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Fantasy Rejected

Lilly jumped as the woman appeared in a puff of smoke. "K-Kamara?" She said in shock, but still trying to stay quiet. "Sorry... did I wake you up?" As soon as she spoke the words she remembered that Kamara didn't sleep. She paused for a moment. "Sorry..." she whispered. 

"I may be on one's trail" Sean explained "ok, mate, I'll do my best, get some rest, if this all goes as planned, you may need it tomorrow." Sean hung up the phone and got out of the car, breathing in the night air. He lit a cigarette before getting back into the car, turning it round, and driving off. He had to find out which of that family was a defect.

@Full Of Tate
Gennadi heard the hunter get into his car and leave... But by then, Gennadi had already been crawling through the vent with Willow, leaving Jack behind. He made to the surface again, finding himself in a familiar spot. He stood up and closed the vent. "Gennadi Kosh. Why did we leave Jack?" Gennadi stayed quiet, Willow repeated the question to him but gave up when he refused to respond. He walked through the forest, no clear destination in mind. 


Mason finished making his hot coco and sat down at the couch. He grabbed the remote and turned on the television. He changed the channels till he finally decided on cartoons. He got out his phone and stared at the lock screen which held a picture of him and Kamara. He sighed and continued watching the tv.


"That's okay, Lilly. Perhaps I should've walked in...", I chuckled. I sat down on the seat next to her.

"Did you have a nightmare? Would you like to talk about it?", I looked out of the window at the forest, and the coming dawn. The forest was very large, and there were a vast amount of mountains behind us. I thought of my childhood, I would spend all of the summer here, exploring the vast amount of rooms, secret passages and caves. This was a summer home, not our permanent residence. My parents would often bring Defects here to be tortured, interrogated, and killed in the end. So an almost permanent energy surrounded this place, considering the countless Defects that had died and been experimented on here, it was no surprise. This energy was well known in the hunter community, and this place was left alone out of respect to my late parents and myself, who is considered dead.

This gave me a nice mask, just in case. I very rarely used my powers, so this didn't cause a problem, but I knew that Lilly had trouble controlling hers, so it was good to know that it wouldn't even register on any devices. I had quite a few around the house, and if someone's energy was getting even remotely detectable over the background noise, they would constantly beep a warning on my wristband, until said energy was gone.

I pressed a button on my wristband, and waited for the command to be carried out...

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Lilly nodded. "I-It was a memory more than a dream... from the day I... before I had a home..." It was obviously a sensitive subject. "Sorry... I don't want to be all depressing..." She forced a smile. She wanted to seem like she was ok, she hated people worrying about her, feeling like she was causing them to have negative feelings. "How are you?" She asked, she had been asleep when they arrived, so Lilly hadn't really had a chance to say hi.

Eventually Sean reached his destination. Although, he wasn't expecting to end up here. He found the truck he'd seen that Family driving and checked inside. They weren't there. Maybe they had a room? He had placed a tracking device on the truck earlier so he could find out where they were going. He checked inside the motel but no-one had checked in matching the family's description. He'd use the tracking device, but this area was always a bit of a blind spot  to the equipment due to 'that place'. Sean suddenly had an unpleasant thought. He rushed through the Motel to the room which Mason currently called home, and he knocked on the door frantically. Hoping Mason hadn't gone to sleep yet.

@Full Of Tate


I smirked at the little girl, "My dear, the fact that you had to ask me that, shows that you yourself are not.", I knew we all had a sob story of some sort, mine was more gory than sad... Mavis walked in, carrying 2 mugs of hot chocolate, one had marshmallows melted on the top.

"Ah, good. Just leave them there Mavis. Thank you.", I smiled at my maid, and she smiled back. I had always had a good relationship with the servants of this house, although they were certainly much more than just that... They fully supported me, in everything.

"Here,", I handed Lilly the hot chocolate with the marshmallows on it, "I thought you might want a treat! Those two are too healthy, you need something sugary in you!", I laughed at the girl, I was always trying to persuade them to eat more comfort foods. You only live once, after all.

