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Fantasy Ride of the Apocalypse (Private RP.)

"Of course not." Famine said, placing her hand on Death's arm. "I follow you no matter what." She didn't understand why the world must end, but she knew her place was to follow his lead. "She'll come back. She just needs to cool off." Famine said, not wanting her siblings to be at odds with one another. 
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"Thank you Famine." Death said quietly, "I suppose your right though." He said with an exasperated voice. He just was tired of all this quarrelling with his siblings,
War was just sitting back listening to his siblings argue. In a weird sense of way he actually liked it. He said to his older brother,"I'll go talk to Famine,  to see if she hasn't burned or destroyed a village or something." He gets on Crone and follows his sister.
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Conquest had felt a stirring of one of her older brothers, War. She stopped floating, now peddling in place. She was naked, but she didn't care; that was only a trivial thing that humans should care about, not the horsemen.
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War, arrives at the island. Riding across water was no problem for him. Seeing his sister's steed he dismounts Crone and see's her in the water. "So, are you cooled off," he says to his sister. "Or are you still mad at Death."
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"I'm feeling better... But I'm still angry. He's being quite irrational. And is it just me or has he always been acting as though he knows more than he's letting on?" She fumed. She always seemed to like to confide her feelings with War more than anyone else in the group. She just felt like she was closest to him, considering that Famine seemed to like the humans most and Death was always so cryptic. 
"Death has always been liked that. Yeah, it seems irrational to destroy the earth. However, our big brothers word's are law. We have to abide them, if we like it or not. Now don't get me wrong some of the things he said I highly disagreed on and we talked it over. He sometimes will listen and change his mind. Most of the time his decisions have benefited everyone. Although on this subject I highly doubt it. Give it some thought." War, mounted crone and sped off to meet up with Death and Famine.
Conquest sighed and rolled her eyes. I swear, Death has made them his little puppies. She thought to herself. She dove down into the water, loving it on her skin. She then got out, air dried, put on her clothes, and got on her steed.
Death looked at Wars enlarging form as he grew closer. Doubting he had changed Conquest's mind, The next cycle I'll need to try and teach her to be more agreeable. he thought with a inward sigh.
Famine smiled as she saw War returning. If anyone could reason with Conquest it was him, though she still didn't feel too optimistic about it. "She'll be back Death. It might take a while but she always comes back." She reassured her brother. "Is ending the World the only reason you gathered us?" She inquired as the watched War approach.
Death was silent for a moment, debating if he should tell Famine what he knows or not. "Yes that was all, but we can talk for some time. Like we used to." He said removing he helmet, showing one of his rare smiles.
Famine smiled as Death removed his helmet. "I've missed you brother." She said, glad to have time with him. "This world can be so beautiful. But there is also such destruction." She sighed, wishing they could just enjoy the serene beauty offered by the land. 
"Yes, humans can be quite ignorant, and I agree that the world is beautiful. I truly wish we need not destroy it, but even now my hands are tied." Death said, sitting down on the ground.
Famine sat beside Death on the ground. "I'm sure it will all make sense in the end." She sighed, looking up at the sky. "We can't change the fate of this World can we, brother? I will do as you bid. If this world is at its end the let us bring together. Then we can face what comes after together as well." She knew her place was to follow his lead, but she wanted him to know that she would always be there with him and their siblings.
Death nodded, "You are much to kind to me Famine." He mumbled, closing his eyes. He wished he could do something about the ends coming, but he was to weak for that.
War arrived from the island where he spoke to Conquest. Death and Famine were sitting on the ground. He dismounted Crone and propped himself up next to a tree. "I talked to Conquest she'll be hear soon, I hope. Also, what's our next move, he said in a serious tone." 
Death nodded, "Yes I do." He replied softly, "But that doesn't matter at the moment, for now relax some War, we have only so long until we must work." He said as he started to watch the clouds.
Conquest kinda hated herself for doing it, but she rode back to her siblings after seeing that all of them were once again gathered. She dismounted from Maiden, kissing her neck. She removed the hood of her cloak, seeing as Death had removed his helmet. "Hello."
War looks up to see Conquest came back. He smiles at her which he rarely does. "Good to see that you came back." 
Death was silent, "I'm sorry." He said after a moment. "I'm sort I can't do more to help with stopping the end. I honestly don't like it any more than you do." He continued, "And I'm also sorry for threatening you Conquest." He finished his apology looking at the horseman in question.
"You're forgiven. I'm sorry I threw my aggravations at you. I know you don't want to do this either..." She said. She sat down, facing all of them.
"It fine. For now we can just relax and be an actual family for once." Death said as he returned to watching the sky.
Conquest smiled and looked at her family. They never did this; this was one of the rare occasions where they actually were together and did something as a family. She looked to the sky, like Death was doing, and just stared at it for a bit.

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