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Realistic or Modern Ridgeview High School (Mature/Always accepting)

Saint Alexander Pierce

He somehow made it back to his home without stumbling into a bush or ending up in a cemetary like that one time. He smiled a little at the memory and grumbled when he came home to the parents fighting and just waved at his mother before heading upstairs, shaking his head at his sons sleeping position "Little weirdo" he whispered as he reached down and pet his blonde hair gently before sitting on his bed and eventually flopped back and fell asleep.

(I'll just leave him till the next day, Tag me when morning happens)​

Carmen opened the door to Jakes room and saw him there sitting up with his shirt off. Carmen rolled her eyes and smiled, looking down at his shirt, "Eh, not really my style... But it could work." Carmen shrugged and noticed her clothes all neatly folded up on the chair, "What a gentleman you are." Carmen laughed, taking a seat next to him on his bed. She crisscrossed her legs and leaned her head on his shoulder, "Thank goodness I didn't get caught... If my mom heard her 'perfect' daughter ended up in jail, dear lord."

Jake smiled and a basic reflex when she leaned on him, his arm went around her waist and he rested it there, every now and then moving his hand in a circle motion. "My dad would have had to fly home, he'd kill me. Don't worry, I wasn't going to leave you stranded. I got you." he said. Jake kept glancing down and studying her. More of looking her over now that they are closer. He couldn't get over how attractive she was. "This is how I usually spend my nights, Home. except I have a hot girl this time. So it's a good night." he added in smiling.


Carmen closed her eyes and smiled at his warm touch. At this point (or earlier) with a guy, she'd already be under the sheets with the guy. Not even thinking about his name, or relaxing. Carmen usually never let this type of relationship with a guy happen. I mean, Carmen did have a few friend guys that she'd never do anything sexual with. But Carmen didn't think Jake was a friend or a toy... It was hard to describe.

Carmen glanced up at Jake when he mentioned that she was "hot", "I suppose." Carmen grinned as she checked the alarm clock on his nightstand, "God dammit, its like really... Really late." Rolling her eyes Carmen averted her eyes to Jake's eyes and smiled, "Well, what do you usually do on late school nights?" @NickOnTheReg
Jake looked at her. "Well I usually lay in bed and just chill, watch TV, or something. If you wanna do something we can. I have movies." He said that and pulled her down laying back on his stack of pillows. Placing Carmen's head on his chest. "I normally am exhausted from the gym so I'm a boring person." Jake's big hands caressed her arm and side. He liked how smooth her skin was. "I'll do whatever you want to do." he said to her.


Viktoria groaned as she woke up, the last thing she remembered was the cops reaching the party last night.

Looking down, she saw a tattoed arm draped across her waist.

Looking over at Luc, she smiled as she got comfortable in his arms, the party had been great and she finally went all the way with Lucas.

She stayed awake thinking of what happened at the party, parties tended to bring drama.

Flipping open her phone she checked for messages

(decided to make a reply that was a time jump sorry guys, @Identical
@TuffBbg @NekoQueen49 @eclipsehowls @Ecko @Tola )
Lucas stirred, pulling Viktoria in closer. "Morning.." he mumbled, secretly smelling her hair, she smelt amazing for someone who had been drinking all night. As to how he got in her bed, he wasn't sure, he remembered the cops, and a fight he had, a pain in his nose reminding him of the hit he took to the face. He kept his head down, wanting to sleep longer.

@Haus Of Alaska

Letting out a contented sigh she burrowed in close and took a deep breath.

"Morning, or should I say afternoon"

She said softly as she relaxed back into Lucas's embrace.

Since they tentatively danced around each other for so long. she felt nothing but giddy joy that

they finally took the plunge.

"How are you feeling rocky?"

She asked playfully

He opened one eye, taking note of how bright it was in the room, "So it is.." he mumbled closing his eye again. He stretched, yawning into his pillow, "like shit.. how did we get to your place?" he spoke through the pillow, keeping her close.

@Haus Of Alaska

Viktoria smiled and planted a kiss to Lucas's shoulder which was bare

The last thing I remember was the police breaking up the party, we took off planning to come here

She explained as she looked around the room, spotting their clothes thrown as though they

were frantically removed.

"ooh" he managed, finally realizing he was naked, "I see" he opened an eye to look at her, she was so beautiful, it made him giddy inside, He rolled onto his back pulling her with him. "What's for brunch?" he groaned as he rubbed his stomach.

