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Fantasy Red Hood Society OOC

The link to the discord server! I think you just need to make a name and maybe have an email? Can't remember but it should be fairly simple.
Ah, hallo. I just got my character confirmed and am a bit confused on the setting atm. I tried to catch up on everything, but it's a ton of reading. I made it through two pages before I gave up. But yeah, I'm still deciding which group I wish to approach first, so if someone is could be so kind as to state who is togrthor and where, that would be fantastic
Ah, hallo. I just got my character confirmed and am a bit confused on the setting atm. I tried to catch up on everything, but it's a ton of reading. I made it through two pages before I gave up. But yeah, I'm still deciding which group I wish to approach first, so if someone is could be so kind as to state who is togrthor and where, that would be fantastic
Yo! So, there are two sorta groups. Ackara, Yasero, and Marius, all werewolves, are gathered in the forest camping for the night. Meanwhile, at Harken's house (a witch) there are the two Hoods (me and Crimson), another witch (Cae), a puppy werewolf (don't remember the name, but Echo's character), are treating wounds and taking shelter
Yo! So, there are two sorta groups. Ackara, Yasero, and Marius, all werewolves, are gathered in the forest camping for the night. Meanwhile, at Harken's house (a witch) there are the two Hoods (me and Crimson), another witch (Cae), a puppy werewolf (don't remember the name, but Echo's character), are treating wounds and taking shelter
Appreciate it my dude

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