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Fantasy Rejected

Ebony just shook her head and then shot off with the rest of her pack. Jack watched the kid clean himself off and said. "You can keep it, you know just incase." He looked around and asked. "So whyed you run off? The hunter had gone so the danger had passed." He looke at gen as the kid cleaned up the blood.
Mavis entered just then with tea.

"I didn't know how you took it... So I brought milk and sugar.", the tray shook as she held it, her frail arms shaking under its weight. She put it down, and sat down on her bed, sipping her own.

@TurboAnalog @Full Of Tate
Lilly's eyes fluttered open and she mumbled something incoherent. Her skin was ice cold to the touch. After a short while she seemed to be a little more with it. She looked up at Autumn, her eyes focusing for a moment before she hugged her. "I'm sorry" She mumbled. She still felt a little light headed, but just being with Autumn made her feel better than she was feeling before. But morally she felt awful. Once again she'd dragged someone else down into her problems.

"Th-thank you..." He wrapped the scarf around his neck and ran his hand lightly against Willow's scales. Then Jack asked the dreaded question he knew he would ask. He sighed and said, "Um... You're just too nice I-.. I panicked. That defect I was with before, they were nice too and really carefree. I wanted to get away from you because I didn't trust you... B-But I do now! You sent wolves too watch over me! You don't seem mad! I.... I'm s-sorry.." 


Mason stopped laughing and stared dumbfounded at Sean. "Um.. What?" But just then, Mavis entered. "Oh. Hi there, thanks for the tea old lady." He said, not noticing Mavis' limited strength. Once she placed the tray down, Mason reached for the milk and sugar, pouring heaps of each into his his tea. He held the cup in his hand, and gulped it down.

@FrostFire @TurboAnalog


I sighed. We really needed to work on Lilly's self esteem... "Lilly! You have nothing to apologise for. What have I told you before.... You're probably just ill. Or maybe lack of sleep...", I muttered off to myself, wondering what could be wrong with her. Surely she was okay? I wasn't sure, but I was worried nonetheless.


Mavis smiled, "That's no problem, anytime.", she raised an eyebrow slightly at his sweet tooth. She seemed to remember him having one.... Kamara has the same attitude, they were both quite similar... She smiled a distant smile, it was sad, but in a happy sense. As if remembering some happy memory that only lasted for a moment, that she yearned for again.

@Full Of Tate 
"Thankyou Mavis" Sean said gently as she bought in the tea. He didn't add anything to his mug, he liked his tea black. He smiled knowingly at Mason, but then he was sidetracked by a buzzing in his pocket. He pulled out his phone, and stared at it for a minute. "Shit... he's here..." He said

Jacob phased through the wall of the building. He had spoken to Sean earlier and thanks to his mild physic powers he knew that Sean would be here, and now he knew why. In his incorporeal form he floated through the house, seamlessly gliding through the walls. While he was inside a wall he gained the ability to see through anything made of the same material as the wall he was in. (For any Minecrafters, think like what happens when you go in a wall or in the ground in spectator mode) He glided to the back of the house, noticing a complex maze of tunnels. Maybe if he found a way through them he could report that to Sean? But then he noticed the four people who were in the room at the end of the maze of tunnels, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

@Full Of Tate @FrostFire @Geozaki
Lilly shook her head slowly. "I-I'm fine..." She said, sounding as confident and as positive as she could make herself. Although, she wasn't certain. Lilly could tell that Autumn was worried for her. Her eyes always gave her away. This was why Lilly was trying to keep it from them. They always worried for her, and she didn't want to burden them with her problems. "I really am fine..." She said quietly but reassuringly. What had such nice people like Autumn and Anastasia ever done to deserve someone as needy and as much of a burden as her? 

Mason tilted his head at Sean, "Here? Who's- Oh. You mean him." He ended his words with disgust. He hated Jacob, like really, really, really hated that guy. Honestly, Mason had tried to kill Jacob before, stealthy, but the damn defect always knew he was there! He made noises of disgust where he was then stood up and... Acted out a scene?, "Oh look at me! My name is Jacob! I'm such a special little defect. But I hate my powers so much that I just continue living as if nothing's wrong! I could kill myself but I won't, cause I'm stupid." He finished his scene and glared at Sean, "Seriously, why is he here?"

@TurboAnalog @FrostFire 


I hugged Lilly, and jumped as Ana and Kamara came and sat on the sofas around us. I must've woken them up by being too loud.

"Sorry, guys. I'm just a bit worried about Lilly. Mama's gotta look after her daughter, right?", I smiled down at her, and brought Ana and Kamara up to speed as to what was happening.

"Oh... We can't leave this room until the hunters are gone... But if she ends up needing to go to hospital...", Kamara's brows furrow. She always thought of the worst case... Her and Ana had a lot in common actually.

"Lilly... If anything feels funny, or something happens. Anything. Tell us. Okay?", I smiled over at Ana. Always so protective.


Mavis looked on, wide eyed. "Wh-what? A defect.... Here?!?", she had worry streaked through her voice, with a hint of distaste. 
"I don't know" Sean said, he was obviously displeased by his presence as well. What he wouldn't give for the normal rules to apply to that arse! Then he could murder him and no one could interfere. He looked at Mavis. "I'm afraid so... but... as much as I hate to say it, he's on our side"

@Full Of Tate @FrostFire
Looking at Gen Jack walked over and ruffled the kids head and said. "No problem, I can understand having trust problems after that." He smiled and then turned around and asked. "Were to now champ, you know since there is a hunter in the woods we need a strong hold and my place it to open, yours has too few exits."
"Ok" Lilly said in reply. Her hair had brightened when Autumn called her her daughter, and had brightened slightly with everyone's comments after that. She loved them all so much! That's why she couldn't tell them. She wouldn't tell them, for their sake. "But I'm really fine..." She said with a rather convincing smile. 

