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Realistic or Modern Ridgeview High School (Mature/Always accepting)

eclipsehowls said:
"Did you not come prepared for school?" Kyra asked as she rubbed at her ears due to Peach speaking loudly. Bathrooms tended to carry sound for some reason, at least school bathrooms did. It wasn't like they were in the Auditorium where sound naturally had to carry so the audience could hear the plays and musicals that were put on. She liked theater and wondered if there were going to be any plays being put on this year. @GoldenChari

Peach sighed. "They never gave me work." She admitted, wincing as her abdomen felt crushed for a few seconds. "Do you need a-any help with your work Kyra?" The girl asked before she recived the water. "T-thanks so much!" Peach said, smiling up at the other girl.

@eclipsehowls @Haus Of Alaska
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"You have your textbooks for the class right?" Kyra questioned without looking up from her notebook. Her aunt had gotten Kyra her textbooks on Thursday so Kyra could look the books over before school started. Though she knew normally she wouldn't have gotten her textbooks until the first day of school in each class. @GoldenChari

Viktoria sighed and looked down, like a child caught taking cookies

"According to the school nurse, I'm pregnant"

Looking contemplative, she was distracted by Peach, looking worried.

"I don't think your ok, maybe we should get you to the nurse"

@eclipsehowls @GoldenChari @Sharkiee
Kyra frowned to herself as she looked at a problem in her Algebra textbook. Why go announcing that? Especially to strangers? she thought to herself. Kyra never planned on letting anyone know of her own pregnancy. It would just create problems for the transfer student. She glanced up from her book to look at Viktoria, unzipping her backpack to get herself another snack to eat, and then closing it once more as Viktoria spoke to Peach about going to the Nurse's Office. "Well congratulations I guess," she said to Viktoria. Kyra figured, if Viktoria had just found out then she was probably around six weeks into her pregnancy. Kyra hadn't found out about her pregnancy until last week when she was six weeks pregnant. "You really should Peach, go see the Nurse. At least to lay down a little." @GoldenChari @Haus Of Alaska
eclipsehowls said:
Kyra shook her head but dropped the matter. "Try to pick up your books this afternoon then so you can be prepared tomorrow." @GoldenChari

"Y-yes ma'am..." Peach sighed as she went to purge the water from her system, leaving the stall door open in her rush. She coughed in between rounds and shook.
Kyra nodded and focused again on her math problem she was working out. They weren't allowed to use a calculator, having instead to write the problem out and solve it on paper to show they understood the material. Her ears caught the sounds of retching and she tsked to herself, setting aside her notebook "You alright?" she called to Peach. @GoldenChari
eclipsehowls said:
Kyra nodded and focused again on her math problem she was working out. They weren't allowed to use a calculator, having instead to write the problem out and solve it on paper to show they understood the material. Her ears caught the sounds of retching and she tsked to herself, setting aside her notebook "You alright?" she called to Peach. @GoldenChari

"Noo!" Peach replied in distraught as she retched again. "I'm going to die at this ra-" The poor girl vomited yet again. Her lungs felt dry, her throat a hose.
"That does it," said Kyra getting to her feet and packing up her belongings. She zipped her backpack closed and slipping it on. Walking into the bathroom whose door stood ajar, she looked at Peach. "We're going to the nurse and that's that," she said firmly. Trying to deal with her own sudden wave of nausea, she grabbed Peach's arm firmly yet gently before helping the girl to her feet and made to leave the bathroom with the stubborn female. @GoldenChari
eclipsehowls said:
"That does it," said Kyra getting to her feet and packing up her belongings. She zipped her backpack closed and slipping it on. Walking into the bathroom whose door stood ajar, she looked at Peach. "We're going to the nurse and that's that," she said firmly. Trying to deal with her own sudden wave of nausea, she grabbed Peach's arm firmly yet gently before helping the girl to her feet and made to leave the bathroom with the stubborn female. @GoldenChari

Peach shook a bit. She couldn't fight back if she wanted. "I don't wanna though Kyra..." Peach whined weakly as they walked. She rubbed her mouth and kept walking.

