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Dice Rifts Adventure - OOC

Psychie Psychie Well, my partners in adventuring have made their minds known. May I post Dreamy getting some unexpected but long-deserved payback?
Dann, I'm holding on posting any more until you can get one in for Dreamy dealing with the Slaver.
Yep! I am aware. Sorry for delay of game. I'm trying to play catch-up as Real Life allows. Got a post in Sharseya yesterday (a big two-parter)! =)
Psychie Psychie I would like to use Dreamy's M.A. bonus (65%) to intimidate the Borg into leaving.

What has Dreamy recovered from the barge thus far? Any Net Guns? If so, she's aiming that at him.
Not sure what i got to use in my current state but guess some paralysis is enough to make them stop
Oh wait, don’t tak have some device he can hack them or something?
GunMan2 GunMan2 Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood

GunMan? Bud? Here's what I'm thinking in OOC.

1. Dreamy's not making any deals while they threaten helpless people.

2. We can definitely trash these three (they're damaged, we're still relatively fresh, we outnumber them, and Dreamy hasn't even brought out her biggest threat yet). Heaven help that Juicer if Sylvie nails him with another Magic Net. I've got Carpet of Adhesion ready to go. Let's see him (them) dodge that.

3. Should these three decide to bargain instead of B.S., I'm thinking they can have the barge after we've looted it (as Dreamy probably has an excellent idea of what Barges carry and where). As best as I can tell, we can't move this barge, can we?

3a. They can also have the hideously-evil Staff of Eyelor (which will die in 72 hours without its Slaver Minion master anyway). It will only serve a Splugorth.

4. As for the 3 Altarians? If we just see them as bargaining chips instead of people, then we're not much better than the three selfish battered degenerates who are looking to screw us. How about we give them the means to survive (as I think one of us stated before?) and let them choose their own destiny?

But no blasted way are Dreamy and I going to be dictated to by Larry, Curly, and Moe here. It just so happens I've had it with jerks in Real Life recently - I have little patience for these three knuckleheads in our game. C'est la vie! (Such is life!) =)

What are your thoughts?
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Psychie Psychie If memory serves, you mentioned the gear and the armor on these three goons are damaged? How badly, please?
Psychie Psychie If memory serves, you mentioned the gear and the armor on these three goons are damaged? How badly, please?
Their armor is damaged down to about 75% of full, give or take a few points. The rail guns they are packing are a bit weathered but seem to be fully functional, even if they are not well cared for.
Raven will not allow these guys to kill the three prisoners so long as he has the ability to do something about it. I don't think that we have much to worry about from them. They are more bark than bite. I just don't want them to use the three women as hostages.

I suggest we let the three Altarians go with a couple of the net guns and their armor talismans and say if we ever run into them again, we won't be so nice.
Psychie Psychie O.K.. And one more important thing - have I got all of my data right in the above post? This is your game after all. I am largely taking my data from Dreamy having been a Splugorth slave for, what, literally 2,000 years. I'm sure being on the slave barge is old, old hat to her.

I'm also thinking she knows about the often-valuable-in-more-ways-than-one symbiotes normally carried on the Barges along with the Net guns, Blind Warrior Woman talismans, etc. that are also likely on board?

But again this is your game. You decide what Dreamy knows if you follow my meaning? =)

Sherwood Sherwood
I just don't want them to use the three women as hostages.

I suggest we let the three go with a couple of the net guns and their armor talismans and say if we ever run into them again, we won't be so nice.
That's why Dreamy has tossed Armor of Ithan on two of them and is blocking the third with her own protected body. They're ours all the way. If Stone doesn't move his weapon, Dreamy is likely to go for another Disarm attempt on him (the way she did with the Slaver Minion and his Staff of Eyelor).

As for the Net Guns, Bud, we're not likely to come across those anywhere but here. I'm betting we could use those upon reaching Germany big-time.

And as for the talismans? I was thinking we could give them to Rab and Oleg and keep another one around. They might need them come New York and afterward (heck, they could have used them in this fight).

There are likely other goodies onboard that the Altarians can use for protection - they're war-machines even without gear. What do you think?
The women may be tough, but without weapons our armor even they will be dino poop in no time. I think that letting at least one keep the talisman is a safe bet.
The women may be tough, but without weapons our armor even they will be dino poop in no time. I think that letting at least one keep the talisman is a safe bet.
I see that if combat takes place, but given their superhuman senses, training, and stealth abilities, what are the chances they'd be in combat at all? One talisman sounds good.

Heck, maybe give one a Net Gun and see if they turn around and hunt down these three goons as payback for nearly getting murdered while helpless on this barge? Then they'd be decently equipped. =)

Of course, we have no guarantee that they wouldn't go after us either.

Psychie Psychie If the chance arrives, this is something Dreamy will want to pray to Owl about.

Sherwood Sherwood What do you think?

GunMan2 GunMan2 What are your thoughts, man?
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“How about it sounds like a fair deal as we already got the thing trapped before you came. So we will take half of the bio tech, the women and the staff and you guys can take that fat waste there and the other half of the bio tech” proposed the machine man
GunMan2 GunMan2 Hey man! We can't use the staff (it's super-evil and only serves Splugorth. Plus, it dies in 3 days since its master is dead unless it finds another Slaver Minion).

Plus, these guys *really* want this staff (probably not understanding the truths about it).
Psychie Psychie If we were to take the barge itself (if we could tow it with the Mountaineer and Troy, etc.) do we even know of a place where we could sell it?
GunMan2 GunMan2 Hey man! We can't use the staff (it's super-evil and only serves Splugorth. Plus, it dies in 3 days since its master is dead unless it finds another Slaver Minion).

Plus, these guys *really* want this staff (probably not understanding the truths about it).
Oh right i see there was the error there i thought i told them to take the staff ill go fix it
GunMan2 GunMan2 Hey man! We can't use the staff (it's super-evil and only serves Splugorth. Plus, it dies in 3 days since its master is dead unless it finds another Slaver Minion).

Plus, these guys *really* want this staff (probably not understanding the truths about it).
I missed that part of the conversation but i am doing basically how takuma would act as he is unsure if the ninjas are under contract from their dojo or they owned by the corporation meaning that what is there has some sort of value for someone and will cause trouble down the road. So takuma takes the action his machine brain can come up with
Psychie Psychie We don't have the means to pull the barge itself, do we? I mean, is the Mountaineer and Troy enough for that?

Also, even if we could, we don't have a place to sell it, do we? I don't imagine a place like The-town-formerly-known-as-Turner-Town would have the kind of millions of credits to trade for something worth this much?

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