Rebirth: The Highland Academy of Magical Studies

Tybalt grabbed a book off the shelf to his own right as he darted around the table. He tossed the book to his left, the book bouncing and making a clattering off to the other side, however as soon as he did it, Tybalt ducked, anticipating Constantine's fast reaction time, and realizing he'd go to the right very quickly, if he even bothered to attack the left first.


Inside the pendant, Celestine grinned. This kid actually had a decent plan for coming at the much stronger, and undoubtably better trained enemy. It made her almost proud, and once Tybalt got the crap beat out of him, Celestine would really start training him properly. Even if he couldn't use magic, he could always be stronger, faster, smarter.
As the sound struck, Constantine's grip on the chain tightened before he smirked a little. There was something odd about the noise, not quite right. Almost a bit like it had flapped as it fell. Swinging out his arm, he sent the ball rocketing to the right through the smoke. It sunk into something, and from the sound, it was wood. Yanking back on the chain, he grinned, the bookshelf the ball had knocked through beginning to teeter towards the verge of falling over.
Resmion was at a loss of what of he should do next. See more of this vast and fascinating academy or give the aimless wandering a rest and find somewhere to read the books in his possession. "I'm more interested in these books at the moment," he finally said. "I can just head back into the library. I mean, it is the most quiet place I can think of at the moment."

After getting lost only once this time, he finally made his way back to the library. He sighed and then said,
"Goodness. I can already see myself coming here very often. At the end of the day, finishing the entire series will be worth it all in the future." He said softly, finally going inside. He then found and sat at an available table, opened up a book and began reading. He also started taking some notes as well.
Lucian opened the door to the Nurse's office "excuse me? sorry but i think my nose is broken, can you do anything about it please?" he asked, but seeing that other people were in the office as well, Lucian moved towards a seat near the door "oh sorry, i'll wait..." he sat down on the chair, tilting his head back to keep the blood inside him.
“I’m in 301! Now all we have to do is make friends with whoever is in 201, and be neighbour buddies” Lux notes, starting to climb the stairs. Aspen’s next question makes her pause though, craning her head slightly to give the girl a weird look. “There’s no such thing as witches” she notes amused, before continuing up the stairs, talking all the while.

“Or magic, for that fact. Don’t know why they got a school here… probably a government consipracy” the girl shakes her head, now on the third floor and headed towards her actual room. “Don’t know how I got in either…” she explains, rolling her eyes; of course she remembered having to guess what was in each box but really, it was all luck wasn’t it?

Lux ignored the fact that the examiners haven’t give her any clues as to what might lie under each size-varied box. The girl was slightly biased about this…world, though; as she was already convinced there was nothing such as magic. It could all be explained through science she was sure...
Jace could tell she obviously didnt want to tell him so he wouldn't pressure her "alright well i'll hush about what happened, its a secret i assume" he smiled and held him hand out to her to shake hands "my name is jace by the way, whats yours" he watched her trying to not focus on the big bruises "this school is huge, ive been exploring it for some time, im really excited about being here" he stated "im gonna be one of the strongest mages ever someday" he stated with a smile of both determination and some excitment showing a fire in his eyes "what about you, whats your dream?" he asks her curiously hoping he was not getting once again to personal again.
"Uh, Cyr." She stated simply, before looking over towards the new one that had came into the office. Hoping off the examination bed, she took a seat next to Jace, freeing up space that she didn't need to be taking up. Looking back over at her new found companion, she gave her best attempt at a smile surprised at his enthusiasm. "I can see you meeting that goal, ki-...Jace. As for me, I want to do something...different, but useful. Innovation, I mean, it's the fuel of our society, right?"
He nods "well thank you, but im still very weak" he stated with a from "so what is it you mean?" he asked not understanding what she meant. "By the way cyr, your name, its a nice name, it goes with you somehow" he stated. Watching her, he enjoyed talking to her "so if you dont me asking what magic do you harness?" he asks her very curious about her and very interested.
"T-thanks..." Her face flushed with embarrassment again. Putting the ice-pack on her shiner once more, she used the position to hide her face. Kids her own age were showing to be way to nice. Funny how she really didn't picture that happening when she aced the test and the reality of going to a school for magic actually set in. Realizing he was expecting an answer, she mentally scolded herself.

