Rebirth: The Highland Academy of Magical Studies

Reaching the library, Tybalt glanced around. There were no lights, but Celestine gave off enough of a glow to manoeuvre around bookshelves while he followed her. She had a stony expression, revealing nothing about what she was thinking or feeling.

Tybalt reached the entrance to the restricted section of the library, where Celestine had stopped. There was a light inside, signifying someone was in there.

He's in there. Are you going to follow through, Tybalt Hale? Celestine asked again, making sure Tybalt was set and ready.

Yes. I don't want to fight, but someone has to do something. He remarked mentally, earning a rare smile from his mentor and contracted spirit. Fiddling with some herbs, Tybalt stashed them in different pockets, prepared as he'd ever be to confront a mage. Celestine disappeared, returning to the pendant. Tybalt walked into the restricted section.

Spotting Constantine right away, Tybalt swallowed a lump in his throat.

"Constantine Felner." He said in a shaky, but determined voice, clenching his fists, his body tense.
Ellessa made her way back to the grove to collect her forgotten belongings before walking out of the woods behind the dorms, clearly troubled. "Who runs away when an apology is accepted...?" She muttered to herself as she took in her surroundings. She had come out of the woods on a dirt road that seemed to lead back up towards the dorms before continuing to parts unknown.

"Did she not understand...? ...Perhaps I should have chased after her afterall?" Ellessa thought.

"Why is this everything so strange in this real..." she again muttered while walking slowly back up to the dorms. She couldn't help but rub at her cheek as she did. It had hurt so much thanks to her wind form weakening her body at the time, and promised to bruise up much more than it would have otherwise.

Pulling Vishar off of her shoulder and placing it upon her lap, Ellesa sat along the stairs of the women's dorm to think. "She would almost certainly be in there..."
Jace nods "yea sorry it was insticnt, i didnt mean to sound that bad" he stated while rubbing the back of his head. "So then..." he began to think on what to do next "uhmm hey,

im gonna go look around some i need to check something i will see you at the dorm" jace stated and began to walk away into the night. Eploring on his own, jace made his way

to the library. He walked in and his eyes went wide "this place is huge and its full of books" he had stated still wide eyed as he looked around. Making his way to a shelf he pulled

out a book "there has got to be thousands of books in here" he stated to himself.
Aspen followed quickly at the girl's insistance. "Well, there's the dorms," she said, gesturing to the nearest building. "All of your things should be in your room," she added, glancing at the girl as they walked. "Well, I think I know where to go," Aspen said quietly, biting her lip. In reality, she only had a vague idea of where everything was in the academy.

"Oh, you know what? I bet that they left the list in the hall," she said suddenly, a small tinge of pride in her voice for having thought of a way to avoid telling this girl she had no idea where she was going. "It's this way," Aspen muttered, more to herself than to the girl. After a few minutes of walking, they arrived back in the hall. Aspen strode to the front, picking up the paper that was left there with the room assignments. She turned to Lux, handing her the paper, a content smile on her face.

Aspen looked at Lux, intrigued. She was rather interesting looking. At least, she looked very different than any people she had ever seen before. She supposed she would have to get used to that, being at a magic school and all. "I can show you to your room if you would like," Aspen offered, looking for an excuse to be around the girl. Aspen had never really had contact with anyone else that was magical and the girl was very interesting to her. Perhaps she could ask her things about magic later, seeing as how Aspen knew very little about something for once in her life. She generally prided herself on knowing enough on a wide variety of topics so as to always be able to make conversation.
Astounded by the library, jace heads out to see more of the campus. As he walked outsided, he looks up into the sky watching all the stars shine there light on the planet the weather wasnt that cold, but the gusts of breeze that were starting to pick up made it seem much colder then it really was. Jace begins to walk around the campus more. Makin his way back to the dorms he passed by the female dorm and seen one of the new girls sitting on the steps outside he watched her for a second "oh what the hell im bored besides i need to meet all the new people anyways" he stated in a low tone to himself so he walked up to introduce himself. "Cold night out with these breezes" he stated as he approached cautiously but friendly.
"Uhh, okay then, be careful" he said to Jace as they parted ways, he decided to have a look around as well, he decided to look around the Gym for awhile.

