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Realistic or Modern Ridgeview High School (Mature/Always accepting)

Sharkiee said:
Lucas rested his palm on his head, shaking his head at the girl, he didn't have time for this, "how about you go scribble your shit in your book somewhere else kid?" he barked, who was this girl to take notes about him. He scowled at her for a moment, taking another puff of his smoke.
@Naomi Wilde
Naomi whimpered and ran away. She did not want any trouble and she was terrified of the boy. She did not dare look back and upon getting home she took a look at her pocket watch and went up to her room.
GoldenChari said:

"I'm sorry to hear that." Peach said as she sat on the couch. "It's nice here." She commented. "Not to small and not to big honestly. Then again. I haven't went upstairs." She giggled a bit.

"It's fine for just us," agreed Kyra. "Come on. I'll show you to the guest room. Auntie's room is at the end of the hall. The guest room is on your left and mine is on the right."
She continued climbing the stairs until she got to the second floor, making her way down the hall, past the upstairs bathroom, her aunt having a master bath attached to her own bedroom. @GoldenChari
eclipsehowls said:
"It's fine for just us," agreed Kyra. "Come on. I'll show you to the guest room. Auntie's room is at the end of the hall. The guest room is on your left and mine is on the right." She continued climbing the stairs until she got to the second floor, making her way down the hall, past the upstairs bathroom, her aunt having a master bath attached to her own bedroom. @GoldenChari

"So i'll be right across from you then?" Peach asked, coughing before she drank some more ginger-ale. "I hope so actually."
Sharkiee said:
Lucas rested his palm on his head, shaking his head at the girl, he didn't have time for this, "how about you go scribble your shit in your book somewhere else kid?" he barked, who was this girl to take notes about him. He scowled at her for a moment, taking another puff of his smoke.
@Naomi Wilde
Naomi came running out of her house about a half hour later. She stopped to see the boy still there. Her curiosity got the best of her an she managed to ask "W-What are you doing?"
"Yes you will be," said Kyra, again perplexed as to why Peach was hoping to be across from her own room. There was another room in the house though not on the top floor. The house had a basement which was soundproofed and was used as Kyra's personal study/music room. It was waterproofed as well so she didn't need to worry about her instruments being ruined by flood waters, even though they didn't live in a flood zone like if they had been in Mississippi or Louisiana. She walked down the hall past the bathroom that had a white door and then stopped halfway down the hall, between a yellow door and a blue door. "That's my room," she said gesturing to the room with the blue door. "The yellow door across the hall is the guest room," she said as she opened her bedroom and walked inside. As she opened the door it was decorated in a forest green with a full bed against the opposite wall, a dresser and closet. @GoldenChari
Lucas glared at the green haired girl when she came back outside, "I'm waiting" he growled as he inspected his fingers, picking some dirt out from under one nail, "What's it to you? do you know where Viktoria is?" he raised his eyebrow a her, "because right now would be a great time" he frowned looking back at his nails as he leaned back on his elbows.

@Haus Of Alaska @Naomi Wilde
Sharkiee said:
Lucas glared at the green haired girl when she came back outside, "I'm waiting" he growled as he inspected his fingers, picking some dirt out from under one nail, "What's it to you? do you know where Viktoria is?" he raised his eyebrow a her, "because right now would be a great time" he frowned looking back at his nails as he leaned back on his elbows.
@Haus Of Alaska @Naomi Wilde
Sharkiee said:
Lucas glared at the green haired girl when she came back outside, "I'm waiting" he growled as he inspected his fingers, picking some dirt out from under one nail, "What's it to you? do you know where Viktoria is?" he raised his eyebrow a her, "because right now would be a great time" he frowned looking back at his nails as he leaned back on his elbows.
@Haus Of Alaska @Naomi Wilde
"N-No... Sorry. Why are you waiting for her?"

After Kyra took the other girl to the nurses office, Viktoria decided to head home.

She was not feeling 100% and of course she knew why. Drinking a bottle of water, she got into her car and left school.

She did not have to say anything as the nurse explained to the principal what was going on.

As she neared home she spotted Luc's car and froze. She was not ready to confront this now.

