Reign of Darkrai (gijinka pokemon rp!)

Shizuka turned back to Soul, "We need to go to the Oasis, now! A guy in a mask is following you, and I'm 99% sure he is mad. Come on lets go!" she rushed.
"The time has come and so have I!..." he sang to himself walking through the canyon, carefully dodging landslides, climbing up high mountainous formations, and killing whatever mad morphs were crazy enough to try and attack him. "I'll laugh last cause you came to die!" he continued to sing now covered in blood, not his as usual. He finally made it to the end of the canyon where everything started turning into desert. "I can taste them..." he muttered to himself, his eyes glowing a bright red to pear through his mask like to flashlights.
(E-eh o-o;;;?! *hides behind Charizard* dont let em get to me charizard! I still need my guns!) 
Mara got up and imediantly crashed into the nearest pokemon. "Sorry! Err. Do you know where this is?" Mara asked quickly.
(I am quite sad though I was really wanting this to go on a lot longer..ah well maybe the next on eh?)
(Vendetta's still alive...

Vendetta: *Impatiently waits* Come on then, I aint got all day. Am I on or not?)

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