opening the door, Lucian saw all the machines, there were several seniors in there already, a group of friends, each were doing some workouts, one was doing benchpresses, one was doing pushups and 2 were on the treadmills

"hmm, i best not disturb them" he said, turning back to the door, just as he did though, the door burst open, a girl came in, bigger than a man, covered in muscles, with dark skin and strange markings on her body, she was clearly a tribal witch of some kind, Lucian had heard of them, nomads with magical properties, the door had hit him in the face though, he heard a "CRACK!" when it hit him, and blood gushed from his nose, he quickly covered it up "ow!" he went.

the girl's eyes went wide "I'm sorry! are you okay small one?" she was clearly not used to english yet "i think my dose is broked!" he couldn't speak properly the girl became concerned "the Nurse's office is in the main building, do you need help?" "no its okay, i can walk" he said hurriedly, exiting the building, going to the Nurse's office.
Resmion laughed at the moment and then said, "It's cool, really." He took a look around the Gym himself. He took a look at all the machines, pretty intrigued. "There's much more equipment here than I see in at a local gym, and everyone here is really going at it," He thought to himself in amazement. He then walked into a man with a more muscular build and was 5' 10", and Resmion fell on the floor. "Goodness. Did I just walk into a steel wall?," Resmion asked, looking at the man he had bumped into. The man laughed at Resmion, and then said while helping him back up, "That was a pretty good one, man." "Wait, you're the new rich kid, aren't you?," he asked. "Yeah, I am. People have come up to me saying "Penny for the poor, governer?" for most of the day," Resmion said. "Wow. They are not cutting the rich a break this year. Are you heading to the library?," the man asked. "Well that place is on my list. But I think I can find it on my own," Resmion said nicely. He then shook the man's hand and went about his business.

Ayama looked at the girl with worry on her face.

"Then I shall assist you to the nurse, and, I'm Tabitha Ayama, but, you may just call me Ayama," Ayama said, smiling. She then walked over to her, and put her arm around her shoulder, "I can help you walk better like this."

Inside her room, with her snake, Aphrodite just sat there, staring at a wall, then, she stood, and unlocked her door, walking out side, and sitting next to Elle.

"I am sorry for running off, I just, thought you would have wanted to hit me," She said, looking down.
Ellessa sat upon the steps of the dorm with her head held low. The demon slaying sword Vishar propped up beside her and resting upon her shoulder it's silken sheath and diamond knotted rope billowing gently in the winds that only continued to pick up.

Sitting there, she examined the burns upon her hand with a somewhat apathetic expression. Today had been a long roller-coaster of a day and Ellessa welcomed the onset of night. Normally at this time, she'd be scaling one of the mountains by her village to work on understanding the secrets of the Earth style...but there was no longer a mountain for which to climb.

"The world is more complicated a place than I thought Grand-father...It is almost as if it was drawn up randomly..." She thought to herself, though there was no trace of remorse.

"Cold night out with these breezes"

Ellessa looked up to the boy that had just spoken with her. She could not help but make a double take at the unusual appearance of his hair. It was a deep black and held up somehow in small spikes that ended in blue tips.

"The color of hair can change so suddenly? It is almost as if they were the quills of a porcupine" she thought in astonishment.

"The...The wind's do not bother me much, where I am from, they are almost constant" She responded, stamping the astonishment out of her voice almost immediately. "This place is quite temperate to me..."

The door to the female dorm opened gently behind Ellessa as she spoke, sending it's light in a long line down the dirt path. Ellessa looked up at Aphrodite who came out suddenly and sat next to her. Ellessa tried to scoot over a bit, to give her her space and nearly sent Vishar falling away into the dirt. Reflex kicked in and she caught it's silken sheath in a blink of an eye as Aphrodite began to speak.

"I am sorry for running off, I just, thought you would have wanted to hit me"

Ellessa looked at her for a moment, taking in her somewhat sullen expression.

"You were so intent on getting hit...? Where I am from, no one would desire a blow from a member of the Hardie line..." Ellessa said, trying to be gentle though she thought she possessed all the softness of steel wool.

Ellessa turned to make sure the left side of her face could not be easily seen, fearing that it's appearance would send her fragile appearing roommate into flight yet again. In the process, she had shown it's now swollen red cheek to the boy that had just greeted her, though she quickly tried to cover it with her now burned hand.

