• This section is for roleplays only.
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Realistic or Modern Ridgeview High School (Mature/Always accepting)


Britt nods, "Oh fun, well, yeah, I'll be playing. Probably the medley of Phantom of the Opera, or maybe one of the songs that we play." Britt fiddles with her fingers, "Trust me, you won't want anything to do with me after you realize how terrible I am. I'm icy and distant and I hate myself." Britt shakes her head, "Oh man, I hate myself more than I hate country music or self entitled assholes. And usually I hate people like you, but I suppose you are an exception. I just. I'm not kind." Brittany lets out a breath, "I'm ranting, I'm sorry. What did you ask?"

(Mentioned: @NickOnTheReg )​


Jake started laughing. "Oh man you really tell it like it is." he kept laughing. "I like that. You're not far off from me, I'm a douche bag. I admit it. Look at me, I'm what every guy wants to be and what every girl wants." he flashed a smile and flexed a bit. Always in the mood to show off. "If you're making an exception for me, than that means we can relate at some things." Turning the corner and walking down the hall a bit, they approached the music room. Before opening the door for her, "Now why would you hate yourself? Being true and being honest is a good quality. I like that." Jake added looking at Brittney in the eyes. "You'll find a lot of people at the school who you'll hate, why do it alone." He opened the door and followed her inside. "I did ask what grade you're in. I'm a Junior."



Britt nods, she takes a deep breath and runs her fingers through her hair, "Well, I can be painfully honest, I know at least two men who would want nothing to do with you. My brothers. Well, Kyson's my twin. He's a lot like me. And then there is Kase who.. Well, lets just say if Marilyn Manson and Amy Lee has a love child, it would be Kase." Brittany walks into the music room and sets down her violin, she sets down her backpack as well and pulls a binder full of sheet music out. She grabs a music stand and sets the binder on it. "As for girls," Britt opens the binder, "Well, speaking for girls like me, you arent really my type. Unless, of course, you rock at playing an instrument or secretly want to become a forensic anthropologist or something." Britt pulls out her black and purple violin and the matching bow. She holds it up, the rest doesn't touch her skin, but a bar comes out and rests on her collarbone instead.

"Of course, that isnt saying that I don't like you, you seem cool."

(Mentioned: @NickOnTheReg )​


Jake watched her set up. It was flawless, like she's done it millions of times. Then again he remembered her saying she's been playing since she was 5. "The less guys who want something to do with me the better, I hate dealing with people I don't have to." Jake said grabbing a chair and sitting in it. "As far as the type of guy you describe, Nah that's not me. I can't play anything, I just lift weights, and I have no clue what that second thing you said is, let alone pronounce it." He kicked his feet up on another chair and put his hands behind his head. "I do like the color of that violin there though. Matching is always key." he said with a laugh. "It's a good thing you think I'm cool because right now I'm not going anywhere until I hear you play. Plus you're not so bad company yourself Brittany"



Brittany sighs, "Forensic Anthropology is the study of cultures and bones and helping crime investigation to catch killers or solve murders, as well as deciphering whether a death was suicide, accidental, or homicide." Brittany quickly tunes her violin, "And I'm in grade 11. A junior, to you." Britt begins running the bow across the strings of her violin, testing each of their tuning, she fixes the first string and looks up at Jake, sitting, "It sucks that we don't share any interests."

Brittany flips the pages of her binder until she finds 'The Phantom of the Opera' Medley. She begins playing this, starting slowly, focusing on the sweetness of the song. She closes her eyes as she sinks into the music. She begins picking up the pace as the song requires and thinks of how Niall would strum the first note of the electric guitar, his phantom mask covering half of his face, she would then burst into her all out frenzy.

(Mentioned: @NickOnTheReg )


Jake's head was about to explode when Brittany was describe whatever job she said again. He basically didn't get any of it except it helps cops. "Uh huh." He said laughing. How Jake made it to junior year still baffles a lot of the staff and students. "All I need is this right here to do what I need to do." He said as he flexed his arms and lifted his shirt. "The money maker." He said laughing. "I'm not into all that stuff you'll need college for." Jake smiled and was watching her. He didn't get to answer back to the comment of them having nothing in common before she started playing. Maybe nothing in common is good at first. He thought to himself

He sat back, until she started picking up the pace. His interest has sparked and he leaned forward watching her. His eyes studing her movements. How this was all so effortless to her. "Wowwww" he said softly as he watched her.

