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Fantasy Rejected

"Yes, quite a long holiday. Err... Both, I guess!", I had a feeling he would be okay with that, but I was hesitant.

"Yes, Sir. Don't worry, we always do. Thank you, we'd better get going.... I want to find a hotel or something before it gets really dark.", the sun was almost completely gone, and it was getting quite cold now. I shivered a little, and opened my door.

"Thanks again, Officer!", I leaned into the car, and grabbed a warm jumper, pulling it over my head.

@TurboAnalog @Geozaki 
Lilly let out a sigh when the man drove off. As she did she suddenly seemed out of breath. She hadn't realised until now, but she had been holding her breath while focusing on keeping her fear at bay and keeping her hair natural. She had no idea wether she'd succeeded or not, but the fact that the man had left suggested she didn't do too badly. Her heart was racing and she was feeling a little light headed. "I'm sorry..." She said breathlessly. She had the feeling she'd done something bad, but she wasn't sure what. 
Gennadi's eyes shoot open. He heard the engine of a car getting closer to where he was. He stood up, careful not to bump into anything and went to the hatch. He tried to open it but it wouldn't budge. Did Jack block this off? He climbed down and tried to find his way to the fridge but tripped over Jack. He yelled as his face came into contact with the floor.

"You didn't do anything wrong! You did brilliantly.", I exclaimed while jumping back in, and drove away.


I breathed a sigh as we began driving again. The moment we were stopped, I knew that it was a Hunter. I knew the sort of cars they drove. I don't think either of the others realised, I knew Autumn only thought he was a policeman. I was on edge the whole time, but it didn't show, at all. 

"We're going to have to sell that house... That was a hunter." I mentioned, strain obvious on my voice. Autie jumped when I mentioned that, "What?!?! Oh... That would make a lot of sense...", she kept her eyes on the road, turning on the headlights. 

"Well. That just goes to show that you were right... Thanks for getting us out.", I smiled at her. Autie was always so nice, and thought the best of everyone.... Which meant she often misjudged them. I sighed, and hugged Lilly tight. We were lucky, and if we hadn't had a plan already, we'd probably be dead.

Mason sat at his desk filling out papers for the many cases of the defects they had imprisoned. It wasn't the most interesting job, but it did earn him money. He took out his phone and checked the time... Midnight. He yawned and pushed the papers to the side, standing up and stretching. He opened up his contacts and called Sean, hoping he would pick up.

Lilly blushed. "Th-thanks" she said softly. Lilly heard the conversation between Anastasia and Autumn, but didn't comment or join in. She just hoped they weren't talking about the house by the lake. She loved that place. Lilly was suddenly caught in a tight embrace from Anastasia, she just hugged her back, closing her eyes. She smiled. She loved them both so much. While they hugged, Lilly drifted off to sleep in Anastasia's arms, she didn't realise how tired she was, so when she was hugged her fatigue just sort of took advantage of the moment. Her grip around Anastasia loosened as her arms went weak, and her breathing slowed, her head resting against Anastasia. As she drifted off her ability to keep her hair normal vanished, and her hair changed to a yellowy blonde colour. She looked so peaceful.

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Jack woke up and cursed as he saw Gen land on his face. "Dame, you okay kid that was a pretty bad fall." he said as he helped the kid up. "You should watch you step." He smiled then went to get some food."Oh, and sorry if I didn't mention it but I covered the hatch in grass to help hide us, if the hunter saw a hatch in the woods he'd be sure to look inside." He pulled out some ground beef and started to eat.
Sean drove down the unkept road. His phone suddenly started blaring at him. He pulls the car onto the grass to take the call. Unknown to him, he stopped with one wheel resting directly on top of the grass covered trapdoor. Hopefully it would hold the car's weight. Sean left the engine running as he answered the phone "hello?"

@Full Of Tate @fuil
Hearing the car stop on the door Jack asks gen "Will the hatch hold or do I need to brace it?" He was still eating only slower and he was ready in case the hatch started to break. He had been in close calls and knew that if he lost it they would die. He says without looking at gen "I don't want you to freak out. stay calm and eat something, food is a good way to calm down."

