiautomatic railgun. They also have access to mines, which they set up while scouting. Have access to drone usage.

Snipers- The sharpshooters of the Rooktan, they hang back and use their excellent eyesight, further enhanced by scopes, to pick off distant enemies. They use Gauss sniper rifles and have access to rudimentary cloaking tech and drone usage.

Hunters- The elite of the elite. These Rooktan are the most skilled of their entire species. They are equipped with a suit of the best stealth tech available, as well as any weaponry they see fit to carry. They also carry the Lirrk, an ancestral scythe--like weapon that has been modified to have a superheated blade that can cut through nearly anything. They have some of the best hacking tech available, including the Hunter class drone, which is installed with an AI to best complement each Rooktan Hunter.


Wurtrix- A light vehicle that is highly modular in design, with the standard variant being 10 meters long, 4 meters wide, and 4 meter tall and weighing half a ton. It is capable of high speeds up to 320 miles per hour and is lightly armored. It is capable of having a rapid fire railgun, tank gauss, mortar, or troop carry variants.

Rexix- A highly maneuverable heavy vehicle, being 20 meters long, 15 meters wide, and 12 meters tall, weighs 12 tons and can reach speeds of 120 mph. It is, once again, highly modular in design. It can have a rapid fire tank gauss, artillery, anti-air, and multiple rapid fire railgun variants.

Viporinz- A highly maneuverable air vehicle, being 10 meters long, 12 meters in width, and 3 meters tall, and weighs 2 tons. It serves as both a troop transporter and attack craft. It is armed with missiles and twin railguns.

Tyorix- Originally meant to be an outpost on mining worlds, this behemoth of a vehicle (400 meters in length, 325 meters in width, and 145 meters tall, weighing 1052 tons) has been modified to act as a mobile support base on the ground. It must be built on the ground by drones. It is used to repair and build weapons, vehicles, and drones, while also giving logistical support to ground troops.

Drones: (All drones have a basic utility laser as standard)

Swarms- Swarms are group of drones of either a single type or multiple variances that are under control of a single AI. These are used both on the ground and in space to overwhelm foes.

Fighters- Fighters are the main bulk of space combat drones, being 5 meters in length, and 4 meters in width and height. They are nimble and designed for speed. They are more designed to resemble ships, and have access to dozens of ship-to-ship missiles and twin railguns.

Constructors- Constructors are both space and ground units. They are equipped with a wide variety of tools and are used to build and repair vehicles and ships.

Miners- Mining drones are space and ground units. They use a powerful mining laser and several grapplers to

Point Defense- Point Defense drones are space units. They are equipped with anti-missile lasers and several missiles. Their main purpose is to defend ships in the space while they battle.

Defenders- Defenders are ground units. They use their large bulk and heavy armor to shield other units from harm. They also carry and provide extra supplies and electricity for the units on the ground.

Grenadier- Grenadiers are ground units. They are heavy platforms that use artillery shells, grenades, and a rapid fire railgun to attack enemies.

Blitzers- Blitzers are ground units. They use short range scatter gun and extreme speed to rush close and attack enemy positions. They are very small for a drone, but are almost always found in swarms.

Hunters- Hunters are space and ground units. They are the most advanced drones on the battlefield, with an AI to match. They are always paired with Rooktan Hunters. They have incredible hacking software, as well as stealth tech and the best in laser and railgun tech.


Orbital Drone Factories- Each mining planet has an orbital factory above it, capable of producing weapons, ships, and drones from the resources attained.

AI Planning- Through the use of AIs, the URC is able to better coordinate resource usage and tactics.

Its a Slog- Because of the Rooktan focus on utilizing every system, a colony is never far from support and supply lines.

Bloodlust- If attacked, the Rooktan will retaliate with overwhelming force to try and shut down the conflict as soon as possible.

Stealth Tech/Hunters- Info is easier to obtain of other civilizations, and agents are more effective in the field.


Militia Minded- Most Rooktan forces outside of the Military Council's control are more suited for defense than for attack.

Projectile Lovers- An odd fondness of projectile weaponry has put research into alternative forms of combat on the backburner.