She smiles at the confidence he portrayed.

I'd be willing to hand it to you if you can play. The guitar is my dad's thing, he tried teaching me but I got frustrated and stashed it. He doesn't live with me now, so I haven't had a teacher.

The energy which Kyson was giving off was something that nobody could resist. He seemed like a great friend a nice guy, and quite the charmer. She is pulled away from the boy's glance by the ring of her phone.

"Speak of the devil. I have to head out, she says putting her phone away. Dad finally brought my shoes. I'm sure Spencer can show you to Physics. It was nice meeting you Kyson. She holds her hand out for the boy to shake, looking him in his soft eyes


Mentions: @NekoQueen49


She finishes the song with one last umph and leans back on her heels. She smiles softly, looking at the baffled expression on his face. "I take it you weren't expecting that, Jake." Britt sets her violin down and turns the pages to her book to one of her favorite songs. She pulls her long hair back into a messy bun and picks up her violin, she begins playing, thinking of how her brother would bang on drums, how her best friend would play the techno that he had remixed while a talented girl would sing. She thinks of Niall, thinks of all of the work he had put into the band.

Brittany begins playing.

(Mentioned: @NickOnTheReg )


Kyson smiles, "It was a pleasure. Here, let me give you my number, I would love to keep in touch with you." Kyson takes the girls hand, he lifts it to his lips, just as he has with many of girls, he was born in a different place, born and raised to treat a girl as a princess and only as a princess, nothing less. He smiles, loving the way her eyes shine.

(Mentioned: @ALittleRed)​
She blushed at the small gesture of his lips against her skin. Her phone rings again and she pulls it out, opening it and handing it to the courteous teen. She had never met anyone like him, someone so polite.


Kyson smiles and takes the girls phone, he types his name and number in. Kyson hands the phone back and smiles to the girl, "Here you are, my dear. I suppose I'll see you later, yes?" Kyson leans against the desk once again and glances at the secretary, hoping she doesn't flip out on him, like he's sure she will.

(Mentioned: @ALittleRed)​
Yeah and maybe I'll show you that music room.

She gives the boy a quick smile before turning away. She pushes the office door and glances back.

Good luck on your first day. And with that she's gone, making her way to the front parking lot and with Kyson on her mind.



Jake shook his head. "No, can't say I was." before he could complement her more, she put her hair up and was about to begin another song. Jake's first thoughts were Damnnn She looks good while she plays. But soon he looked past that. The grace she had, she style,her way of playing. He was noticing a lot. Noticing how her feelings transferred into her playing. He was more mesmerized than anything. He was sitting up watching her. Watching her every move. "I think I'm in love." escaped his lips as she played.

((OMGGG sorry I fell asleep, it was 3am. PS- Shatter Me is one of my favorite songs of hers :3))


Jacqueline (Jack)


Jacqueline waltz in the school as if she own the place. Her head held high, her eyes only looking ahead, and a smirk painted on her face. Though this was her face day she felt unfazed. Her father is a powerful owner of the prominent engineering company and her mother is a Brazilian supermodel. She had the smarts and the looks (well hopefully), She was bond to be popular.

Though she was had the mindset of said champion, she had one problem. She couldn't navigate herself to the office. She looked around briefly before narrowing down her choices. She walked towards the right direction only to see a boy in the office. Her smile appear in her face as she waved towards the boy, not wanting on his reply ti begin talking to the Secretary.

She did her usual play with a complement and smooth talked her way from there. Though her father had a Playboy lifestyle, she learned a thing or to about making people like you instantly, she just used it in certain people though not everyone was worth her time.



Brittany makes the song she plays move into another song, she transitions it perfectly, as if boy songs were the same, mashed into one song, although the next song she plays is not her own, but the Lord Of The Rings Medley. She starts the song slowly, beautifully and let's it pick itself up. Brittany looks up at Jake a smile plays on her lips and she begins dancing with the beautiful music, getting lost. She closes her eyes and sighs happily as the song picks up and slows down. Her heart pounds in her chest as she looks up at Jake, she sees him watching her and she can't help but feel at home. She half expects Niall to sit next to her playing his guitar as she twirls and leans with the music. But he's not. He never will be. Niall is in Ireland. She is here.

((Same. It's my favorite of her originals. All of the things Brittany plays is Limdsey because I love her unique style.))

