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Realistic or Modern Ridgeview High School (Mature/Always accepting)

"Sure, if I can make it. I generally haunt the same spots so it won't be hard to find me. That being said, I'm pretty sure I'm already late so I'll see you later." Saying so, he quickly waved and turned towards the other end of the hall. He had Algebra II right now and it was on the other end of the school so he had to run to get there.


Kyson nods, "Thanks for the help." He watches the boy go and chuckles to himself. Kyson walks into the classroom and looks around for his sister, he sighs not seeing her. Kyson texts his sister to make sure she's okay and smiles softly as he receives a text saying that she's fine.​

Alaska truanted the first few minutes before heading off. She strolled into her class and took the last empty seat and smiled at the teacher, in a way that said, if you ask, I'm going to smash your face in. And they just continued with their class.

She turned to the person next to her and turned to them and smiled. "Hey, I'm Alaska. You?'


Peach spat in the sink. "My goodness... Maybe school wasn't the best idea with my flu..." The girl muttered. As she bent over, she gave Kyra a decent view of her silk black and lime green panties. "I'm gonna die of starvation if it keeps this up..."

(I hate you Anilinkz. You can't even follow the order of Pokemon correctly in some episodes.)

No kidding, Kyra thought to herself. She opened her bag of Cheeze Its and popped one in her mouth, glad this was one of the few snacks she could keep down. "Why don't you just go to the nurse and have her call someone to take you home?" Kyra questioned, studiously trying to ignore the other girl's sense of undergarment fashion. Pulling out her Ginger Ale, she opened it and then pulled out her prescription for anti-nausea pills, popping one in her mouth before capping it and putting the pill bottle back in her purse. Setting the snack down, she twisted the cap off her soda and took a couple sips to wash the pill down. @GoldenChari
eclipsehowls said:
(I hate you Anilinkz. You can't even follow the order of Pokemon correctly in some episodes.)

No kidding, Kyra thought to herself. She opened her bag of Cheeze Its and popped one in her mouth, glad this was one of the few snacks she could keep down. "Why don't you just go to the nurse and have her call someone to take you home?" Kyra questioned, studiously trying to ignore the other girl's sense of undergarment fashion. Pulling out her Ginger Ale, she opened it and then pulled out her prescription for anti-nausea pills, popping one in her mouth before capping it and putting the pill bottle back in her purse. Setting the snack down, she twisted the cap off her soda and took a couple sips to wash the pill down. @GoldenChari

"I t-trust you." Peach said. "I live alone. My parents left me after grabbing their things and just vanished. Phones don't work. Friends won't even respond to me. They've been gone for three or so months." Peach bent further as she lay half her body on the sink, sapping it's coldness away as she started to get warm. "Honestly, I'm afraid if i die, no one will find me until i've rotted away."

Well that's new, Kyra thought. Nobody had ever trusted her before and here was a girl who didn't even know her and yet the girl trusted her unconditionally? Hearing that the girl lived alone and had been for three months, let alone being abandoned by her own parents made Kyra empathize with the other girl. Though she wasn't sure why, possibly due to being abandoned in a way by her own just a week ago. "I live with my aunt," Kyra said, "and I'm not sure why you trust me. Maybe you could call Social Services. They could get you into a foster home and charge your parents with neglect or child endangerment or something." @GoldenChari

Alaska waltzed into the bathroom to find two girls talking. Damn it she thought. They've taken my smoking spot. She smiled anyways and tried to fit in.

"Hey, I'm Alaska. Nice panties by the way." She smirked at one of them.

@eclipsehowls @GoldenChari

Kyra frowned as someone came into the bathroom, interrupting their conversation though Peach had yet to respond to her advice to call Social Services. As the girl came in and commented on Peach's choice of underwear, Kyra raised her eyebrows. These people are weird, she thought to herself. Who the heck noticed what the heck someone was wearing or not wearing as the case may be for undergarments when they first entered a bathroom? Kyra just popped another Cheeze It into her mouth, not making any move to get up or leave. She was rather comfortable right there against the wall though made it a point to go to her afternoon classes, even Gym class. She sighed as the girl who had just barged in here like she owned the place began speaking, introducing herself as Alaska. Who names their kid after a state? Still, she supposed she should at least acknowledge the other's presence even if said presence was unwanted at the moment. Her aunt would tell her to be nice. "Kyra Lily Black," she introduced herself. @Musicomar4
eclipsehowls said:
Well that's new, Kyra thought. Nobody had ever trusted her before and here was a girl who didn't even know her and yet the girl trusted her unconditionally? Hearing that the girl lived alone and had been for three months, let alone being abandoned by her own parents made Kyra empathize with the other girl. Though she wasn't sure why, possibly due to being abandoned in a way by her own just a week ago. "I live with my aunt," Kyra said, "and I'm not sure why you trust me. Maybe you could call Social Services. They could get you into a foster home and charge your parents with neglect or child endangerment or something." @GoldenChari

"Who would want a sick, quiet girl like me? A girl with Pink hair that isn't fake?" Peach shook her head. "Besides, Calling social services will end horribly because i'd lose everything i have at my home..."
Musicomar4 said:

Alaska waltzed into the bathroom to find two girls talking. Damn it she thought. They've taken my smoking spot. She smiled anyways and tried to fit in.