"Sorry! Thank you..." Gennadi said to Jack as he helped him up. Jack then told Gennadi of the hatch, "Y-Yeah... I figuered that out..." Gennadi did as told and walked to the fridge and grabbed a pop-tart. He began to eat it quietly till there was a huge noise of the engine he heard that woke him up before. His eyes widened when he heard the voice of the hunter, "Jack! The hunter's right above us!" He told him in a hushed tone.



Mason sighed from relief when he heard the voice of his co-worker, "Yo. I was just about to take my leave from the building. You found any defects yet?" He said as he made his way outside. 

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"Yeah I know." He wispers. "So will the door hold or what?" He was still eating as he watched the door. "Hey Willow, is there a back way out or what? If there is and the hunter finds us you take Gen out of here and I'll hold him off for as long as I can okay. Hopefuly that doesn't happen but you know just in case." He then smiles and goes back to eating.
Willow had been watching the hatch closely since Gennadi woke up. She responded to Jack, "Yes, there is another way out of here. There's a vent under the fridge. Could you move it please?" She slithered to Gennadi's side and rested on his shoulders. "It's going to be okay Gen.." He sighed, "O-Okay..."  Despite not wanting to, he heard the phone call being made to the hunter. Why are they so intent are finding us...?

Jack goes over and pushes the fridge aside then quitly takes off the vent. "Okay it's off, Gen go wait beside it." Jack says as he ruffles the kids hair agine."If the hunter gets down here you run as fast as you can and don't you stop okay." He then turns back to the door and waits.
Gennadi nods and sits down beside the vent. "I hope that's family's okay..." He whispered to Willow, "... I'm not too sure Gen. All we can really do is hope they did." "Could you describe what they looked like to me?" "... The one you talked to, Autumn, has pale skin, tall and skinny, she has long red hair reaching her back. Her bangs covered her forehead. Anastasia is a bit shorter then Autumn. She has brown curly hair that rests on her shoulders. She's also pale and skinny, bright green eyes. The last one, Lilly, she's very small. Shorter then you. Her hair seems to change color. Though her eyes are a deep blue." She finishes and he nods, "Thank you..." He whispers.
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Jack looks over at Gen and asks "so howed you end up blind." He could tell from the way his eyes never focused that he was blind. "You can tell me or not, I was just wondering how it happened?" He leaned on a wall and keep looking at the hatch as he waits for an answer.
"Huh? How'd I end up blind?" Gennadi turns his head to Jack, "It was two years ago... To put it in short, I came across a really aggressive defect. They hung around me for awhile. As I said, they were aggressive, i said something I wasn't suppose too and the next thing I knew, they blinded me. I couldn't see anymore. Willow tried to help, but was injured in the process. They stabbed the side of my stomach, bad mistake. My blood came into contact with there skin, and they died instantly. They were really unhealthy."

"Huh..... well at least your alive." He keeps his eyes on the door as he talks. "You could of had it worse....wait what do you mean your blood killed them?" He was wondering what the kid could do but didn't want to pry since some defects like to keep there powers unknown.
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"My blood's poisonous, so be careful with yourself Jack. Don't want you to die. That'd be a real shame.." Gennadi said monotonously, though, he really did mean it. Jack was nice and strong. Willow's just a snake, ever since that incident, she's just been more careful in keeping Gennadi isolated. Even from defects. She only trusted in Gennadi going to the lake to greet the family was because she'd watched them for awhile and eventually trusted them.

Smiling Jack said "Okay." He nodded then says "I hope he moves on soon but with my luke he's probably eating a samwitch in his car right now. That or taking a nap." He scratched his arm as he thought of a hunter version of a fat cop siting in his car sleeping with a half eaten sub on his big belly.
 We drove for a long time, and I kept myself awake by chatting to Ana.

I had taken off the jumper that I had put on when talking to the officer, I hadn't actually been cold, but I did it to try and stop the conversation... 

We neared our destination, and I pulled into the motel car park, and killed the engine. 