Loose Confederacy- Due to the independent nature of each colony, full scale mobilization and societal changes take an increased amount of time.
They look like they come straight outta district nine.
Pat said:
While you're here...
You never got back to me about my Scribes being able to convert culture/stop the spread of it.
The monks, ya, just look in your app and it should be added to the end of it their.
Pat said:
Full Faction Title: Qwatt
Short-Hand/Abbreviation: Qwatt

Gentilic: Qwatt

The Qwatt came to Spire inside a massive meteorite, which, upon impact, made extinct much life of the planet, terraforming the world into a vast, arid wasteland.

A year later, the first drone, now known as the Precursor breached the shell of their Ark, flooding the changed land with their kind; soon, new Queens were born and kicked out to make colonies of their own, but despite the many miles they all privately journeyed, not one forgot their homeland.

For the centuries that followed, war ravaged the land, Queens fought over what each claimed was their birthright, the great rock which fell from the sky. Rumored to hold the answers of their species' existence, great weapons of war, supplies of water, food...

One, rose above the others. Not because of numbers or might, but for her caring for her born Queens, protecting, teaching, and raising them, forsaking tradition for a chance at a unified world, an end to the ceaseless, mindless war, and answers on how they came to be...

She succeeded.

(Fun fact: Qwatt is an almost religious term for the species, all considering themselves in some way to be Qwatt, and it holds many meanings, such as; the same, everything, family, all, and sorrowful. One of the greatest insults imaginable for the culture is to say one is not Qwatt.)

Species: The Qwatt

View attachment 289322

Many Qwatt are hairless, with two arms and legs in a vaguely humanoid-insectoid combination, they can stand like a human, but are normally only four feet tall. Eye colors vastly differ between Colonies. Can lift loads far beyond their weight is, and scuttle along on all fours at speeds approaching eighty miles per hour when unburdened. Can conserve oxygen by only using telepathic communication, form living structures with tens, hundreds, thousands or even greater amounts of Qwatt. What a single connected Qwatt sees, does all others. They look much like ants. Some Qwatt are Lost, or disconnected from their Queen and other Qwatt, now lacking telepathic abilities, but now sentient, with free will, entirely independent from others of their kind. They look far more human, and even grow white hairs, much like Soldiers. Most can reproduce with a female partner. Queens can lay thousands of eggs each day, and, as far as the Qwatt know, are immortal, with the ability to live for millennia.

Main Stats:

Expansionist: 4

(Although the Queens of the colonies of Spire have always fought throughout the planet's long history, the Uniter's daughters, now the only other known Queens left alive, are dedicated to peace, as is the Uniter herself, who had only fought using teachings from the Precursor to end the wars that plagued the red sphere of Spire since the day the Precursor himself breached the meteorite which brought the species to the planet.)

Adventurous: 11

(Only thing keeping the population down was the constant war and the attrition that accompanied it.)

Education: 1

(The Precursor and his Monk order have been the only ones ever to seek out knowledge that isn't just directly or indirectly related to war. All Qwatt are literate and can voice their thoughts verbally, in addition to their born with

telepathic abilities, however.)

Security: 1

(Most of the technology they have so far is passed down from the First Queen, or developed for war. Little security exists because often the only form of attack another Queen would conceive of is to simply attack head-on with as many Soldiers as she can muster.)

Society: 8

(The hive mind is strong, and the telepathic abilities of the Queens, along with the startlingly sophisticated minds of the Lost, can deeply change one's life with their influence.)


The Uniter: Loessana. Queen of Queens, leader of the Qwatt and undisputed ruler of Spire. Wife to the Lost King, Poggle.

Lost King: Poggle. Military leader of the Lost and husband to the Uniter.

Head Nest-mother: Dala. The weakest of Qwatt Queens normally fulfill this role, caring for younglings, ironically killing the weak and deformed, and selecting jobs for the fit. Hundreds actually serve as Nest-mother, but the Head Nest-mother's goal is to make strict guidelines for all to follow.