@Haus Of Alaska

Viktoria grinned as she was pulled in close. Resting her hand on Lucas's chest she chuckled and answered

"So I'm your chef now?"

She giggled before getting up and pulling on a pair of shorts and a tank top.

Smiling playfully before going into her en suite and brushing her teeth.

(THANK YOU! I was debating whether to just skip ahead but wasn't sure if it was okay. Sorry, this is one of the few realistic RP that I've joined that's stayed active so that's why I was impatient. @Haus Of Alaska)

Beep. Beep. Beep. The alarm clock on the nightstand went off at seven the next morning. In a room painted in light green, a hand hit the snooze button and rolled over, the clock being silver with digital colored numbers. She always had a hard time with clocks in school and telling the time with them. Sighing, she rolled over and stared at the ceiling before a wave of nausea came over her. Throwing her covers back, she ran out of her bedroom, just managing to reach the toilet before she threw up. "I hate pregnancy," said Kyra as she rested her head on the edge of the toilet bowl.

Soon she felt her aunt's hand on her shoulder. "Some women are lucky to not have morning sickness but it should pass once you get into your second trimester," said her aunt. "But it should be gone by the time you start your second trimester."

"What if the kids at school find out about my pregnancy? What if they ask questions about who the father is?"

"First off...nobody but the school nurse and your teachers will know about your pregnancy and that I have legal custody of you," said Ivy. "Second, it is your decision to tell any friends you make that you are pregnant or not. Third, if you make friends and they desert you because you're pregnant or spread rumors about you, then just do your best to ignore them. If they are going to hurt you like that, then they are ignorant fools who aren't worth your time and will probably grow up to be ugly bitter adults. The bullies usually grow up ugly and bitter, despite their popularity in school." Removing her hand from her niece's shoulder, she helped Kyra to stand. "Take a pill for your nausea and one of your prenatal vitamins before you leave for school. Are you sure you're ready to start school today?" she asked with concern.

"I'll be okay Auntie,"
said Kyra shakily. "I can call you right. If...if I get sick?"

"Of course. I'll just tell my boss I have a family emergency and come pick you up. I won't abandon you like your parents."

"I know,"
said Kyra. She decided to take a shower and did so as her aunt went down to make a quick breakfast as Kyra needed to be out at the end of the block by 7:30 as that was when the bus came. At 7:15, Kyra came downstairs with her backpack and purse, her hair pulled back into a ponytail and dressed in a thin long-sleeved blue shirt and gray sweatpants with black and red sneakers. At 7:25 AM she was out the door and on her way to the bus stop and walked to the end of the block, her aunt's house being four houses away from the bus pick-up spot. As the bus clambered to a stop, she looked at the bus number, 20, committing it to memory and boarded. The bus was half full and she found a seat in the middle of the bus, plopping down and resting her head against the window as the driver waited for the last of the kids to come.

Saint Alexander Pierce

He woke up early the next morning to take care of Luca and got him dressed for the day, Constantly apologized to his 'mother' about having to leave him with her but he also got dressed. He pulled on some tight black skinny jeans with some holes in them and a plain white t-shirt with some boots before fixing his hair and doing his normal morning routine stuff. He then grabbed his bag and kissed Luca goodbye before heading out the door and decided to walk as the house wasn't that far away.

@ Anyone​

Viktoria was downstairs cooking and she yawned. Despite her playful protests, Vicki knew how to cook good hangover food.

Sending out a mass text she invited everyone over for food. She began to plate up pancakes, waffles, bacon and eggs.

It had been a wild night but people needed some downtime for now.

SHe looked down at her hand to the band around her wrist, made of woven leather that Luc had given her last night.

@Bea @Sharkiee @FluffyMarshmallow @eclipsehowls

(also everyone else, just tagged the active peeps right now but its open for anyone looking to get their roleplay into swing again)
(I think we're on different scenes. Bea and I are heading to school since Fluffy said that was the next scene in the OOC and everyone else is recovering from their hangover. But yeah, hopefully it gets active again. @Haus Of Alaska )

The bus finally loaded with the last of the students on her block, not many students it turned out. A girl sat down beside her who Kyra ignored, the freshman closing her eyes as the doors closed and the bus rumbled down the street. The bus went to an apartment complex that had a lot of students and the bus quickly filled. So the kids...*yawn*...in the apartment complex get on last and are dropped off first, she thought tiredly. She watched some of the city go by her as she stared out the window, the glass cool against her skin but even so the air conditioner was on in the bus as it was still hot outside. Being in her seventh week of pregnancy, she knew a lot could go wrong during this critical development with her pregnancy. With being pregnant, she'd have to give up soccer. It was too much of a risk to herself and her unborn child...technically embryo as she'd learned in a book her aunt had bought her...to play any type of sport. The thought of giving up soccer hurt as she really liked soccer but she wasn't willing to put herself at risk or the child growing within her.

