Reign of Darkrai (gijinka pokemon rp!)

Nichole said"but keep your guard up. kay?"looking at soul. mew said"is he your boyfriend?"totally innocent. nichole blushed deeply and facepalmed.
Suddenly the sound bellows. "WHO DARES DISTURB MY SLUMBER" the cave begun to move as soul suddenly noticed the cave moving with the belows.
nichole nearly lost her footing. mew said"ok hes fire and ground...your electric attacks wont have much effect when he uses ground type moves,..when that happens counter with iron tail."
Groudon stood up towering over them. "ahhhhh god mornung" looks down to soul and the others. "i hope i didnt scare you" gives a loud yawwn
nichole blinked and said"nevermind i guess.."sweatdropping. she bowed and said"hello groudon." mew said"groudon dude!" flying over to him. "coco forget what i just said!"smiling.
Groudon lifts his claw. "oh mew san how have you been" smiles softly. "so why are you all here, i hope your all being good little peiople" he roars softly streaching
Shizuka didn't say anything, but had a shocked expression on her face, she mumbled "H... hes not scary at all..."
Groudon looked. "abit sucky some goth ghost came over saying rule the world, so i solarbeamed the bastid" looks to nichole. "what kind of help, and ofcoarse i aint shizuka"
nichole said"hes another one one of the original corrupted ones generals." growling and getting into her stance. she had a score to settle!
nichole's cheeks sparked. "come at me you worthless piece of crap!" mew floated next to nichole. "coco use all electric others wont have any affect."

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