Precursor: Kpaq. Oldest Qwatt known, and first to break through the outer rock of the meteorite which brought the Qwatt species to Spire. Resides in a monastery on the opposite side of the planet where the meteorite hit; along with an order of Monks. The group makes records and searches for new knowledge, and is primarily neutral. For a time the Uniter, Loessana, visited them. Learning all she could of the knowledge they stored, she went on to conquer all other colonies, and unlike the Queens before her, she had her Daughters and the Lost by her side.


- Pre-Galactic History.

Scramble cannons, (break Qwatt telepathic connection violently, making one brain dead) rifles, (fire single shots every few seconds, have a spear at the butt) fighters, resource ships, frigates, colony ships. (hold a majority of a fleet) Mechanization, metallurgy, irrigation techniques, electricity, miniaturization, writing, language, rulers, scales, math, Crawlers, (big transports that travel across the floor of the planet) scuttles, kinetic blasters, electronics, battle AI, motors, vehicles, manufacturing, poetry, musical instruments, architecture, mining, hyper drive, robotics, Scuttles.

- Galactic Travel.

Warp travel.

- Terraforming


- Lasers


Government Structure: Hive Mind

Few laws exist, as, with a vast majority of Qwatt being connected, none can actually break any. The below apply to Queens and the Lost, which live far better than the lower castes, although you could argue the lower castes aren't alive at all.

1. One may not leave designated areas without consent from higher authority.

2. Theft, arson, assault and murder is punishable by death.

3. One may not turn away a Monk.

4. Betrayal, in whatever form against the Uniter, is punishable by death.

5. One may not impede the work of the connected.

Economy Structure: Hive Mind Commune

All Workers mindlessly toil to provide higher castes and drones with all sorts of commodities, given rations according to their biological needs. Qwatt harvest surface plants, normally sharp and tall red shrubs, for basic medicines, water extraction, and for fertilizer for the many subterranean farms of Salva, a doughy, powdery, sticky-sweet substance that is the primary food source of all Qwatt. Queens are fed the purest, most concentrated, Salva. Mining operation and foundries exist, along with factories. These mainly produce what is needed for the military, or the colonies.

Society Structure:

Eyes are the most prized of body parts, especially for the Lost, which... Lost the connection to their Queen and all Qwatt. Said to contain the Qwatt soul, it's determination to survive, and all knowledge of all the things that were ever seen by another Qwatt. For the Lost, the eyes they once treasured when they were one with the collective are now shut to the world- they are free, but at what cost?

Once every rotational cycle, all Qwatt pause for the annual eclipse, lasting a minute.

"Dream with all." Is often said at the few funeral rituals done, and is frequently said at other ceremonies or when leaving.

What could be seen as aggressive pushing or clasping of another is a form of measuring up for Qwatt soldiers.

All Lost are expected to join the Monks, become a Warrior, or serve the Queens of Spire.

Queens prize peace and advancement of the Qwatt species.

The Qwatt normally have rooms and halls are tall as is needed, but certain rooms and important above ground structures utilize great spires, arches, and building techniques much like the Geonosians from Star Wars.

The Qwatt fallow social structure is that of a Caste System. A Qwatt is born, and then quickly assigned to a group based on current needs, or individual abilities.

Monks: Are favorably viewed by a minority of the Lost, which is surprising any do at all, considering how subjective the Lost normally are. They record history, events, life... Everything that is needed to know and more. The monastery they inhabit is a cultural center with ancient writings, murals, and artifacts. Prefer neutrality, for a time banishing Loessana, the Uniter, from their ranks for seeking new ways to crush her enemies, but relations have been repaired since her acceptance of her daughters, other Queens, who have joined her in the act of uniting Spire. Now typically aid Loessana in whatever is asked of them.

Queens: Promote cooperation with their mother, Loessana, wishing for mass colonization of the universe with their species, and peace amongst Qwatt.


Generally, all Queens are at a consensus, and agree naturally, as disagreement is actually strenuous through their telepathic links. All currently known Queens are descended from Loessana, so, when differing opinions do occur, those who stand with their mother look at their uncooperative Sisters with distaste. (Qwatt Queens vote, but Loessana normally wins out, only occasionally taking into consideration what her Daughters think. Monks merely observe.)