"Your other choice is to get weaker until you can't move and then someone will step in. You could end up in the hospital," said Kyra as she took Peach out of the bathroom and began walking down the hallway to the Nurse's Office. "If you want to keep being like you are for your home life, you'll go to the Nurse's Office and not complain." @GoldenChari
eclipsehowls said:
"Your other choice is to get weaker until you can't move and then someone will step in. You could end up in the hospital," said Kyra as she took Peach out of the bathroom and began walking down the hallway to the Nurse's Office. "If you want to keep being like you are for your home life, you'll go to the Nurse's Office and not complain." @GoldenChari

"Oh fine..." Peach moaned. "My home life isn't worth it anyways though." Peach sighed, leaning a bit onto Kyra, feeling her fingers firmly on her arm, savoring the touch.

Peach layed down and held Kyra's wrist. The nurse cheaked her heartbeat then when she got towards her stomach she stopped. Four words escaped the older woman's lips. "Congratulations Peach. You're pregnant!" Her hand dropped from her friend's wrist as her other hand rubbed her slightly swollen abdomen. "B-but i couldn't be. He used protection and forced me to take the pill!" She cried out. Memories flooded her head. The poor girl then started to cry as she remembered the night a man had entered her house to steal and left with more then just a handful of money.
Kyra could just hear her mother's words in her head as it was announced that Peach was pregnant. "Pregnancy is a thing now and contagious. You'll ruin our lives with your pregnancy. We don't want anything more to do with you or your child." Kyra couldn't help grimacing at those words, they still hurt a week later. Well it seemed her mother had something right. Kyra had heard of girls purposely getting pregnant because they were fucked up in the head and wanted kids but it seemed that wasn't the case with Peach. "You're in for a long road ahead," muttered Kyra quietly. @GoldenChari
eclipsehowls said:
Kyra could just hear her mother's words in her head as it was announced that Peach was pregnant. "Pregnancy is a thing now and contagious. You'll ruin our lives with your pregnancy. We don't want anything more to do with you or your child." Kyra couldn't help grimacing at those words, they still hurt a week later. Well it seemed her mother had something right. Kyra had heard of girls purposely getting pregnant because they were fucked up in the head and wanted kids but it seemed that wasn't the case with Peach. "You're in for a long road ahead," muttered Kyra quietly. @GoldenChari

"I-I couldn't be pre-pregnant!" Peach wailed. She curled into a ball and sobbed, her head spinning. "Please! I couldn't do it alone! I c-can't!" She cried out, tears being soaked into the bed like water for a plant.
Again Kyra shook her head. "Not everyone has the father around so they have to do it alone," Kyra said. Not everyone's parents' wants to help out either, she thought to herself. Even though her Aunt Ivy had taken her in, it was Kyra's job to get up with her baby at night, take care of him and get a job as soon as she turned sixteen so she could support her son. Sadly, she was too young to get a job right now and wouldn't be able to at fifteen as she would have had the baby then...if things continued as well as they were with her pregnancy. Kyra had understood and assured her aunt that she would do everything she could for her unborn child during her pregnancy and while it was born. Kyra already planned on setting up a college fund and was putting a little money away each month for her baby.

Kyra was glad that she would likely never see the counselor who had taken advantage of her and caused her to become pregnant with the embryo growing inside her. The guy had probably forgotten all about her and moved on with his life. There would be no child support or forced visitation. Though she wasn't sure how that worked when the counselor was an adult and the victim a child under the legal consent age for sex. It doesn't matter, she told her self. You're safe and you have a loving aunt who will help you out and make sure you get through high school at least. @GoldenChari

Alaska jerked up as she realised she'd fallen asleep. "Uuuggghhhh" she groaned and looked to see another person had joined them. "My god, I didn't realise this was such a boring fashion show! Thanks for arriving and speeding things up." She patted the other girls hand. "Now, I was NOT sleeping, and, if i was, telling anyone will result in your death okay?" She smiled.