"Ana, you bring Lilly, I'll bring the bags.", she nodded, and gently picked up the sleeping girl. I grabbed all our bags, and we walked towards the motel.

We passed it, and began walking up the faint track behind it. We walked for almost half an hour, and finally arrived at a house built into a cave. The front of the house was taking over the whole entrance, so there were no gaps where you could go into the cave while avoiding the house.

I knocked on the door, and she answered almost immediately.

"I've been expecting you. Come on in! Oh, just put her in her bed.", her beautiful smooth voice pierced the silence.

We went in, and got to bed straight away. It had been a long day, and we were all exhausted.

Ana put Lilly in bed, and then got in next to me. We fell asleep in each others arms.

Lilly was sleeping very deeply, she barely even moved when she was picked up. For some reason the past few days had really taken it out of her. She slept this deeply until well into the early hours of the morning.

Lilly was running through a forest. An older girl with long brown hair held tightly to her hand, the older girl's expression was one of determination and urgency. After a moment they paused, the older girl looked around in a panic, hoping they'd lost their pursuers. She knelt in front of Lilly, her eyes were almost identical to Lilly's. "We've just got to keep going for a little bit longer. Ok?" Lilly nodded, and they set off again. They ran for a short while before the older girl came to a sudden halt, standing in front of Lilly protectively. A single man stood in front of her. "Sophie... Don't make me do this... Hand over the runt, I don't want to kill you, but I will if I have to... she's a murderer." "Never!" Sophie screamed at the man "What sort of a Father would want to kill his own daughter. Even if she was a Defect?" The man sighed "Sophie... It is my job, I am a hunter after all... besides, that beast isn't my daughter, it's a monster, a monster who killed your mother. Have you forgotten what she did?" "That wasn't her fault! Besides, if your job is that important to you, then why not kill me too? You know that I'm one too, you've known since I was born, and you never even contemplated killing me." "Until Her... She may seem innocent now, but she's only 8, nearly 9, imagine what she'd be like in another 9 years... who else could she kill?" "What about me? I'm nearly 17 and you don't seem concerned about me killing anyone else!?" [FONT= 'Comic Sans MS']"That's because you've never killed anyone before!" [/FONT][FONT= 'Comic Sans MS']"Neither has she!" [/FONT]The man raised his weapon, which was a crossbow. Inside the crossbow was a bolt which glowed with a purple and orange aura. [FONT= 'Comic Sans MS']"Stand aside!" [/FONT]He ordered [FONT= 'Comic Sans MS']"No!" [/FONT]Sophie shouted defiantly. The man shot his crossbow, Sophie leapt to the floor, pushing Lilly down under her protectively. She knew her powers wouldn't work on those bolts. As soon as the projectile flew past them both harmlessly Sophie got up to her feet. Crossbows always took a while to reload, so this was her chance! She raised her hands to the sky, a gust of wind came from no where, forming a sort of mini tornado which tore towards the man. Then she pointed her hands out in front of her, suddenly the tornado erupted in to a tornado of flames, which still hurtled towards the man. Lilly stood up. [FONT= 'Comic Sans MS']"No! Lilly, stay back!"[/FONT] Sophie ordered, but Lilly didn't listen, she had to get to Sophie, she knew what was about to happen, she had to stop it. A hole appeared in the tornado as another crossbow bolt flew through it. Sophie didn't have enough time to react, and the tornado of flames disappeared as the bolt dun into her chest, sending her flying backwards. [FONT= 'Comic Sans MS']"No!" [/FONT]Lilly screamed as she saw her sister tumble to the ground. She rushed to her side, tears spilling from her eyes. [FONT= 'Comic Sans MS']"Sis?"[/FONT] She asked tearfully, her voice refusing to work. The man loaded another arrow aiming the crossbow at Lilly [FONT= 'Comic Sans MS']"Look what you made me do!" [/FONT]He roared. Lilly didn't respond, she was desperately trying to get Sophie to wake up, to be ok. But deep down, Lilly knew that wasn't going to happen, she knew what those bolts were infused with. Sophie's clothes gradually turned red, the red seeping out from around where the bolt had entered her chest. Lilly tears dropped onto Sophie. She couldn't help it. "Please... do-don't... sis?" She was becoming hysterical by this point, as the realisation of what had just happening finally started to hit her. "This is all your fault." The man snarled, as he spoke the crossbow in his hand clicked and a bolt was sent flying towards Lilly.

