Rebirth: The Highland Academy of Magical Studies

"I'm a lucid dreamer, of course I slept well! Howe about you? Did you have good dreamings? I know I did," Ayama said, and then continued, "Oh, I wonder if we are to eat? Maybe cake?" Ayama and her bubbly self was very different to this culture. She didn't know that much about it. It was different. And yes, on the rare occasions, she did have cake for breakfast.

Aphrodite looked at Ellessa, and then had this to say, "I am sorry for how I am acting, but, I have a question of you, do you know what it is like to have lost a parent? Maybe even both? Both my mother and father died in a fire, and I was the only survivor." She looked down, trying not to cry. She had left out the part where she had caused the fire, even if it was a mistake.
With his smile not wavering, Tybalt nodded. "I slept alright. It was strange being in a different bed, though." He remarked, used to his own bed back at his quaint home. He raised his eyebrow at the comment Amaya made about cake though. She may be a foreigner, but was she really so unaware of this culture she ate cake for breakfast?

Tybalt blinked and made a strange face. "You know cake is for dessert, after dinner in the evening, right?" He asked, not really knowing what to expect as an answer from the overly cheerful Amaya. He shuffled a bit, adjusting his position leaning against the wall, fidgeting with various things in his pockets.

Meanwhile, in Hell...

A figure wrapped up in a white cloak appeared from nowhere, blinking into existence with a flash of what appeared to be black and white particles flittering about in the air. It stood facing Borghen, a sly grin visible on the androgynous face underneath the cloak. One seemingly all white eye was visible as well.

"Hello Borghen." The figure spoke, a natural and calming voice with no emotion ringing out in the air. "I have come to liberate you." It added, turning with a flourish of it's pure, pearly white cloak, revealing a black body suit underneath. The cloak was made from two parts, the hood and the rest of the cloak. The hood remained on the body as the rest of the cloak disappeared in the flittering of many small white particles, separating the barely visible visage from the black body suit with a frame of white.

"Steven Adams, your time in this plane of being has drawn nigh. I shall remove your presence and your spell upon Borghen from existence." It declared in the same ringing voice, a tone of superiority echoing out.
((Feel free to correct me if I am wrong in my imagination of the layout of the male's dorms and nearest areas.))

Slowly, carefully, the thin form of Eeliphas arose from his bedside, situated in one of the farther corners of the male students's dorms, just as he preferred it. Looking around, noting his fellow students either in preparation or already leaving the dorms to make their way to the main hall, the pupil, always keeping one hand up to the lower half of his face to conceal the quite creepy-looking device that made up a good part of his lower jaw and even a bit of his throat, went to grab a small bag, as well as his ordinary clothes and, still slowly and deliberately, move to the bathroom, though a careful onlooker would have noticed a slight limp in the albino-afflicted student's gait.

Watching himself in the mirror, the boy carefully opened his robes, revealing the bandages on his side, all that remained of the life-threatening gash back when he had been ambushed near his village, now only a comparatively light wound that would be gone in a week or two at most, the pain it generated with each step merely signalising the continuing healing-process of his body. Quickly, as he had been taught, he unwrapped the bandages, opened the bag he had brought with him, retrieving the needed replacements for the day, and applied anew the healing-tincture the Lady had granted him, before setting on the new ligatures.

Ten more minutes later, all it took him to conduct the further morning-rituals of purity and subsequently clad himself in his shroudings, he emerged from the bathroom again, dark cloth covering his vulnerable skin almost from head to toe, leaving space only for the front-portion of his head, lower half of the face equally shrouded.

Averting his gaze, always doing his best not to look directly at anyone, the student, slow and deliberate as always, made his way to the main hall.
It seemed her roommate had already been up for a while, as there was a stack of books there that Lux hadn’t seen the night before. When Vative had come out to place what looked to be the last book on the piles, she greeted her. “Same to you” was the girl’s simple response, once again looking at the books that her roommate had brought out. “I don’t think you’ll be needing those for where we’re going…” she warned, hesitant about bringing it up.

