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Fantasy Rejected

Willow looked at Gennadi, and around the house. She thought for a moment, It should be fine leaving Gen here by himself, then looked back at Jack. "Alright then. Let's go meet your friend!" She said happily and slithered across him to the door. She slithered around the ladder and made it to the ground. "Ah~ I can't wait to finally not be single... Well, if it turns out well." She said to him.

Jack smiled and went down the ladder and as he hit the ground he opened a small path through the patch of hurtind plants. "Follow me, and be warned he can be a little grumpy at times." He said as he walked towards the lake closing the path behind him as he walks.
She laughed, "I can deal with grumps. You should see Gen when he doesn't get enough food. Kid is so stubborn then when he finally eats something, he comes begging at my tail for forgiveness. Tears here and there too.... I should probably stop sheltering him so much." She talked as she followed Jack to the lake.

~meanwhile with Gennadi~

Gennadi was sleeping restfully after passing out, his feet accidentally kicking off the blanket, making him turn and cuddle up even more into a ball. "Ethan..." He mumbled in his sleep. 

I was sitting at the edge of the lake, with Ethan by my side, he was talking up a storm while I stayed quiet and listened. For a defect, he was very happy. I stared at his deep brown eyes, the way it looked like it was playing out the exact same scene he was describing, as if he was actually there again. His usual spiky blonde hair was dripping wet as we had been swimming. He was using his left hand to exaggerate his points while his right was wrapped tightly around my left hand. I looked ahead to see the sun already setting, causing the sky to turn into a orangey-yellow. I yawned, which caused Ethan to stop talking, "Already tired Gennadi? But I'm still drying here!" He smiled at me. "I'm sorry, swimming really tired me out..." I mumbled. He laughed, aw geez, did I love his laugh so much. I leaned against him and stared at the sun, "Beautiful isn't it?" He spoke, "I could stare at the sun like this all day." "Me too." He looked at me, lifting my chin up to him, "Hey Gennadi? Guess what?" "Yeah?" He smiled, his sharp teeth showing, "I love you." "Me too.."

As Jack got to the lack he went to the water and then yelled. "Catfish taste better than ducks!" After a few seconds a large albino turtle came grumbling out the water and as he got to Jack Snaps said. "What kinda bullshit you sayin boy, ducks taste better than any old catfish." Jack looked at his old friend and says. "Yeah, yeah, well I was just calling you so you could meet someone, Snaps this is Willow."
Willow chuckled at their banter. Personally she has never eaten catfish or duck, she could probably give a try. Both didn't really sound tasteful though. She hissed with a smile, "Hello there Snaps. My name is Willow as Jack has said. Nice shell by the way~." If a snake could wink she did it anyway. 

Snaps looked at her and did a double take then he said. "Well then thank you kindly pretty little lady, and might I say you have really nice scales." He lumbers up and gives Willow his version of a smile. Jack just sits in the back ground with a smile on his face. "Not what I thought would happen." He thought as he watched Snaps.
"Why thank you~ I've tried my best to keep them in order but never thought it was worth it... Looks like I was wrong." She welcomed him. "So, I've got a kid of my own. He's back at where I live, the name's Gennadi. How did you meet Jack?" She asked Snaps. From what she just witnessed, these two separated over the differences in animals. It's hard to imagine how they get along, if they even do. They probably only hang out with each other just to insult one another.

"The kid found me after I'd lost a fight with a bobcat over a fat bass. He found me so weak I couldn't even bite him." Snaps said. "He took me back to his tent and patched me up. I found out he could talk to me and we have been friend ever since and yeah I know it don't seem like it but I owe Jack my life. Thats how me and him meet." Jack sits back and smiles as he jokes. "The old bastered has been keeping an eye on me ever after."
"Aww. that's cute. Gen, that kid, chased after me for what? 20 minuets I think? Anyways, Gen chased after me, I eventually got tired and just hissed at him. To my surprise... He responded back. We talked for awhile, then I agreed to go meet Gen's parents. Which were a defect and a human, really rare combination...." She trailed off, thinking back to that time. Blood was splattered everywhere, there were pools of it. Gennadi fell to his knees, crying his eyes out. In the distance, Willow saw a human, with a bloody knife. And, well, take a guess at what happened to them. "What I saw that day,", she continued, ", I solemnly promised myself to protect him... Ah, sorry." She smiled, "I got off track a little. Bad habit of mine. Snaps, while this meeting was short. It was great to see you. Jack? Could we head back? I'm starting to worry." She said and slithered back, without receiving an answer. It took at least an hour to get to the lake from the house... Gennadi should be up by the time we get back.. She thought, she hoped would be a better way to describe how she felt.