"My family is gifted with a magic revolving around metal. We...sort of monopolized fields that involved the stuff, and I don't really want to do that. I have an odd sort of hope that I might be able to do something not normal for my family. So I could like, not going into the metal works I guess..." Shaking her head, being careful of pressing too hard into the ice pack, she shrugged, "What about you? What can you do?"
"Your face is turning red...are you getting sick?" he asks not understanding what was really happening. "Metal magic, thats interesting?" he stated having never seen it "i cant wait to mabey see a demonstration, and i can understand what you mean and that is something you should always work for and never give up on" he stated and deciding to show her his powers, he closed his eyes "well i can control the wind but my true magic is another all together" he stated then focusing and tapping into his magic he opened his eyes again and when she blinked again his illusion kicked in.

The nurses office, the whole campus in fact was no longer there, instead, cyr and jace stood in the middle of a huge tropical jungle. The trees were massive and tall and so bright green and just glowing with warmth of the sun and color given by mother nature. The animals of all different sorts ran around, the monkies who played fetch and swung from tree to tree, the lizards who ran around the tree blending in with whatever they touched when they stopped, the birds flying in the skies above, birds of many colors and sizes. the life in the forest all spoke and sang in there own way in harmony and peace and in the distant, there stood a massive waterfall who had a color that was so bright blue and clean it looked like the very sky falling from the top of the cliff, and the water falling causing a massive rainbow.

In the middle jace and cyr stood "this is my pride, my true magic, its easy to do but when it comes to battle i can not preform as well and im still very weak in its usage" he explained to her "it is much harder to focus when in battle due to having to focus on the fight as well, and the stress that involves, however i can maintain it for a few seconds in battle, out of battle things like this are easier" he stated knowing he would only be able to hold it up for about 30 seconds as long as nothing in the real world broke his concentration "how do you like my world?" he asks cyr with a smile hoping she was enjoying it.
Ellessa stood in the clearing of the woods with sword in hand, staring up at the brilliant moon shining down upon her. She allowed Vishar's silken sheath to slide free of the blade under the weight of it's diamond knotted rope, landing with a light padding sound in the grass. Pulling the blade up so that she was in a typical fighting stance, she allowed the power of wind to course through her body.

The winds quickly picked up around her, blowing her sheath and any loose debris away with no small amount of force. When it came to the Ashuran style, the bigger the display, the weaker the wielder. The majority of the effect should be contained within the body, all else was waste. The wind's that raged around Ellessa as she struggled to internalize them, while they appeared impressive, truly showed how much more training she required.

Ellessa grunted as she struggled to corral her own power under control. It was as they it were fine sand, the more she grasped at it, the faster it seemed to slip through her fingers. Powerful bursts of wind crashed out randomly at the tree's that surrounded the grove, ripping away leaves that flowed in the small cyclone that had formed around her. "It's no use!" Ellessa shouted out as she swung Vishar in frustration. A thin blade of wind screamed out from it's stroke, cleaving from a nearby tree a few of it's thinner branches.

"No matter how often I try, I just cant seem to control it as you do Grandfather....and Wind form is my best style. Why was this so very difficult, when there were people like Aphrodite who learned theirs without even knowing how. Am I meant to stumble upon the secret Grand father?"

Sighing lightly to herself, she started up again, and again, and again until finally too exhausted to continue. She allowed herself to fall backwards into the grass with a gentle thud. The star's glimmered like diamonds in the heavens, not a single cloud around to hide them from view. "What if I haven't the strength to fill your shoes mother...?" she thought lightly to herself while staring up at the beautiful view afforded to her. The night was growing long, and while she knew she would soon feel the need for sleep, she decided to rest there just a little while longer, reaching her arm up to wipe away the tears that began to flow.
Aphrodite had put the book down awhile ago. Her eyes where droopy. . she was asleep.

Embers, smoke. . .what is this? Filled her mind, and then she looked around. Flames. Screams. Her old home. She ran out, and heard the distinct scream of her mother. The gut wrenching, blood curling scream that still haunted the girl to this day. Then the sound of the sirens. That horrid sound. It haunts her as well. She had caused the fire that had took the lives of her parents. They deserved death, was her reasoning to why she did it, or, that was a lie even to herself. It was an accident. She never wanted to kill them, but she did.

She sat up in her bead, the song on her iPod being, Burn Baby Burn, she turned it off right away. She wasn't going to be going back to sleep any time soon.