Sitting up as the bus finally began slowing down, she saw they were approaching the school, a two story brick building with a large parking lot in front with another parking lot at the back of the school. The football field was across the parking lot in the back along with a track next to the football field. A couple other buses were already in front of the school and she straightened as her bus pulled in behind the others parked in front of the school. The bus driver opened the doors and let the students out, Kyra getting up to follow the others out, nervous about how she would be treated by staff and students alike.
Even though Spencer had a driver's license, his family was too poor to buy him a car. Because of that, he usually biked to school despite the distance. It beat the bus in his opinion and it was good exercise for a guy who mostly spent his time on games and anime.

It was a five mile distance between him and his school, a distance that was difficult considering that he had Gym first period right afterward. However, that was last year and so, with hope, he'll get something better for his first period. Like English or Math, things he was good at.
Kyra stepped off the school bus, her aunt having told her last night to head to the office as soon as she got to school so she could her class schedule and be shown to her first class. Kyra grimaced at the thought of being shown to her first class like was a Kindergartener just starting out in the elementary school. The thought was embarrassing. She stared up at the school in front of her before taking a deep breath and walking into the school. Around her, students made their way to their lockers or called to friends they were meeting up with. It was crowded and busy, the students all seemed somehow bigger than herself even though she was 5'0" and would likely become a maximum of 5'5" by the time she was eighteen. The entrance of the first floor was large...well it had to be she supposed due to the influx of students that attended here...which gave her a bit of room to move around in. She ended up having to walk a bit down the hallway, turn left to go between the library on her left and the cafeteria on her right, then turn right and walk down the rest of the right-side hallway to the office.

She wasn't sure who it was that had designed this school. Why put an office near the parking lot that was away from where the buses dropped students off? The front hallway where the buses were was crowded with nothing but lockers, it seemed that the hallway she was walking down was classrooms. Eventually she reached the office, thankful that there didn't seem to be many students in this part of the school yet and walked inside. There were a few chairs and she saw that the Nurse's Office was near the regular Office. Well that was certainly useful in case her aunt ever had to pick her up. Walking up to one of the desks, behind which an elderly lady sat. The woman looked up at Kyra as she stopped in front of the desk.

"Excuse me. My name is Kyra Black and I just recently transferred here. I'm here to get my schedule."

"What year are you in?"

"I'm a Freshman," Kyra said. Did the woman not know that information?

"You transferred from Riverview Middle in Quincy, TN?"

"Yes," said Kyra.

"Alright dear. Just take a seat and we'll get your schedule and call the student who is going to take you to your locker and then your first class."

Kyra went to take a seat near the door while the secretary typed something into the computer and pressed the print button. Kyra just looked around her as she waited for things to be taken care of.

Saint Alexander Pierce

He eventually made it to the school surprisingly without seeing anyone on the way and noticed a girl he'd seen at the party heading to the office. Was she new too? But then again she looked young so maybe she's just entering high school. He shrugged the thought off and headed in after her, knocking on the doorframe as the door was left open and the woman looked up at him, holding a finger up as she finished typing up the girls schedule before speaking to him "And you are?" she asked, Saint looked rather unamused by her rudeness

"Saint Pierce. Transferring from Santa Monica, CA" he said quickly as he glanced at the young girl in the seat and back to the woman

"Ah, right. I think I already printed yours out..." she said as she dug through papers on her desk before holding out his schedule which he took and glanced at before offering the girl a slight smile "Good to know I'm not the only fresh meat" he joked

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Jun woke at 5am on the dot, he cleaned up in the bathroom and got changed into his outfit of the day before proceeding downstairs to make the kids as well as Kara some breakfast and lunch for school/college. Since their parents gave most of the domestic workers a holiday, the house was emptier than usual. Jun was grateful that their driver came back from his holiday this morning, meaning that he didn't have to try to get Kara's lousy, hungover ass out of bed so she can take them to school.

