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Realistic or Modern Ridgeview High School (Mature/Always accepting)


Peach threw up yet again after someone else entered the bathroom. "I don't like being so sick after i eat..." She muttered, her voice as loud as a whisper. She had always been quiet. Opening the stall door she exited, drinking some water only to spit it out, attempting to rid the taste of bile from her tounge.

Kyra had made her way back to the bathroom, entering it again, she saw somebody else in there. Or maybe the girl had been in here and she hadn't noticed with her probably arousing suspicion by running from Saint, Jun and that girl. She shook her head and glanced at the girl near the sinks. She went into one of the stalls and went to the bathroom before coming back out, going to the sink to wash her hands. Unsure what to say, if anything. "Bad breakfast?" she asked, unsure what to say to the girl with pink hair. @GoldenChari
eclipsehowls said:
Kyra had made her way back to the bathroom, entering it again, she saw somebody else in there. Or maybe the girl had been in here and she hadn't noticed with her probably arousing suspicion by running from Saint, Jun and that girl. She shook her head and glanced at the girl near the sinks. She went into one of the stalls and went to the bathroom before coming back out, going to the sink to wash her hands. Unsure what to say, if anything. "Bad breakfast?" she asked, unsure what to say to the girl with pink hair. @GoldenChari

"I wouldn't know..." Peach whispered. "It's been happening every day almost for two or one and a half weeks now." She sighed. "My name is Peach. Peach Crawford." The girl said shyly.


Abby Bowers

Having been walking down the halls at her own leisure, her pace began to quicken as she spotted some underclassmen wandering towards the from office. Their names on the tip of her tongue as she altered her course to set for them, she recognized one as a transfer from last year, and one who had always attended the school from what she could recall. "S--" She started as she had finally arrived directly behind them, "Pencer-r-r!" She cried before launching herself onto the back of the boy. Before asking if he remembered her, she turned to the girl a wide smile on her face, "You probably don't remember me. But I might have seen you on the hallway. Nice to meet you."

@ALittleRed @NekoQueen49

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Right, he remembered that. Spencer had been here his whole life, but school had never been this disorganized. "Ri-" Spencer was about to agree with the dark skinned girl until someone screaming his name interrupted him. "Oof!" The wind was knocked out of him when something (or rather someone) pounced on his back. "Abby," he greeted in a slightly wheezy and gruff voice. It was odd that she choose to jump on him as he rarely had anything to do with upperclassmen but Spencer remembered this one in particular because she had the same name as one of his aunts. Same hair color too, oddly enough.

@ALittleRed @Scheani
I vaguely remember you, but we never talked.

She looked to the dark haired girl. She was rather pretty, a little scary, but she looked to be a good friend. Amethyst looked to Spencer for help on what to do about the girl. Again, socializing wasn't her thing. She remembered the girl from last year, and some rumors, but Amethyst was never the one to listen to such things. They never had a class together so she figured she was an upperclassmen.

Amethyst, or Amy.

@NekoQueen49 @Scheani
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<span style="font-size:36px;"></span><span style="font-size:36px;"><span style="font-family:Quicksand;"><span style="font-family:Quicksand;"><span style="font-family:Quicksand;"><span style="font-family:Quicksand;"><span style="font-family:Quicksand;"><span style="font-family:'Source Code Pro';">Abby Bowers</span></span></span></span></span></span></span><span style="font-size:36px;"></span></p>



<p><span style="font-family:'Poiret One';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Poiret One';"><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);"><strong>"Close-- But no double pink lines." She joked shortly, "I'm Abby, you can call me Abbs as I have seemed to have lost my 'friends' in this past summer." She shrugged before stepping back from the two. "Are you guys headed for the office?" Abby questioned, "You know for your schedule and stuff?" She questioned, seeing as how she had never been much of an introvert she simply acted as though she had known these kids her whole life.</strong></span></span></span></p>


<a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/18461-alittlered/" data-mentionid="18461">@ALittleRed</a> <a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/32984-nekoqueen49/" data-mentionid="32984">@NekoQueen49</a></p>



<div style="text-align:right;"><p></p></div>



"Maybe you have the flu?" Kyra suggested as she lathered her hands in soap. "Or maybe see the Nurse if you're not feeling good?" She was unsure what to say to comfort the girl as she put her hands under the water faucet and began washing the soap off. "Uh...I'm Kyra. Kyra Lily Black," she said after being introduced to Peach. "Gingerale usually helps if you're feeling nauseous," she offered. Least it helped her anyway. @GoldenChari
"Either mine was lost in the mail or, what I suspect, this school is terrible at record keeping," he joked, feeling slightly annoyed at the mix up. Something he easily covered with humor. "So yeah, we need to get it all straightened out." Saying so, Spencer readjusted the strap of his backpack. "I don't think Amy got her's either, right?" He asked, turning his head towards her.