Pulling up to the door, she saw the shaking girl, nearly peeing herself. Raising an eyebrow at Luc she spoke

"Ok ok, this is finished with. Naomi head home you know that writing thing can freak people out and Luc, lets go inside"

Pulling out her keys, she unlocked the door and headed inside, leaving it open for Lucas to follow her in

@Sharkiee @Naomi Wilde
eclipsehowls said:
"Yes you will be," said Kyra, again perplexed as to why Peach was hoping to be across from her own room. There was another room in the house though not on the top floor. The house had a basement which was soundproofed and was used as Kyra's personal study/music room. It was waterproofed as well so she didn't need to worry about her instruments being ruined by flood waters, even though they didn't live in a flood zone like if they had been in Mississippi or Louisiana. She walked down the hall past the bathroom that had a white door and then stopped halfway down the hall, between a yellow door and a blue door. "That's my room," she said gesturing to the room with the blue door. "The yellow door across the hall is the guest room," she said as she opened her bedroom and walked inside. As she opened the door it was decorated in a forest green with a full bed against the opposite wall, a dresser and closet. @GoldenChari

"You play music? Oh thats wonderful!" Peach clasped her hands together, beaming at her new friend. "Would you play for me sometime Kyra? Pweeease?" She asked, giving sad eyes.
"Yes I play though only three instruments," said Kyra as dropped her backpack on the floor and lay back on her bed, staring up at the ceiling which was painted a pale gray. "Violin, flute and piano are my instruments. I brought my flute and violin with me but my piano was a gift from my aunt." As Peach looked at her like a beaten puppy and asked her to play some of her music for the other girl, Kyra couldn't help rolling her eyes. "Maybe," Kyra said. She opened her backpack and pulled out her soda and snacks along with the soda in her purse, setting them on the bedside table. "If you're tired you should go lay down," she said. @GoldenChari
eclipsehowls said:
"Yes I play though only three instruments," said Kyra as dropped her backpack on the floor and lay back on her bed, staring up at the ceiling which was painted a pale gray. "Violin, flute and piano are my instruments. I brought my flute and violin with me but my piano was a gift from my aunt." As Peach looked at her like a beaten puppy and asked her to play some of her music for the other girl, Kyra couldn't help rolling her eyes. "Maybe," Kyra said. She opened her backpack and pulled out her soda and snacks along with the soda in her purse, setting them on the bedside table. "If you're tired you should go lay down," she said. @GoldenChari

Peach nodded sadly as she slowly went out. On the bed she fell onto it her breasts squishing under her. It wasn't her fault they were abnormally larger for her age. Not crazily so but big enough. She hugged the pillow and sighed. "I'm pregnant then... I guess i've wondered what it was like but so soon..." She yawned, stretching. "I can't sleep yet."
Although she heard Peach leave her room and the guest room door open and close, Kyra made no move to get up out of her bed. She was quite comfortable and glad to be home, though she would probably have to explain to her aunt why she had skipped school and there was a stranger in Ivy Black's house. Sitting up, she grabbed her opened soda and took a few sips to quench her thirst and help settle her stomach, pulling out her anti-nausea pills and popping one in her mouth before washing it down with a swig of the Ginger Ale. She pulled out her cell phone to see if she had any messages from her aunt but all that was there was the message she had sent. Guess she's not on her lunch break yet, Kyra thought as she checked the time to see it was still morning. Kyra wasn't sure what to make of two other kids being pregnant in her school. She had thought she would be the only one that would be pregnant in her freshmen year, yet here was Peach who was a freshmen as well and then an upperclassman who was also pregnant. Still, that did not make Kyra feel any better. @GoldenChari
Lucas' mood changed upon seeing Viktoria, suddenly he dismissed the girls behavior as Viktoria said what he was thinking. He pulled himself up off the ground, dusting his butt as he followed her towards her house, his eyes taking a cheeky look over her behind.

He followed her inside, closing the door quietly behind them. "Can you tell me what the hell is going on hun?" He asked, coming up behind her to wrap his arms around her waist.