Mason jumped at the sudden knocking, almost dropping his cup. He growled as he placed his cup on the table beside him and stood up. He grabbed his gun before opening the door. He checked the peeping hole and gave a sigh of relief seeing it was just Sean. He throws his gun on the bed and opens the door for him, "Sean. What the hell are you doing?"

Sean didn't move from in front of the door. "Mason..." he said calmly but urgently. He didn't believe he hadn't thought of this earlier, it was the perfect hiding place. "There's something you need to know, I thought you'd be the best person to come with me. I think there may be a Defect hiding in your... in Kamara's parents house" He stayed silent, curious as to how Mason would react

@Full Of Tate
Lilly gently accepted the Hot Chocolate. "Thank you" She said softly and very gratefully. Just holding the warm mug was enough to cheer her up a little. For someone she hardly ever got to see, Kamara was always really good at cheering her up. Anastasia and Autumn were very good at it too, but despite her young age, Kamara had the ability of a grandparent. After all she was like a granny/grandma/grandmother (Whatever you want to call it lol) to Lilly. Lilly gently placed the mug down on the windowsill before wrapping her arms around Kamara as she have her a gentle hug, trying to be quiet and trying to make sure she didn't make Kamara spill her drink.

Mason stayed silent, even when Sean finished his statement. It was just silence till Mason's eyebrows furrowed and he turned around, going to the closet and throwing on his coat. He went to his bed and grabbed the gun, tucking it away in his pocket. He grabbed his keys and stepped outside, closing the door behind him. "You said I was the best person to come with you...?" He said to Sean, without looking at him, "Let's go find that Defect then." 

I jumped a little as the young girl hugged me, and hugged her back with one hand.

"So, what's been going on then? I didn't get to talk to any of you much when you got in....", I smiled down at her, and took a massive gulp of hot chocolate. It made me sad and happy at the same time.

My wristband beeped, not the beep of energy, but the one for when Mavis or one of the others wanted to talk.

"Yes?", I listened to what Mavis had to say.

"Oh dear. It seems two hunters are now in the motel. Go and wake your parents.", I instructed the girl. I was worried, what if the new one had followed them? I sighed. It was difficult having Mason so close, but I had managed. But if another was near... We would have a problem.

I pressed a few buttons on my wristbands, killing the electricity in the house, and pulling out a flashlight that I always had on me. It was very weak, and only served as a dim illumination. I handed three to Lilly from a drawer. And made sure the commands had gone through.

They had. Which meant the gates at the start of my land were now locked shut, the door was locked, and various other defences were up. One could never be too careful, and this was something I did often. With even a whiff of danger, the house was on lock down.

Lilly was about to inform Kamara of everything of importance since they'd last seen her, but before she could Kamara was distracted by her wristband, before announcing that there were hunters nearby, and ordering Lilly to wake her parents up. Lilly stood up, and walked over to the bed that Autumn and Anastasia were sleeping in, torches in hand. She gently shook them. "g-guys?" She said softly, she was trying to wake them but she didn't want to wake them up aggressively. She knew how detrimental that could be. Her hair had been deep blue when she woke up, and had changed to golden blonde when Kamara had handed her a mug of hot chocolate, and now it was dimming again. Lilly was starting to get scared.

Sean lead Mason off to the house. He had a feeling this might spark something inside him. After all. He and Kamara were very close, to say the least. They made it to the gate, which seemed locked. "Well... that's convenient..." he said sarcastically before starting to climb the gate.

@Full Of Tate @FrostFire @Geozaki
Mason followed suit and climbed the gate also. When they reached the other side, Mason asked Sean, "So... How did you find out about the Defect anyway?" He crossed his arms as he stared at the house.


...Still Kamara...

Autumn and Anastasia woke, and knew immediately what was going on.

"Right. Well, we'd better get going then...", they both took the flashlights, which were so dim, they wouldn't be detectable through any of the few windows.

