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Dice Rifts Adventure - OOC

I have no objection to this. It keeps the leeches out of their hands, and I am not comfortable with these three getting a hold of them.
I have no objection to this. It keeps the leeches out of their hands, and I am not comfortable with these three getting a hold of them.
GunMan2 GunMan2 Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood

I feel that way about the Net Guns too - you can only imagine what the three goons would do with those. Nothing that goes with them will do anyone any good - it only serves them to ends that have already been implied.

Concerning the Staff of Eyelor, it's dead in 72 hours unless it's recovered by the Splugorth. The barge? If we can't move it with our resources, I really wonder how three guys walking their way through Florida would manage it (maybe they have heavy vehicles hidden away somewhere or cohorts who do?).

However, I would be seriously surprised to learn that the Splugorth have some kind of game plan when something as pricey and sometimes-productive as a Minion Slave Barge plus crew doesn't show up come dinnertime. If these three goons somehow luck out and manage to sell the barge, then good for them. But... I think the chances are greater that they won't. And that's because...

... I would be even more surprised to learn that these 3 Blind Warrior Women, only one of whom has a Talisman now, and the other 2 have Dreamy's Armor of Ithan spells, don't return the favor against the three goons. One appears to be a spellcaster while the other appears to be a juicer, followed by Stone the Borg. In terms of skill, I think the 3 Altarians have them beat - if they act now.

I also think GunMan2 was O.K. with these courses of action when he typed this:
Sure, not like takuma has any use for a super evil staff that could posses him. So ya lets o with your suggestion

So how do folks feel about everything presented here (GunMan2 included)?
I would say we give them the barge and the staff since we can't take it or even use it as a mobile base so that part is of no use to us. But what about the items which we will be using?
I would say we give them the barge and the staff since we can't take it or even use it as a mobile base so that part is of no use to us. But what about the items which we will be using?
I would like to vote that we take those.

I don't know how the 3 Blind Warrior Women are armed, but there's no way they went into battle without something.
I was under the impression that the weapons on the list from Psy included their personal weapons. I could be wrong, though.
I was under the impression that the weapons on the list from Psy included their personal weapons. I could be wrong, though.
I hope not because that was not my request. I asked what Dreamy found when looting the barge.

Psychie replied with what was found "on the barge":

I forgot to post the smaller items that were found on the barge. Here you go:
I hope not because that was not my request. I asked what Dreamy found when looting the barge.

Psychie replied with what was found "on the barge":

Of course, as always, I could be wrong. It's Psychie's game; I trust her to tell us what's accurate. =)
GunMan2 GunMan2 Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood

Heya! I just realized we've been at this stage of "what do we do with these selfish goons and loot" for weeks and weeks now. I also realize that I'm probably the driving force behind all of the decision-adding and complexity to the situation (what do we do with the Altarians? How do we bargain with the goons, if at all? How can we best get out of this while also improving our chances of getting out of Florida and onto New York? And so on).

If all that has just caused a delay of game, I apologize. I'm extremely detail-oriented and sometimes I overthink things (not by choice; the ADHD is real and daily if not hourly if not "minutely").

But yeah. Whatever gets the game moving here? I should just go for that. I imagine Psychie would like to reward us in XP at some point for all of the crazy doings we've survived since the start of game and at this rate, with all of my posts here and in IC, I feel I'm just slowing that process down. Or I could be wrong; I don't know.

Anyways, there it is! =)

Honor and fun,
Dann =)
Yeah, i do have plans for you guys in Germany, but in order to get there we need to resolve this scene. I don't want to use Storyteller edict to say "this is what you do, so deal with it." But if you guys are willing, I can move forward with the scene with the three mercs getting the staff and barge.
For what it's worth, here is my thoughts on the situation with the three women.

We offer the three a chance at freedom, which I fully expect that they will tell us to stick it where the sun don't shine and I'm ok with that. We let one take her force field amulet and a means to defend themselves and send them on their way with a warning that our kindness is a one time offer, and don't cross us again or we won't be so nice.

As for the three guys, we politely part ways with them and let them take the staff and barge and hope we don't run into them again.
Yeah, i do have plans for you guys in Germany, but in order to get there we need to resolve this scene. I don't want to use Storyteller edict to say "this is what you do, so deal with it." But if you guys are willing, I can move forward with the scene with the three mercs getting the staff and barge.
I'm willing once we hear from GunMan2 - he might roll with this or he might have new ideas. =)

As for the Altarians, Sherwood, they might not wait that long. Dreamy just discreetly told them that the Magic Net holding them is about to expire. Then that gives the two Armor of Ithan spells on them just minutes of life left. Plus, check my last post - Dreamy already delivered such a warning. She also delivered a message of hope - their destinies are their own to decide! Heroic, right? =)

If we take our goodies and go, we might just hear signs of battle behind us - the Altarians with their weapons and considerable skills versus the three goons who might be surprised with their eyes on their freshly-given loot. In the end, the Altarians are, what, 8th level each? 10 Actions per Round? Super-high bonuses and skills? My credits are on them...