(Mentioned: @NickOnTheReg )
Throughout all of the flirting, Spencer hanged back. He wasn't the type to interfere with other people or much less their romance, but he could definitely see something going on there. And for Spencer to see it, was saying something. The boy was completely dense to the whole boy/girl let's-date thing. Hell, he was completely dense when came to socializing itself. There was a reason he was a loner.

Spencer cleared his throat a little, just to remind the other male that he was still in the room. "Still need to find your way to Physics?" He asked. After all, Spencer wasn't a pretty girl so he figured that Kyson would rather chase after someone like Amethyst.



Jake ran his fingers through his hair as he watched Brittany play. He was in shock, he was speechless. They way she played, her style, everything was like a trance. He was completely drawn in. He wanted to clap, but didn't know when too. He could listen all day at this point. It's odd for Jake to be drawn in by something that isn't weights or protein shakes, or girls walking. She has him hooked. Jake just smiled as he watched her. She was beautiful.


((I missed my shot on seeing her live last year :( she's so good))


After receiving her shoes from her dad and stuffing them in her bag, she thanks him. She immediately made it back into he school without tripping over her feet, but she bumped into someone in the hallway. She will not be able to pass through the day without an encounter with someone.

Amethyst sighs, avoiding eye contact. Um sorry about that. She quickly passes the person and runs to find her locker, before heading to her first class English, as she was already running late.
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Kyson looks back at Spencer and nods, "Ah, yes, I do. It looks like my sister has gotten there safely, though. So I think it will just be you and I." Kyson smiles, "Spencer, was it? Well, let's go. By the way, I like your hair. Is that the style out here? I wouldn't know. Messy hair has always been my.. Uh.. Thing, I guess. Niall, Kase and I shared that." Kyson looks down then looks up at Spencer, "Oh. Kase is my older brother and Niall is my best mate. We used to be in a band, Niall and I."

(Mentioned: @NekoQueen49 )​


Brittany finishes and sets her violin down she looks up at Jake and smiles, "Do you want to pick a song?" She asks, leaning back on her heels, she wipes her forehead and let's out a breath, "Sometimes I cover popular songs, but not very often. I like making my own music. Niall and I used to spend countless hours just writing music for fun. It was our thing." Britt looks down, "I miss him.. And Ireland, a lot."

(Mentioned: @NickOnTheReg )



Jake looks at her and stands up. "Wow, I've never heard anything like that before. That was amazing." He said with a smile. "I'm pretty sure the songs I'd pick you wouldn't know what they are." He said laughing. "So you can just keep going. I have no problem watching you. In fact I might make it a habit of mine." He flashed a smile but it faded as he looked at Brittany and hers faded. "Who's this Niall dude? Your love back home? How come he isn't here?" He asked.

Really, he didn't know how to respond to such an overload of information. "Uh, thanks," Spencer replied to the hair comment. His hand reached up to touch it, having it be mentioned. He didn't really know what the style was. He just... did his own thing. The hair comment and the fact that he was in a band was the only two things that got through to him. Probably because it was the first and last thing he said. That and he still wanted to go to Physics.

Spencer gestured towards the door and began to lead Kyson to where he knew Physics was. "What kind of music did you play?" He inquired. Though of course Spencer was curious, he also asked to let him know that he did in fact hear him.



Brittany sits on a stool, she looks at Jake with a sad expression, "Niall? He's.. Well... He was my everything. To him, I was a nobody, though." Britt sighs, she bites her lip and looks up at Jake, "He didn't come because he has a life there. He didn't want to leave. He didn't want us to leave either, he just kind of chilled. He was such a good guy, though. He offered to take us in and everything." Brittany stands and flips through her song book.

(Mentioned: @NickOnTheReg )​

Kyson smiles, he walks through the door and walks with Spencer towards Physics. He shrugs, "Well, I mean, ai play the drums. We mostly d grunge, with a bit of classical thrown in. That's because my sister, you met her, Brittany, wells he plays the violin for our band. It's pretty cool, we were the only ones that did it. And then Niall was our guitarist. Then we had Andy whoplayed the bass. He was pretty cool. Him and my older brother were really good friends for a long time. Do you play any instruments?"

(Mentioned: @NekoQueen49 )​
Grunge, eh? He listened to it on occasion, but mostly his musical tastes laid in rock and indie music. Nirvana, Stone Temple Pilots primarily. To Kyson's question, Spencer shook his head. "I used to play the alto sax for band but I never really got into it. My talents lie more in art, though I'm still trying to figure most of the intricacies out."


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