Reign of Darkrai (gijinka pokemon rp!)

Shizukas charge spiralled out of control, and the Focus Blast fired up into the air, smashing Dreed right in the side. "I... hit him!" she jumped up and smiled. "Go me!"
Zaber was dashing and jumping, repeatedly attacking Dread with his blades. Soul pulled out his scythe. The blade started to glow. "Night......." he started, and jumped. "SLASH!" he roared, hitting Dread square in the chest.
"RELEASE HIM ALREADY, DREAD!" Soul roared, charging another Night Slash. Zaber was still continuing his movements, and he was too fast to get caught by an attack.
dread glared then floated out, releasing groudon., ''RR YOUR USELESS GROUDON!!!'' points palm to groudon but notices hes too large to just blast away, as groudon breaths in and shoots a fire blast sending dreed down to the ground, but he vanishes. ''ahahha'''

Groudon looks at the others bowing head ''thank you''
"I... i can't do anything else guys... not until i rest anyways..." Shizuka fell to her knees and closed her eyes.

(Pain ninja-d me lol xD )

"Good job guys..." Shizuka fell to her knees and closed her eyes,

(Can i ask, is evolving an option in this rp?)
nichole picked up her friend and mew said"here...healing wish."healing the group and groudon. nichole said"your welcome groudon."bowing.
(yes only thse that want/can)

groudon nodded and smiles. ''well back to the centre of the earth bwaaahahhaha'' He burries back under ground, as a wounded dreed went back to his home.
"Well, Groudon's safe......" Soul said. "Zabes, wanna tag along?" he asked. The green haired man shrugged. "Dunno. I'll see ya when I think of my answer. Till then, Soul!" the Sceptile said, and dashed away.
Shizuka shone brightly, light rays burst from her as she is lifted of the ground.

Her body changes shape, but remains as a bright shine, the light fades away and she opens up her eyes.

"W... what happened?" she asked calmly.

Name: Shizuka

Gender: Female

Species: Now a Gardevoir

Mad?: Nope


Info/Bio: As a shy, and paranoid child, Shizuka didn't have any friends. Once she met with fellow Nichole and Soul whilst fighting an evil Darkrai, she developed a more Calm and Caring personality. She is no longer shy and will do anything to protect her friends!
(HOLY MARY MOTHER, YEES YES YES! lol shame kaizo is dead...hed go bonkers...coarse you could get him back...if you battle giratina or arceus :P )
(teehee, thanks :D BTW Shizuka is no longer shy, just really calm and caring all the time)

"I.. i did? Wow, I feel so elegant. Must of been from battling Dreed..." she said smiling at Nichole.
nichole smiled giggling. "thats good!" she stood but felt a jolt of pain in her legs and fell on her side."ow!"crying. she had pulled some ligaments.
"Oh dear! Here," she said softly as she threw a potion to Nichole, "You gave me these when I was still a Kirlia remember?" she smiled.

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