Rebirth: The Highland Academy of Magical Studies

"And I'd rather be in worse shape than have someone else get hurt because this ignorant little girl's brother and his friends are assholes, you got that you little dead half beat." Cyr snapped back, before looking around the thing at the kid, "Look, I am sorry, but there are cases when playing hero is bad, and getting in Cons' way when he's being a prat is one of them. "

Offering a weak smile, that didn't end up looking like much of a smile at all, she fished a handkerchief out of her pocket, holding it out to him, completely ignoring the specter floating between them
"But for now, I do think we should find the nurses office. You're nose doesn't look so good, Kid."
"Well, I wouldn't want to see you wither and die now, would I?" Lucas chuckled pulling aside the drapes to reveal the beautiful courtyard below. Leaning out the windowsill, the poked his head out the window to get a good look at their surroundings. The sun was shining through the partially cloudy skies, bathing the grand stonework in a fiery glow. Students milled around in twos and threes, talking and laughing far below. They were several stories up, with the cobblestone courtyard looming below them. Falling out would hurt, to say the least. Lucas checked above the window. The roof for this wing of the buildings loomed up above. Drawing his head back inside the window he turned back to Gray. "Well, if you want something to do, I would suggest taking a walk around the grounds"
Tybalt didn't glance up at the girl, he let go of his nose, and with one final spurt, it seemed to be done bleeding for now. He, however, was covered in blood. He looked uncomfortable and uneasy being so bloodied up, but did not voice his displeasures. Upon noticing Celestine was done ranting, he looked up at the girl offering the handkerchief.

"... I don't think it's gonna do much good now..." He voiced, sounding rather indignant, and put off. "... But maybe finding a nurse would be the right idea. For you too." He added, recognizing the need for someone to take a look at him, and at the girl.

Celestine crossed her spectral arms, sneering at the girl. She didn't like her, not one bit. Too headstrong and proud, wrapped up in her own problems. And that was just from speaking with her for not even ten seconds.

"If those degenerates find you two while you're looking for a nurse, or other person with suitable medical skills, I will not come to your aid." She wrapped up with a 'hmmph' before returning to Tybalt's pendant. Tybalt rolled his eyes. At least she might be quiet for the next little while.

Tybalt coughed, hoping to get the girl's attention from Celestine's last little input.

"... If we can get to the greenhouse, I can make sure I'm fine. I was going to go anyways..." He noted, having mixed feelings about telling the girl. He kind of hoped she wouldn't accompany him.
Ellessa stared at Aphrodite her with intense confusion. "You are far too modest... Even Grandfather cannot call upon the flame unharmed, and you haven't even a scratch" She said eagerly...suddenly grabbing at her hand and squeezing tightly.

"I understand now, you wish to mask your skill for whatever reason? Am I right?" She continued, though it appeared as if she had already made up her mind on the matter.

"That must be it...When I was overly bold in my training and thought myself ready to pass fire's test, it scorched my back. I only live because of Grandfathers mastery over water. To think that I would find a master of fire in my travels though..." she continued, growing more excited and squeezing tighter against Aphrodite's hand as she did. "...and that she would be so very young!"

Ellessa again drooped her head into a low bow, her hands pressed firmly into her lap as she did.

"Please, will you accept this lowly practitioner as your disciple?"
A young girl stood at the entrance to the academy, still very indecisive about this whole…magical school that taught you magical arts. Lux had tried to stay away from this world ever since she learned of it, and that was probably due to her parents’ influence. Now she was standing here though, because after long hours of contemplation and thinking it over she still wasn’t sure. It was all Grand-Aunt Dolly’s fault that she even had this option as the woman had taken it into her own hands to apply for Lux.

Still, there were a lot of things preventing her go, such as her parents and her friends back home. The promise of an adventure made her interest though and both her parents and Aunt told her to follow her gut in these types of situations. With a sigh the girl was compelled to move forward, the gifts she had were hardly considered magical and she didn’t know how she had passed the practical by simply guessing a few things.

All it was… was luck, an extreme amount of luck that made her able to guess most things about the environment around her. Heck, she could barely pinpoint people, and when asked to try she felt as if she failed the test right there. Judging by the fact that she was moving through the school yard though, the practical was all but behind her. Now she had this school and it’s other worldly effects to deal with, the first of which would be to find her room assignment.