"If you however desire it so, I will not deny your culture..." She continued, the hesitance in her voice easily noticed as she looked up at the boy. She realized instantly that he must have seen the bruise, but did not know of anything she could do about it.
Jace, seeing the bruise and not realising she was trying to hide it from the fellow girl, cleared his throat "that bruise, you should put some water on it,

some warm water works best" he stated "not me, im from the forest, the trees block most breezes" he stated as he looked up at the forest partially

missing it then giving her respect by looking back at her to speak. "My name is Jace its a pleasure to meet you" jace stated to the girl sitting on the

bench with the bruise
Aphrodite looked down, then at the boy. Black hair with blue tips, hm. Interesting. She then looked down. "I guess I should feel bad, as I am at fault for her bruise, and I have said I am sorry many times. And, I was just expecting to be hit, I thought it was how everyone treated people. My, parents, whenever I would do something wrong, they would hit me, hard, sometimes I even blacked out from it. ." She looked away, trying to hold back some tears, then continued, "And, I just thought you'd also want pay back. . .I mean, I left a ******* bruise on your face. . "
Jace scratched his head "wow, if thats how you civilized people do things im glad i was raised with animals and nature" he stated with a laugh "just because u do

something wrong, that dosn't mean you should get hit" he stated "accidents happen ya know" he stated to the girl who said she was resoncible "if you ladies dont

mind me asking, whats your names?" he asked politley
Ellessa smiled a bit. "I'm a Hardie. If something like a punch could so easily defeat us, we would never be able to protect our realm..." She said gently, brushing at the bruise with her burned hand. "All power comes at a price in the end, in exchange for the speed I need to remove you from the fire that surrounded you...I traded away my constitution. The wound is only so large because of my frailty in that moment."

"I must admit, i'm a little relieved to see that this time, you are the one that is incorrect in your thinking. Your parents were cowards... Only those without strength and character would turn to beat on their child. It is against the very way of the world, their very nature. Something like that is not subject to culture." She said confidently as she stood there, throwing Vishar across her shoulder again.

"I had already accepted your apology when you ran...did you not notice? Do not think this free's you of your training obligation, tomorrow we shall work for both days"

"To answer your question, I am Ellessa Yu'ul Hardie, the 54th Hardie and presumptive leader of the line." She said turning towards Jace, bowing politely. "From what forest do people exist with hair such as yours? I have lived neighboring a wood's of great purity my entire life, and though I have often seen spirit's and other old creatures of the wood, I have never seen a human such as yourself....Is something like that even natural?" She asked a little suspicious as of the truth of his words.
Jace watched the girls talk and after hearing ellessa speak he nodded "agreed, it takes a cowards and a fool to hurt those that cant defend themselves anyone

with a heart and any amount of pride or dignity would at least seek out someone who can help themselves" he stated in agreeance with ellessa. When she turned

to him and told him her name he nodded "well ellessa its a pleasure to meet you...." he looked around "leader of the line?" he asked not sure what she was reffering

to "what line?" he asked her not trying to insult her but having lived in the forest his whole life he seriously had no idea what she was talking about at all but he felt

bad for not knowing. "oh my hair, no its not natural i found some stuff in the woods one day that when applied, it turned stuff was some sort of berry, so i

just crushed it up and put some in my hair" he stated smiling at her assuming thats what she meant. Realising he didnt bow back he quickly bowed not understanding

what the bow was for but figured he should do it as it was some sort of respect from her culture which was obviously different from his. "If you dont mind me asking,

im curious but...what are your gifts?" he asked her reffering to her magic powers.
"By line, I am referring to my family line of Yu'ul. My family dates back through ten centuries, from when my ancestors first started keeping track. Those of us with the strength and wisdom to become Ashuran's are given the honor of suffixing our names with the honorable title of Hardie. Only a Hardie may become the leader of the household, and even than it is preferred that they are female. As I am the eldest of the only two remaining female Hardie, I am the presumed leader when I come of age." Ellessa said proudly as her hands instinctively pulled at the diamond knotted rope as if it were the handle of a book bag.

