Reign of Darkrai (gijinka pokemon rp!)

hm...a interesting'' a second male appeared, this one was a lot taller and wore green, he also had two sharpned shields on his arms and smiled, as raito shouted ''GILGA! YOUR HERE!!'' The male named gilga gave a smile, it was only till then that she noticed he was a gallade, raito eventually escaped but was hit by nicholes iron tail hard.
"I guess there's no sense in not adding another person to the dead body count..." V said digging his sword into the ground. He then stuck out his tongue, which was covered in a dark aura. He brushed a finger over it and took the dark aura from his tongue and balled it up in his hand. Simply dropping it on the ground, forming a large dark barrier to cover his body and protect him. He just stood in place, watching the shadow balls as they dissipated into thin air upon making contact with the dark barrier.
(Nu uh, no one escapes a Psychic unless your a Psychic type!!!)

Shizuka turned to see the Gallade, she was shocked. He obviously had more experience being a final stage evolution than her, she had to be careful.

She then turned back to Raito and shouted, "Have you made up your mind?"

then turned to Nichole who was behind her, "Back me up! You need to attack the Gallade, hes a psychic type too remember! He can easily stop the psychic powers of mine, you need to distract him!" she whispered
(I duuunooo :3, nah these are just more battles, unless you lose concentration eheh :3)

raito smiled widley and bows softly. ''I will admit..your beauty and strength are unparalleled, but you will not defeat me!!'' He charges a massive thunderbolt towards nichole, he was still held by the pshycic but gilga puts a palm on her back charging energy. ''focuse blast!'' He fired her in the back sending them flying.

Shukura just looked both annoyed and hated. ''RRR WHY WONT YOU JUST DIE!!'' throws more and more shadow balls, then using his pshycic he holds them all in place till 20 shadow balls floated around v then blinks sending them all towards V.
Nichole back flipped onto her hands. Hopefully I can pull this off... Nichole said"Jasmine ready for a combo move?!" Jasmine said"yea!" Nichole told her the plan and she nodded. Nichole ran at raito and gilga with volt tackle. "NOW!" Jasmine used ice beam and Nichole spun the ice encasing her. "ICE VOLT TACKLE!"hitting them head on.
raito looked towards them shocked (pffft ahahah puns :3). ''W-WHAT!..'' He is hit in his stomach but punches using his thunderpunch but does nothing as the torpedo of ice just kept going and soon shards falls, as raito goes to his hands and knees. ''d--damn!''
Shizuka drops Raito and looks towards the gallade who seemed to be planning something, "I guess you're looking to fight with me right?" she stated as she flew towards him, she was charging something.
Nichole shook of the ice. "Brr" she smirked at raito. (Lol I think it's because imma girl that I want a forbidden romance) Nichole said"had enough?" (Oh what do you think of my combo move guys?)
gilga gave a smile, looking at her. '' truly are a beautiful creature...iiiill give you that..buuuut, im so much stronger then you'' He charges a focus punch, being very very still, concentrating
(original but didn't a buizel use aqua jet with an ice beam but yea good)

raito stands upright, glaring evily and charging using thunder punch, making it as an uppercut 
Nichole had got away before the hit could land."too slow!"hiting raito with iron tail. Then she and Jasmine just wanted to show off. "~we wave our tails back and forth! We wave our tails back and forth!~" shaking their butts and tails in sync. "Why do I feel that was a stupid idea?"said Nichole.
"I guess you didn't learn the first time..." V muttered through the mask loud enough to be heard, breaking off the barrier into tiny shards, which all gathered in his hand. "History repeating itself is inevitable I guess..." Vendetta said, and at that moment, he took the condensed dark aura and removed his heavy blade from the ground as it became shrouded in darkness. He then took the blade and pointed it to Shukura. "Time to die!" he said with a loud maniacal chuckle, as he swung the blade in a vertical motion once in the air, releasing a crescent like blast of dark energy. It was his personalized form of Dark Pulse.
raito's body twitches and suddenly he glares getting angry. ''RAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!! OKAY GILGA GIVE ME IT!!'' gilga looks at raito abit worried. ''you sure....'' raito pointed and glares. ''I SAID GIVE ME IT!!'' gilga sighed, throwing a small battery that when he grabs it, he swallows it whole and his body explodes with electricity showing a powerful aura. 
shukura knew he wouldn't win so he begs. ''WAIT WAIT!...please...w=we can give you sooo much master, dreed he can give you more power then anything, please if you don't kill me...I-ill take you too him'' He trembles under the attack,begging to not die.
Nichole felt some sort of pull to raito. She shook out of her daze and put on her game face. "Fear is a choice!" Closing her eyes and when she opened them they were red.
"Oh how cute, the general, begging for his life... Funny... Because if I don't kill you, your master will. If not for you cowardess, than for your betrayal..." he said readying his blade for another go. "Leave my sight and I'll let you live." V added as he pointed the blade at him. "But remember this, if we ever cross paths again, you won't be the one coming out alive." he added, his eyes glowed a bright red, bright to the point where the shined out of the two slit-like eye holes.
shukura nodded over and over. ''yes yes yes...ofcoarse..never again...never.....ever...AGAIN!'' throws a shadow ball as he turns to walk away, as it collides and explodes in the back of his head. '' you!''
Nichole bounced off the cave wall and coughed up blood. "Heh good punch..."wiping her mouth. She ran at him and used quick attack. "Speed can be your best asset!" Roundhouse kicking him.
"Why I'm flattered, but, don't judge a book by its cover." as the Gallade was charging towards her, she used psychic on her self to raise her higher into the air. She shoots a psychic ray and it hits him directly
raito lifted his arm and blocked nicholes attack, as he skids right back creating massive lines from being pushed. ''c-crap....why are you so strong!!!' 
gilga goes right back and rolls back. ''ow that was really tough...uhh my head/..'' He shakes head and looks around.
Nichole said"you grow stronger with the pain you felt!" Punching him. She picked him up and slammed him to the ground. She looked down at him their faces inches apart. "You know if you weren't a madness we'd be friends but since you are you will be destroyed."
raito laughs. ''more like youll be..lets end this!!'' He leaps far back and charges charging volt tackle. ''rai rai rai rai rai!''

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