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Fantasy Rejected

Mavis lead them through the house. It was very early, but most of the staff were up, and having breakfast. Lights were only on in the kitchen, and Mavis turned on the lights when they walked into a certain room, and off again to save on electricity.

Mavis chatted to them as she showed them around, about general things. 

They went through the kitchen, library, pool, living room, bedrooms, ect.

Everything was clean and tidy, but had a lonely feel to it. As if no one had lived there for years. Mavis would wait at the door for them to finish in each room, and then lead them to the next.

"We look after the house for the family. Even if the direct lineage of the Black family is.. I-is deceased, the house belongs to the family still. They visit sometimes... But the rest of the year, we keep the dust away, and make sure everything is in working order.", Mavis opened a small door, leading into what looked like another house, much less grand, and very lived in.

"This is the servants quarters. We live here, and spend most of our time here. It even has it's own living room! It's like a house within a house...", she looked sad as she described it.

@TurboAnalog @Full Of Tate
Mason and Sean were brought into many different rooms. He mentally sighed, This is getting us nowhere..., he thought. Then something hit him, Kamara... Mavis opened a small to what looked like another house. He had his hands in his coat pockets, clutched around the gun. "Mavis, do you know what happened to Kamara? You know, she just disappeared from me one day. Personally I think she's dead. What do you think?"

@FrostFire @TurboAnalog
Mavis was silent, she lead them to a room at the end, and opened the door, "This is my room... I will show you.", she rifled through a drawer, and finally pulled out a massive photo album. She heaved it onto the bed with a grunt.

"This is a photo album of Kamara's life. They're all taken by me. It was meant for her parents, but after they passed, it was given to me in her mothers will.", she opened the album, and turned the heavy pages until she reached the end.

"I suppose you weren't told... Although in her will, it said to keep it from her hunter colleagues, although I'm sure she meant for you to know. It was so sudden, after all...". She reached the page she wanted.

In the photos, were pictures of a lovely church, near her usual home, some 200 miles away. It was lovely and sunny, there were pictures of the inside of the church, brimming with flowers. A casket sat in the middle, and in it, a serene looking Kamara. She was wearing her favourite dress, and looked absolutely beautiful. Although her limbs seemed unnatural, as if they had been broken, and forced back into a more natural pose.

"She was killed in an accident when hunting a defect. Thankfully, the defect was captured, and killed.", her voice was angry.

"She fell off a very tall cliff... She was found by police, and the family was notified, as they knew who she was. She was working with them to catch it.", she named the area, which was much further south, almost on the opposite side of the country.

"Per her family's wishes, and her will, it was a very small affair.... Myself, her immediate family, like her Aunties and Uncles and cousins. I was the only person there who wasn't related to her...", a tear rolled from her eyes as she stared at the picture.

"I wished they had told you, but her Auntie refused. Even though her will said nothing about not telling you... She insisted.", Mavis looked at Mason sadly, with an apologetic expression on her face.

"I am so sorry... And please don't tell anyone that I told you both. I could get in serious trouble...", she pleaded.

She shut the album softly, and hugged it, before putting it back in her drawer.

"You're welcome to visit at any time, Mason. We can talk about.... Things. And you can come back and see the album if you want.", she sighed, and wiped her eyes roughly with a tissue from the box next to her bed.

@Full Of Tate @TurboAnalog
"I knew it... I fucking knew it!" Mason yelled. He always told himself, forced himself to believe she was dead. But it being confirmed was just... Not what he wanted. He breathed heavily and calmed himself down, "... Mavis, has anyone besides us come by here recently?"

@FrostFire @TurboAnalog
"No. The Blacks were here a few months ago, they stayed for a few weeks, and I believe they're planning to come again in another few.... But please don't confront her Aunt! I'd be fired immediately. Please.... I really don't want to lose my job, or this house...", Mavis pleaded. She had assumed that Mason was talking about the Blacks, and no one else.

"This property is highly restricted to anyone. Kamara's Aunt has had people jailed for coming on the property before...", she winced. Kamara's Aunt was a horrible lady, and wasn't nice to the staff at all.