@ALittleRed @Scheani
eclipsehowls said:
"Maybe you have the flu?" Kyra suggested as she lathered her hands in soap. "Or maybe see the Nurse if you're not feeling good?" She was unsure what to say to comfort the girl as she put her hands under the water faucet and began washing the soap off. "Uh...I'm Kyra. Kyra Lily Black," she said after being introduced to Peach. "Gingerale usually helps if you're feeling nauseous," she offered. Least it helped her anyway. @GoldenChari

"I might just have the flu." Peach stated. "I am a bit hungry though..." Her stomach growled, as she stood up from looking in the mirror, her shirt didn't fully hang off of her. "You wouldn't mind showing me to where i could eat do you?" She asked.

Kyra dried her hands off with a paper towel as Peach spoke to her. "Um...no," she said. "I'll probably be late anyway," she muttered to herself before heading out of the bathroom and into the hallway, looking over her shoulder once to see if Peach was coming. "I don't know when breakfast ends here as it's my first day," Kyra said, making her way past the auditorium on her right. @GoldenChari
No, I didn't. Must of got lost or something. I'm going to assume that other's got theirs cause there's not much of a line to the office.

She said, with her mind off to somewhere else. She wanted to look for her friends, but she didn't want to not talk to Spencer and Abbs. She needed to make new friends anyways. She looked back at Spencer and blushed, he had nice, blue eyes. Blushing even more now, she turned away, biting her lip.

@NekoQueen49 @Scheani
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eclipsehowls said:
Kyra dried her hands off with a paper towel as Peach spoke to her. "Um...no," she said. "I'll probably be late anyway," she muttered to herself before heading out of the bathroom and into the hallway, looking over her shoulder once to see if Peach was coming. "I don't know when breakfast ends here as it's my first day," Kyra said, making her way past the auditorium on her right. @GoldenChari

"It's my first day back since the end of elementary school." Peach looked timid as she came up to be behind Kyra. "It's alright. I can survive till lunch i guess." The girl stated. "In honesty, i should lay off the food a bit... I'm getting bloated."


Abby Bowers

Nodding slowly as a smile slowly creeped onto her lips as she observed the way the girl was looking at the boy, "Ri-ight, so I'll just leave you to that I guess." She stated before backing away hands holding the straps of her bag, "I'll see you kids later then-- Don't get to frisky. You know-- Rumers and all." With a wink she turned on her heel disappearing around the corner.

@ALittleRed @NekoQueen49

<p>Kyra nodded. <span style="color:#8000ff;">"I don't have lunch until..."</span> she looked down at her schedule again. <span style="color:#8000ff;">"fifth period,"</span> she said. <span style="color:#8000ff;">"Algebra first period, block of English 9 2nd and 3rd period, 4th period World History, Lunch is 5th period, Gym is 6th period, Biology is 7th period, Study Hall is 8th period and Theater is 9th period. That's just for my first semester."</span> She wasn't sure why she was talking to someone she had just met, given that she was usually quiet around strangers. Maybe she felt bad for the girl. <span style="color:#8000ff;"> "So...you're a freshman then?" </span>she asked for clarification as they arrived at the cafeteria, passing the library on their left. Glass walls were evident at the library and the cafeteria, the library showing tables and shelves of books, the cafeteria showing round tables and chairs around each table. <a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/27299-goldenchari/" data-mentionid="27299">@GoldenChari</a></p>
eclipsehowls said:
Kyra nodded. "I don't have lunch until..." she looked down at her schedule again. "fifth period," she said. "Algebra first period, block of English 9 2nd and 3rd period, 4th period World History, Lunch is 5th period, Gym is 6th period, Biology is 7th period, Study Hall is 8th period and Theater is 9th period. That's just for my first semester." She wasn't sure why she was talking to someone she had just met, given that she was usually quiet around strangers. Maybe she felt bad for the girl. "So...you're a freshman then?" she asked for clarification as they arrived at the cafeteria, passing the library on their left. Glass walls were evident at the library and the cafeteria, the library showing tables and shelves of books, the cafeteria showing round tables and chairs around each table. @GoldenChari

Peach nodded. "My schedule was taken by someone already to be honest..." Peach said, looking at her feet. "If i'm troubling you, i'll leave." The teen murmured suddenly.