Since Lux was late, probably due to the fact she was overthinking this whole magic thing, she had missed the opening ceremonies. So she trailed around quite uselessly on campus, looking to ask someone for directions to where ever it was she was supposed to go. Eventually she found a girl sitting by the tree line, reading a book of some sort.

“Excuse me?” she called out hesitantly, smiling, “Can you tell me where to go to find room…assignments?” she wonders.

Jace laughed at lucians suprise "i always get people with that" jace stated still laughing. "But yea since i was young i was on my own i lived off the wild".

Jace begins walking down the hall "come now, lets get started" he stated. "so tell me bout you then" jace stated curious bout his new roomate.
Aspen was pulled out of her book by a girl who seemed to be around her age. Aspen's suspicions were proved correct when she asked where to find the room assignments. With a small smile, Aspen stood, brushing the grass off of her robes. "Well, Professor Burnham gave us our assignments but I'm positive she must have an office somewhere. I could help you look if you would like," Aspen offered, her voice soft. She nervously fiddled with the worn cover of her book, looking at the girl. This was the first interaction she had since she arrived at the academy. Aspen didn't know what to make of the magical people around here and she felt lost and far behind the others who had grown up in magical families. "Um... I'm Aspen Grey, by the way," she added, deciding introductions wouldn't hurt since she knew no one else on the campus. Making friends wasn't something Aspen excelled at and she was used to people coming up to her because, in the non-magical world, her parents were well-known. Aspen didn't like the attention she was given, of course, but at least there was less pressure on her to befriend people.

Aspen held the book tightly to her chest in one arm, tucking her hair behind her ear with her free hand. She looked the girl up and down, her green eyes pausing at her eyes momentarily before darting up to her hair. Aspen thought she seemed interesting and she almost reminded her of her friend from school. Aspen bit her lip, rocking back and forth on her heels, another nervous habit of hers.
"Me? well not much, I came from Australia, I used to live on a farm, i used to go camping a lot as well, but of course that's nothing like living in a forest, i also used to help my dad with his sheep shearing and getting the pigs into the trucks to be taken to slaughter, my mom's a witch, thats where i got my magic from, uhh lets see... my family's clan dates back to ancient scottland where it's said that we descended from the same common ancestors of the Highlands but there's nothing solid about it, we used to deal primarily in "sealing" magics and summoning, but now we're just like any other lower-middle class magical family,dealing in normal, mundane magics, but my uncle said that my flame and illusion magic is my strongest, and until i learned it was banned, i was hoping to learn Blood Magic, but it looks like that will be out of my reach, and since the battlemages aren't around anymore, i don't think i'll be able to join them either... haa..." the "haa" was a sigh, he found it frustrating, but not bad enough for him to lose hope now that there are so many restrictions on magic, but again, he wouldnt want to live back in the times of the founders, all that war, the death, the constant fighting, loss, hardship and pain...

He went with Jace outside, taking in a deep breath, looking over the school "yeah... i think i'll like this place, come on, i hear the gym is the best place to check out, at least thats what the brochure said"
Aphrodite's jaw dropped. She had absolutely no idea what to think. Well, aside from Does this girl think me a Goddess!? ​ Seriously, that's what she thought. "Um, I don't even know how I learned, if I could teach you, I would. I am truly sorry, if I could teach you, I would," She said, in a respectful manor, when her phone went off. Her eyes widened at the name, Alex. She hated that guy.

Were r u? The text read. She didn't even wanna reply. So, she shut her phone off.

Sorry, ex-boyfriend who thinks we're still together,​" She smiled it off, or, tried to.

Ellessa stood there for a moment while she tried to absorb Aphrodite's words. "She doesn't even know how I learned...? There is a limit to natural talent, isn't there? How could she possibly be so skilled with no effort...?"

Feeling suddenly deflated, Ellessa threw her sword over her shoulder and brushed away stray strands of hair that had fallen free of her sash in the wind's she had created. "Grandfather, were the quality of Magister's in this realm so beyond those in ours? Yet, all of the stories you had told me of your past, and you had never once hinted to this level of monstrous skill. There was something wrong here wasn't there...?" Ellessa pondered to herself while clenching her fists tightly.