... but that doesn't mean we should hang out and watch. I want the Rabsons to be as safe as possible (hence Dreamy giving them the two Altarian necklaces for their protection). =)

But yeah. GunMan2? What's your take on all this? =)
Well like you said what the ninjaroids don't have much of a chance against them so i say we can take what we can and leave. Besides Takuma does not have any ties or emotions tying him to the borgs or the Altarians so i am all for it to let the 2 sides end each other but we might have to move the clients away. So letting them battle it out is totally fine with me
I think we have a plan! Woooooo!
Now that we have moved forward, I'm go ahead and advance everyone to level four due to a tough fight, and resolving the tensions between you guys and the three mercs, and finally, for showing some mercy to the Altarians.
Sweet. At level four I get the first big power boost to my Cyber Knight powers against tech stuff.
OOC I'm going to advance the story by several days as you close in on the old city of New York. If you have anything in particular that you wish to do I that time, feel free to be heard.
Smooth post, Psychie! That works really well.

The only thing I can think of for Dreamy is to first... well... to fall apart the moment it's clear the team is safe! That was majorly stressful for her! =) After that? Apologize to the team for freezing up when the Splugorth surprised her by coming out of nowhere. She also really wants to know how everyone else is doing.

It just might take her 3 whole days to get over all this! It's been a lot! =)
Purr Purr do you have anything I need to roll for you as you level up?
First off, thanks for the experience points and hooray for 4th level! Woo!

Let me take a look at Her Dreaminess here. I'm certain I'll need rolls; the question is - what for? =)
Smooth post, Psychie! That works really well.

The only thing I can think of for Dreamy is to first... well... to fall apart the moment it's clear the team is safe! That was majorly stressful for her! =) After that? Apologize to the team for freezing up when the Splugorth surprised her by coming out of nowhere. She also really wants to know how everyone else is doing.

It just might take her 3 whole days to get over all this! It's been a lot! =)
Thanks for the complement. I wanted to give everyone some time to get their characters' heads straight before I advance and not give you a chance to post.
You're welcome! You deserve it! =)

I have a question along with some reminders. Everybody remember to add a Skill and 1 Attribute Point (don't short-change yourself as I've done in the past in other games!).

The question regards everyone's favorite cyborg, Tak.
As you level up, everyone gets to add one new skill per level starting at a level 1 proficiency. Also, you can add one to any of your attributes, to a max of +3.
He's a cyborg. How does this work for him?
Good question! Mental attributes are easy; you just raise them up easy peasy. Physical stats like PP can be increased by saying Takuma gets some work done to boost his servo output to move faster, or be a bit stronger. That way no one is left out.
Good question! Mental attributes are easy; you just raise them up easy peasy. Physical stats like PP can be increased by saying Takuma gets some work done to boost his servo output to move faster, or be a bit stronger. That way no one is left out.
Cool! I was hoping you'd say that! =)

* * *​

Psychie Psychie Dice roll requests:
1d6 for Hit Points.
1d6 for I.S.P.
2d6 for P.P.E.

Question: Sniper adds +2 to Aimed and Called Shots. If I select Sniper, will that affect Dreamy's Disarm attempts?

If anyone's interested, here's what Dreamy receives at 4th level in total. How about your character?
Reset Action Points to 7 (5 + 1/2 our level).
+1 to Mental Affinity (increasing it to 22 for the bard in her - plus being more charismatic means feeling more free. Plus, hey! 70% chance to Charm/Intimidate? Yes, please!).
+1 to Strike and +2 to Backflip/Cartwheel (Ninjitsu).
4th level "Other" Skill: Paramedic (improves vampire staking bonus on top of life-saving techniques!).
4th level Secondary Skills (2): Wardrobe and Grooming (of course, she'll need help with color-coding). Maybe Sniper?
Note: I also swapped W.P. Blunt for W.P. Staff (Hand to Hand Ninjitsu offers Staff, not Blunt. My error.)
Note: I'd like to get Dreamy a few new spells, but darned if I know if we pass any places that deal in magic or anything of the like. =)
Last edited:
OOC I'm going to advance the story by several days as you close in on the old city of New York. If you have anything in particular that you wish to do I that time, feel free to be heard.
GunMan2 GunMan2 Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood

I am posting my phone so please forgive my grammatical errors! Rawrz!

Concerning Dreamy and roleplaying... I have been thinking of roleplaying Dreamy a bit differently. I have never played a Blind Warrior Woman and one thing they can do is cocoon themselves and basically live another life.

They do this when their minds are bodies are too damaged to be of much use anymore. I thought, "What if Dreamy feels this way because of her recent past and events and by cocooning herself, she becomes a slightly different Dreamy - one completely free of Splugorth influence and younger in perspective?"

By doing so, she would have to learn about the party again. And that might make some for some really fun roleplaying. She would also be closer to the original Dreamy than I created back in HERO champions.

The only drawback I can think of is that she would have to lose half of her experience levels and go from fourth level back down the second unless our game master says no to that.

Well, on the side of having a character that you would really enjoy playing, I am all for the idea, but how would it work? I confess I am not as fully up on the Blind Women as you are to know about this cocooning effect that you are talking about. How long does it take for this effect to happen?

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