"It is a great responsibility, and so I have been sent here to study the ways of this Realm's magic's to possibly supplement my own spiritual presence. My Grand father, the current leader of our household, desires that I have the strength to meet that responsibility head on." Ellessa continued with mixed emotions, though she did her best to hide them.

"As for my ability, I am but a humble swords-women..." She said gently. "...If there is one thing I have learned my first day here, is that I know very little beyond the scope of my own world. I had always thought it such a vast place, but now I see it was quite small..."
Jace listened attentivly, he was curious as he didnt know about this stuff. After hearing her description he looked down feeling kinda empty "your lucky i dont even

have anymore family its just me" he stated and grew a little sad. "But im sure youll be able to do it you seem more then ready to do it as far as personality and

mentality goes and as for magic, well im sure youll get it in time" he stated "you seem to be pretty intelligent" he stated trying to give her suppourt "i have to

ask though why do they prefer women?" he asks curiously "and what age is it that u can take over?". "everything seems vast when you know nothing else, to

me the forest i grew up in seems HUGE but in reality it was very tiny" he stated "so what magic do you have?" he asks, she had to have magic or she wouldnt

be here. jace sat down on the ground and watched her as she talked, he found her very interesting
Sitting on one of the nurse's beds, Cyr watched one of the women in the normal nurses uniform move about gathered different things. She had already been given an ice pack to hold over her eye, which had successfully swollen shut by then, but the different cuts and bruises that had been made known were still a problem. As the one nurse came back to her, she made note of everything that had been needed. Two ace bandage rolls, disinfectant, gauze, small band aids, cotton swabs, and a bottle of a gross looking purple liquid.

If the disinfectant stung horribly as it was applied to the small cuts, the purple stuff was hell. It was spread lightly over different bruises, the worse scraps, and the water burns dotting up her arm and hand, and from the moment it touched flesh it burned like it was eating through.


Setting the old musty book back on it's shelf, a smirk claimed the white haired senior's face. Turning slowly, relaxed and aloof, Constantine turned his attention on the young teen. He showed no signs of having ever done anything wrong, not even a small spot of water was left on him, and he very much seemed the part of a studious upper class mage. The one that had called his name was the little brat from before, clearly, he didn't know his place. "First year."
Tybalt swallowed. He might be as prepared as he'd ever be, but that didn't mean he was prepared. This guy was serious trouble, he was already cleaned off and ready from their confrontation earlier.

I'll call you if I need you, Celestine. Tybalt thought with a renewed vigour, at least realizing he had a backup plan. Celestine mentally made a noise akin to a scoff, before retreating in to the pendant for now.

"W-Why did you attack Cyr earlier?" Tybalt bluntly asked, his stammer giving away his nervousness. He tried to be as composed as possible, but he was having second guesses already. Why did Celestine get him to do this?
​"I am Eroria. Eroria Sheol." Eroria nodded at the girl's name. Something about it seemed familiar and she tried to figure out why. She didn't recognize the last name as a family who was against her own. Although she was sure many hated her family. Who knew if her's didn't. She then realize why it sounded familiar to her. "Oh, you're my roommate. It's nice to meet you Ayama." Eroria allowed herself to he helped up. There was no way she was going to get to the nurse alone and she was not as prideful to try. She winced slightly at the pain and leaned against Ayama for support.

"I guess this is an interesting first meeting," she said with a nervous laugh. Day one and she had already hurt herself and embarrassed herself in front of her roommate.
'Way to go Eroria.' "Thank you for your help."
"I, I suppose you are right, I just, never knew it wrong to be hit when you **** up. . " Aphrodite said, and sighed, looking down, as again she was wrong.


Ayama smiled, "Yes, I do believe we are indeed roommates," Ayama said, progressing them to the nurse, "Hopefully she is there, right? I mean, it'd be bad to have rolled you ankle and there be no nurse for to heal you?"
Lucian came about Ayama and Eroria on his way to the nurse's office, he was holding his nose, blood was still gushing out of it.

