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Fantasy Reclaiming the Kingdom of Ash

"Hey I needed a place to stay and a Job! And I have to do this so I don't have to write a letter to my boss saying I gave stuff to people for free. I may be a princess but that doesn't mean I got it easy." She walked over putting two cups of Ale for the two who ordered it. "One light Ale and a normal." She wanted to explain so she figured the Sorcerers meal would give her time to explain. "Well the only certain obstacle for us would be a giant Wyvern. Outside of that I know nothing else."

Sea Jelly Sea Jelly
Natealie Natealie
moonlightStriker moonlightStriker
Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow
"Guests or not, a job is a job. The letter specified nothing but where to meet her. Considering she needs this much help, something dangerous and more likely than not illegal is going to go down and I'd rather not walk into that without knowing what's going on."

Hearing the Boss speak he turns. His hairless ridge of an eyebrow rising at the mention of a wyvern. "So, we're fighting a wyvern?" Sighing he turns to Alison. "Well, didn't I tell you that this was more than an ordinary job? You talked me into this, you better be ready for it."

Flareshield Flareshield Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi

"A wyvern eh?" Esokle mused, thinking aloud while fiddling with her tarot deck. "Those guys can really be assholes sometimes. But it shouldn't be anything that we can't handle. If everyone here is as good as they believe they are, then this shouldn't be that hard." And that was all that the dragoness had to say on the matter of the apparent overconfidence of some of her coworkers. There was one other thing that she wished to address though, and so she stood up and made her way over to the fallen girl.


"Are you alright miss?" She asked to Katrina. "Did that hurt?" The dragoness also pulled out a chair for her. "Here, have a seat."

moonlightStriker moonlightStriker
Viole Jue Grace stared at the female who offered him a seat before he began to think. After about 30 seconds he finally got up and moved over to the seat sitting down on it. Viole listened closely to what the quest was about before he decided to even introduce himself "The names Viole Jue Grace but I am more than often noticed by a rather derogatory nickname being The Monster, killing a wyvern seems like something interesting." Viole said this was something that actually excited him.
Katrina took the seat, "T-thank you. And no... I'm okay, I've done that a few times..." She trailed off. Not really making eye contact. "Excuse me, princess. Um... What is the quest? I wasn't... Um... Very sure about it in the letter" Katrina leaned towards the princess, she heard something flying towards them. Her hand flew up and summoned the ale from the pint and blocked the knife from hitting someone. But knife kept spinning and ended up falling to the ground.

"Well it looks like I'm not the only magically inclined individual here." Esokle remarked, observing the girl's control over the liquid. "Interesting. I'll have to make a note of that. Actually that's a good point now that I think about it. Considering what I've seen so far and knowing that we're going up against a wyvern, I can already start thinking about how we're going to take them down." She thought out loud, returning to her seat next to Viole. She chose not to remark on the weapon drawn. It was not hurting her now and if somebody tried to hurt her they'd probably be very dead within the next few seconds.
Ignoring the other two people she considered kiss-ass's, Alison rolled her eyes and had looked irritated with the princesses response. "So that puts us at a wyvern and nothing. Great!" Her tone dripped with sarcasm, but she couldn't help but think this was a suicide mission if they were taking on a big one. Especially with these already annoying people. She ran her fingers along her one of her horns as Vitallion spoke to her in his all-knowing tone."Oh I'm ready. So get ready, and get happy, cause we're gonna go kill a wyvern." Alison said with a smug smirk, jabbing a finger at his chest as she had spoke.

Sea Jelly Sea Jelly
"You're expecting too much." Vitallion said before brushing her arm off his should and sitting down, ordering a small drink before subtlety, carefully carving an elegant V into the wooden counter with his claws. His left arm hiding the small act of vandalism.

When his drink arrives he quickly downs the ale before looking over to the Ash Princess. "When are we leaving?" He calls out, looking back at the V in the counter before even giving her a chance to reply.

Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow
"I'm honestly surprised half of you didn't start hating me when I said I was a sorcerer, or maybe you just haven't given it enough thought." He took the cloak, (I meant cloak, not robes), Off of himself revealing his semi ripped robes, and all of the weapons he carried. He turned to Alison. "A wyvern must be easy for you. You being pro, it must not even take you a second to kill one. Should we all hail you, you royal highness?" Evindal's voice dripped with sarcasm, just like Alison.

Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow

"Oh please, I don't buy into that. When you've lived for as long as I have you learn to judge people on an individual basis and not as a group." Esokle told the elf. "I've interacted with far worse beings than what some people believe your kind are, and I've erased them. If this mission is to succeed we have to be able to trust each other. So if anyone has any prejudices please kindly throw them out the window." She said to everyone. It was a bit ironic that the former tyrant was saying these words now. The humor was not lost on her, as she smiled a bit thinking about it. Oh well, such is life.

Flareshield Flareshield

& everyone
Katrina looked around, "C-Come on guys.... Let's all.. uh.... G-get along!" She trembled out. She wasn't one to get into a fight. She just wanted everyone to get along. "Besides!.... We.... Could take all... Um... Of this fighting to the people we will be fighting...."
"Buzzkill." Alison lamented in response to Vitallion before sitting down at the bar, leaning over it and swiping a bottle of bourbon, the bartender opened their mouth to object but Alison waggled a finger and pressed it to her lips. The bartender sighed, annoyed before they resumed their work. Alison grinned triumphantly to herself, plopping back in the barstool and taking a swig of the bottle. She sighed as she heard Ass-Kisser's voice, exasperated. She decided to play his game. "I prefer "Your Majesty," Alison replied sarcastically in a mocking, pompous tone. "And just to let you know, I hated you long before you announced yourself a sorcerer." Alison's tone dropped low, her tone sickly sweet before she raised the bottle as if to say cheers before she took another swig of the bottle.