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Jack looked at Willow and said. "Okay lets go." He looks at Snaps and wave goodbye as he walks back to the tree house. Snaps looks at Willow and says. "See ya around." He then turns and lumbers off into the water. Jack looked back and shook his head. "So what you think of him?" Jack asks Willow as he walks. "I've never seen him be that nice to someone and I'm his friend."
Willow was lost in thought, till Jack asked her a question, "Hmm? Oh, Snaps. He's... Really nice. I've come across alligator turtles in my life before, but the lot of them weren't as friendly as he was. His voice was soothing too." She thought back to Gennadi. She mentally sighed, she hated hunters. The fact that they exist purely to wipe out defects was just... Meeting Gennadi, how could kill someone as nice as him? He was so innocent, yeah he lies here and there, but who doesn't? If that kid wasn't a defect... Would he still be as kind?

"Jack, tell me, what do you think about Gen?", she asks him.

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Looking at Willow he says. "I think he's a nice kid and he shouldn't have to deal with this shit. He should be with a family, not a half feral thug like me." He stops and shakes his head. "He should not have to look over his shoulder all the time waiting for the next blade aimed for him." Jack continued walking and the said. "I like the kid but he was dealt a fucked up hand. Thats what I think."
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She nodded, being satisfied with his answer. They finally made it to the house, she crawled back up the ladder and went inside the house to find Gennadi sitting on the bed, humming a tune to himself. It seems to be he has not noticed them at the door. "Gen?" Willow calls out to him. He stops humming and looks up, "Oh. Hey guys! I was wondering when you'd be back. What were you doing?" She glares at him, "Just out. But Gen, don't play dumb. That tune..." "I'm sorry. I just had a dream about him, couldn't help myself." She sighs, "How can you miss that fucker?" He jumps at her curse, ".. W-Willow... I don't know why.." She turns away, "Jack, I need to go somewhere. Stay here and watch him." And she takes her leave.

Gennadi hears her leave, and once he knows she's gone he turns his head to Jack, "I'm sorry about that Jack. She doesn't like that tune." He apologizes. 

Jack looks at the kid and sighs. "Let me guess, the defect that hurt you." He looked at gen and then went over and sat beside him. "I can understand both your views, someone hurt me a long time ago and most of the time I could kill him, but then every now and then I remember a good time we had and end up missing him." He said as he thought about his dad. He looks at gen and smiles then says. "So I can understand what both you and Willow feel."
"Also," Mason continued from his previous statement, "As you should know, you weren't invited here. You need to apologize to Mavis for trespassing. Me and Sean at least had half the mind to knock and wait before coming in. You should really know your manners Jacob, but I can understand why you don't, being a Defect I guess doesn't learn you any." He said calmly as he sipped more of his tea. 

@TurboAnalog @FrostFire

Gennadi smiles at him, "Thank you Jack." He laughs, as he thought of the past, "I guess I should've thrown him out of my life sooner. The two just never got along. Being who she is when I met her, it surprised me that she hated loud noises. That was one of the reasons she hung out with me.. Um, that's what she told me anyways. He was always so loud around her, never used an inside voice. I knew he was doing it on purpose. I don't feel guilty when I say I worshiped him more then I did Willow back then." He stood up and walked over to a cabinet, grabbing a a bottle of apple juice, "So, where have you guys been?" He asked again.

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Jack looked at him and smiled. "You know setting Willow up with my friend Snaps. It seemed to go well." He laughed at how nice he acred around her. "You should have been there, the mean old coot was being so nice." He just sat there and smiled.
He tilted his head, "Setting Willow up? Oh, you mean dating. Don't tell Willow I said this but, she's never been in a relationship before. Which is really weird, cause she basically flirts with every animal she comes across... This'll be nice for her, she already stresses over me and, well.. Jack, I don't know how many times I can thank you, for earning her trust. She's angry now but she left you alone with me, which means she really trusts you." He sips his apple juice, his eyes focusing on the ceiling, "Have you ever dated before Jack?"

"No, actally." He said with a sigh. "I wasn't seen as a guy your bring home type. I was a little bit of a hot head back then, got into a lot of fights." He sighed and shook his head. "Sad right, the kids got better game than me." He laughed. "Now I can't even find a girl because of me being, well you know. I guess I'm just not good with humans." He stood up and looked at gen. "In fact, I'm so bad with people your the first human friend I've had."
Gennadi almost spits out the juice in his mouth, but luckily catches himself and swallows it. His face heats up as he tries to find words to say, "I-I.. Um, your w-welcome? I-I gu-uess..." His fingers tap on the surface of the bottle, visibly nervous he was. He looks at Jack, or where he assumes he is. "J-Jack, could you describe to me what you look like? I just figured out I have no idea what your appearance is and I forgot to ask Willow about it..." 

