Reign of Darkrai (gijinka pokemon rp!)

(( Once again, I was gone for a long time, wasn't I? Anyway, I think I should bring back Zaber.....)) All the time, Soul was silent. He waited for whatever might come. And luckily, the one that came wasn't a Mad Gijinka. "Psst, Soul." a voice said. The Absol looked- And saw a green haired figure. "Figured you'd come back." Soul said. "Course. I've had enough of Darkrai's crap." Zaber said, scratching the back of his head. Soul sighed. "You better introduce yourself to everyone if you wanna tag along." he said. The green haired yawned. "Most probably. Anyway, I gotta rest now. I'll show up tomorrow, promise." he replied, and left. Soul shook his head. 'He never changes.....'
"I guess I'll continue the hunt tomorrow..." V thought looking around to find a place to sleep. He made his way towards a tree that provided enough shade for covering him when dawn would rise and he would continue. "I guess this'll be where I'm shacking up for the night..." he muttered, shrugging to himself and laying against the tree's trunk. He made sure everything was in its rightful place, mask on belt, sword in sheath, before he laid his head back and slowly drifted off into a peaceful slumber. For a ferocious person, he always looked serene when he was sleeping.
I don't understand what I put for my skelly, am I making a Pokemon? A person? Some kind of animal?
I wanna be Mewtwo! He's always been my number one Pokemon! Especially awesome on smash bros! I'll be a Pokemon belonging to Pain-Clown123
Name: Mewtwo (doesn't know his real name.)

Age: unknown

Gender: male

Species: Mewtwo

Mad?: I don't think so


Info/Bio: He has no recollection of his past. Mewtwo merely woke up one day on an island, he found everyone to be dead around him. He wanders the world trying to remember who he is, he eventually adopted the name of Mewtwo due to his similar appearance to the Pokemon and abilities

(how's this?)
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(uhh dude, there spose to be human like, ya know, plus the bio don't have to be that, it can be something unique, like one guy nameless, was based on rayquaza, he don't know who or what he is al he knows is that hes a dragon type,i don't mind you using the bio but youll have to tweak it, considering none of the human characters ash etc exsist)
(okay then, basicly ill explain it briefly, darkrai (me) is after the planet, wanting to turn it into a real nightmare ((ha puns)) and take over, a group of pokemone that arnt affected must defeat the darkrai called dreed, its kinda like survival based apocalypse...with pokemon humans)
(so you can start when ever, but id wait till nichole (yullen chan) is on, cause youll reply and that will be I, unless I try and control you and we fight)

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