Reign of Darkrai (gijinka pokemon rp!)

(I think I will hold off and wait then because once I go solo I tend to do things and it changes and people would haft to read multiple post's that I did and including other's who somehow interacted with Cerylia and I don't want that for anyone!)
(A Oasis huh alright that seems like one one of the area's that she might come across) 
As Cerylia past through the skies the storm followed causing thunder and lightning to roar out loud, Cerylia looked back seeing that she was not calming the storms focused and it vanished within seconds. She then landed over by an Oasis to rest her and also look and explore around, she did not see anybody yet but she decided to wait here for a second, "Strange I never have been in this area it does not feel as tainted as most other place...but that may soon change if I don't do something." Cerylia thought as she said on a rock looking at the skies.
(Not very long ago actually if you look back you might see my post in joining ^^)
(( Sorry. Strangely it didn't give me notices.))

Yani walked over to the pokemarket that was destroyed. She sighed. She was done with this place. It was deserted and destroyed. Only rubble lied in these streets. She went inside and looked for and thing to help in her journey. She couldn't find anything. This was the last place in the town she had checked. She had to go onto another one. At least to find humanity.
Name: Mara (goes by code name 'Pearl')

Age: 16

Gender: female

Speices: Eevee

Mad?: yes, very insane- wait.... you meant crazy scientest mad? No, of course not!

Appearence:(profile picture)

Bio: Mara is her own, not really knowing how she came to be and not caring. She's very carefree and 'odd'. Being as short as she is she can easily hide in small places, which has gotten her out of tons of trouble. Mara isn't very trusting so she goes by the name Pearl when she meets someone new, its because she used to have a very good friend named Pearl. Though not trusting, Mara is very kind. She hardly gets into fights "If you can catch me, you can fight me!".
(Hahaha nah! Sorry darkrai I cant be your minion. I FIGHT FOR JUSTICE!!)
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(( Sorry for being gone...... again.))

Zaber sat in a tree, leaning against the trunk. "Why the hell is there nothing around?" he muttered. Meanwhile, Soul was somewhere, his eyes gleaming red and he was detecting disasters.
Vendetta shot his eyes open knowing that he'd overslept. "CRAP!!!" he exclaimed throwing on his mask and getting up, a little too quickly. "Whoo... I see stars..." he muttered shaking his head and looking around, from the shaded tree. It was bright. Very bright. "Just how the hell long did I sleep?" he he asked scratching his head before setting off on his previous conquest.
Mara sat up from where she was sleeping, not exactly knowing where she was."Wait... I wasn't here when I fell asleep, right?! Did I get kidnapped?! Walked in my sleep?! Am I still dreaming?! IS THIS A CONSPIRECY?!?!" Mara practicly yelled as she got more and more paranoid.
"Those group of females... I wonder if they have anything to do with the guardians..." V wondered as he continued to walk, entering a barely shaded canyon. "Too damn bright out here..." he thought shading his eyes using his arm. "Maybe I should a place with water..." he thought looking around. He wanted to take of his mask because of the blistering heat, but he could power through. He knew he could. He's been through worse than this, a lot worse.
Cerylia lounged around on the rock for quite a while she then snapped outta her daydream and stood remembering her mission, she hopped off the rock and then took a stroll down where some tree's were located. She did not expect to see a pikachu there, she could not tell the gender but it was reading something from Cerylia's point of veiw. Thinking about her options she hovered in the air and then flew toward her in attempt to get a closer look.

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