eclipsehowls said:
Again Kyra shook her head. "Not everyone has the father around so they have to do it alone," Kyra said. Not everyone's parents' wants to help out either, she thought to herself. Even though her Aunt Ivy had taken her in, it was Kyra's job to get up with her baby at night, take care of him and get a job as soon as she turned sixteen so she could support her son. Sadly, she was too young to get a job right now and wouldn't be able to at fifteen as she would have had the baby then...if things continued as well as they were with her pregnancy. Kyra had understood and assured her aunt that she would do everything she could for her unborn child during her pregnancy and while it was born. Kyra already planned on setting up a college fund and was putting a little money away each month for her baby.
Kyra was glad that she would likely never see the counselor who had taken advantage of her and caused her to become pregnant with the embryo growing inside her. The guy had probably forgotten all about her and moved on with his life. There would be no child support or forced visitation. Though she wasn't sure how that worked when the counselor was an adult and the victim a child under the legal consent age for sex. It doesn't matter, she told her self. You're safe and you have a loving aunt who will help you out and make sure you get through high school at least. @GoldenChari

"My house only has me in it Kyra. You have your aunt at least! I can't pay bills and the lights are about to go off weather i use them or not." Peach explained. "I have no one but you and i bet you'll slip away too."

The man that snuck in... He wasn't too old but he was older then her. In a way, Peach hadn't screamed out. She knew it was suicide to do it. The man had carressed her cheek and kissed her forehead. He had to of known her but he had the cover of night on his side along with a mask. She shook the memories away for now. It killed her what he said. "Become fertilized and i'll cut them out." She accidentally said aloud. "I can't forget it..."
Kyra scowled at the mention of having her aunt. It was true but it didn't make her situation any easier. Her eyes darkened as she heard that the lights in Peach's house were about to get turned off and at her next words. Doubting that Peach had even heard herself speaking, Kyra looked at the nurse who was quiet as she continued examining Peach. Shouldn't the school staff do something about Peach's problem of a house life? "I can talk to my aunt maybe," said Kyra as she tried to think what to do. "We have a guest room at my aunt's house." Maybe her aunt would let Peach live there too, since the girl was also pregnant and seemed to be Kyra's friend. @GoldenChari
eclipsehowls said:
Kyra scowled at the mention of having her aunt. It was true but it didn't make her situation any easier. Her eyes darkened as she heard that the lights in Peach's house were about to get turned off and at her next words. Doubting that Peach had even heard herself speaking, Kyra looked at the nurse who was quiet as she continued examining Peach. Shouldn't the school staff do something about Peach's problem of a house life? "I can talk to my aunt maybe," said Kyra as she tried to think what to do. "We have a guest room at my aunt's house." Maybe her aunt would let Peach live there too, since the girl was also pregnant and seemed to be Kyra's friend. @GoldenChari

"I wouldn't feel right... I couldn't do anything as payment could i?" The girl whispered. "Besides. I'd only be troubling you and your aunt, especially when the baby arrives." Peach hadn't calmed down fully. She looked at Kyra, tears still flowing down the paths on her soft, slightly reddened cheeks.
"You can help out with chores," said Kyra. "Then get a job when you're sixteen." She resolved to talk to her aunt today when she got home about this. "How far along is she?" Kyra asked the nurse while thinking...if Peach was pregnant then she guessed she could explain why she was here with her aunt. @GoldenChari
eclipsehowls said:
"You can help out with chores," said Kyra. "Then get a job when you're sixteen." She resolved to talk to her aunt today when she got home about this. "How far along is she?" Kyra asked the nurse while thinking...if Peach was pregnant then she guessed she could explain why she was here with her aunt. @GoldenChari

"She's just under a month i'd say. Maybe a bit over but i think she has Hyperemesis Gravidarum or HG. Basically it's like a Hyper pregnancy." The nurse stated before going off.

"S-So i'm going to have the child quicker or...?" Peach questioned but the nurse exited into the back office. She sat up, legs over the rail. "But are you sure Kyra...? If i have whatever the nurse said then i may be unable to do anything." She stated, sniffling still.

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