"...If I could teach you, I would."

"The apology in your voice was clear as day, she honestly could not understand me. Perhaps even felt embarrassed by me...." Ellessa thought, thanking her lucky star's when her roommate looked down at some odd beeping box of some sort.

"Were the rules of this place so different? Wait, that was it wasn't it? Just as Mahjong and Chess followed different rules despite both being games, perhaps our magic's followed different rules as well." Ellessa thought in sudden revelation. "This was Grandfather's true reason... A cup that is full accepts no tea. He wished me to expand my horizon's beyond the confines of our world...he wished me to follow him into sage-dom."

"...Sorry, ex-boyfriend who thinks we're still together."

Ellessa returned her smile with a brand new confusion. "I'm afraid I don't understand..." she began slowly, trying to make up for her earlier displays. "Are we not still together here in this room? ...And how did your friend cease to be a boy? Some obscure occultism....?"

Ellessa felt as if her head was spinning, but she wanted to make certain that she apologized for her prior enthusiasm before anything else happened. She took a deep breath before saying "I am sorry for placing you in such an awkward circumstance earlier. I believe....I was being a little naive."
"Oh." Cyr said softly, glancing down the hallway before pointing down the right side. "If you go down that way, and take you're first left it'll bring you to the greenhouse doors, at least...that's what it looked like through the glass." Tucking the handkerchief back into her pocket, she shifted weight to her other foot.

"Sorry." She mumbled, shuffling from foot to foot a little more. "I should...get a teacher or something..." Turning, she started down the opposite way she had pointed him. Way to screw up kid, way to screw up royally, second time you're on your own with other kids and you go and get one beat up. She wondered idly if the ability to disappear was something she could learn here.

Well now you've gone and made her uncomfortable. Two wrongs do not make a right, Tybalt Hale. Celestine barked in his head, as he wiped some more of the blood off his face. It had a metallic taste he didn't actually find awful. It wasn't overly pleasant, he considered it more strange than good or bad. With a sigh, he glanced around, feigning the inability to discern directions.

"... Uh. I get lost easy. Can you show me?" He asked, in complete contradiction of what he wanted out of the situation. He could feel Celestine's smug satisfaction, because he knew she was enjoying this. Someone had seen her, and now Celestine wanted to judge just what this person was like. She was enjoying it, because she already didn't like this girl, and Tybalt knew Celestine was quite petty. Seeing her uncomfortable in return for the attitude she'd given him, and as a direct result, her, was sort of like payback.

Nasty *****. Tybalt thought, knowing Celestine would hear him. He got very little mental privacy these days, as their contract only went one way in regards to communication. Since Tybalt had no magical ability of his own, he couldn't block Celestine out, or initiate conversation. She had to do both, resulting in times where Tybalt asked for privacy. At his current age, with a girl poking around in your head, it happened more and more often. He tried not to think about it, because it would just be another point for Celestine to tease him with.
Jace nods "lead the way". Jace sighed as they began to walk to the gym "i wish i had a history to tell you but i dont, as i said when i was young i had a accident happen

so i was put in to a orphanage, i kept getting shuffled from one bad house to the next until i was tired and had enough so i ran away, i had to fend for myself from then

on, i developed wind magic to fight with along with my martial arts i learned in the wild by dealing with the savage animals, however, my strongest and favorite magic is

my illusion magic, there were plenty of times where i wasnt strong enough, so i used my magic to make the animals see other things while i escaped" he stated thinking

back to his time in the forest. "One day, i wanna be one of the strongest and most respected mages, but i wanna help people, or at least that my dream" he stated

then looked back at his roomate "a person should never give up on there dreams because as long as you desire it you will find a way" he stated then smiled

"so what is your dream?".

