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Realistic or Modern Ridgeview High School (Mature/Always accepting)

Kyra had led Peach to the front office but the expectant mother looked up as someone spoke to her. Looking towards the girl, she looked over at Peach. "A student stole her class schedule. We're here to get her a new copy," she said, gesturing to Peach. "I already got mine when I got to school." Not sure if she should introduce herself or not, she went quiet, starting to fiddle with her hands at her sudden nervousness. @Haus Of Alaska @GoldenChari

Britt looks at the girl behind the new boy. She notices how icy she is. She smiles to herself. A lot like her, in a way, where she doesn't really talk to anyone other than Kyson. Brittany looks at Kyson and smiles to him, she touches his drumstick then looks over at the new pair. She nods as Kyson smiles. They were thinking the same thing.

Kyson nods as the boy tells them he will take them where they want to go. He glances at the girl behind him and smiles.

"Hello." Skyson greets her, "I'm Kyson and this is my twin, Brittany." He glances back at Britt as she touches his drumstick. He smiles back at her then looks at the other two, "Do you two play instruments or know anybody around the school that does play an instrument?"

(Mentioned:@ALittleRed @NekoQueen49 )​
Hi Amethyst softly says. I'm Amethyst, gripping the strap of her bag, tightly.

She looked to the pair. She noticed the drumsticks in Kyson's hand, and the violin case in Brittany's. She admired the talent of which they obviously had. Amethyst returns the warm smile Kyson gives her. She receives her schedule from the frowning secretary before turning back to everyone. She glances to Brittany and gives a small grin.

I dance, not play, but I know where the music room is. I can show you during lunch or something, maybe you'll find someone there. She shrugged, avoiding eye contact with everyone in the room. If that's alright with you guys.

@RandomFoodGirl @NekoQueen49
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Jake saw her walk past and was about to say something but he chose not to. He was done for the day. "Fuck it." he said as he started walking the opposite way. Still pissed from this morning, it wasn't how he wanted the first day to go. His boy laughing at him getting roasted by two girls, back to back. He started parting the way through the crowd bumping anyone who went near him.​
eclipsehowls said:
Kyra shrugged and zipped open her backpack, the snacks being set inside it before putting her backpack back on. Then she got a couple more Ginger Ales before putting one in her purse and one in her backpack. She turned partly to Peach as Kiara turned away, talking to herself. "We should get to the office," she said to Peach. "Though the elderly woman secretary is a rude bitch." @GoldenChari
eclipsehowls said:
Kyra had led Peach to the front office but the expectant mother looked up as someone spoke to her. Looking towards the girl, she looked over at Peach. "A student stole her class schedule. We're here to get her a new copy," she said, gesturing to Peach. "I already got mine when I got to school." Not sure if she should introduce herself or not, she went quiet, starting to fiddle with her hands at her sudden nervousness. @Haus Of Alaska @GoldenChari

Peach bowed as she apologized for being careless in losing the schedule before she bit her cheek. "Now what Kyra...?" Peach asked, gagging a bit as if she was about to throw up. "My god... I can't stand when i do that!" The girl whimpered.

"Go up to one of the desks and ask for a new schedule I'd assume," said Kyra with a shrug. "I'd imagine you'd have to give them your name, grade and maybe explain what happened," she said. She didn't know why someone would steal another student's schedule. It sounded stupid to her. @GoldenChari
eclipsehowls said:
"Go up to one of the desks and ask for a new schedule I'd assume," said Kyra with a shrug. "I'd imagine you'd have to give them your name, grade and maybe explain what happened," she said. She didn't know why someone would steal another student's schedule. It sounded stupid to her. @GoldenChari

Peach nodded and as she went up her stomach lurched, rejecting the water she had drank so sparingly in the bathroom. She put a hand to her mouth and kept it in, coughing after she swallowed it back down. "I'm seriously going to have to be force fed to keep anything down..." The girl murmured, rubbing her slightly bloated abdomen before getting her schedule.

Kyra frowned as Peach suddenly covered her mouth. If she was this sick, then why hadn't she remained home? It wasn't like there was anybody else pregnant and expecting a child at the high school. That would be ridiculous. Watching as Peach got her schedule, she wondered why she had stuck with the pink-haired girl this far when they didn't know each other. Truthfully, Kyra couldn't say. "What class do you have first?" Kyra asked, an attempt to get rid of her musings at the moment and why this entire situation bothered her. @GoldenChari
eclipsehowls said:
Kyra frowned as Peach suddenly covered her mouth. If she was this sick, then why hadn't she remained home? It wasn't like there was anybody else pregnant and expecting a child at the high school. That would be ridiculous. Watching as Peach got her schedule, she wondered why she had stuck with the pink-haired girl this far when they didn't know each other. Truthfully, Kyra couldn't say. "What class do you have first?" Kyra asked, an attempt to get rid of her musings at the moment and why this entire situation bothered her. @GoldenChari

"Same as you i think..." Peach said. "D-do you have a mint Kyra? My breath has to smell horrible i bet. I'm sorry about that." The girl apologized quickly.

