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Fantasy Rejected

"Ugh*cough* Hey I was just wondering...Who are you." He said in a creaky voice from not having to talk for years. He also holds onto the door to make sure it didn't close as he looked at the boy then saw the snake. He the hissed hellow and if she was her willingly. He then looked back at the boy as his grip tightened as he waited for both answers. He was ready if the snake said no with roots ready to bind the boy just underground all around them.
"M-me...?" Gennadi said startled. The male had a creaky voice, different from what Gennadi was expecting. Willow crawled up Gennadi's leg to his ear and hissed. "Willow I.." He whispered, then sighed. The snake had told him to not lie about who they are... It was okay to trust defects. If only he had that thought process with that family... "I'm... Gennadi. This is Willow." He introduced himself. "What about you?" He asked him.

Seeing the boy understand the snake he lets the roots go and l losens hi grip on the door then says "I'm Jack." he says "That was a good choice you made taking Willows advice." His belly growls then and he remembers he didn't get to catch his dinner today. "Ummm sorry I didn't catch dinner today." He said with what he thought was a "kind" smile. He turned and started to leave as he said goodbye to the pair.
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Jack started to leave... Wait. Did he- D-Does he understand Willow? "Uhm.. Wait!!" Gennadi called out, which was unusual for him. "Y-You said you were h-hungry? Down here is basically a home... There's a fridge and a working stove, um, you can see if there's anything you'll like..." Gennadi moved to the side to let him in. His face was slightly blushed. Of course he's never done this before! The people he's only talked to was his late parents! Willow slithered back down and onto the bed, getting herself comfortable for another nap.

Hearing this Jack was a little worried byt his hunger was stronger so he shruged and went inside. "So this is were you live. Got any raw meat?" he asked as he went to the fridge." He liked his food raw but he would eat anything. He looked in the fridge and shuffeled through it. "Hey Willow how long you been with the kid?" He hissed.
Gennadi closed the hatch and climbed down, his ears hearing Jack walk to the fridge, "Yeah, I have raw meat... Should be way in the back though." He told him. He heard him shuffle through his fridge. Gennadi sat on his bed and stared at the ground. Willow's eyes focused on Jack hearing his question to her, she hissed back to him, "For about 5 years... He's 15 now. Now, tell me something about yourself hot stuff~." Gennadi's face reddened at her statement, "Willow! Behave yourself!" He exclaimed. She chuckled. 

He laughed at Willow as he found some raw steak and took a bite then said "I'm a great fighter, I can hunt, and I live in a tent." he then gulped and took another bite. He looked at the kid and shook his head "How do you get all this food." he asks as he keeps tearing into his meal. "Man I haven't had beef in a long time, no cow to hunt." he said as he gulps down the last of the meat.
"Mmhm.. I can see you're an awesome fighter..." She wrapped herself around Gennadi's neck, "Sorry. I can't help myself." He sighed, "It's okay..." He whispered. He lifted his head in the direction of where he heard Jack's voice, "The food?... I steal that from the houses outside of the forest." He told him and stood up, patting down his dress as he did so. Gennadi walked to the fridge too and grabbed a milk carton.

He went to a drawer and took out a glass, pouring himself some milk.

He looked at Willow and shook his head then asked "Have either of you seen a giant wight turtle have you. He's kinda grumpy, old, and has a bad mouth." He had been looking for his friend for 3 days after they had a fight about if catfish tasted better than duck. He was licking his fingers of all the juice as he asked this.
"... Giant white turtle?" Gennadi said questioningly. He faced towards Jack and told him, "I don't know, s-sorry... But what does he smell like? I can you help you find him?" "No." Willow said out of the blue. "Willow? Why...?" "The only reason we are in here, Gen, is because there is a hunter out there. I'm not letting you die because you want to help someone. Even if it's someone as hot as Jack." Gennadi trembled slightly at Willow's words, his hands clutching his dress. "Sorry, but we can't help you." She said to Jack. 

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"Theres a hunter huh....well then I guess I'll just ask the wolves if they can keep an eye on him, and howl a warningif they see him." He said as he gets up and walks to the hatch. "Oh and I Hope you don't mind but I'm gonna crash here okay." He the opens the hatch and pokes his head out and the gives the howl to the pack that warned them of the hunter, then he closes it and causes grass to grow over it to help it blend in. "There we go now then, got any gin."
Gennadi watched as Jack opened the hatch, howled then closed it again. "Um.. Sure. You can... Crash." He said. "Crash means stay Gen." Willow informed him. He made a sound of surprise then nodded. He tilted his head at Jack's question, "Gin? What is that?" He asked him. Willow smirked at Jack, waiting for his answer. She knew what it was, it was just seeing if Jack would tell innocent, pure, cinnamon roll Gennadi. 