Jace looked around the campus as they made there way to the gym. He was amazed at the view the school was so beautiful, it sure beat the forest for the most part.
Walking down the hallway, Resmion managed to stop laughing after 10 minutes. "Well this place sure is lively. It's a lot more spacious than our house," Resmion thought to himself. "Well with some free time. I think I'll check out the gym first." He decided, looking around campus making his way to the gym. For Resmion, the school was more of new frontier, and one filled with more interesting people instead of people who just talk about how much money they make in some period of time.
Gray considered Lucas' suggestion for a walk. As he was thinking, he caught sight of his reflection in the window glass. God, he was pretty. But there was no time for admiration at the moment. He looked over to the pale boy. "I guess that's an option. It's almost time for me to meet with Anya anyway. She can be rather obsessive with punctuality given her . . . personality." Gray jumped off his bed and began heading toward the door, walking backwards so that he could still face Lucas. "You want to meet her? I have to warn you, she can be a bit . . . odd. She also worries about the weirdest things. Like whether or not I'll be able to find my way to places. I mean, seriously, I can take care of myse-OOF!" He turned around, rubbing the swelling bump on the back of his head. "Weird. Was this wall always here?" He ran his hand across the wall that had indeed been there the entire time.
The question given was unexpected and for a moment, Cyr didn't even realize it had been said. Or rather, directed at her. But they were the only ones in the hallway, and she didn't think she'd gotten hit hard enough in the head to hear voices. Pausing, she turned to look back at him, silently questioning the kid's judge of character. "Uh, sure...if you really want me to."


Sitting up, Vative sighed. She should probably go back and see if her roommate was there yet, give them a proper greeting. And, she did have those books to go through, particularly the one with the energy transfer spells in it. Maybe she'd be able to get her shapes up to a bigger size or weight? Or make them in a greater range of field. A smile crossed her lips as she looked back up at the open window to her room.

In a practiced motion, something she'd done far to many times getting up to the beam before shows started, Vative had mini platforms of swirling pink and blue magic set up in place. Bouncing from one to another, with them disappearing as her feet left them she made the climb back up to the window rather quickly. Slipping back into her dorm, Vative closed the window behind her. Grabbing a book from her room, she claimed a seat on the shared part of the dorm, digging right into school work as she waited.

Aphrodite face palmed. A double face palm. And she sighed. What was she going to do with this chick, who was obviously from a completely different culture? She then looked at her. "Okay, it's obvious. You and me, are from WAY different places. Cease to be a boy? No. I hope you know what 'love' is, because that's what me and him had. Used to. It's like parents, how they are together, yet, this, without the children. And, you weren't being naive. You just, don't understand this culture, and, I'm probably going to need help getting you used to it," She had said, and sighed again. She then grabbed her nun chucks, and put them away. She then walked to the window, and let her phone fall from it. It was about three years old anyways.
"My dream?... well, i want to do many things, i want to be powerful, i want to experience all i can and change the world, to put an end to all the crap around the world, to punish those who deserve to be punished, to protect those who deserve to be protected... i know that the world can't be perfect, and no matter how hard you try not everyone can be happy, but the best we can do is help keep the world from destroying itself again..." he sighed "as well as you know, growing up, falling on love, all that stuff, ya know?"

Lucien smiled, looking up as he walked "but first, i wanna learn to do something cool, like skateboard or how to freerun (parkour)"
Jace lets out a nod then a small laugh" "i like you, im glad were roomates, hey we should learn to snowboard whatever it is however i hear its a blast, and as for your dream,

dont ever let it go, tell you what, how bout this, you watch my back and ill watch yours"
he asked then noticed the gym just a little way in front of them "holy.....thats a

large gym"
he stated then realised something and turned to lucian "this is a little embarrasing but remember how i said i am from the forest.....whats a gym?" he asks

scratching the back of his head realising he had no idea what this gym even is.
"I know of love..." Ellessa said, again suddenly deflated. "...though with my training, I have never been fortunate enough to experience it myself. I have heard a great many stories about it from Mother and Father before they passed during their own mountainous training expedition. They likened it to a master-craft, double edged sword....said it was as powerful and desirable as it was dangerous, but that it was something that everyone should possess."

Ellessa made her way over to her side of the room, seeming to suddenly tire of the conversation. Once standing in front of her bed, she pulled free the knot of the red sash that held her ancestral martial robes together and allowed it to fall to the ground with a heavy sounding 'plop'. Large scar's littered her back and sides, but none so prominent as the massive burns that dominated her shoulder area. The burns followed the lines of her thick black tattoo's, only partially obscured by bandages wrapped tightly around her to keep her chest from bouncing around while she fought.