Lilly jolted awake. She raised her hand to her eyes to feel they were wet, she'd been crying. She slowly got out of bed, trying to be as quiet as possible as not to wake anyone. She felt a little disorientated finding out she was no longer in the truck. She sat down on a windowsill and looked outside, she had no idea what the time was, but she could tell that the sun would show it's face soon... within a few hours at most. Lilly stared outside as she thought back on the events of that day. If only her abilities where more useful, or if she had been a little faster, she might have been able to save her... Lilly was filled with sadness and guilt. "I'm sorry..." She whispered, almost silently. She still didn't really understand how Autumn and Anastasia had saved her. Those crossbow bolts where special. They where infused with two chemicals. The first, which gave them the purple hue, was dragon's bane. Ot was a highly lethal poison which was somehow even more effective on anyone defective. It would kill a human in anything from an hour to a week, where as, the longest a defect has been known to be able to survive it's venom was 37 minutes, but it was generally fairly instant. The other chemical, which gave the bolt it's orange hue, was some sort of substance that Lilly didn't know the name of. But whatever it was, it had the ability to completely nullify the effects of a defect's abilities. Most hunters carried weapons infused with one or both of these chemicals, otherwise they'd likely not last long up against defects. Lilly buried her head in her arms. Trying to stop her tears. It had been almost year and a half since that day, so why did it always upset her so much to think about it? Lilly decided not to get back into bed, she didn't want to wake Autumn or Anastasia, they where the ones doing all the hard work after all...

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I sighed. It was nice to finally have guests, and I didn't have to live with the same boring servants, day after day, but I was still yearning for one particular person... I knew he would probably accept me for what I was, but I had been avoiding contacting him again, because I was afraid. Although it had been a few years, he may even have moved on... I rolled my eyes. I was being absolutely ridiculous. But maybe it was time to do something...

I paced the ceiling, after coming away from the window into the upside down world. I walked down the wall, and stepped onto the floor, as naturally as any person walking up some stairs would be, my hands behind my back. I had always been a pacer, even before. I should've guessed, really. The fact that I had never slept in all of my life was probably a dead giveaway... Although I had thought that was normal for the longest time...

I heard the pitter patter of tiny feet, Lilly must've had a nightmare....

I listened to her mumbling next to a window, and decided I would go and have a chat. I had only met her a few times, but I really liked the kid. Which was strange, considering I found all other children insufferable.

I poofed out of existence in my room, in a cloud of smoke, and apparated next to Lilly by the window, again in a cloud of smoke.

(A bit like this smokey thingy!)

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Mason yawned once again, "You hear that Sean? That's me yawning meaning I'm tired. If you find any defects make sure not to injure them so muc-," He yawned again, "Oh god... Alright, going now. Byes! Oh and uh, who knows, they might be right under you. Okay bye!" He hung up on him and got into his car, turning it on and drove to the motel he had been living in.

He got there and turned off the car, grabbing his keys and walking to his room. Before he walks in, he starts to feel cold. Like, really, really cold. "What the fuck?" He shivered then proceeded inside already. He went into his kitchen, ready to make hot chocolate. He never really was a coffee person.
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(I'm going to post a few pics of Kamara's house, so that everyone knows what it looks like!


The room that Ana, Autie and Lilly are staying in...


She has a pool... And a nice hot tub next to it. It's kind of a living room area....

She has a nice library,


Ect ect... The whole forest was owned by her parents (dead), who were hunters, and it has some dungeons on the lower levels... The land around it is private property, and surrounded by a large fence.

There are some quite nice grounds on it, and it's away from any densely populated areas. (Let's consider the motel to be on the outskirts of a small village, which is also owned by some of her relatives.... Stuff's going to be happening a bit here, so I thought I'd give everyone the general layout, so no one's confused when random things pop up lol)

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