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Realistic or Modern Ridgeview High School (Mature/Always accepting)

He patted his pockets trying to find his phone, "uhh.." he frantically started pulling his phone from his pocket, handing it to her with a smile. "Just to be sure" he grinned at her, lifting his hand to graze it along her cheek.

@Haus Of Alaska

She grinned and took the phone, putting her contact info into the phone before saving it and handing back

"Just in case"

She said as she relaxed slightly against him one she felt his hand brush against her cheek

"As fun as straight whiskey is, I think its time to see what other drink is around, care to join?"

She headed for the kitchen, weaving her way through people who seemed way too drunk this early one. pfft lightweights

He nodded, following her rather puppy eyed, catching up to put his hand in hers. The kitchen was just as crowded as the living room, awkwardly squeezing passed a couple eating face, Lucas managed out an "well, excuse us" with a disgusted look on his face at the act of public affection.

@Haus Of Alaska
NekoQueen49 said:
Spencer wasn't the partying type. That being said, he had no idea that one was going on until he was walking his dog around the block and he heard the noise. His response to said party was to keep his head down and keep thinking annoyed thoughts. That was until, of course, Spencer saw a rather pretty girl looking lost.
Ignoring the Black Lab's wariness and his own, Spencer approached her. "Hot out, isn't it?" He called over the blaring sound of music. Spencer could already tell he was going to get a headache from it.

Kyra turned as she heard a voice from behind her. Still in the entrance to the doorway, the music sounding even louder to her with the door open, Kyra saw an older student with a dog at his side. If there was one thing Kyra liked, it was animals. "Hi," she said to both the older teenager and the dog. "It is. I'll be happier once autumn comes. You have a pretty dog." How was someone supposed to introduce themselves to someone they didn't know anyway? Unconsciously, she started fiddling with her hair, a habit of hers when she was nervous though she also fiddled with her hands when she was nervous as well. It was an odd quirk of hers. She'd never been really great with meeting people for the first time and by the way this student appeared, she guessed he was in one of the upper years. They probably went off campus or something for lunch. She had heard, back in 8th grade that the upper years did that in the high school she would have attended had... "I just transferred here," she said. "My name's Kyra Black." There, that might make her aunt happy. She had introduced herself and aside from admitting she was a transfer, hadn't mentioned anything about why she had transferred here.
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"Oh, thanks," Spencer said, sounding surprised at her mention of his dog. "Nice to meet you," he said as he held out his hand. "I'm Spencer and this is Myrtle. It was my sister's idea to name her that, so don't look at me over the terrible name," Spencer said in a poor attempt at a joke.

Kyra shook the boy's hand as he introduced himself and his dog. "You could always think of the genus of flowering plants when speaking your dog's name," suggested Kyra helpfully. She let go of Spencer's hand and glanced over her shoulder at the party going on behind them. "I'm not one for parties but my aunt said I should go." @NekoQueen49
Glancing over towards the house containing drunk teenagers, ear blistering music and over all idiots, Spencer couldn't help his distaste. "In my opinion, you should go only if that's what you want. Thought, honestly, I don't see much of a point in it since the majority of the people probably won't even remember you were here in the first place. But then, I don't have much of a social life nor have I gotten drunk before so what do I know?" Spencer shrugged to further illustrate his lack of knowledge.

Kyra considered this insightful advice before pulling out her phone and turning it on. Seeing it was close to 10, gave her an hour before she had to get home, give or take. "They're teens. They're most likely otherwise occupied," she said. "Is there anywhere open at this hour to get something to eat?" Kyra hadn't been around the city much since she got here, still getting over her parents abandoning her, and her aunt finishing up the papers for her transfer to the new high school here. She'd be out of the house and wouldn't have to worry about the people behind her. Besides the fact that the music was getting to her head and she didn't want to mess up her pregnancy with the likely smokers in the house either. @NekoQueen49
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Spencer blinked, surprised at the girl's decision. Perhaps he shouldn't be, but then it was more because she implied she wanted him to go with her. Though Spencer was the first person she met so... He really shouldn't be so surprised. "Yeah, let's just stop by my house so I can take Myrtle back, alright?"