Flareshield Flareshield Sea Jelly Sea Jelly
Jenny Fountaine
Jenny sighed. This was the group that she'll be working with. Esokle and Katrina were right, regardless of how childish those words seem. She drank a swab of the ale and set it down. "In anycase, has everyone introduced themselves? I'd hate to continue going around referring to people as Dragon A, Assassin A, and so on."
"You know, for an assassin, you talk quite a bit. Don't down too much of that without pouring me some." Vitallion says looking over at Alison, a smirk pulling on his lips as he pulls shrugs off his hood and pushes his class towards her a few inches. Looking back at the labeled, Buzzkill, he speaks, "I suggest that we should stick to our own little groups for the time being, okay magic man? Less trouble for all of us."

Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow Flareshield Flareshield
Katrina spoke up, but it only sounded like a whisper, "I'm Katrina! It's nice to meet you!" She waved, showing of the rather large scar of runes on her hand. Those she earned as she trained after earning them all it was determined that she was a water elemental.
"As you already know, I am Evindal, lord of storms." He disregarded Alison knowing that talking with her would get him no where. This is why he never worked with assassins, most of them thought too highly of themselves. At least the rest of the group seemed bearable enough. "I wonder, milady, are you going to reveal the details of our quest soon before we kill each other?" He was directing it towards the princess this time, making a grim joke.

Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi
Sighing, Esokle turned to the orc. He appeared to be content to just eat, which reminded her also to start eating. Best not to let the food go to waste after all. Between savage bites ripping and rending the flesh like an aberration from the depths of the abyss, she managed to squeeze out some sips of her drink.

She finished her meal noticeably faster than any member of any civilized race should.


"So what about you Kyrule?" She asked the orc. "You haven't said much and yet you're one of the people who impress me the most here. What are your thoughts, on well anything really?" Esokle did love to interact with others. It didn't matter to her who or what they were. She kind of just all saw them as equal.

The DoomyFish The DoomyFish
"About 5 Minutes. I got a ship that the owner let me borrow." She brought out Evubdals meal. "And I don't give a rat's ass if you are a Sorcerer. You came to help me. And by god you are going to help me if you showed up! Hell I don't give a rat's ass with the Demon chick! So what makes your Magic so special to warrant our hatred?"

Flareshield Flareshield
"I have no fucking idea! Most civilians hate us because they think being born with magic is a curse, if you're one of the non magical races. I was planning to help anyways, otherwise coming here would be a HUGE waste of my time. I have another job back in my village, and I decided that adventuring would be fun, and like my old job as a mercenary." Evindal had finished his meal, and leaned back on the table. "So tell me. The wyvern probably isn't the only thing in our way to the throne. What else should we expect?"

Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi
Kyrule Ur Balloth

Kyrule turned to this strange woman with a look of amusement. It's not everyday one strikes up a conversation with him, so he was notably caught off guard a fact he found most amusing. "What's to say really? I have my goals and helping this woman can help me accomplish them. The only thing I can assure you is that mine is not as noble a quest as most." He Arched an eyebrow. "Who did you say you were again?" This woman was strange, she was no human. The scent was Different, not to mention she ate like an Orc.​
Natealie Natealie
Satisfied with Kiss-Ass's silence, she turned to Vitallion and smirked, begrudgingly grabbing a glass for him and pouring a quarter of the bourbon in the glass and sliding it over in front of him. She rolled her eyes as the sorcerer, they were so pompous she was sure if she shoved a foot up his ass he wouldn't even feel it on his all-mighty-throne. This mission was a suicide mission. But if they made it, she'd be rich. Which was all she really cared about at all. She grinned as Princess swore like a sailor and cursed out the sorcerer, and when Princess mentioned her, Alison raised her bottle in acknowledgment with a smug smirk. Maybe she'd get along with the princess. Or they'd hate each other. fifty-fifty chance.

Alison couldn't resist speaking up when the sorcerer spoke about being hated. "Hard life?" Alison said sarcastically with fake curiosity. She turned to Vitallion. "More?" She offered with the bottle, swishing around the half of the bourbon remaining in the bottle with a smirk.

Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi Flareshield Flareshield Sea Jelly Sea Jelly
Bajie entered the tavern, taking in the scene before pulling the hood back on his dirty brown cloak. He walked through the room without making eye contact he made his way to the water barrel, drawing the ladle he takes a long slow drink. Returning the ladle he offered the server a small bow before moving to the fireplace and sitting cross-legged before the flame.
It doesn't take long for Vitallion to down his drink but shaking his head at Alison's offer he stands. Turning to Ash Princess he speaks with a bland tone. "Five minutes you said? I'd rather wait on the boat if that's fine with you, what's the vessels name?" Pulling his hood he looks back at Alison, "Good luck with all of these, people."

Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi
Evindal was starting to get annoyed by the girl's arrogance. If anyone knew what a stormborn was, whey would know anyways, because there were lightning bolts followed by the sound of thunder, not at its full sound because he wasn't fully annoyed. "This is my team. I shouldn't have expected much. The old man did seem pretty desperate to find people." He was implying that they would probably kill each other before they got anywhere near the dragon. "I'm going to wait on the boat. I'm done communicating with you for now." He walked out into the storm, finding the boat and waiting on the docks.


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