"Good morning, mister Jun." George, their driver, appeared at the back door. "Mornin' George! Im ready, just gimme a second." Jun shoved the last bit of French toast into his mouth and downed the cup of orange juice, then headed to the car with George.


"I have a dance lesson this afternoon, so please come an hour or two later. Ai is going to a friend's house after school and they're gonna bring him home, so you don't have to worry about fetching him.. Oh, and Jinnie's chess tournament starts at 11, make sure to leave before quarter past...." Just befor exiting the car, Jun gave George a list of reminds for today. After ensuring that he hadn't made any mistakes on the list several times, he waves goodbye and enters the school building.



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A knock on the door brought Kyra out of her search of the office while she waited for her schedule. Another student entered and she dimly remembered seeing the guy last night before she had suddenly left as soon as she had come. Passing her, he went up to the desk she had just been at, saying he was a transfer from California. The city he came from though drew a blank in her mind. But his sentence to her brought her out of impromptu limited geography lesson, not having studied much of the world, let alone the United States in which she lived. She gave a slight shake of her head. She just had to be the one to give herself a lesson on geography when she was starting at a new school. Still, she managed a shy smile in return. What was she supposed to say to that? After a moment, she blurted out the only thing that came to her mind. "Least it's not in the middle of the school year." Though being here, no matter the time of school year, wasn't the best thing to think about for her. But this way, she could maybe make some friends if she were lucky. @Bea

Saint Alexander Pierce

He smiled a little bit and nodded "Yeah that would suck" he said with a sigh, Not looking forward to being shown off to the class at all. With any degree of luck the teacher would just forget but that wouldn't happen. He held his hand out to her "Saint Pierce" he said with a slight nod, ignoring the secretary's annoyed glares towards him, He wasn't going to be rude whether it annoyed the woman or not. He then jumped when he felt his phone buzz in his pocket and pulled it out, accidentally flashing her a picture of his son which was his lock screen as he checked a text

Relief shone on Kyra's face as he agreed with her about transferring in the middle or end of the school year. By then groups would have been established among the student population and she'd probably have to spend her time playing catch up in class, just to make sure that she wasn't held back a year. Yet she wasn't sure why the older student in front of her wanted to risk ruining his popularity with being seen with a freshman student. "Kyra Black," she responded to his own introduction, glancing over at the secretary who seemed to be glaring at them both. What exactly is her problem? she thought to herself.

The sound of a phone ringing drew her attention, for a moment thinking it was her aunt calling but the flash of the lock screen as Saint pulled it out, a kid on the screen appearing briefly briefly before her eyes. Thinking of the only polite thing to do, she let her eyes sweep over the office again, wondering how long it would take the secretary to find and print out a schedule. Or did she spend all her time glaring at students talking to each other instead of doing her job? As for the baby on the screen...it could be a relative. Maybe a cousin or a younger sibling. It really wasn't her business and she wouldn't inquire...that would just be rude. Though she supposed there was the possibility of the child being Saint's, in which case she sympathized. Still...he probably wouldn't be in school for much longer, so even if it were his child, at least he wouldn't be like herself....graduating with a baby. Imagine the senior picture that would be she thought to herself. @Bea

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<p> Saint Alexander Pierce</p>

<br /><br />

He frowned a little at the text and shook his head "<span style="color:#8000ff;">I might be leaving early today</span>" he said mostly to himself before shoving the phone back in his pocket, Reason he'd have to leave early was apparently Luca wasn't feeling great and wouldn't eat this morning, His 'mother' said he didn't have too but Saint being the over protective father he is would find an excuse to leave. He smiled as he was given her name and thought it was kind of a cute name, glancing at the woman who then handed the girl her schedule "<span style="color:#8000ff;">What's your first class? I can walk you</span>" he offered kindly as he glanced down at his sheet quickly before folding it neatly and shoving it in his pocket with his phone<br /><br /><a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17593-eclipsehowls/" data-mentionid="17593">@eclipsehowls</a>



Kyra got up and took her schedule as well as her locker number and combination number that was written at the top of her schedule before looking over it over, not hearing Saint's earlier comment about leaving early. She grimaced at the first class on her schedule. "Algebra 1," she said. Why did math have to be her first class of the day? She wasn't any good at it anyway. @Bea

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