Kyra nodded and turned to shut the door behind her, crumpling the piece of paper still in her hand into a ball. Whoever had dropped the paper with the house number on the ground was probably already drunk. "That's fine," she said. "I'm grateful for the help. Haven't had much of a chance to look around since moving here." She hadn't been in this new state for long, only a week since that was when she'd found out about being pregnant and her parents' shock and disgust with her. The yelling at her mostly, her aunt yelling at her parents for washing their hands of her, being pulled out of school and signing their custody over to her aunt who was now her legal guardian until she turned eighteen, and then being dropped off at the airport with only a suitcase, a backpack and her purse. These thoughts went through her head as the silence stretched on before she gave a shake of her head and walked down the stairs, cutting across the lawn once again, pausing only to drop the piece of paper in the empty trashcan at the end of the driveway that she passed. @NekoQueen49

Viktoria made it to the kitchen before sitting up on the kitchen counter with a bottle of vodka

she poured herself out a glass before offering the bottle to Luc.

She poured in some soda and swirled the drink with a straw before drinking some.

She swung her feet as she sat up on the counter, watching the now drunk party with curiosity.

"Wonder who will hook up?"

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Kiara looked at they boy.

"That's weird I've never seen you before. Are you knew?" She asked. It was true she knew everyone at the school but him.

She took another sip of her drink and waited for an answer.

@Bea @Identical

(Sorry was at school! >.<)


Saint Alexander Pierce

He nodded "Yep, just moved here from Santa Monica" he said as he picked up a bottle of rum from a table and opened it, taking a swig as he glanced between the two with a slight smirk "So are you two...like...?" he asked suggestively as he was definitely starting to feel the alcohol take affect now. And Saint drunk was definitely an interesting sight, Once he woke up in a cemetery and legitimately thought he was dead. That was a fun time.

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"That's okay," Spencer assured, glancing back at her while leading Myrtle away. He was glad to get away from the music that was murdering his eardrums and the tension that came with being near such a place. But with moving towards his home brought new problems. Spencer was worried that bringing a girl, even one that seemed to be as young as Kyra, would stir gossip in his mostly all-girl home. Truthfully, he didn't have much luck in that department. In fact his disinterest has caused his mother to even question his sexuality. Spencer just thought most of the girls in his school to unnecessary trouble. However, Kyra didn't seem cruel like the girls he was used to. Maybe they could even be friends.

As Spencer was thinking so, he was moving down the block and approached a white medium sized house. "Here we are," Spencer said in a not-so-grand statement.



Kiara looked at him.

"Wait a couple? Oh No! No! No! We're just friends!" She said, answering his question.

Kiara and Jun have been friends for a couple of years now.

"I'm as single as I can be!" she said while winking at him.

@Bea @Identical​
Kyra didn't look around her, keeping her eyes focused on the back of Spencer as he led the way to his house. With being a new student tomorrow, she couldn't afford to becoming sidetracked by examining the neighborhood but as they made their way down the sidewalk and towards Spencer's house, each consumed in their own thoughts, the incessant music was once again blocked off from the street and anyone who might be out and about at this late hour which lessened her growing headache a bit. His words brought her back to the present and she moved to stand beside him to see they were in front of a decent-sized house. Bigger than what she was living in now, that was for sure but it seemed nice as far as houses went from her limited experience. "It's bigger than what I live in," she confessed, unable to think of much to say at the moment. Her statement probably reflected their age difference even more but she wasn't used to being around older kids, let alone high schoolers. "Seems that Myrtle must enjoy it, all the ample space to run around in." Gosh, she was really making a fool of herself here. Perhaps it would be best if she just kept quiet. @NekoQueen49
Spencer flashed her a crooked smile. "Yeah, it's pretty nice." Not as nice when you consider his entire immediate family lived here. His mother, two aunts and grandparents cramped in a four bedroom house. And well, not to mention himself too. "She usually hangs out in the backyard when the weather's nice." Spencer took advantage of the gate leading into the said backyard, unleashing the canine and letting her go free. Or as free as you could get in a fenced in area. "So, well," he said, closing the gate and turning to his companion, "what kind of food do you like?"