Kyra waved it off, opening her purse and pulling out a couple mint chocolates before handing them to Peach, hoping she wouldn't be asked about why she was carrying mints around in her purse. "Algebra 1 then," she said with a sight. "I hate math," she said to herself. "Come on, we're probably late as it is since the staff can't bother to help out," she said with a scowl at the secretary before leaving the office. Kyra was horrible at math and had a learning disability revolving around math. Why couldn't she have been given a class on budgeting or something, something that wold be more effective to her as a pregnanat teen instead of bloody Algebra? @GoldenChari
eclipsehowls said:
Kyra waved it off, opening her purse and pulling out a couple mint chocolates before handing them to Peach, hoping she wouldn't be asked about why she was carrying mints around in her purse. "Algebra 1 then," she said with a sight. "I hate math," she said to herself. "Come on, we're probably late as it is since the staff can't bother to help out," she said with a scowl at the secretary before leaving the office. Kyra was horrible at math and had a learning disability revolving around math. Why couldn't she have been given a class on budgeting or something, something that wold be more effective to her as a pregnanat teen instead of bloody Algebra? @GoldenChari

Peach sucked on the mint. "Thanks so much!" She smiled. "I'd have my mints but i unfortunately forgot the bag..." The girl pictured the bag alone in her cuboard and she shivered. "Math won't help me either... I never can focus." Peach admitted as they walked.

Kyra nodded, looking again at her schedule. "We'll try the second floor," she said. It was as good a place to any to start and Kyra hadn't been up to the second floor yet. They really ought to have signs to point which way you should go or give out maps to freshmen and transfer students, she thought to herself. She didn't know what to talk about with someone she had just met. She sighed as reached the stairs leading up to the second floor on the other side of the school and began climbing them, holding onto the railing for balance. Since becoming pregnant, her balance had been a bit off though she knew it would get worse as she got further along into her pregnancy. @GoldenChari
eclipsehowls said:
Kyra nodded, looking again at her schedule. "We'll try the second floor," she said. It was as good a place to any to start and Kyra hadn't been up to the second floor yet. They really ought to have signs to point which way you should go or give out maps to freshmen and transfer students, she thought to herself. She didn't know what to talk about with someone she had just met. She sighed as reached the stairs leading up to the second floor on the other side of the school and began climbing them, holding onto the railing for balance. Since becoming pregnant, her balance had been a bit off though she knew it would get worse as she got further along into her pregnancy. @GoldenChari

"C-couldn't we just skip and go to the bathrooms until lunch?" Peach suddenly asked as she held onto the railing as she climbed up the stairs right behind Kyra. For a odd reason she liked this girl alot.

Kyra turned her head to the side to look at Peach in confusion. "Maybe you should go to the Nurse's Office and lay down." The late bell rang as they were on the stairs and Kyra frowned to herself. "Well I guess it's too late now to go to class without getting detention or Saturday School. I guess you got your wish," she said. Carefully turning around on the step, she began walking back down to the first floor. Once she was on the first floor, she began making her way back to the bathroom she had run into earlier. @GoldenChari


Britt smiles softly at Amethyst and nods, "I dance too." She glances back at Kyson, "If you don't mind, I'm going to use the restroom." She smiles as he nods and she starts down the hall, she goes to bathroom and bumbs into a tall boy as she leaves, she smiles softly at him, "Oh, I'm sorry." Her Irish tone slurs her words. She runs her fingers through her long, dark hair, her blue eyes shining, "Do you think you could point me towards the Physics room? I'm new and I'm sure my brother has already made his way there by now.

(Mentioned: @NickOnTheReg )


Kyson smiles softly and bites his lip, "Yeah, Britt was in Dancing when we were in Ireland." He runs his fingers through his hair, he smiles down at his sister as she asks if its alright that she departs. He nods and watches her skimmer off towards the lavatory.

"Amethyst, is it? Thats a beautiful name, love." He cocks his head slightly, "Are you in dancing classes, Amethyst?"