The Uniter, Queen Loessana, is the commander of every single connected Qwatt. For her Soldiers, she can take control of them, from any part of the Universe. All Soldiers that are connected are under her direct control. Normally, Qwatt Soldiers swarm like hornets, in their fighters, and on the ground, but have been known to simply overwhelm attackers with numbers, or form impressive, multiple ranked firing lines, with her influence. Loessana's Soldiers are treated like the other castes, only given better rations, and conditions, to improve their combat effectiveness, as they are not actually sentient.

The Lost King, Poggle, directs the efforts of the you-guessed-it, the Lost Qwatt that have volunteered for the military. The Lost and Poggle act independently of Loessana's Soldiers, primarily using melee weapons, wearing little armor, to attack enemy positions before they can even spot their attackers approaching, traveling, at the least, fifty miles per hour. The Lost Soldiers have the greatest living conditions, training, and are generally the most well-fit of Qwatt, all volunteers.

Troop Choices:


View attachment 289606

(The Rifle/spear is only thing you should imagine my Soldiers having, refer to the first species image up above for what the Soldiers, and, to a degree, what the rest of the Qwatt looks like) Millions of footsoldiers with powerful rifles that serve a duel purpose as spears. Prefer line tactics, or, if needed, mass charges with the spears. Given adequate armor protection to endure small arms fire.

(7,000,000) (1 million per turn)


View attachment 290755

Twice as big as a 'human' the Rollers are equipped with two close-to-medium range lasers. Designed to be able to collapse into a ball, as the same implies, to roll across the battlefields.

(Takes 2 population) (500,000 per turn)


View attachment 289620

(Not really. Just found this awesome picture. Just a Qwatt with light cloth armor and a jagged sword.) With hundreds of thousands enlisted, the Lost charge enemy positions at frighteningly quick speeds approaching eighty miles per hour, being the most fit of Qwatt imaginable, armed with swords... They quickly cut down all opposition.

(600,000) (50,000 per turn)

Red Guard

View attachment 289652

(Yes, I have stolen the Krimzon Guard from Jak and Daxter 2. But that was an awesome game. Just imagine a Qwatt in Krimzon Guard armor.) Most elite of Soldiers, they protect the Queens, secret facilities, and important Qwatt. With armor that can both resist some of the strongest of lasers, melee attacks, bullets and to a degree, heavy weapons fire, they are loyal to Loessana first, trained in all manners of combat and tactics. Armed with incredibly lethal kinetic blasters, which launch projectiles the size of a pebble, but so quickly that the shot makes a small cloud of smoke from breaking the sound barrier, making the body of the one hit explode into a gory red paste.

(10,000 Male and Female Qwatt, only met around a handful of areas, most near Queens) (200,000 per turn)



The size of the sand crawlers seen in Star Wars, the Qwatt use these to transport delicate materials or bulk goods between colonies on the surface, used as makeshift mobile fortresses during conflict.

(crew 40) (100 per turn)


View attachment 290401

Legs extended horizontally to their furthest width, the mech is twenty yards, legs extended vertically, the mech is eleven yard tall. With one heavy laser cannon, minigun, 10mm machine gun, and flamethrower in the center. It can, as the name implies, scuttle across harsh terrain with ease, a hover pad on the bottom allows combat to continue if a leg is destroyed, and can help navigation of the few particularly difficult spots.

(Takes 3 population) (1,000 per turn)


View attachment 289561

Numbering around ten million, the Qwatt fighter is cheap, expendable, highly used, and quite often takes part in swarming maneuvers. Armed with twin laser cannons, one on each of the two 'noses' of the ship. Through lightning fast movement, formations so packed with fighters you can't sneak an interceptor through, and sudden, massive kamikazi attacks on enemy command ships, unprepared fleets could be crippled in the opening minute of an engagement against hordes of this spacecraft. Fifteen yards long, 3.5 wide, and four high.

(10,000,000) (crew 1) (1,000,000 per turn)

Resource Ship

View attachment 289564

In the low hundreds, resource ships are designed to collect resources, most notably water, for Homeworld. the size of a football field, armed with a measly four laser cannons.

