Reign of Darkrai (gijinka pokemon rp!)

"And why would I help you exactly? Who's to say that I'm not another one of his generals, playing stupid to get closer to the Continent pokemorph? Whose to say I'm playing you saps like a guitar right now? Whose to say I won't kill you before you blink? All these questions and more..." he replied with a smug smirk on his face. He wasn't really one to help out others, except he had a score to settle with 'the god'. And while Darkrai was weaker, Groudon was another story, if he got a hold of him, things could mean disaster.
Soul looked at Des. "I know you're not a General. How do I know?" he asked. "Darkrai's generals are disasters. I don't sense a disaster from you." he said.
"And how would you know that? One does not have to go under the effects of madness to 'get the job done'. It could just be in their nature... And whose to say that you're not in the eye of the storm anyways?" Des replied shaking his head. "You guys think you've got it all figured out. Even if we do get to Groudon, whose to say our 'false god' hadn't thought of another plan to corrupt another legendary being just as powerful. Last time I heard, Giratina wan't all to pleased with what he was assigned to..." he added.
"Well, I wouldn't be to happy if I had to guard hell either... All those dead souls wandering around in sorrow... He must be working over-time at this point... He's being worked to the bone..." Des chuckled, he was sinical in his own little way.
"I doubt that Darkrai can corrupt Giratina. I mean, the man is already corrupted from guarding hell." Soul stated his opinion. "In all cases, Darkrai must never get to a legendary being. Who knows, he might be on his way now." he added. He looked over to Mew. "Hey, how much longer?" he asked.
"Why the hell am I even in this bubble anyway?" he said taking a finger to the wall and pushing it through. A t first there was nothing, but then there was a loud POP, signifying that Des had burst the bubble. "Why the hell am I even here with them... A Pikachu, Absol, and Kirlia... I hate warm-blooded beings..." he thought.
"And poof..." Des chuckled floating in the air. "It's not really flying... It's more like psychokinesis really..." he thought scratching his chin.
"Minus well treck off to get a head start on the Mr. Continent before you know who does..." Des thought zooming off, his tongue flittling through the air to sense in disturbance whether it be a change in smell, or heat signature. He knew what he was looking for. Magma pockets, since that's where the 'Behemoth' spent most of it's time.

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