(Mentioned: @ALittleRed)

(With: @NekoQueen49 )​
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Jake looked down and saw the new girl. He picked up on the accent. He flashed his signature smile. "Physics?" he turned and pointed. "3rd door down on the left. Oh and welcome." he said. His mood changes depending on who he sees. Usually for girls it's always the usual Jake smile and talk. "I can walk you, if you'd like." he added in. Knowing she was fully capable of walking herself but Jake figured it was worth a shot.



Brittany smiles and nods, sh looks down, "Thank you, that would be nice of you." Britt pulls out her phone and sends a quick text to her brother, sending the text in fluent Irish so he knows that she made it to physics safely. Brittany looks up at the boy.

"Well, you look like an American football player. Perhaps a wrestler?" Brittany looks over at the boy and begins walking, she switches arms, holding her violin case in her other arm as the one she was using was beginning to hurt.

"Oh! I'm Brittany, by the way."

(mentioned: @NickOnTheReg )​
It's not that special, she rolls her eyes as she looks to the boy. Quickly looking away

She liked his accent and the protective gesture he clearly had over his sister. Amethyst wished she had a sibling to have a relationship like Kyson and Brittany.

Yeah, I take ballet and I teach it to the little ones. I also teach tango. Is your sister the only one who dances?
She sways on her feet, a little uncomfortable with the attention she was receiving from the tall boy.

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Jake laughed at the football player or wrestler comment. "Thanks, I'm not that good" he said at first. "I'm actually trying to become a professional Body builder and compete in physique competitions." He responded. Jake was never ashamed of his dreams, and always told people what he wanted to be. "Want me carry that for you?" he offered as they walked. Jake only showed manners if the person was cute enough. "You competing with this?" he asked. "I can tell by your accent, you're not from around here. Ireland?" he asked as they walked. "My name is Jake, Jake Tyler."

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Kyson Bites his lip, "Well, I mean, yeah. I don't dance." Kyson rubs his neck, "I mean, I dance when I'm drunk, but thats about it.I don't really do it for fun, and I've never been in a class. I'm not opposed to learning, if you would like to teach me, In return, I can give you lessons on the drums."

(Mentioned: @ALittleRed)


"A body builder? That's a first. What a passion, well, as long as you don't break me, I suppose thats a fine life choice, if thats your passion." Brittany bites her lip and looks down at her violin, "Oh, no. I'm fine, I've been carrying a violin around since I was five years old, I can handle this." Brittany pushes her hair back, "No, I don't go into competitions, unless its battle of the bands. I'm more of a.. grunge person." Brittany looks up at the boy, "And yes, I'm from Ireland, Jake."

(Mentioned: @NickOnTheReg )​
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Jake nodded. "Sorry for all the questions" he said with a grin as they walked, "Don't worry. I won't break you, I could never to someone who's pretty like you." Jake added in with a smile as he slowed his pace down. His usual smooth talk at work. "Grunge huh? Not bad music." Jake replied looking at Brittney up and down. She's cute. He thought, so he kept her company a bit more. "What brought you all the way out here to America?"



Brittany rolls her eyes as he calls her pretty, "Trust me, you wouldnt call me pretty if you really knew me." Brittany smiles up at Jake, matching his pace, "You know, if you could take me to the music room instead, I'm sure my physics teacher would understand if I skipped her first ever class for something I'm truly passionate about." Brittany avoids the question about her moving to America completely, deciding its to much information and not something she wants to talk about at all.

(Mentioned: @NickOnTheReg )​
Amethyst chuckles at the stumbling of Kyson's words. Well, I'm sure you're talented with your own dancing, but I would be honored to teach you anytime, just stop by at the local dance studio.

She liked his personality to, he kept the conversation going something she was never talented with. She usually got anxiety with talking, but she was able to talk to him and she liked it.

And I'm not very talented with instruments, ask my guitar that hasn't been touched in two years.
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"Ah yes, drunken dancing is my specialty." Kyson chuckles. He felt confident, strong. He admires the girls radiance and sophistication. "So, tell me, this guitar you haven't touched, was it a passion?" Kyson leans against the front desk, he smirks softly, "Because if it wasn't, well, thats why it is alone."

(Mentioned: @ALittleRed)​


"If that means I can hear you play than, yeah I'll take you." Jake responded as they passed the Physics class and walked towards the end of the hall. "It's on the other side of the school so we have some time." he said with a grin. Jake said what's up to some passing students in the hall as they walked. "So you really think I'd change my mind after getting to know you? I find that hard to believe." Jake goes by mainly looks so it would be hard to not think she's pretty. "Oh what grade are in?" he asked randomly.


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