@Haus Of Alaska
It was an hour later when Kyra grew bored of her room and grabbed her backpack along with her soda she had bought via the vending machine at school and left her room. Closing the door behind her, she passed the guest room without looking inside and made her way downstairs to the first floor and then went through a door at the end of the hallway off the living room, heading down the stairs that led to the basement. Entering the basement it was covered in brown plush carpet throughout, the walls painted a soothing cream color. Against one wall was a large desk with a printer on one end and a floor lamp next to it. Three fans were positioned on the ceiling to allow cool air in the basement during the warmer seasons.

Her piano was set against the wall opposite her desk and chair, her violin case and flute case on a couple of shelves. This was her own, something her aunt had given her niece after hearing about Kyra moving in with her. Kyra was glad that her aunt had given her a place to play her music. There was a couch and a couple of armchairs against the wall opposite the staircase and she turned right to head towards her piano, dropping her backpack in an armchair as she passed. Setting her soda down on a table beside her piano, Kyra sat down on the bench and tried to think of something to play. Deciding on something from Bach, took out a music book by the musician in question and began to play. Peach could sleep without being bothered by her music and it seemed sleep would be good for the other girl. @GoldenChari
eclipsehowls said:
It was an hour later when Kyra grew bored of her room and grabbed her backpack along with her soda she had bought via the vending machine at school and left her room. Closing the door behind her, she passed the guest room without looking inside and made her way downstairs to the first floor and then went through a door at the end of the hallway off the living room, heading down the stairs that led to the basement. Entering the basement it was covered in brown plush carpet throughout, the walls painted a soothing cream color. Against one wall was a large desk with a printer on one end and a floor lamp next to it. Three fans were positioned on the ceiling to allow cool air in the basement during the warmer seasons.
Her piano was set against the wall opposite her desk and chair, her violin case and flute case on a couple of shelves. This was her own, something her aunt had given her niece after hearing about Kyra moving in with her. Kyra was glad that her aunt had given her a place to play her music. There was a couch and a couple of armchairs against the wall opposite the staircase and she turned right to head towards her piano, dropping her backpack in an armchair as she passed. Setting her soda down on a table beside her piano, Kyra sat down on the bench and tried to think of something to play. Deciding on something from Bach, took out a music book by the musician in question and began to play. Peach could sleep without being bothered by her music and it seemed sleep would be good for the other girl. @GoldenChari

Peach awoke without her clothes on, except her blue and black lingerie. She moaned. "My god it hurts!" She hissed. Sweat rolled off her fingers as she gripped the bedsheets. 'My body must not be used to the heat anymore.' She thought. A film of sweat lay on her as she roasted alive. At home the lights were always off, save a few candles that dispelled the darkness and fridgid temperatures. She used the pillow to wipe her forehead then she stared at the cealing taking deep breaths. "Just regulate wi- with the heat Peach... It's perfectly fine." The girl said to herself.

Music filled the basement as Kyra's fingers went across the piano, the expectant mother closing her eyes as the notes of the piano keys drifted in the air around her. While the basement was soundproof and kept the music from being heard from upstairs, there was nothing to prevent it from flowing throughout the basement. Music was soothing to Kyra and one of her passions in life along with the Arts and Photography. Whether the girl would go to college or not when she graduated high school, and she hoped she did, because if she didn't then she would consider herself as a failure , she was unsure. Much less what major she might try for although Kyra knew she could never be successful with a degree in Art or Music. Still, that was a long way away and she had years to think of it. She had left the door open in case her aunt came home, so her aunt know would where she was. @GoldenChari
eclipsehowls said:
Music filled the basement as Kyra's fingers went across the piano, the expectant mother closing her eyes as the notes of the piano keys drifted in the air around her. While the basement was soundproof and kept the music from being heard from upstairs, there was nothing to prevent it from flowing throughout the basement. Music was soothing to Kyra and one of her passions in life along with the Arts and Photography. Whether the girl would go to college or not when she graduated high school, and she hoped she did, because if she didn't then she would consider herself as a failure , she was unsure. Much less what major she might try for although Kyra knew she could never be successful with a degree in Art or Music. Still, that was a long way away and she had years to think of it. She had left the door open in case her aunt came home, so her aunt know would where she was. @GoldenChari