"Uhh, 'scuse me? do you know where the nurse's office is? i think my nose is broken..."

this was a helluva first day then, first day, haven't even seen the classrooms yet and already he's broken his nose... this is a bad omen and even Lucian could see it.
After getting lost about three times, Resmion eventually made his way to the library. "I am willing to bet that there are over one million books in there," Resmion said in a shocked tone. "I hope there is at least one book about Mantras," he said going inside. He then looked around the library, bookshelf after bookshelf, until he found three book called "All about Mantras Volumes I, II, and III. "Yes. These books should help me out," Resmion said joyfully. He then took the three books, checked them out, and left the library. "Now then, how about I check out what I have yet to see about this place." He said walking about once more.
"I know," Eroria said. She'd rather not have to walk around with a twisted ankle, although if she had to, then she guessed she might do it. It didn't sound like a good idea though. She'd probably end up breaking it anyways. "Well I don't have much to do anyways, so waiting around for the nurse wouldn't be that bad either."

Eroria turned her head when she heard a male voice. She pulled a way a little when she saw the blood on him, then realize it was coming from his nose. So she was not the only one who had hurt herself in such a short time of being here. It made her feel sort of better in a way, although she frowned at the idea of being glad someone was hurt. It was not good to think that way.

"We were just headed there actually."
"Because, child, she needed to learn a valuable lesson about who was top dog here before she got any bright ideas. I'm fully ready to do it to anyone who I think will get a little too cocky for their own good, something you're coming a little too close to being if you ask me. " He answered, voice smooth and almost calming. While he spoke, he had unbuttoned the right cuff on his shirt and as his arms lowered, a chain trailed down. Grasping the end in his left hand, he seemed to be weighing different things, his fingers moving around the chain. His right hand snapped down as the chain ended, a solid metal bar sliding out revealing a half sectional staff. Opening his left hand, a metal ball had been formed out of the chain, rolling out and swinging softly.

"The way I see it, is if you can't take a hint and run when you're told for something that doesn't involve you, and then you have the nerve enough to think you can question things far above your mental understanding, why then, you should be taught a much stricter lesson, don't you think?"


"I'm going to suggest you stay here for another hour so we can keep checking on that head of yours. I don't want you going off to sleep on us without someone being able to wake you up." The one nurse said to Cyr, finishing the bandaging of her left hand. "Just like I don't want to see you in here like this again, you hear me? " Lowering the ice pack, Cyr nodded with a small yes ma'am before she was left alone on the cot to alternate on icing her bad eye and examining the bandages and wraps and purple blotches with her good one.
Tybalt took a step back in fear, but remembered Celestine's sharp words. His bright and piercing yellow eyes narrowed, focused on the form of the threatening older student. With his first magical challenge before him, how would Tybalt fare? He needed this challenge, not only to right the wrong he had seen committed, but to prove his standing at the school. Constantine was with no doubt, a well-known student, if he had underlings and people willing to hurt others under his orders. If Tybalt picked a fight with him, and at least put up a challenge, no students would doubt his magical ability, and for the remainder of his studies here he'd only have to fool the teachers.

Killing off more than one bird with a single stone was the aim of Tybalt's game in this little gamble. But not only was it convenient for him, this was the second time in his life he felt like risking his well being on principle. The first was to reach out to Celestine in his quest to enroll in The Academy, to enter a strange new world he didn't belong in. Now it was to defend the well being of someone in that world.

After a couple seconds of contemplation, Tybalt reached into his pocket, grasping a small bundle of plants he'd wrapped together in a particular way. A catalyst herb, and two plants that when they came together, created a puff of smoke.

"I d-don't think I'm too cocky. I have next to no c-confidence in myself. But I-I won't stand by and watch as you hurt people because of some misguided ideals. You m-may think you deserve respect and recognition, b-but you've done nothing to earn them!" Tybalt exclaimed, crushing the bundle of plants in hand, and whipping it out of his pocket, into the air between him and Constantine.

The catalyst plant heightened the output of smoke as the other two plants met and reacted together, creating a rather impressive smoke screen for such a small item.

Tybalt took a deep breath, eliminating all final traces of doubt from his mind. He had a few more tricks up his sleeve, and he hoped they'd work, as he darted by the right, around the table Constantine was sitting at. He was covered by the smoke screen, but stayed tense, waiting for some sort of attack. If Constantine was anything like his sister, anything metal could become a weapon. Tybalt had already taken off his belt in preparation, but he knew his pants still had the zipper on them.

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