Jack looks at him and says. "Okay, well I'm 6' 5, have a lean build, brown/grey eyes, brown hair that is short but kind of shaggy since I cut it my self. I wear a grey shirt with green splater print on the left side, a pair of jeans, no shoes, and a watch and dog tags. I would say I look okay but others think I come off scary." He then asks. "Was that okay or do you need more, I've never done this befor." He looks at gen and waits for a response.
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Gennadi imagines Jack's appearance as he describes it. He slowly walks up to him, "Um, stay still please." Gennadi tells him and places his hands on each side of Jack's jaw. He gets on tippy toes and reaches to Jack's nose, ears, then his hair. "I think you look nice..." He mumbles to himself. He plants both of his feet to the ground and grabs Jack's right hand, feeling his palm, "You're definitely older then me." He says as he stares lazily at the ground. What are you doing? He jumps back, letting go of Jack's hand finally realizing what he was doing. "Ah! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do that Jack! I guess my mind is still trying to process everything since I just woke up like 10 minuets ago. I'm sorry!(insert a lot of stuttering and incoherent babble here)" 

Willow slithers across the forest, deep in thought about that moment.

I was with you when he stabbed me with a piece of glass. The way you cried and screamed at my body, I couldn't do anything, I was so weak. He neared you, talking about your guys' future without me to interfere. Of course, you didn't like that idea, did you Gen? He held you against a tree as you struggled so much to break free. He stabbed you also, not knowing your blood was poisonous. You didn't even consider telling him. He screamed in pain, letting you go. You grabbed me and ran. Two days after, do you remember what we did Gen? We returned to where he was and seeing his dead corpse. You cried.. Why did you cry? Did you feel sorry for him? Do you remember what he did to me-- to us? I know you care about me Gen... But did you care about him more?

She sighed and looked up, almost bumping into an animal. She was about to apologize when she realized it was Snaps, "Oh hello Snaps. What are you doing?" She asks him.

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Jack looked at gen and laughed. "Don't worry about it kid." He shakes his head as he says this. He looks at him and smiles at his innocens. "So, sinces we got nothing else to do why not tell me about who you are, your likes and dislikes and sutch." He looked at Gen still smiling.

Snaps looks at willow and smiled. "Hellow to you to miss and as to what I was doing here I'm going to Jack camp to bring him his bag. Its got all he needs to stay calm." He looks at her then asks. "Would you like to tag along, I could tell you a little bit about jack on the way."
Gennadi stares at him, still feeling guilty about what he did but eventually just laughs it off. "Well, I was born December 9th. My full name is Gennadi Kosh. From what I understand, I'm half Russian. I don't really like water, um, swimming in water. I don't like swimming at all.. Uh, my favorite fruit is pomegranates. I really love sour food and candies. I hate spicy stuff. My favorite color is- uh, was red. Kinda sad that I can't see that color anymore... I like tea and milk, coffee is disgusting. Singing, well, I guess. It's more of a hobby and I'm not really good at it. What about you?" 

She sighs happily, "I would love to tag along, need to get my mind away from some stuff anyway." She says and follows him, "So, what can you tell me about him?

"Well I love water and swimming, I love spicy food, my favorite color is green, my birth day is June 8th. I like to hunt and play music ,mainly jazz. My favorite food is raw meat. My full name is Jack Marlow and I'm Irish/Scot. I like wisky, gin and tea. I hate guns and am scared of pigeons. I like black roses and all deadly plants." He looked at gen and got serious for a moment. "Now that we know each other I have to ask, have you ever gotten into a fight, I'm talking about a real on were you've fought back? If not I could teach you."

Snaps looks over and says. "Well he is a good kid, good fighter to but he can be rash when his friends are in danger. When his friend are in harms way he will not think about himself, he keeps going even if he is near death." Snaps looks at her and says. "I tell you this for both are kids safety. If he get like that, try to get him to stop and use his head, maybe it will save the dumbasses life. He needs someone to knock some sense into him sometimes and I'm getting a little to old to do it any more."
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Lilly started to mumble softly in her sleep before slowly waking up. It took her a moment to remember where she was. When she got her bearings she looked up at Autumn. She tried not to move too much or make too much noise as she didn't want to disturb Autumn. She'd seen a boy in her dreams... But not just a boy... he'd been with someone... more than one someone... Lilly felt like she recognised the boy, and the woman who was with him but she couldn't tell where from. She didn't really know them, but she'd definitely seen them before. And they were with someone else. The someone else didn't look familiar but she recognised his presence. There was something strange about each of them, but especially the woman. But in her just woken up state, coupled with the fact that the dream was quickly fleeing from her memory, and that she felt even worse than she had when she went to sleep wasn't really helping.


((Really sorry I've been gone for so long! I had loads of school work to do over the weekend! Sowy guys!))

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