They dressed quickly, chatting naturally. They were used to this by now.

"Okay. Mavis and the others are going to stay here, as they're meant to be in the house anyway. And we,", I gestured at our group, "Are going to the bunker.". No one knew about the bunker except for myself, Anastasia and Autumn. I hadn't even known it was there until after the incident, and I knew my father would never have told anyone... He had a fair share of his own secrets to hide.

"Now.", I said as we began to walk through the house, away from any windows at the front, and heading towards the very back of the house, which was pitch black.

"The reason this is happening is because there is another hunter in the motel, the staff at the front desk alerted Mavis. He's tall, has long dark hair, brown eyes...", I gave the description that Mavis had given to me, and Anastasia's eyes widened.

"He followed us! Damn, there must've been something on the truck...", they explained everything that had happened to me.

"Well then. I was right to be paranoid...", my wristband vibrated, as I had put it on silent.

"They're at the gate... This is not good.", they would be at the house within the hour. Hopefully the locked door would deter them somewhat, and if they banged on the door, Mavis would answer. She was the caretaker of the place, after all.

We had left the house behind, through a series of hidden escapes. The house was full of them, and there were secret rooms within secret rooms within secret rooms... We were currently walking quickly down a cramped and damp tunnel. It was a natural formation.

After about 15 minutes walking, and occasionally crawling, down the tight tunnel, we arrived at a rock wall on our hands and knees. It looked exactly like a dead end, but I obviously knew otherwise.

This room was full of booby traps, I almost lost a finger finding this place... Although they were all natural seeming, like what looks like a hole fit for an arm with a button at the end, is actually full of very sharp, and dangerous rocks. I did exactly as I was meant to, and we went again through a series of cramped tunnels, opening various hidden doors on the way.

We finally arrived at the door to the bunker, and I was sweating as I performed all of the complicated and intricate stuff I had to do, otherwise literally nothing would happen.

I rolled my eyes as I did it, if I hadn't found my fathers diary, this place would stay hidden forever. I had obviously burned the diary, after memorising every line, of course. To say he was paranoid, was a massive understatement. He had even kept this room from my mother.

We got in, and I huffed as I threw myself on one of the comfortable sofas, Autumn behind me, then Lilly, then Anastasia. This place was lovely and spacious, but it was cold and damp and dark.

Anastasia crawled in backwards, huffing as she dragged all their belongings behind her. She was almost as paranoid as my father... Although the house now had absolutely no trace of any of us, only the servants that lived there, and the energy...

I laughed at the exhausted looking pair, "Remember, going back is much easier than getting in!", We were now miles from the house, and under a huge mountain, instead of in the side of it. I popped my ears as I thought about my Dad. He was the only person who had ever been in here before me, and the place was almost a mirror of his personality, while the house reflected my mother more.

I looked at the time on my wrist, they would be nearing the house by now....

@Geozaki @TurboAnalog @Full Of Tate
Jack heard the car go and looked back to see the kid was gone. "Kids gone, hope his all right." He grabbed the pillow from the bed and then made the grass move from the hatch as he exited then moved the grass back. He walked for a few hours until he reached camp and as he neared a storm of fur came racing out at him. He smiled as he saw his wolf friends come to meet him.

(What the pack looks like. The alpha ia the black one.)


 "Hey guys I'm glad I'm not dead to." Jack said as they swarmed him and told how happy they were that he was alive. Then Jack went over to his pack and pulled out a bottle of gin and took a swig the alpha looked at him with a look and said "Isn't it a little early to be drinking." Jack looked at the large black wolf and said "If you have had a day like mine then you would drink to." but he put down the gin and asked her "Could you keep an eye on the boy with this scent for me?" He pulled out the pillow and offered it to he. She agreed and sniffed the pillow and after sniffing the air she howled for the pack to follow as she shot of into the trees.
Gennadi kept walking threw the trees till he suddenly stopped. Willow lifts up her head, "What's wrong Gen?' Gennadi turns his head 270 degrees behind him and tells her, "I hear a couple of wolves heading in our direction. I could be wrong but... I don't like that they are heading this way." "Hmm... You want to keep them off you, is what your saying?" He nods his head, "Yeah, I am. How do we do that?" "I dunno. Though, why are they heading in our direction? I think Jack. He probably stole something from our room and told them to come for you." "I don't like it." She didn't respond back to him. He sighed and continued walking, they probably will just pass by him or something. Or his hearing is completely off, maybe the power that defect used is slowly getting to his other senses.