Ayama, feeling done there, had long since returned to her room. She sighed, it was night, and time for her dreams. She was a lucid dreamer, she controlled her dreams. Tonight, she had made it up already. She was going to dream of chocolate, and ice cream. Because she was just wierd that way.
having left the nurse's office, Lucian's nose was all fixed "haa... i think i'll head back to my room" he sighed, seeing as how it was already night time, he walked alone back to his room, scampering from building to building, as he still finds himself afraid of the dark, once in he moves upstairs, opening the door to his room to find Jace was nowhere to be seen "well... alone, huh?" he walked over to the middle of the room, holding out his hand he summoned a small flame, and using his other hand to manipulate it like a puppet's strings, he turned the flame into a dancing figure with no real human characteristics aside from 2 arms, 2 legs and a head, he made it dance in the air, on his hand and all around, keeping the flames warm, but not hot.

but of course, over time he became bored, so he went over to the window, looking out over to the Girl's dorm, with a flick of his finger, he turned the light off, and opened the window, leaning out of it he summoned the flame again and made it once again dance, hoping to see if anyone might start watching from the other dorm house...
The bookshelf behind him, on the precipice of falling, did not deter Tybalt's plan of attack. He wasn't going to stay in one space for too long anyways.

Darting under the large table, Tybalt fiddled with something inside of his pocket, pulling out a lighter and a different type of plant. This plant in particular had a very explosive reaction once the outer coating had been burnt away, revealing the reactive material within. Lighting the plant, Tybalt tossed it forward, and slightly to the right, just under Constantine's feet. With the smoke covering the area and fading slowly, Constantine would have had a hard time seeing where the plant came from, which was right by his left toe. The reaction wouldn't hurt Constantine terribly, but it would sting like a motherfucker, and leave some nasty marks wherever it managed to hit.
"Oh...." Cyr's eyes widened in surprise, a breath hitching in her throat in astonishment. The illusion was beyond stunning, leaving her to stare at it in disbelief that any one of their level could make something like this so easily. Listening to his words, a smile broke out on her face, painful as it was, it was there. "It's brilliant. You're brilliant." She managed to get out, before looking at him, "Absolutely brilliant."


Something flaming caught his eye, glancing down at the plant by his foot, his eyes widened Sliding his hand down the sectional, the but end of it nailed against the leaf as he moved to the side. The flame had been stifled though the reaction still went off, smaller than it should have been, blackening the end of the metal bar. Raising an eyebrow, a low guttural grow came forth from him. Cocking back on his right foot, he moved his weight forward once more, using the momentum to launch out the ball in a sweeping motion while keeping it waist height.

Still hidden under the table and by the smoke, Tybalt stayed put while Constantine reacted to his attack. Clenching his fist, he moved into the last phase of his general plan. Since the explosive plant had not worked, Tybalt was going to pin all his hopes on his last trick. Retrieving a final plant from his pocket, Tybalt put his hand up over his face, using part of his shirt to cover his mouth and nose. Pinching the plant, releasing a strange pollen mixture into the air, Tybalt leapt out from under the table and shoved the plant into Constantine's face with his hand. The chain of Constantine's weapon came into contact with Tybalt's ribs, and Tybalt realized he was going to get clocked by the ball at the end of the chain as it came around.
Constantine blinked, going into a heavy coughing fit as the mixture went through his nose and into his lungs. Through the stinging pain of his lungs trying to force the stuff back out, he watched the chain around the kid. Pulling back hard magic filtering through the metal, he would make sure that it hit as hard as it could at this range. "Big mistake kid, big ******* mistake."
Tybalt smiled under his hand.

"Unless you don't want the antidote, you'll let me go and back off right now." He spat, keeping his mouth covered as the smoke cleared, and he tossed the now crushed plant off to the side, still leaking pollen and juices.

Tybalt was bluffing entirely. The plant would have no truly harmful effects on the human body, but he was playing it up. He counted on the fact Constantine wouldn't know what it was. Other than some minor throat irritation, Constantine would be no worse for wear.
"An antidote?" He sneered, coughing still. The chain lit up as more magic pulled through, chains slinking around Tybalt's body before threatening to tighten. Antidotes for plants were difficult to find, but not impossible, and there was a good chance the library they were in would have something on it. Time however, was a horrible thing to tamper with when it came to getting one. And just because a book had it, didn't mean that the school had supplies to make it. "You're a poor position to be making demands..."
"You should be feeling a minor irritation in your throat right now, nothing spectacular. But the real symptoms will set in soon. Even the Academy Staff will have a hard time treating the muscle destroying bacteria the apocynum sarothrae produces. You'll be out of action for at least a month. And you'll come back weak and pathetic." Tybalt spoke, his voice not betraying his lie. He spoke with conviction and a straight face, laced with a bit of contempt and emotion to make it truly believable.

Finishing with the slightest grin, Tybalt glanced about, bound in chains.

"Do you want the antidote or not?" He asked again, sounding final and cold.


