Just to clarify, my MA style includes an automatic parry option. That lets me parry without using up an attack, right? Or are the combat moves not being utilized unless playing a Ninjas and Superspies OCC?
Hey Pips? As the rules go (and Sherwood seems to be following this), any technique with the word "automatic" in front of it means that attempting it does not take an attack (be it automatic roll, automatic body flip/throw, automatic elbow lock, etc.). Basically, the technique in question has been practiced so frequently as to be ingrained in the practitioner as to be reflexive in nature). =)
EDIT: Oh, and all combat systems, from Hand to Hand: Basic to Martial Art systems from Ninjas & Superspies, Mystic China, etc. have automatic parry. At least, I have never ever seen a fighting system in Rifts without it. =)
does anyone know where i can find a complete list of psionics for rifts/rifter?
This list may be of some assistance to you. While I don't believe there is a complete and comprehensive list of all psionics in Rifts (as there seems to be for magic), this list, I believe, comes close. It combines psionics found in the Rifts Ultimate Edition and Rifts Psyscape. Enjoy! =)