Jack was siting down as he thought of the kid hoping he was okay as he took another hit of gin. He looked around and got up and walked to the lake to see if Snaps was done pouting. As he got to the water and saw Snaps half in and half out eating a big fish. He walked over to him and just sat next to him as he looked at the lake.
Lilly followed the group through the winding tunnels. Her hair had turned completely black again. She was scared. She tried to push on, but was in serious danger of collapsing. She couldn't explain why, but she was feeling extremely light headed. She wasn't claustrophobic, in fact, she'd been in much smaller spaces before, for much longer periods of time without any repercussions. Her thoughts flittered back to her dream, or rather her memory. 

There was an audible click as the crossbow fired, sending a bolt straight towards Lilly. Just before the bolt hit Lilly a woman appeared in front of her, and a wall of ice appeared in front of the woman. The bolt melted the ice before hitting something with a click and cluttering to the ground harmlessly. The woman had managed to deflect the bolt with an ability? But how? The man started to load another round, when Lilly felt herself being lifted from the ground. she'd become rather unresponsive, everything proving to be too much for her. Lilly was carried to the nearby lake, the woman who'd deflected the shot following close behind, ready should the man fire at them again. But before her had a chance, they left into the still water. The woman who'd been carrying Lilly created some sort of air bubble around them and the other woman encased that bubble in a sort of shell made from ice, creating a sort of protective egg which rested at the bottom of the lake, keeping them safe and secluded. There were words spoken. But what was said, Lilly couldn't recall. After a while they returned to the surface. Sophie was still lying on the floor, but the arrow in her chest had been removed, which had allowed her blood to seep out quite a lot faster, so she was now lying in a pool of red which stained the white snow that lightly dusted the floor. Her eyes had also been closed, so she was no longer staring up at the sky blankly. Now she looked like she was sleeping...

Lilly's memories of that day were rather vague and patchy. It was safe to say she'd been a little hysterical. That day was easily the worst day of her life. But. It was also the start of the best part of her life. If only Sophie was still around... Her list had been increased to two that day. Her hair was now a navy blue colour, her eyes were welling up again, but she was trying her best to hold back the tears. They arrived at the room that Kamara was leading them to. Lilly shivered, but tried to hide it. The room was cold, but still seemed comfy. Lilly was still feeling extremely light headed, but she tried just to shake it off.

Sean lead Mason up to the house. He knocked on the door. He knew that one of the servants still took care of the house as if it's owners still lived there. Even after all these years. He waited patiently for an answer.

@FrostFire @Full Of Tate


Mavis walked slowly to the door, she was getting on in years, nearing her 80s...

The slowly unlocked the door, and opened it slowly.

"Yes? How can I-.... Mason?", she was surprised to see the boy. She hadn't seen him since Kamara had 'died'.

@TurboAnalog @Full Of Tate
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Mavis opened the door fully, "Ummm.... Yes? But why? The house has been empty of everyone but myself and the staff since...", her voice cracked, and she was visibly upset. Her eyes welled slightly, and she looked at the ground.

@TurboAnalog @Full Of Tate
Mason lifted a brow, this old women somehow knew his name but... He wasn't weirded out. Actually she looked familiar. Then Sean said her name, his eyes widened, "Wait, Mavis? Geez have you gotten old." He was about to make light of the situation till he saw how visually upset she was. "Mavis..." He said quietly. His hands turned to first, ".. Just let us in already."

@TurboAnalog @FrostFire

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