Reign of Darkrai (gijinka pokemon rp!)

"Apparently you take me some type of beginner..." V said holding the blade out in front of him. He had blacked the blast almost too easily. "But then again, I have to go by my favorite moral... 'It's easier to kill and be done with something, than to allow it to become a reoccurring nuisance.'" he added pointing the blade toward the general before launching it with great speed and intensity.
shukura screamed loudly as hes cut in two turning to stone and exploding.

raito collides. ''RAICHU!!'' they hit and lightning zaps everywhere and they stops opposite sides lie two samurai. ''haaa...heh'' He falls to the ground defeated.
Shizuka lands back on the ground gracefully and looks him in the eye. "Like I told you, don't judge a book by its cover." she said calmy, knowing that he will counter attack at any point, preparing her attack.
gilga looks at them. ''w-what are you....'' He begins shaking, he doesn't wanna fight but he doesn't wanna upset his master neither. ''I/...I....'' He sniffs crying abit, but then charges towards he, using close combat against her punching over and over.
"Protect!" she screams, an orb blasts Gilga back as Shizuka gets up, with a bruised face.

"Well, I'll admit, you are stronger than me. But that doesn't mean I can't defeat you using tactics and skills."

she gazed up at the sky, and stood there for a minute flat. Just as Gilga least expected it, she teleported behind he and used Focus Blast, it was a direct hit and he is blasted backwards into a wall. His back cracks against the wall as the wall shatters to pieces, the bricks then fall on top of him.
An out of breath Shizuka flew to the wall panting, "I'm sorry it had to end like this, you didn't seem so evil in the end." she whispered as she flew over to Nichole. "Are you ok?" she asked.
"And that takes care of one insolent fool..." V said walking over to collect his sword from the rubble. "Now where was I? Oh yes... La, la, la, la ,la~" he sang to himself collecting his sword and taking off his mask. He was sweating a storm. But what was to be expected when you're wearing a mask constantly. "It can't be helped..." he muttered looking at his multi-colored mask before he stuck it to his belt. He then put on his hoodie to cover whatever remnants of his face that was left untouched by his long hair. His face was basically unidentifiable in a sense. He tucked his sword on the large sheath on his back and continued on his way. Mainly to the place where the most noise was coming from. He smelled for a distinct smell of dust, since he knew that's how he was going to find the last place of the closest guardians and follow their scents from their. He took a sharp left and kept a fast paced walk.
"He'll find us... I'll send him a telepathic message to tell him where we are, I'm a psychic type... remember?" she said with a smirk, "Now come one, before the dreaded Dreed returns."
V followed the scent to where the battle had just ended, and saw a bubble far in the distance, it was too far and high for him to reach. "Well guardians or not..." he thought to himself, his tongue flitting in and out, tasting the air. He looked at the recently made burial and he dug his hand in the ground, pulling out the urn. "Useless to me now..." he said crushing it in his hands.
"Guess I should follow that bubble to its next location..." he muttered wiping his face of sweat and dust, and putting on his mask. He started a jog which turned into a run.

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