Reign of Darkrai (gijinka pokemon rp!)

I don't even know if I'll stay in Rp. I'll do it for a while and see if I like it, if I don't I'll just stop.
(Well if you just 'stop' I'm a gonna psychic you and drop you from the Eiffel Tower :D )

Shizuka turned to see Nichole and Jasmine who were both fast asleep, she sighed and smiled as she tucked them both in.

She then turned to the moon, the moon always meant something to Shizuka, she thought it was a symbol of quiet, a beautiful symbol at that. This particular night, it was a full moon. She gazed at it and remembered Soul, she jolted and got up. Quickly, she picked up a pen she had and left a note to Nichole and Jasmine, just in case they woke up, and teleported to where Soul was. "Sleepy head..." she teased, as she walked over to Soul.
Name: Cerylia

Age:Looks around 18 (Real age is unknown)



Mad?:Has been tainted because of the seas but keeps full control.


Info/Bio:After her mother had past and Cerylia had become the new Guardian of the Seas, Cerylia walks in her footsteps doing everything that she would approve right and always protecting those of the sea's and the land creatures from her wrath which is why she stays in the deepest parts of the sea. But now all of a sudden a new evil has come upon the world and to her surprise it is once again Darkrai,long ago her mother told stories of how she battled along with others to seal off the menace,now that he is back it is only right that she fight to protect those who can't..but is she capable too? will she ever be as all mighty and great as her mother once was? All of the doubts that runs through her head continuously might be her downfall cause she does not realize that she truly already possesses the great power her mother had.
(soo accepted, so I always put people through a test and I know the perfect one for you to battle)

As the waves start to crash and fall, a tall male wearing a sea blue kimono with yellow dots on his back and a samurai blade on he left side of his waist. ''hehe....let the water flow and flow flow flow and flow'' He spins the katana starting to make whirlpools spin faster.
(Ahhh so much happening, Nichole is in the oasis, Shizuka and Soul are together somewhere, Zaber is God knows where. And V is with someone mad who was attempting to stalk Shizuka AND NOW there is a mad guardian fighting the guardian of the sea. Wowwwwww)
(Yay battle time!)

Cerylia slept after the long day of helping the sea pokemon...well atleast the ones who could be saved, those other poor souls who were corrupted by the..madness were long gone. Cerylia had no choice but to take care of them, as she thoughts rambled on she felt that the waters were being tampered with, her eyes shot opened as she stared up shooting outta the waters like a missile and then hovering over the waters staring directly at the blue male. Giving it a good look she knew it was a Gyarados she gave him a stern look and then began to telepathically speak to him. "Fellow Gyarados why have you awakened my slumber I had been at work for many days.." She spoke to him not knowing that he was mad.
The male points his blade charging a ball of water. ''hydro cannon!!'' He fires a powerful blast of water but goes to a knee tired out. ''haaa d-d-damn''
Cerylia watched as he charged a ball of water preparing a hydro cannon, Cerylia looked at the incoming attack and dodged it with great ease in the air she then prepared for an Dragon Rush charging a full speed and tackling into the foe. She then turned and stared down at the Gyarados then speaking to him again telepathically now realizing that he was mad. "Another one has fallen to that monsters filthy hand...I am sorry but if I could I would fix this helping you..but sadly I do not have this knowledge or skills..but if you keep doing this I will have no choice but to end you where you lie." She spoke preparing for another attack.
''hehehe.....AHHHAHA LORD DREED WILL MAKE SURE YOUR ALL DESTROYED!!!'' He charges bringing his blade up and attempts to use an aqua tail but in a blade form bringing it down on to the lugia trying to cut her.
Cerylia saw shook her head and frowned she swooped up in the air the blade missing cutting nothing but the air, from the Gyarados view all that could be seen was her bright lighted figure as she was high in the sky the sun behind her. "I am sorry..goodbye" Cerylia said sadly before charging down performing her sky attack, it impacting in harshly and with a loud boom. After she finished she turned seeing the after effects of her attack then sighing "At least it was painless..." She thought before turning to leave.
the blade fell and a chunk of his body falls before turning to dust. (well done, now you have to find the good ones ;3)
Cerylia looked around and then felt how much the world had changed dramatically since her slumber "I must act now if I am going to save my family.." She thought before shooting off causing a crackle in the sky, She traveled through many areas aimlessly searching around for any sign of survivors from this corruption.

(I should have her meet with someone but I really don't know who..)
(Where are they currently located so she can have a proper entrance and greet them)
(Ah well I must wait for them to be on and then post..or just go solo till then..decisions decisions =w=)

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