Kyra nodded, smiling as she watched the lab run off once they were at the backyard, taking her eyes off the dog when Spencer turned to her. When asked what she liked to eat, she had to ponder on that question a bit. "I like chocolate. Have a bit of a sweet tooth for that. Nothing with strawberries as I'm allergic to them." It was still a working process of what she could keep down and what she couldn't. Dratted sickness that should really be changed to 'day sickness' instead of 'morning sickness.' She didn't seem to do too bad with pizza so far but was it a risk she wanted to take? It had to be better than the pizza in the cafeteria at any rate. "Pizza or a sub," she finally decided. If she had too, she could go the bathroom and take some meds she'd been given by her old doctor for morning sickness. @NekoQueen49
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"We would not last a day as a couple. Besides, shes not really my type." Jun shrugged with

a smile. "Ah, Excuse me for a second while I go get myself something alcoholic, it seem that I haven't quite loosen up." He dismissed himself from their little group cobnersation and headed for the kitchen.




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Carmen sighed as she walked along the sidewalk to a party she was invited to. Carmen had her cigarette in one hand and her brown clutch in the other. Carmen was wearing a white crop top with high waisted denim shorts and her sandals she got from DSW. Today Carmen let her curls loose, not really caring about straightening them or anything. Tomorrow she might.

Carmen made her way inside the loud party. Before going in she stepped on her cigarette to light it out. Walking inside she could smell teenage lust, sweat and liquor... Plus the smoke probably from some stoners.

Walking into the sashaying into the kitchen she bent down and grabbed herself a beer from the bottom shelf from the fridge.

Turning around, Carmen smirked as she made her way to the counter and set on top of it, watching the crowd of people make their way in and out of the kitchen. Taking a quick drink of the beer she slowly began to zone out, humming to a song stuck in her head.

@ anyone



Saint Alexander Pierce

He shrugged and noticed her flirting which made him feel kind of awkward "He's kinda cute isn't he though?" he asked no one in particular under his breath as he took another swig of the rum, his cheeks were starting to turn a light pinkish color the more intoxicated he got. He pulled out his phone and checked for any messages from his mom and there were none except a picture of Luca sleeping rather cutely which caused him to smile like an idiot.
(shit sorry @Identical @ Anyone else at the party seeing him grinning like an idiot)


Kiara scoffed, "Hey your not my type either and I don't go around telling every body!" she said, jokingly.

Kiara sighed, knowing that he was ignoring her flirting. She didn't like to chase guys. She doesn't like to be rejected either.

She pushed away her thoughts and said "Yeah He's a bit cute"

Kiara suddenly had a thought, 'Wait he thinks he's cute. He's obviously gay! That's why he must not like me!'

Saint Alexander Pierce

He smiled more at the picture and shook his head as he looked over at her "Oh? huh? yeah" he agreed with a bit of a slur starting to happen as he took another swig of his rum and found a spot on an arm of the couch to sit down as he scrolled through photos of Luca, and some of himself and Luca with the same cheesy grin on his face "My boy..." he said under his breath, he usually got really sentimental when he was drunk.

Jake put his shirt down and looked down at the girl. "Well before you get too happy, I'm gonna get moving along, but I'll catch you later and maybe I'll surprise you and say Hi to you in the hallway." he winked and kept walking. @Ecko

Jake was walking through the kitchen when he found someone sitting on the counter. "Enjoying the view?" Jake said with his usual grin, flashing his perfect smile.


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