"Hey, I'm Alaska. Nice panties by the way." She smirked at one of them.

@eclipsehowls @GoldenChari


Peach blushed. "Uuuh! T-Thanks miss?!" Peach squeaked as she got the comment. Standing up she quickly hurried over towards Kyra, sitting down as her bust jumped a bit from the shock.

@Musicomar4 @eclipsehowls
"You might lose everything but you'll have shelter, food and medical care," said Kyra to Peach. As Peach became aware of Alaska, she ran over to Kyra and sat down next to her. Kyra popped another Cheeze It into her mouth, surprised that a teacher didn't come in here and demand Peach dress more appropriately for school. It had happened when she had been in middle school in her old school district and even at camp they hadn't wanted boys and girls to wear inappropriate clothing or they got in trouble. Showing one's undergarments qualified as inappropriate clothing in her old school district. "You could get in trouble dressed like that," said Kyra as she pointed to Peach's entire outfit. @GoldenChari
Lucy had walked home after the party, the running was nice, she loved to run, it felt exciting. She especially loved the fresh air. She felt a bit breathless when she entered her house, there was a note on her kitchen door when she passed it, apparently her mom had gone out with her friends and wouldn't be back for a while. She walked upstairs and into her bedroom to get some sleep for the new day that would come, hopefully her sisters wouldn't bother her.


Lucy wandered the halls till reaching the library entrance, hardly anyone went inside. She walked inside and went to her favorite spot, it was nice and secluded, surrounding her with the scent of old books. She pulled out a green apple and leaned up on the wall reading her favorite book, it was called stardust, sure it was unpopular but she absolutely loved it, the characters where her favorite part. She straightened her gray beanie before opening the book for the seemingly millionth time. She took a bite of her apple and started reading, every once in awhile looking up to make sure no one was there
Kyra watched as Alaska skipped over to them, not commenting about Kyra being formal with introducing herself. Thirteen years and two months of listening to "It's only polite to state your full name" by her mother when introducing herself to somebody hadn't lost its effect after...was this really her second week of moving in with her aunt? Aunt Ivy wasn't too prudent about introducing your entire name to someone and thus didn't make her say her middle name when introducing her to her friends though none of her aunt's friends knew the reason why her aunt had taken custody of Kyra. "Why are you here?" Kyra asked. There had to be a reason the girl had come in here instead of going to class when the late bell rang. @Musicomar4 @GoldenChari
Alex would walk into the library with his headphones around his neck and his computer under his arm, determined, almost on a mission. "Everywhere I go" he thought, "always distractions." He'd walk over to the most quiet section, and plop himself down on the floor, sitting cross-legged with his computer on his lap. "Perfect." He'd whisper. Alex would then put on his headphones and begin typing. Typing long lists of code. Complicated code that only expert coders would understand. He'd continue like this for about an hour, only taking breaks to take a drink of his coffee. A few people would walk up to him and ask what he was doing, but after the third person he just barked at them, "Too complicated to explain." And waved them away.
Nobody seemed willing to speak to anyone else so Kyra just ate her Cheeze It as she waited for Alaska or Peach to say something to break the silence. She set her snack down and pulled out her Algebra textbook along with a notebook and pencil, opening the book to the first section. Setting the book on the floor, she opened her notebook and wrote her name and the date in the top right corner of the paper. If nobody was going to speak then she might as well work on homework. @GoldenChari @Musicomar4
Jasper entered the library with force akin to that of an unstoppable train. Despite all of his efforts, he had yet to find out about any existing drama departments. No matter how many schools his parents transferred him to, he was always sure they were suited to his passion. He moved quickly over to a shelf containing numerous year books. He searched through them one by one. Nothing inside indicated any plays or musicals. This would not do. He sat down at a table nearby, opened his laptop, and began to furiously type a letter to the administration. He needed to set this right.


Viktoria sighed as she walked along the corridor, she had not heard much from Luc and she was slightly hurt.

Plus with the news she had gotten earlier, she was quietly freaking out. After getting tested and confirming the results.

