Reign of Darkrai (gijinka pokemon rp!)

He continued to follow well aware that others recognized his presence. "Why am I even running? It's a damn bubble!" he thought to himself keeping the same pace. He noticed that one of the three were. "Looks like she's the only one who know so far..." he muttered looking up, his eyes glowing through the slits again.
Shizuka noticed he was looking at her, she made eye contact with him, she put on her scary eyes, trying to intimidate him. It didn't seem to be working.
Suddenly in the sky a strange black orb forms and molds into a ghoulish like figure, his eye opens up showing it to be emerald green. ''hmm...huh'' sees the V character who just besistched somones grave he floats over. ''oh...hello there..ya know you remind me of seirein....are you a relation'' seirein was another seiviper, as the ghoul floated infront of the serpant like character.
the bubbled started landing in a meadow. jasmine said"here we are!"the bubble popping. it was full of fruits, trees,etc. nichole looked around in awe.
"No!" Shizuka shouted, "That is the opposite direction we need to go, both of you hold on to me. Quick!"
The ghoulish dreed then goes to keep walking but stops as he was about to step on a flower, then kneels down and picks it up. He gave it a soft sniff and clenches his other fist. ''crystal....why....'' He was about to want to cry, but soon just floats away.
"Teleport!" Shizuka cried as the 3 were teleported to somewhere completely out of the blue, "A desert... hmm... not what I had in mind but... It'll do. What are we going to do about Soul? He is still out there somewhere... I'll contact him later... Right now, at least were safe."
Shizuka nodded and replied, "Ok!" "Teleport!" she cried as the 3 teleported to the Oasis, just like Nichole requested
"Nope... I have no family..." he muttered losing track of the 3. "DAMNIT!" he thought clenching his hand into a fist. "They got away..." he muttered to himself taking off his mask and hood to let his skin breath for a bit.
ahh my pal" he smiled softly. "say heres an idea why not join me" looks at v with his green eye, the light shines on him slowly increasing the madness of V. he smiles widley as the ray increases the serpants madness
"Fine idea that would be... But, had I vowed not to take sides..." Vendetta said grabbing hold of his sword's hilt. "I'm gonna have to reject the invitation..." he said in a stern voice. Despite the growing madness, he'd been dealing with it ever since child hood, no certain amount of madness could affect him to the point of where it broke his mind and will.
Shizuka turned around to see the 2 girls smiling, "thanks. It looks great, well done girls." She said with a smile

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