When the announcements had come on earlier, it sounded more like they were attending a game of some sort rather than actually learning. Suppose that didn’t really matter now though, the books were out “In any case, we should hurry…” she notes. “Would you like some help carrying them?” Lux offers, approaching the girl and her stack of books.
"I like being prepared." Vative said, before shaking her head, realizing how dumb that sounded. Her roommate was probably right, they wouldn't need them, but, it was her first day at a real school, and well, books. "And no thank you, Ma'am, though I appreciate the offer. A few books like these are nothing." Sliding them off the stand she held them in her arms with ease. "But we should hurry, I want to know what's going to happen on the first day, don't you?"
Vative seemed fully capable of holding the books herself and she even assured Lux of that who wearily took a step back. Hopefully she wouldn’t bump into her, and as the girl rushed her in turn, she nodded and opened the door for her. Lux was actually weary of her first day here… she wasn’t sure what a first day would look like in a school like this.

“I have to admit, I am a little curious” she notes, leading the way to the building Aspen had guided her to yesterday. It was her best guess that they were headed there, and she was often told by Aunt Dolly to trust her gut feelings. Right now, her gut was telling her that something was off, and she couldn’t quite tell what. Everything around them looked fine… her roommate even seemed nice.

“What do you think we’ll be doing?”
she asks the girl, turning back to look backwards as she walked in much the same fashion. “I think it’s a game of some type…” she notes, dwelling on what would come at their destination.
Still in Hell...

Steven quickly sent a burst of telekinetic energy at the newcomer,with a growl of, "Not going to happen." He kept the multiplication illusion going,and hurled Borghen through the air,away from his would-be savior,and rushed his new enemy. "Borghen will end the Earth. He will not be stopped. I was his only superior." He was upon the newcomer in the white hood and black bodysuit. Reminds me of one of Borghen's old shapes... Steven stayed on the ground,throwing punches and kicks with blinding speed,throwing his telekinesis behind each blow. "Heaven and Hell cannot exist without Earth. I don't care who you are,or where you're from. If you unleash Borghen on the world,everyone loses. If that is your goal,then I'll have to call you an idiot,and educate you." Steven spoke as he struck,Hell having long ago removing the need to breathe.

The Highland Academy

David walked the halls of the Academy easily. He had a strange sense of direction; if he was there,he knew how to get there along the route he used. However,each new route needed to be mapped,and while walking a new route,David could very easily get turned around and lost. Today,he decided to take a new route. And he was now well and truly lost. "Well,damn." was all he could muster when he finally came to this conclusion,in a nondescript hallway,lined with doors.
Her smile grew wider as she offered a small thank you before adjusting her books once more as they walked. Following behind the girl, she looked around, taking in as much of it as she could. Before looking back at her fellow blue haired as she spoke again. "I not quite sure actually. Maybe another pretest, to see where we should be placed as far as starter classes go?"
Connie Bergen wandered the hallways of the Academy, hopelessly lost. After the fight scene she had witnessed last night between the first year boy and Constantine Felner, she wanted to try and find the library again where they'd thrown down, before the deadline time to meet at the Grand Hall. It didn't look like she'd find the library, or the Grand Hall in time now. She sighed, a slight pout on her face.

Within the hallways lined with nondescript doors and information on boards that didn't pertain to her, Connie saw another person, someone else who seemed just as lost.

.... Why was he wearing a suit?


The hooded figure blocked each of Steven's blows with lightning fast timing, the grin visible never fading. Strange octagonal layering seemed to help shield the figure from Steven's blows, halting them in space-time before they managed to reach their target.

You're a relic, Steven Adams, of an era long forgotten! Rejoin those you knew and face judgement!" It shouted, it's voice displaying emotion, a seemingly condescending tone that put Steven, an ancient hero, below itself. A sudden blast of wind coming from behind the figure would knock Steven off balance, and halt his blows long enough to give the figure enough time to slip into the blind realm, the hole closing back up behind it as it stepped though into the dark dimension. A hole opening up behind Steven, the figure leapt up into the air.

Voltus Obliterium. Kneel before the thunder of the gods!" The figure shouted, yet another spell Steven would recognize from his past. This strange figure, so easily wielding the spells and skills of Hope Astrumregis, Alec Deathlind, and Vent Aterus, cast a massive lightning bolt down upon the hero. What would Steven do in the face of his friends' magics?
He did remember the way to be just an amalgation of closely-following corridors, yes he knew that, he remembered that. Unfortunately for Eeliphas, he did not remember into what direction he should go. Perhaps he should not have barricaded and hidden himself from the sight of others in the dorm for the entirety of the weekend, perhaps he should have used the time he had been granted to explore the Academy just the smallest of amounts...