Putting a slight hand on her stomach, she spotted Kyra ahead.

"Hey Kyra, any chance your sharing those?"

She nodded at the bag of cheese-its

@Sharkiee @eclipsehowls
Kyra was working out her second math problem on paper. As she was skipping the morning's classes, she wouldn't know about homework for the morning classes so would have to do her best with regards to homework for the next day when the sound of footsteps entering the bathroom caused Kyra to look up. A student came into the bathroom where she was sitting with Peach and Alaska, starting to grow rather annoyed with the pair of them, and asked if she was sharing her Cheez It snack bag. What the heck is up with all these girls coming into this bathroom when there were probably other bathrooms in the school?

Kyra looked at her bag and held it out. Maybe if she would share her food, the others would leave her alone and let her work in peace. Though she was surprised that the girl knew her name since she didn't know anybody in this school, except for her brief encounter with Spencer the night before and then briefly meeting Saint and Kiara in the office when she went to get her schedule from the office. "Who are you again?" she asked, her mind still on the algebra problem she was trying to work on. I should have started with something easier, like English. "Might as well get a head start on your morning classes Peach," Kyra said to the girl beside her, gesturing to Peach's own bag. Kyra was generally a quiet girl and after talking so much already was beginning to feel uncomfortable. It was something she would have to get over if she hoped to graduate and finish high school with...that problem she now had. @Haus Of Alaska @GoldenChari @Musicomar4
eclipsehowls said:
Kyra was working out her second math problem on paper. As she was skipping the morning's classes, she wouldn't know about homework for the morning classes so would have to do her best with regards to homework for the next day when the sound of footsteps entering the bathroom caused Kyra to look up. A student came into the bathroom where she was sitting with Peach and Alaska, starting to grow rather annoyed with the pair of them, and asked if she was sharing her Cheez It snack bag. What the heck is up with all these girls coming into this bathroom when there were probably other bathrooms in the school?
Kyra looked at her bag and held it out. Maybe if she would share her food, the others would leave her alone and let her work in peace. Though she was surprised that the girl knew her name since she didn't know anybody in this school, except for her brief encounter with Spencer the night before and then briefly meeting Saint and Kiara in the office when she went to get her schedule from the office. "Who are you again?" she asked, her mind still on the algebra problem she was trying to work on. I should have started with something easier, like English. "Might as well get a head start on your morning classes Peach," Kyra said to the girl beside her, gesturing to Peach's own bag. Kyra was generally a quiet girl and after talking so much already was beginning to feel uncomfortable. It was something she would have to get over if she hoped to graduate and finish high school with...that problem she now had. @Haus Of Alaska @GoldenChari @Musicomar4

"I haven't got any papers honestly Kyra..." Peach whispered. She felt hot and sick. It was horrible. "I want to just cry..." She said aloud to herself unaware Kyra could hear her at such close range.
Lucas stubbed out his smoke, flicking it toward the road, he was in a hurry, having been so rude with Viktoria, he had ignored her texts and calls, he knew she had something to tell him. He hurried into the school halls, pulling his phone out to text her.

"Where are you, need to see you. Now."

He slipped it back into his pocket, scanning the faces in the hall.

@Haus Of Alaska
"Did you not come prepared for school?" Kyra asked as she rubbed at her ears due to Peach speaking loudly. Bathrooms tended to carry sound for some reason, at least school bathrooms did. It wasn't like they were in the Auditorium where sound naturally had to carry so the audience could hear the plays and musicals that were put on. She liked theater and wondered if there were going to be any plays being put on this year. @GoldenChari


Viktoria sat down and began twirling her phone in her hand.

"Names Viktoria, was at the party"

She explained before going quiet and just sitting there, she could see Kyra working on what looked like homework so she chose to stay quiet.

Looking over at Peach with a raised eyebrow, she pulled out a bottle of cold water and handed it to her

"Drink that, it will help settle your stomach"

She explained, stepping in to help since Kyra looked busy as hell.

She felt her phone buzz but she ignored it for now, just wanting to be with her own thoughts

@Sharkiee @eclipsehowls @GoldenChari
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"I wasn't at the party. I got there, stood outside, and then left after talking to an older guy named Spencer," said Kyra. This is why I don't drink, she thought to herself. She went back to her math problem as Peach was given some cold water, telling the other girl that it would soothe her stomach. The sound of a cell phone going off sounded through the silence but was ignored. "Why are you two in here?" she questioned, opening her soda and taking a few sips before closing the bottle and setting it on her left. Kyra was only here because Peach wanted to be here and it would give Kyra some time to get over her nervousness about this new school before staring her afternoon classes. @Musicomar4 @Haus Of Alaska

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