Spencer raised an eyebrow at Abby's parting words but shrugged them off. She's probably one of those 'frisky' types herself. That's or one of those who see things that aren't there. "...Let's get going," Spencer said lightly. "We should hurry before we become even later than we already are."

@ALittleRed @Scheani
"Then you should get a new schedule at the front office," said Kyra. "We're low on the social ladder. Freshmen I mean," she said with a grimace. Walking into the cafeteria, she looked around and went to the vending machines filled with soda, water and a couple with snacks in them. She put in some change and pressed a couple buttons, a ginger ale falling out. She bent down to pick it up and handed it to Peach before getting another for herself. "No, you're fine," she said as she put the ginger ale in her backpack and then went to the snack vending machine to see what was offered. @GoldenChari
Yeah, let's go. I still have to stop at my locker.

Spencer and her continued down the hallway. She didn't like how Abby left, she wish she didn't.

Might just do it later, she said as she noticed one of her friends. They seemed to be settling in already, and she didn't want to leave Spencer's company. She turned away and continued walking with the boy, deciding to start a conversation again. So did you go to that party last night?


Mentions: @Scheani
"Ehh..." At Amy's question, Spencer wrinkled his nose in disgust. "Saw it, but only because it was happening a few blocks from my house and my dog lead me there. Terrible choice of music, is all I can say," he laughed slightly. "Did you go there?" Spencer asked. He kind of wished he hadn't made his disdain so obvious as it might have been Amy's thing. She didn't seem like that type of person, but Spencer shouldn't judge her if it was.

She began to speak as they entered the office. Ughh, no. Parties aren't my thing either. She chuckled. A few of my friends went, but I'd rather be home listening to music. They tend to sometimes hang out with other crowds.What type of dog?

She smiled at his obvious disgust with the thought. A friend insisted that she went, but they knew it wasn't her thing. She just watched movies with her dad, as he happened to stop by. And she had to get her ballet shows prepared for practice after school.

Shit, she whispered as she remembered that her shoes were at home.

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Brittany walks into Ridgeview high. She looks around and sighs, her twin brother stands next to her, he looks down at her and she nods. They both know the moving ritual, and they both know the new school ritual. Brittany hold her violin case in her hand and caries it with her as the twins walk to the principals office where they talk to the principal about classes and other, important things.

Kyson walks into Ridgeview high. He had always hated moving, it was dreadful. But, of course, thats what happens when your dad gets moved often. HE looks down at his twin and smiles at her. They walk to the principals office. Kyson asks most of the questions on what they are doing with school and other important details of how the twins' education will work.​
eclipsehowls said:
"Then you should get a new schedule at the front office," said Kyra. "We're low on the social ladder. Freshmen I mean," she said with a grimace. Walking into the cafeteria, she looked around and went to the vending machines filled with soda, water and a couple with snacks in them. She put in some change and pressed a couple buttons, a ginger ale falling out. She bent down to pick it up and handed it to Peach before getting another for herself. "No, you're fine," she said as she put the ginger ale in her backpack and then went to the snack vending machine to see what was offered. @GoldenChari

"H-hey. How much was the ginger-ale?" Peach asked kyra. "I'll pay you back, i promise." The girl stated as she rummaged in her purse.

"A black lab," Spencer answered. Well, he was glad that he found another didn't like parties like he did. And she seemed interested in animals too. Spencer could really grow to like this girl.

Upon entering the office, Spencer found two others, a boy and a girl, in the room. Waiting until they were done, Spencer stepped up and inquired about his missing schedule.

"No, it's okay," said Kyra as Peach offered to pay her back. "It was only a dollar." Peach seemed rather flustered and Kyra wasn't sure exactly why that was. She put in some money and a bag of Cheez It popped out. She grabbed it and put it in her purse, selecting a few other snacks. "You...want anything?" she asked. "I can pay if needed," she added. "It's not a problem." @GoldenChari

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