His crimson eyes set themselves for but a moment on the humanoid figure of what he assumed to be another student, though his weakened sight could not detemine exactly what he beheld over the distance. Thus, pretending not to have seen it, he quickly chose a direction, and slowly walked down another corridor, hoping it was the right one this time.
The world spun lightly to Ellessa, and a high pitched tone seemed to ring in her ears. Ellessa staggered for a moment before re-catching her balance, whimpering a bit in pain and confusion.

"E-excuse me? are you okay? do you need to see the nurse or anything?" Some boy said, obviously worried.

Ellessa turned towards him as her confusion started to abate. She had never seen him before, but he seemed nice enough. "N-no....i'm fine" she responded while bowing politely towards him, being much more careful of her surroundings. "I must look like some kind of simpleton..."

"Thank you for your kindness" She continued to him, bowing once more as he turned to Aphrodite asking "What happened?"

"Well good morning to you miss....Ellessa right?" Said the boy Jace with the strange blue tipped hair from behind her.

"Ahh....I'm glad that your morning was enjoyable" Ellessa responded, giving yet another bow.

"This place is so many people all talking at once. Everything is so fast....or is it that i'm slow? Help me mother..." Ellessa thought, panic creeping up on her quickly. She struggled to try to understand her own feelings, and why everything seemed to be swimming into one another. If they said anything further, Ellessa surely missed it as the conversations of the crowd seemed to all pour into one another until she had stumbled back into the wall again.

She placed her palms against the wall as Vishar's hilt dug into her neck slightly. She grasped at the diamond knotted rope of it's sheath as she tried to calm down, finally noticing Aphrodite speaking.

"Do you know what it is like to have lost a parent? Maybe even both? Both my mother and father died in a fire, and I was the only survivor..."

Ellessa stood there staring awkwardly for a while. "So...that was it. Just like me she had lost her mother and father. Except she didn't have Grandfather's wisdom to rely on. What would I have been like if not for him being as a rock for me and my family? Would I be her...?"

"I...I do" Ellessa nodded, a bit light headed...but slowly recovering. "My mother.....I know what it's like."
Lucian took a step back "Umm, am i intruding here? if so i could just head off and talk to someone else if you'd like..." he fiddled with his fingers as he said so, swallowing some saliva.
"Umm, am i intruding here? if so i could just head off and talk to someone else if you'd like..." came the unknown boy's voice again

"I'm sorry? sorry" Ellessa said flustered. "I...I was, I mean...I've just been a bit confused by everything here. I don't understand anything about this place. The more I learn, the more everything seems so aberrant" She said as politely as he could manage, though still feeling slight pangs of her earlier panic attack.

"I'm sorry, where are my manners. My name is Ellessa Yu'ul Hardie, the 54th Hardie and presumptive leader of the line." She said while bowing formally, the familiarity soothing her against the confusion of this realm.
"huh okay... well, i know this place is confusing, but its not as if you NEED to know everything, just take a deep breath, calm down and relax, it'll all come to you in time, before you know it, you'll know all the ins and outs of this place and all that, no worries" he said with a smile, hoping this would help comfort her "and i'm Lucian Riddle, technically i'm the 3rd in line for head of my family, but since we're kinda "minor players" when it comes to the great magical families, we don't tend to make big splashes in the world of politics... of course not everyone can be in the Highland clan... if they were still around, that is..."
Ayama beamed at him cheerfully, and said, "But, can't one have what they want for breakfast? Lunch, and diner? Wouldn't it make more sense to eat what one wishes to eat at any time?" She was asking a question that she thought was normal. She thought it wrong to make food for only one time, you should be able to eat anything at any given time.


Aphrodite looked down, then back at Ellessa, then to the new person and said this, "I am Aphrodite, no, not the Greek Goddess of Love. I'm a simple red head who controls fire, so, you call me a ginger, and I'll burn your ass to ashes."
Jace watched them "so ellessa i got a solution, how bout we go spar some, sparring always seems to help me" he stated as he watched her. looking around at all the students starting to arrive he wanted to get out of there "aphrodite, lucian why dont you guys join in, we can all go spar" he stated trying to build there bonds as friends knowing sparing is the best way to do so.
Tybalt blinked. He rubbed the back of his neck and let out a small sigh. She had a point, why not eat whatever you wanted.