@Full Of Tate @TurboAnalog
Gennadi kept walking threw the woods, him and Willow both silent. "The wolves won't go away.." He finally whispered to her. She nodded. "Willow, we're lost aren't we?" She nodded again. He began to feel his eyes well up and tries his best to hold the tears back. "Please talk to me Willow..." She stayed silent. Fine. He grabbed Willow and threw her off him, he broke off a nearby branch... And punctured his stomach with it.

(WARNING! This post contains graphic violence and mature content. I've tried to keep most of it (if not all) within the spoiler sections. Please be careful.)


I lay on one of the beds, and stared up at the rocky ceiling. I thought back to the events of that day, when my life was turned upside down...

I threw the girl roughly into the dungeon. The defect had been pesky to catch, and had caused me quite a bit of trouble. I looked forward to seeing Mason after this, I hadn't talked to him in a few days, while I was chasing this girl. I snarled at her, "It looks like a net caught you after all, bitch.", I smiled as I kicked her lightly with my foot. She had her hands behind her back, a gag in, and her ankles tied together. I headed over to the table, and prepared everything. I pulled her by the hair towards the chair. It was nice and brown, and lovely and long. We would have to change that.... She screamed in agony, I imagined it hurt quite a bit, but so did my side, where she had cut me. I threw her onto the chair, her head hitting the back with a dull thud. She fell unconscious, which was no fun. While she was out, I bound her to the chair, using the leather straps on it, and removed her gag. Once she was bound tightly to the torture chair, I had a cup of tea as I waited for her to wake up. When she woke with a groan, I smiled at her, "Head hurt? Well, you won't have to worry about that much longer...", I cleaned under my nails with a large hunting knife, used for gutting animals. I walked up to her slowly, and dragged the knife along her cheek softly, leaving a trail of faint red behind it. I trailed it down her face as she struggled, whimpering. I trailed it towards her neck, and rested it there as she gulped, and dragged it across, careful to only leave a graze. After I had demonstrated the deadly sharpness of the knife, I returned to the table, and showed the girl all of the torture devices on it. "I'm going to have fun with you. I hope you don't tell me anything, so I can enjoy this even more!", I had a wicked grin on my face as I picked up a pair of massive, and very sharp, garden shears. "But first, I'm going to get myself something of a souvenir.", I walked towards her, snapping the shears.

"No! Don't...", she pleaded.

"Lost all of that attitude from earlier, have we?", I got up to the frantically struggling girl, and roughly grabbed her long hair. It reached her bum easily, and was beautifully conditioned, no split ends to be seen anywhere.

"Hmmmm..... You have lovely hair, don't you?", I brought it up to my face, and smelled it. She begun crying. I felt sorry for her... Wait. Why would I? She wasn't human!

I pulled it as tight as it would go, she was properly crying now. In one loud snip, the locks fell to the ground. She was left with a very short bob, it was messy and uneven.

"Now. I don't want to do anything to you... But you have to tell me everything you know.", I put the shears down. While I faced away from her, I made a face. This sort of scaremongering had never appealed to me... But it was necessary.

She raised her chin in defiance, and closed her lips tightly. Right... I sighed, they were always so stubborn... Torture didn't bother me, but I could certainly live without it. I picked up a cork screw, one of the twirly ones. I didn't waste any time, and I buried it in her flesh with one quick thrust. She let out a blood curdling scream. I made sure I wasn't near anything vital, and I twisted slowly. Blood spurted from the hole, and a vein snapped with a pop as I twisted slowly. I heard a crunch over the ear piercing screams, and stopped. I had hit a bone. I twisted it back out, and it grated over her bone as I twisted it out, her muscle twitched, and her tendons struggled as she thrashed frantically. I managed to force it out with a squelch, blood poured down her arm and onto the floor as I threw the screw aside, and wiped my red slick hands with a cloth. She was clenching and unclenching her fist, panting and sweaty. Good, I hadn't damaged anything major. I cleaned all the blood off her, cleaned the wound carefully, and bandaged it well. 

"Hopefully that will give you an incentive to tell me what you know... I did warn you.", I looked at the girl with a bored expression. She glared back, beads of sweat dripping off her face. She was shivering, and breathing heavily. If looks could kill... I shook my head, and turned around to grab a mop.