"I'll take that as a no. Well then do you have soda or Icetea." He asks as he sighs. "You really need to get out more, you know when its safer. So where should I sleep?" He leans on a wall and pulls out a chunk of wirde shaped wood from his pocket and starts to play it in a slow sad tune that sounds like a harmonica.
"Aww your no fun." She said to Jack, very sadly, "Willow? Do you know what gin is?" "It's a drink for adults." "Oh." He walks to the fridge and opens it, his hand gliding over the various cartons for the tea. He pulls out the tea carton and grabs a cup, pouring it the tea. He walks over to Jack and gives it to him. "I don't know if I'll be able to get out more. Seems like humans will hate us forever to me. Oh and um, you can sleep on the bed..." 

"Then were will you sleep?" he asks "No you take the bed, just give me a cover and pillow I'll take the floor." He put his instrument on the table and ruffles Gens hair then picks up the cup and takes a gulp. He puts down the drink and looks at willow and says "Stop ruining his innocens."
Gennadi's eyes shut as Jack ruffles his hair then opens them again. "Fine.." Willow huffs. She slithers off Gennadi and goes over to a counter and opens it. She drags a blanket and pillow to Jack, leaving it at his feet, "There you go." "O-Okay then.. Um, Jack. If you wake up before me your free to do whatever and leave.. I-If you want." Gennadi told him and flicked the light switch, his bright lavender eyes laced with pink glowed brightly in the dark. "I-I can't sleep with the light on. Your free to stay up however.." He walked over to his bed and laid down in it. "I'm home..." He whispered, before closing his eyes and falling asleep.

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Chukling Jack lays down on the floor and covers up. He lays there thinking about the day and the hunter, he knew he would have to do something but just not what. He stayed like that for a few hours until he to got sleepy and closed his eyes. He dreamed of his father and the day he kicked him out, only this time he didn't run fast enough.
Lilly winced as the man ruffled her hair. She really hoped her hair hadn't changed. He was really scaring her. More than usual. But she couldn't explain why. Her hair darkened slightly, but only very slightly. Autumn and Anastasia would probably notice it as it became more noticeable the longer you knew her, but the man provably wouldn't have noticed, unless he'd been watching very carefully.

@FrostFire @TurboAnalog
"I'll let you off this once!" Sean said sternly, before lightening up again. "So this cutie's your daughter? And what about the lovely lady with her?" He inquired casually. He scribbled a few things in a notebook before shoving it in his pocket. "I don't want to alarm you? I was just wandering if you'd seen anyone else today?"

@FrostFire @Geozaki

(Since its night in the rp, once everyone's sleeping or whatever, if your character decides to stay awake, we could move on to the next day. Is that okay?)


I smiled back, thankful. "Thank you! That's my best friend, Sadie.", I used Ana's code name. Mine was Molly, and Lilly's was Sam.

"We've been driving for awhile, but I did see a little boy in the forest while we drove past about 10 miles back... It was weird, actually... I only got a quick glimpse, and neither Sadie or Sammy saw anything. But his hair was white.", I spoke naturally. I didn't want to rat out the boy, but I didn't want to lie either. "Is there someone missing, Sir?", I wondered if the boy had run away from home... If so, they would certainly be looking for him.

@Geozaki @TurboAnalog
Anastasia smiled and raised her hand in a greeting as I gave her code name.

(Forgot to add it in, sorry... ;-; )
"Nice to meet you Sadie! Well there's always someone missing what with defects everywhere, it's hard to keep anyone safe. 10 miles back? I might have to check that out, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be cryptic, you have some Defect energy levels following you, so I was curious as to if you might have passed any?" He once again cheered up. "So what's your name, and your daughters? Don't mean to prise, just for security reasons. Oh and what are your surnames and your address?"

@FrostFire @Geozaki

Anastasia smiled and raised her hand in a greeting as I gave her code name.

(Forgot to add it in, sorry... ;-; )

(Is ok)
"Yes, of course! I'm Molly Hughes, my daughter is Samantha Hughes, and Sadie's surname is Morris.", Anastasia nodded along. We had all memorised all of these details, and the address of a house, bought under the name Molly Hughes, that I had. This house was in the same direction we were travelling, but quite a long way away, over 100 miles.

I gave the address in full, and then began chatting again. "We're on a bit of a road trip at the moment! We've already been to-", I named 3 cities in the opposite direction to us, one's I had actually been to, and knew relatively well. "And we're heading to-", I named a town that was around 50 miles off, "And going from there! We're kind of making it up as we go along...", I chuckled, and shook my head. It was true. We were making it up as we went along.

Anastasia rolled her eyes, "Molly. You forgot to mention we live in the same house...", she smiled as she said it.

"Oh! Yeah, thanks Sadie!", I grinned at her.

@TurboAnalog @Geozaki
"Nice, taking some time off? Everyone needs a break every now and then!" He pocketed his book. "So are you two y'know, a couple? Or are you just good friends?" He tapped the truck. "Ok, you're free to go, I trust you won't do it again so I'll let you off this time. But watch out for defects."

@FrostFire @Geozaki

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