"Well... I guess you could, but you're not supposed to. It's tradition, and I'm sure there's a health reason behind it." He countered, not really sure why he was arguing that point. Celestine groaned to Tybalt.

Is she really this clueless? I would have thought one should know the tiniest bit about the culture they would be living in. I guess she did not have the brains to learn before hand. She quipped, tongue in cheek.

That's rude. Tybalt thought back, glancing up at the ceiling and rolling his eyes.


OOC - Betts, if you'd actually read that post, you'd have seen nobody was there except Steven, Borghen and the nameless figure. Also, there was no invitation to bring back Marco. That section of your post is now considered to not have happened, and if you could remove it at your earliest convenience, it'd be much appreciated.
Highland Academy

David turned around to retrace his steps when he saw a girl,who looked just as lost as he. He approached her,with a wave,and said said, "Hello! I'm David Anderson,and it seems we're both lost." As he came close,he added, "I was headed to the Grand Hall for that first-year gathering." He gestured back to the way he had come originally. "I know how to get there. I just wanted to find a different route. Could be handy. But,I got my poor self turned around,so here I am." He smiled. "But that's enough about me. Who might you be?"


Steven was knocked off balance,and he knew he was about to be on the receiving end of some unpleasantness. And it happened with gusto. A bolt of lightning,square on the crown of the skull. Steven kept his feet,as is the hallmark of his borderline self-destructive determination,and whipped around to face his opponent. "You use the magicks of my dear departed friends." All bravado was drained from his face. He had witnessed this daft,flippant stranger use magicks unique to the Deathlind family,and signature to Vent. But,for the most part,it's still matter. I'm in control. Steven whipped up a barrier. A constantly fluctuating corona of energy,redirecting all incoming matter away from him. He'd have to drop it to strike,but for the moment,he was relatively untouchable.

And Borghen was back on his feet,wielding a pair of burning crescent blades,marching back towards the fray with renewed purpose. His rage had physically manifested itself as a flame that consumed the inside of his head,licking out at the eyes,nose,mouth and top rear of the skull. He smelled a chance at victory. He will seize the day.
Connie blinked, slightly unsure what to do as the boy came up to her. When she found he was a student as well, she smiled though, and was ever so thankful.

"Heh, I'm Connie. I got lost in here, but unlike you I have no damn idea where I am. It'd be much easier if I lived in the dorms. My parents work in Academy City, so I stay with them and commute a little ways." She explained her unfamiliarity with the campus and the school's layout. Glancing down at a silver watch on her wrist, her eyes widened in horror. "We should probably get moving, so it'd be super if you could help me find the Grand Hall." She added, glancing the boy up and down one more time. Strange. Why a suit?


The strange figure floated high in the air, above the battlefield that had been home to Steven and Borghen for little over a millennia.

"Your friend's magicks seem to have made and excellent weapon with which to end your existence." It remarked, it's smug grin flashing a pearly white glint of teeth. Lowering itself down to the ground, the figure raised a hand, and a ring of light surrounded Borghen. "Please halt there, Lord of Rage, while I have a chat with this fossil." The figure asked, imprioning Borghen in a technique of Hope's, an area isolated in space-time by a ring of light.
(([MENTION=48]Coro[/MENTION] there is one named Kinadra waiting for you in the character-sheet thread to approve her character, just in case you had not noticed.))

It would appear that the random direction, which he had judged to be the opposite in which lay the student-dorms, was indeed the right one, based on the steady flow of first-years making their way towards a grand building, which, presumably, housed the equally Grand Hall. Having quietly followed one of the groups, Eeliphas soon, once again, stepped through the mighty stone-portal which made up the entrance, many of the students also having arrived already, the meeting, or to whatever purpose they had been called here, certainly soon to commence.
Highland Academy

David nodded."Nice to meet you,Connie" He saw her eye the suit quite openly. "I just like suits. They make me feel...Significant,I suppose. Besides,they look nice. Try to keep up." With that,he taken off at a swift jog down the hall,looking over his shoulder every few seconds to see if Connie was still following. He reached the dorms quickly,easily retracing his steps. He waited at the dorms for a moment,then made his way to the Grand Hall with Connie in toe.