Celestine chuckled, her consciousness hidden away inside the dimension the pendant held. This kid, bluffing like a poker champion. He'd be dead if Constantine caught onto his lie. But she had to give it to the kid. He had conviction. As long as she could act as his courage and continue prodding him in the right direction, he might actually make it here.
"That's it, then. A mantra is like an incantation that bolsters the abilities of the caster and the caster's comrades. Each Mantra has a different effect," Resmion said softly and wrote while reading his book. The first book was basically giving the reader an idea of Mantras were as only few even practice this murky type of magic. Resmion thought this was an interesting type of magic, and was anxious to learn its many secrets. Summoning spirits is pretty cool, but making someone to simply to fight his battles sounded like no fun for him or his opponent. He then moved onto the 2nd volume of the "All About Mantras" series. He then turned to a page with one picture of a man with an odd red tattoo on his body. The following page showed him displaying shocking strength. "Nice. This one is called Valor, the mantra of Strength," Resmion thought to himself, writing that down.
Looking at the kid, Constantine's eyes narrowed. So he thought he was smart, that he actually had the upper hand here? His throat was sore, yes, but coughing does that easily, as well as a very basic plant herbology students used. The plant name as well seemed... A glint light up in his eyes, dark and deadly as the chain loosened, slipping into a circle around the ground. Setting a hand on his shoulder, he leaned close, moving his mouth next to the boy's ear, voice alight with laughter. "Apocynum Sorothrea is blue."
Tybalt's yellow eyes widened, and he licked his lips. His mouth suddenly became dry as he had to fight his body's urge to step back. He couldn't formulate a sentence, he was in such shock.

He'd known. He knew. The one thing Tybalt had gambled on, had failed him. He had lost.

"You haven't lost unless you think you've lost, Tybalt. Face up to your opponent until the end." Celestine said to him mentally, spurring final efforts of courage in Tybalt.

He nodded to Constantine.

"It is blue. B-But if I'd had some, y-you'd be in trouble right now, losing t-to a first year who d-didn't even use any m-magic." Tybalt whispered back, his stammering betraying his attempt at bravery.

But he spoke the truth, and Constantine would know it.
"Yes, and that's why I'm not going to hurt you." Constantine said simple, pulling back into a proper position. The ball unraveled back into just chain, before sliding back up into his sleeve, as if it had never existed. Snapping his fingers towards the fallen bookshelf, it righted itself before restocking itself with the old tombs. "However, try this little stunt again, and I'll make sure you're gone for a lot longer than a month. Permanently has a nice ring to it, don't you think? " Tossing a cheap wave over his shoulder, he picked up the book he had come here for originally, and walked off, like nothing had happened.
Standing behind a bookshelf, a certain young lady was stunned at the display that had just occurred here in the library's restricted section. She swallowed, having seen the fourth year's legendary Constantine Felner clash briefly with none other than a first year. Constantine was practically royalty in The Academy, being liked by teachers and many students, and being filthy stinking rich. He was even extremely skilled at his magic. The students who didn't admire him feared him. He got away with whatever he wanted, on the Felner name, his mixed reputation, and lots of money.

The young lady currently hiding as Constantine left, took a deep breath as the young boy who'd fought with him to a standstill slumped down into a chair. He looked disappointed. Like he'd wanted to win.

The young lady in question, Connie Bergen, another first year at The Academy, glanced about, and snuck out of the restricted section. She had to tell her friends about the first year student who had fought Constantine Felner to a draw without using magic!


Tybalt sat down, slightly put off. Now it was like he owed Constantine for not destroying his innards. He sighed, propping his head up on his hands. He thought he heard the sound of sneakers on the floor, but shook his head, he must have been imagining it.

Celestine came from the pendant, glancing down at him.

"So what did we learn today, Tybalt?" She asked him, quite proud of his display of cunning and knowledge.

Tybalt clenched his fist, and looked up at Celestine, hovering in the air before him.

"Not to pull any punches." He said with a smidgen of determination, determination that was not sparked by Celestine whispering in his ear.

"Not exactly what I was looking for, boy, but it will definitely do for now." She said with a strange, sincere grin. Tybalt didn't know what to do, it was like Celestine was being nice.... Weird, he thought.

Just then, the curfew bell sounded. It was now the recommended time for all students to return to their residences and get a good night's rest.

Celestine returned to the pendant without another word, and Tybalt got up slowly. He shrugged, walking out of the library.


OOC - A timeskip to the next morning will occur when all students are in their beds.

Also, a rough map of the Academy City surrounding area has been put up in the opening post, along with a legend to identify areas of interest. The city itself has not important landscape, so feel free to imagine it however you wish. If important places arise in the city confines over the course of the RP, I will update the map accordingly.


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