Peach slowly went off. Her head pounded, brain melting. "Kyra..." She moaned, her clothes loosely on her bust and rest of her body. Because it was white, her became translucent as she found her water bottle, dumping what remained of it on her head. Sitting in the basement doorway she looked around. Her head spun too much to hear the music, let alone focus on it. "Kyraaaa... I think i just really have the. Flu." Peach coughed as she leaned over, showing her skin as she put a hand to her head. "It hurts. I'm hot and it hurts so bad!" Peach cried out.
Kyra heard a voice at the top of the stairs and stilled her fingers. As the notes died down, she heard someone calling her name. Pushing the bench back, she stood and left her piano, making her way to the stairs. Her feet didn't make a sound, the carpet was that soft. Looking up at the top of the stairs, she saw a figure sitting there. Walking up the stairs, she frowned as she saw that it was Peach. Being that her aunt never had guests ove and Kyra didn't have friends, the guest room was left unused. So if Peach were allowed to stay, it would take some getting used to because Kyra would come down here to play her music and not think about everything that had happened.

"If you're sick then you need to be laying down, not walking around everywhere. The flu will pass. Give it twenty-four hours and it'll be gone like that," she said with a snap of her fingers. Had the girl been on her own so long that she didn't know basic care? @GoldenChari
eclipsehowls said:
Kyra heard a voice at the top of the stairs and stilled her fingers. As the notes died down, she heard someone calling her name. Pushing the bench back, she stood and left her piano, making her way to the stairs. Her feet didn't make a sound, the carpet was that soft. Looking up at the top of the stairs, she saw a figure sitting there. Walking up the stairs, she frowned as she saw that it was Peach. Being that her aunt never had guests ove and Kyra didn't have friends, the guest room was left unused. So if Peach were allowed to stay, it would take some getting used to because Kyra would come down here to play her music and not think about everything that had happened.
"If you're sick then you need to be laying down, not walking around everywhere. The flu will pass. Give it twenty-four hours and it'll be gone like that," she said with a snap of her fingers. Had the girl been on her own so long that she didn't know basic care? @GoldenChari

"I don't like it alone honestly. It's been a long time since i had anyone to speak back to me besides cashiers..." She stood up, leaning against the frame of the door. "Please Kyra. I feel odd in a good way around you." The girl blushed. "I don't know what it is honestly."

Viktoria sighed and relaxed into Luc's arms. She wanted to stay there but she was afraid that her news would freak him out.

Taking a steadying breath, she turned to face him and looked up, a slightly scared expression on her face

"Babe, we need to talk. I have some....news"

Viktoria fiddled with her fingers, afraid to continue with her announcement. She did not know how he would handle it and she

was afraid this would send him away. Closing her eyes she spoke

"I'm pregnant"

Kyra sighed and looked behind her. If Peach was going to be a mother, she needed to learn how to do things herself because nobody would help her out. Sighing she made a gesture to follow her and turned, walking back down the basement stairs, peeved about being bothered. "You can lay down on the couch," said Kyra before going back to her piano, taking her seat once more and starting her song again. @GoldenChari
Lucas froze, "Pre.. pregnant?" he gasped dropping his hands from her sides, one of them brushing through his hair. "And are you sure?" he started counting the days in his head, "and.. " he stopped turning her around to face him, holding her by the shoulders, "and you know who the father is?" his eyes searched hers, he half hoped it was his. "Why has it taken so long to tell me this? wouldn't a call or a text been enough? you've been going through this alone" he growled, letting go of her shoulders, his hands dropping to his sides, "What are we going to do..." he mumbled wondering over to one of the dinning table chairs, flopping down into it, his elbows on his knees as he held his forehead.

@Haus Of Alaska

Viktoria sighed and sat down next to him, looking forward.

She had only recently found out and she had spent her time coming to terms with it.

"Well, I have been trying to get used to it, and yes...its yours"

She sat there not saying anything more, she did not want to lose Lucas

He stared at the floor, unsure what to say. "Well.." he shifted to a upright position, "you should have said something the moment you found out, I don't want you to go through this alone" he frowned, lifting his hand to cup her cheek, "we are in this together now" he smiled sheepishly, "anything that happens now happens to us" he nodded. Lucas dropped his hand and got to his feet. He let out a sigh, as much as he was happy for it being his, he knew that it mean things were going to change. "Have you gone to the doctor yet?" he turned to look at her.

@Haus Of Alaska

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