"You Hypocrite!" 

Lilly ignored the words that rang in her head. Why was she still getting these thoughts and memories? She didn't let her fear or pain show on her face, and it didn't show in her hair either. She had to control it. She just had to...

"Well... I'd been walking for quite a while and didn't hear or smell any hunters. They must have left already. I have a tree house around here somewhere, it's out in the open but it's a lot more roomy and fresh. I like it there more then my hatch house. We could head there. That family from before also has a house here in the woods too, there's that. Um, what do you think?" Gennadi asked Jack after listing off the very few places he knew of in this forest. His tree house was also a lot more comfy, but the family's house would have more beds and probably food.

Jack thinks for a little while untill saying. "The tree house, I can hide it with moss and branches to make it harder to spot." He gets up and then looks at Gen and says. "Well lead the way." He puts his hands in his pockets and waits to follow the kid to there hide away.
Mason sighed angrily, "Yeah, unfortunetly he is." He looked around the room, then at the floor. "Hmm... JACOB! GET YOUR ASS IN HERE! IF YOU CAN HEAR ME! IF YOU CAN'T THEN I'LL... I'll... Ah, forget it." He yelled, then gave up. He hoped that defect could hear him, wherever he was. That bastard.

Mavis jumped at the sudden outburst, but kept quiet. She didn't want to interfere...

@Full Of Tate

The 3 women sat silently, doing their own things. Autumn read, with Lilly tucked into her side, her arm was around the little girl. Anastasia sighed, and picked one up too, and Kamara just sat, staring off into space with a wistfully sad expression on her face.

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Lilly liked being tucked up with Autumn. She felt warm and at home. She stared into the pages of the book Autumn was reading. She only read the odd random word as she didn't know what happened in the beginning, and Autumn read a lot faster than she did. After a short while, Lilly drifted off to sleep. 

Jacob appeared right in front of mason. "I'm not deaf" he commented, obviously unimpressed. The way he spoke seemed rather emotionless. "You two can be really hurtful... you know that?" He said overdramatically. Despite being the oldest of the hunters in this room, he was acting like a child. "But fine, if you're going to be like that! I guess you won't need any help from a Defect like me."

sean gritted his teeth, he was trying his best not to thump Jacob

@FrostFire @Full Of Tate
Mavis jumped out of her skin when the man just appeared. "Oh! W-what..... I suppose I'd better not ask...", she tried to sound as polite as possible, but a hint of worry streaked her voice. Presumably because there was a defect in the room...

@Full Of Tate @TurboAnalog

Autumn smiled as Lilly fell asleep snuggled up to her, she couldn't keep the goofy grin off her face, and Ana smirked at her, shaking her head and sniggering.
"Okay!" Gennadi said happily and smiled at Jack. He slowly stood up and, after making sure Willow was okay, walked forward with the two following. "My house is near the lake, so if I'm correct... It should take us abut 30 minuets to get there." He told Jack.

After 30 minuets, they found the tree house. Willow wrapped herself around Gennadi, "Hey." "Hi." They said to eachother, before he proceeded up the ladder. Making onto the balcony, he opened the door and stepped inside. "Well, this is where I live.. Sorry that's It's small."


@fuil (also this is my FORTH attempt at writing this post. My internet's being a douche.)

Mason tapped his foot, "Yeah. We never needed your help nor did we call you here. And thank you, I know I can be hurtful. Nice for it to be finally recognized~." Mason said, making the situation worse then it already was.

@TurboAnalog (short post cause as I said, i tried to write this four times so my brain is hurting.)
Jack looked at the kid and said. "Thats okay, small means I can use less plants." He then sat down and concentrated on the house being hidden in green. The forest became alive as vines, ferns, grass, and moss erupted from the ground to swarm the house, making hard to spot in the woods. "That should make it harder to spot, plus I put a patch of brambles, poisen ivey, and stinging nettels below and around us to slow them down."
"Oh.. Thank you." He yawned and rubbed at his eyes, "Sorry but, because of that hunter... I-It's seems I didn't get.." Gennadi yawned once more as he lazily walked to his bed, Willow hissed and jumped down before Gennadi fell onto his bed, curling up in the blankets. His dress folded itself above his torso, leaving everything below visible. Willow stared in disappointment. She sighed and slithered up onto his bed, using her mouth to pull his dress down. Once finished, she turned to Jack, "Sorry about that Jack. He's had quite a day as you saw. But, tell me, What's up with Ebony? Is she single?"

Jack looked at Willow and shook his head. "No she isn't, the beta is her mate, and not likely to share." Jack then looked at her and asked. "How do you feel about older guys." He said as he smiled a wicked smile and thought of Snaps. "I know a aligater turtle whod be perfect for you."
Willow smirked, "I got no problem with oldies.. Alligator turtle, you say though~? Sounds sexy, would love to meet him." Willow got lost in thought for a moment, thinking of how Jack's friend would look like. She chuckled to herself and asked, "Was it that friend you said you lost? I assume you found him again?"

"Yeah, I found him eating a fish on the shore." He said as he thought of something. "How close to the lake are we, I could let you meet him." He was looking at Willow and wondering how Snaps would react and his smile just widened.

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