Water hit my back with so much force, I flew against the wall. "What the?!?!". Fuck, the girl's powers must've strengthened loads in defence. I struggled to breathe against the wall, but was peeled off it by the water. I was fully encased in it, kicking and punching, trying to free myself. She was still glaring that death stare....

"How dare you?!? You hunters never learn... We are people, but we are also very dangerous. You... Will... Pay.", she gritted her teeth, visibly struggling to keep up this much energy.

The water formed an arm, and picked up the hunting knife. Fuck. My eyes widened. I struggled with all my might, I was desperate for air now. The knife flew towards me, and I screamed in the water, as it neared my heart...

I woke up with a jerk. I looked around, I had fallen asleep in the memory... No wonder it was as if I was there again...


I sighed. It was always boring here, we never had anything to do, and Kamara always forgot to bring games. I itched my arm through my top, and felt the bump there. I had lived with that ever since... I shook my head. Even though it had a happy ending, it was never a happy memory. I glanced over at Kamara, who was asleep on one of the beds. I guess I should get in one too... I got into the bed, leaving Autumn on the sofa reading a book from the suitcases. They were singles anyway, so we couldn't share. 

I hadn't had proper sleep that night, and the excursions of the morning had tired me out. Even though I tried to stop it, my eyes began to close. And before I knew it, I was drifting off...

I struggled to keep the power going, the adrenaline quickly wearing off as I used it up for the energy. Before I lost all my powers, I threw the knife at her, and she screamed in the bubble I had made, her eyes wide with fear. The knife plunged into the water, and I squeezed my eyes shut. I lost control, and the water all fell to the floor in a massive splash. I had loosened my ties with the water earlier, and I removed them, not looking at the body. I collapsed out of the chair, and steeled myself before looking... Wait.

She was gone. Where was the body?!?

@TurboAnalog @Full Of Tate @Geozaki

(End of part 1)
(wolfs view)

They had tracked the young one for a while but had stayed back as to not scare him. The alpha watched as the boy used the branch to puncher the hole in his stomach and as she smelled his blood she barked for the pack to stay back. She could smell the toxic stuff even from here and didn't want one of her pack to touch the stuff. She slowly walked out until the boy could see her and then she sat down, She knew the boy was confused so she wanted him to know that she meant no harm. She stared at him and waited.

(Jacks view)

Jack looked out at the lack as he asked Snaps what he should do. Snaps looked at him and said in his deep voice. "You have to make up your mind boy, I sure as hell can't for you. I will give you a tip though, this is the first human who you get along with, how many more do you think you can trust will just pop up?" He stopped his eating as he said this and looked at jack. Jack looked at him and laughed and said. "You know for a old guy your real smart." He got up waved goodbye to snaps and walked of tracking the paw prints of the wolf pack who would be sure to have found him by now. "I'm coming kid, just don't do anything dumb." He said as he followed the wolfs path.
Willow hissed at Gennadi's actions. He kept the branch in his stomach, twisting and turning it. She slithered up to him, careful not to touch his blood. "Gen!! What are you doing?!" He gave out a choked laugh, "Guess it worked..", his voice strained, "What worked?!" "I got you to talk to me..." "Stop it you stupid idiot!", he listened to her and stopped, pulling out the branch and laid against a tree, "I've got the right mind to-!" She stopped herself as she felt the presence of someone else. She looked behind her to see a wolf. Gennadi stared at the animal. Seeing if it would do anything first, it just sat down. "H-Hi there...", he said to it.

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The rest of the memory threatened at the corners of my mind, and with a sigh, I closed my eyes again, and let the tsunami of thoughts flood over me.

I squeezed my eyes shut and screamed as the knife punctured my skin, and... I.... I gingerly opened my eyes. I could breathe again, but I still had the weightless feeling of being in water. I looked around, I was in the room next door. W-what happened? I took a step, and gasped as the floor disappeared... No. I didn't have a leg. The floor was still there, the sensations were still there. But my leg was gone. I was panicking. What had she done to me?!? I tried to take another step, but I just floated in the direction I wanted to go. I was hyperventilating now. I walked, no.... Floated, into the room. I tried to open the locked door, but just phased right through it with a yelp.

"What. Have. You. Done?!?", I snarled breathlessly. I looked down at myself, I was smoke. A black wispy cloud that could talk. The girl was goggling at me, dumbfounded.  