Steven's expression soured when he saw the prideful fool use one of Hope's spells. My last friend. He glared at the figure,and spat, "What are you? Spatial magic is mindbendingly complex. Only time magic is more complicated. Did you consume my friend's souls? Their minds?" He lunged at his foe mid sentence,punctuating the words with new blows,only lowering his barrier for when the limbs made contact,no sooner,no later,and then re-raised it. He intentionally struck without rhythm,trying to remain as unpredictable as possible.

Meanwhile,Borghen growled. "I was a prisoner here for so long. I refuse to be held for one moment longer!" His voice dripped with venom,and he quickly changed his crescent blades into ringblades,and began to charge forward. Of course,he gained no ground. To those on the outside,he ran in place,while to his own perceptions,he ran in a circle,no matter how much he tried to alter his course. Borghen roared a savage,borderline feral roar.
Connie followed wordlessly behind David until they reached the dorm rooms, by the the she was hopelessly out of breath.

"Oh my gooooodddd......" She droned out, taking a knee. She wasn't exactly super fit, and running was a definite weakness for her.


The figure's octagonally layered field of defence began intercepting Steven's blows again as the figure slowly backed up at an even pace with Steven's vicious onslaught. The grin disappearing from it's face while it spoke, the figure eyed Steven carefully up and down.

"Your friends' souls no longer exist on this plane of being. They have been removed from the cycle of reincarnation, so great were the perils they braved, and so grand was the destruction they wrought as well. It has taken a long time, but I will guide you now, Steven Adams, to the same Valhalla, to borrow a term from one of the pathetic human's religions, your friends reside in as we speak." It spoke, it's field of defence disappearing as it caught Steven's right fist in it's left hand, it's right hand shooting upwards from it's side and connecting with Steven's elbow, shattering the joint effortlessly. It moved with ridiculous speed, combining Vent's raw strength to catch Steven's punch and Hope's talent and precision to break Steven's arm.

It's grin came back as it continued to showcase the skills of Steven's friends, exactly as he would remember them, exactly as he would have experienced them first-hand.
At her roommate’s suggestion Lux immediately frowned, looking worriedly at the girl. “I sure hope not… I don’t know what you had to do…but I don’t want to go through that again” she notes, shaking her head. They all had looked at her so seriously, examining her enough that she felt a lot smaller than she was (and she wasn’t even tall!). It was so weird…being watched like that…being looked at for something that makes you different.

With a shake of her head, she turned around just as they were approaching the doors to the Grand Hall and opened them for Vative. Cautiously she turned back, looking back behind her for others until she entered behind her roommate. They had made it, and it didn’t even look like they were the last ones here…
Vative ducked into the Grand Hall when the other opened it for her, stopping just off to the side of it as she waited for the other to come through. "I didn't think the test to get in was all that bad. Then again, I can kinda only do one thing, and that was enough for them so....I suppose it could have been bad for a lot of others."


Cyr had already taken place in the Grand Hall, finding a spot off the side that lacked other bodies within ten seats in either direction. Putting her feet up on the chair across from her. Her hands set atop the table, playing with a string bracelet she had made of four different colours. She'd chosen the four based on her family's crest's own, a deep violet a burning ember, black coal, and regal gold. It was a shameless display of loyalty to wear them in public, but here, she wasn't so sure she wanted people knowing she was a Felner. Particularly since Constantine had quite the record, as she had come to learn.

Sighing, she stuffed it in her pocket with a wince, glancing up at people coming in. That circus freak was here for real then too, she noted. Bowing her head back towards the table, keeping her black eye to herself, she fiddled with her hands. She wanted classes to start, to get out close range with other people. She wanted to get to the library and see if she couldn't find a book on a very delicate subject.
Lucian backed away from his previous conversation, and once again went about the main hall, meeting people, hearing things, and then he saw Cyr sitting alone at one of the tables, clearing his throat he approached her.

"Umm excuse me? hi, sorry if this is annoying you but, could i have a look at that bracelet?..." after he got a glance at it, he smiled a bit "this is really nice, did you make it yourself?" he asked, as he sat down on the other side of the table to her, he shok his head once he sat down "oh what am i doing? I'm Lucian Riddle" he said, holiding out his hand for her to shake.

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