She slipped free of the robes around her legs and placed on a much less formal set in which the arms had been cut free. She tied the red sash of the former outfit tightly around her forehead, trying up her hair and leaving two long red trails behind her before turning back towards Aphrodite with convection in her eye's.

"We're leaving" She said plainly as she again threw Vishar over her now exposed shoulders. "Though you will need the Nunchuck's..."

With that, she opened the door to their shared dorm room and waited for her to catch up, smiling lightly to herself for some reason or another.
Resmion managed to find his way, arriving at the entrance of the gym behind Lucien and Jace. He did not want to butt in on their conversation, so he went about his business, and entered the gym. He was pretty shocked that the two were getting along so well. "Well, these two are tighter than family," Resmion thought to himself.
"You'll one day find love, even though it can, and will break your heart. I hope this doesn't happen, but, I know it will. And, nice uniform. I like it," Aphrodite said, as she gave a smile. She stood, and grabbed her nunchaku, and then asked, "May I ask what it is we are doing?" Even though she already knew the answer.

In a class room, there where a few, animals, as you'd call them. In one cage in particular, there was a snake. A black, hooded cobra. For the past year it was here, it had ignored all that graced the halls, now, there was a girl here that it rather wanted to see. This snake, wasn't no normal snake.
Celestine scoffed at Tybalt over their communication.

I said make nice, not court her. She sarcastically stated to Tybalt, who sighed in response. Normally she wasn't quite so bad, more of an annoyance than a bother. Tonight she was a downright bother.

You could have specified beforehand. He retorted mentally, to which he received no venomous wit. Both he and Celestine knew Tybalt was going to have to reach an understanding with this girl before the night was over.

"... Thanks." He replied, glancing down the hallway in the direction Cyr had shown him, an awkward moment passing.

"So... You've seen Celestine. My name is Tybalt Hale. What's yours?" He told her, and asked in return.
"Thank you, though one should not ask questions for which they already know the answers..." Ellessa said through a somewhat forced smile. "...this is after all a school is it not?"

Ellessa had intentionally skipped over her promises as to a future relationship for her. Aphrodite was after all correct in her assertion that their cultures were simply different. It would be too odd...too difficult to try and explain that as the presumptive successor of her line, she did not have time to look for a suitor. Her training must always come first, and as such her Grandfather would be choosing her eventual mate, just as he had once been chosen another.

Ellessa sash trailed from her forehead even under the gentle winds outside the dorm. She thought of counting her steps again, but thinking that Aphrodite would somehow prove a distraction again, she decided it best to skip the practice, if only just this once. Following a dirt road that appeared to be well traveled, Elessa lead Aphrodite into the forest, carefully nicking tree's with Vesher every so often to mark her way in case of emergency. Eventually, she stumbled across a fairly large grove that she looked upon with an approving gaze. "This should do nicely....It kind of reminds me of home" She said gently, her voice trailing off as she slipped free of her thin straw soled shoes.

Turning suddenly to face her room-mate, Ellesa placed Vishar carefully on the ground besides her and beckoned Aphrodite into the grove.
Aphrodite walked into the grove, and breathed in the fresh air. She smiled, she loved the smell of nature. It made her calm, relaxed. Able to focus more clearly. She then looked at Elle, and asked her this, "What is your home like? If I may ask?" She truly wanted to know. If her home was truly like this, it would be paradise.

That snake, the cobra, had escaped his cage. How? Who knows the way of the snake. They are stealthy, and do things in unthinkable ways. He had caught her scent, outside. He wanted to see this, woman. So, he would. He had detected a great, heat, warmth, within her, and he had chosen her to be his. His friend, and ally. So, hiding in the grass, he made his way to her, to the grove, but being careful to not be seen. That would prove his effort a failure. He was no wild snake, and his venom had been taken for good. So, his bite was nothing more than that of being stabbed. It would not kill, unless he had bit in a way that the victim would bleed out. Only, he had no intentions of biting anyone.

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