I inhaled sharply as a shadow phased through the door. When it spoke with the hunter's voice, my jaw dropped. The woman was now a black apparition, with glowing eyes and a mouth full of sharp teeth. I gulped, a hunter was.... A defect?

"I...It wasn't me! You're... You're a defect?!?", I sat upright on the floor, instead of lying in a heap, and just stared. I felt betrayed that someone like me, a defect, would hunt others....


I howled at the girl, "I'm not a defect! You bitch, what... What is this?!?"

"Look at yourself! How could you be anything else? Your a fucking defect, that hunts other defects. How could you?!?", we were both shouting now, and she had tears in her eyes. Fresh ones, that is.

"I... NO! I can't be...", I trailed off. The facts were there, plain and simple. I thought about things that had made me 'different' to other people. I never slept, for one. I thought it was just extreme insomnia, but... 

"You must have teleportation abilities. That and your... 'Other' form, probably many more...", she spoke calmly now. I was confused, why wasn't she still killing me? "Why aren't you still trying to kill me? Wha-what am I?!?"

"I could never kill someone like me... You obviously can't exactly kill me anymore, can you? You're a defect. Plain and simple. Sometimes, peoples powers take a few years to show, but... For them to take that long... They must be very strong, for you have been able to do such things... And without training...", she looked almost jealous. I just wanted to be back in my normal body again... I felt a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach, and suddenly I hit the floor with a thump. "Oomph!". It hurt, but I was back to normal again. I looked at my hands and legs, thanking my lucky stars that I still had them. An ache began to grow on my chest, and I looked down. Directly in the middle of my chest, was a hole, quite deep. I could see some bone glistening behind all the blood trickling out. It was a deep, dark red, but the flow was relatively slow, so I wasn't too worried. I fumbled for a cloth, and found a clean one, pressing it tightly on my chest, exhaling loudly due to the pain. The girl winced at me, but her expression quickly changed as she remembered her own wound.

"I'm Anastasia... I guess we're even now.", she attempted to smile, but her expression furrowed with pain instead.

"Ugh... Kamara. And I suppose so.", I managed to smile, but it felt more like a grimace. The pain was quite substantial now, thanks to the adrenaline wearing off. I slowly stumbled to my feet, resting a hand on the table. Anastasia stood too, but stumbled forwards. I caught her, but we both began to topple over.

I felt a tugging sensation in the pit of my stomach...

(End of part 2...)
Lilly looked around the room. Anastasia and Kamara where lying on beds, they both seemed to be asleep. Or maybe they were just lost in thought? Autumn was on the sofa, reading a book. Lilly was still kneeling on the floor, she'd pretty much collapsed to her knees when they entered the room, but she'd done her best to hide how she was feeling. At least no-one seemed to have noticed. Lilly didn't want to make this scenario worse than it already was. The cold of the floor was painful against her legs, but she didn't have the strength to stand up, something about this room seemed to be draining her. She felt a presence, but a familiar one. She looked around the room, Panicked. She could't see anyone other than the three people she'd come in with. Maybe her mind was just plying tricks on her. Then, she suddenly collapsed onto her front, lying on the cold hard floor. She seemed to be unconscious.

(Wolfs view)

The alpha watched the boy and then said in a motherly voice. "Hellow, sorry if my pack scared you. Jack told us to keep an eye on you." She then looks at Willow and asks. "Is it normal for human cubs to hurt themselfs like this?"

(Jacks view)

He was still following the wolfs prints when he had to stop to rest. "Dame, that kid moves fast." He stoped as he remembered the first hunter he ever saw. He was 18 and was hidden in the bottem of a swamp when he saw a kid running from some one. He saw only the fear in the kids eyes as he was brought down by the one thing he hates more than his father, a hunter, he had to watch as the poor kid was cut up. He can still her the kids screams and taste his blood as it seeped into the water with him. He shook his head as he stood up, he was not going to sit by and let another kid deal with hunters alone. He picked up the pace as he followed in the packs steps.
Willow eyed the wolf. Then calmed herself hearing the wolf's motherly voice, "No. It is not, it's stupid and idiotic..." "I'm s-sorry Willow." "I'm sorry too, Gen. My belief in thinking staying quiet would leave and help you understand your action in leaving Jack. Truly, I was wrong in doing that because it led you to... this. I'm so sorry.. I'm sorry." He stared at her, the tears falling out. He wiped them away, and smiled, "Willow, I love you." "... I love you too Gen."