(300) (crew 1,000) (infantry 1000) (100 per turn)

Daughter Ship

View attachment 289566

Holds a Queen, thousands of fighters, Lost soldiers, and supplies. Larger than a fighter by roughly five-thousand times. Serves as the command ship of a fleet, armed with one large laser cannon used to take on enemy Capitol ships, and turrets to take out approaching hostile fighters. Used as a battleship, or command hub, of a fleet.

(100) (crew 30,000 / Holds 10,000 fighters / Holds 20,000 infantry) (40 per turn)

Colony Ship

View attachment 289567

Twelve miles long, and five tall, the Qwatt colony ship has been crafted to hold as many of the species as possible, with a Queen aboard, to found new colonies on new planets. Armed with eight powerful laser cannons with the hope of making the journey safe as it is absolutely packed to the brim, the vessel holds a maximum of a half-million Qwatt.

(Starting: 2) (500 per turn)

Advantages: With every Queen interconnected, as the Uniter personally raised and therefore kept her connection with her born Queens, all 'connected' Qwatt are therefore the living eyes of the Uniter and the Queens, meaning every single battle is learned from, meaning that the Qwatt can adapt to any new enemy's tactics with only a single lost battle.

Disadvantages: The death of a Queen will kill 90% of their children, the remaining 10% becoming independent 'Lost' Qwatt with free wills.

Qwatt General:

Used to lead Qwatt forces, this type of queen directly controls their actions on the battlefield from upto at least 1 solar system away. Any bonuses this General gives will not be awarded to Lost (or non-Qwatt Troops if this will ever apply).

Lost King:

Used to lead Lost forces (and non-Qwatt Troops, if this ever applies). The Lost King can also rally and lead troops if a queen is not around, though if a Qwatt General or Queen is present then all Qwatt forces (barring Lost & non-Qwatt) will not receive bounces from this generals direct command.

Royal Envoy:

A lesser queen who's goal is the spread the joy's of the Qwatt ideals of oneness, the removal of individuality, and focus on group productivity & safety among another faction. They can increase the chance of successful negotiations with NPC factions when sent as an envoy, they can attempt to steal technology from another factions home world (to a lesser degree), and can attempt to recruit the Agents of other factions (though it is considered a declaration of war). This Agent can also be used in an attempt to sow the seeds of rebellion among other worlds or factions. If the rebellion is successful, a new faction will be created in its place.

Lost Spy:

Picked from among the lost and can be utilized in anyway a spy can be utilized. Sabotage, infiltration, spying, assassination, etc. Note, they cannot steal technology though.

Lost Enforcers:

When within your nation, these enforcers can be used to arrest and even potentially execute foreign Agents. When outside your shper of control, they lose their authority but not your nations resources. They can still be used to bribe worlds, factions, standing armies, and agents into join you. Keep in mind, doing any type of bribing is considered a declaration of war (when successful).

Lost Champion:

These champions are picked from among the lost; they will decrease the chance of sabotage from enemy agents (wherever they are; be it inside an army or on a planet) and will also increase EXP gain for other Lost unit types (but only lost unit types).

Monk Scholar:

Monk Agents will act as scientists that add to your research rate as long they are on one of your worlds, you can also place them on another factions home world to aid in that factions research rate, and finally you can also attempt to steal technology if your agent is on another factions home world. If this monk is on another factions world, they will also begin culturally converting the population.
Yes, though I currently have my hands full with the 4 we currently have.

I likely won't accept anyone until after a few turns into the game.
Sohisohi said:
Yes, though I currently have my hands full with the 4 we currently have.
I likely won't accept anyone until after a few turns into the game.
Alright, sorry.
Hazeron said:
Do you like my faction?
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/OK.png.3461d29536f2573527965800dc44175c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132239" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/OK.png.3461d29536f2573527965800dc44175c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
The faction is fine, though for some reason people keep posting weapons in place of troops.

I've clearly stated that you are to create the personal, not just tell me what weapons are used within your military. 2 people inside this currently roleplay are about to figure out they have no infantry, only guns with military ranks. . . For some reason.



  • OK.png
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