Sean examined every detail of every room. It was very convincing. Maybe they'd gone somewhere else? But where? Sean shook his head. This place required further investigating. A few things just didn't add up in his mind. But what that meant, he didn't know just yet.
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Mason watched as Sean shook his head. He knew what that meant. He turned to Mavis, "Excuse me Mavis, but do you mind bringing us tea?" While this was an excuse to be alone with Sean. He was also quite thirsty, he never did finish his hot coco.

@FrostFire @TurboAnalog
Jack hurried until he saw Alpha, Gen, and Willow. He looked at the blood going down Gend belly and said. "Dame kid first you run abd now you stab yourself. What were you thinking?" He throw Gen his scarf. "Clean yourself up okay, we don't want you killing any one by accidante, now would we?" He looks at the wolf and says. "Thanks for keeping an eye on him Ebony, you can go now." Ebony nods and as she passes Willow wispers. "Stop Jack from doing anything to stupid okay."
"Y-Yes. Of course.." Gennadi says and wipes himself up with Jack's scarf. Willow nods her head at Ebony's request and whispers back, "Of course... You know you're really pretty. The next time we meet up, I could take you out somewhere, darling~?

Mason sat down and thought. Then he laughed, "Ya'know, if we was in a movie then this house would probably have secret rooms or something. We probably have to flip a swith or take out a book. Then the bookcase would flip over and we find tge defect there! Just hiding in a secret room!" He laughed again. Thoughts like that just made him loved his thinking process more then he already did. 



I was so exhausted, I had plonked myself down on the sofa. I was enthralled with my book, but snapped out of it when I realised Lilly wasn't anywhere in sight.. I looked around, and saw her on the floor. I rushed over, picked her up, and brought her back to the sofa quietly. "Honey, are you ok?", I whispered, concerned. I felt extremely guilty that I hadn't noticed her sooner...


A rushing, whooshing sound surrounded us. I felt as if I was travelling very quickly. We both tumbled onto the ground. It was pitch black wherever we had ended up... I couldn't even see the ground, centimetres from my face. I was disorientated, as I and Anastasia scrabbled to our knees. We fumbled around for a little, before she whispered, "I have an idea... Transform.".

"What? I don't even know how I did it in the first place!", I objected. Grunting, I stood onto my feet. I tried to take a step, and tripped. I squealed as I fell, having absolutely no idea what was near, or could hit me. I was no longer falling, and I could see perfectly now.

"Wha-?", I was confused, I had never seen the room before, but it looked like something from the house...

"Just as I thought. Your eyes glowed before.", it seemed as if she could see now too. I located the light switch, and turned it on. My feet hit the ground with a thud, and I stumbled forwards a few steps. The lights were very dim, but were more than enough to see with.

I looked around the room with interest, I had never been here before, but it was certainly still a part of the house... How far away were we? I had heard the rushing wind for quite awhile... I found a book on the coffee table in the room, well. It was more of a furnished cavern to be honest...

It was my fathers diary...

I read it, Anastasia resting on one of the beds, visibly drained. He had built this cavern, he dubbed it the bunker, completely himself, no one knew about it, or how to get into it... He detailed exactly how to in this diary, I read it over a few times, committing it to memory. I would take the book with me, and study it for months before destroying it.  We stayed in the bunker for awhile, just talking. Anastasia instantly became a friend, and helped me through the massive revelations of my life. I could never see Mason again... 

I had cried over that for a long time, and I still grieved for the only man I had ever loved. I had broken the news to the staff very gradually, and they all supported me unconditionally. Those who I didn't fully trust, had been fired before I had revealed everything. We had had my funeral, created my will, and spun the amazing and tragic story of my death to the world. My Aunt had ruined quite a few plans, when she refused to allow Mason to my funeral. I mourned for him, and felt awful about his suffering. But I couldn't do anything....

A cried silently for Mason. I knew he was in the house right now, and I wanted more than anything to go to him, but I couldn't.


(Fini! xD )

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