Rebirth: The Highland Academy of Magical Studies

A voice poked into her thoughts. Glancing up from under her hair, she realized it was a boy. The one that had the broken nose in the nurses office, if she wasn't mistaken. And he was speaking. Her mind struggled to register the words properly, before she moved her feet from the chair, watching him sit. This wasn't going to be fast, then.

Looking at the hand as he extended it, she tentatively grasped it with her own, having made sure the bruises still on her arms were fully covered by the sweater she wore.
"A pleasure, Mr. Riddle. Are you a first year as well?"
"Yeah, its exciting, isn't it? I haven't ad much experience with magic, i can only do some small flame magic and illusions, but i'm really excited to learn more, i heard that if you get straight As all the way through school, you can be taught one of the spells used by the founders, but its just a rumor, still, it makes me really giddy! i wanna learn the spell "Eternal Flame" like what the books say Marco developed... what about you? any spells you're excited to learn?"

he put his hands together, linking his fingers as he leaned forward, a smile on his face.
The kid had a lot of spunk and energy, a lot of Jace had the other night. Constantine had mentioned that rumour before during the summer, had pinned his hopes on excelling at the one named Vent's magic. Like he had at everything else he'd tried. But, per some odd twist of luck, he couldn't find any books on it, nor anyone gifted enough in it to study it. Irony at it's finest.

Mulling the question over herself, she thought back on the different kinds of magics she knew existed. Tugging her hood a bit lower to hide her eyes as she leaned back in her chair, she gestured loosely with her hand.
"Teleportation spells, I did one on accident a few years back. I had been hoping it would have been like, a submagic thing, but I haven't been able to do it again. I was hoping I could learn here..."
"woah cool! do you mean like, teleporting from one side of the world to the other? or teleporting a few meters?... i was once teleported, it's not as much fun as you'd think, it makes you really sick the first few times i hear" he smiled to her, lifting his hand "hey, check this out, i finally mastered this last night" on his hand, a small flame appeared, over a few seconds, it began to take shape, it was a feminine shape, and in his hand, it began to dance, the ends of the flame whipping around, appearing to be the hair on the human-like flame figure in his hand "... pretty cool huh? i can do small controlling things like that, but i can't do fireballs, last time i tried that, i burned off 3 of the fingerprints on my right hand and almost caught my hair on fire..." he thought for a moment "wanna see some of the Illusions i can do?"
"I mean, teleporting into different realms. Like, say you have a two doors, separated by a hallway. That hallway, is the different realm to get to the location. From what I remember of it, it was....pretty. " Her eyebrow raised however, her tone going questioning towards the end of her statement as he started making a flame dance. It reminded her of the gypsy from The Hunchback of Notredame, Esmeralda, particularly the Hellfire scene.

A soft chuckled left her lips as he explained further. She tried picturing the sort of chaos that had to come from something that burned off fingerprints, given that it took a lot of chemicals to do that for non magical. At his other offer, she thought of the world Jace had shown her, before shrugging. The kid was growing on her a little.
"Why not?"
"ok, hang on..." Lucian took his right hand, and placed it against his head, his brow furrowing with concentraton "ok..." he reached forward, touching Cyr on the forehead, when his hand left, nothing seemed to happen, but slowly everything started changing, the table in front of them became green and fuzzy, as if covered by thick, soft grass, but when she touched it, she felt nothing, and nothing seemed real, as if everything was a watercolor landscape painting, everything warped, shrank and expanded gently, and everything appeared fuzzy, even her own skin, but the Illusion was short lived, as Lucian threw his head forward, clutching it and letting out an "UGH!" the illusion collapsed, he was clutching his head and there was blood dripping from his nose "aah... sorry, i got a bit caught up in showing off, i think i over-did it..."
She smiled softly, reaching across the table and playing with his hair gently for a moment, in a soothing fashion. "It's okay, it was lovely." Reaching into the small bag she had brought with her, she brought out a soft padded gauze, the kind you'd tape onto skin and offered it to him to help with the blood. With her other hand, she fished for a few coins, setting them on the table. Tapping them with a nail, she looked at him. "If I could inquire, what's your favorite book?"
"th-thanks..." he said, using the gauze she offered to stop the blood flow, he shook his head again "heh, well, i'm no prodigy, that's for sure..." he chuckled, leaning back on the bench, when she bought out the coins and asked what book he likes, he was honestly stumped, the kinds of books he liked were comics, but he would be too embarrased to ask for something like that, especially to a girl he though was kinda cute, he had read some other books, novels, educational books, schematics, but he wasn't sure what kind to ask for,

"hmm, i dunno, what do you mean, like as in novels or something? or do you mean like, tomes on my favourite spells?"
"I mean like, something you read for fun. It doesn't even have to be a book really, a tv show or stuff like that works too. I just need the title of it." Her hand went up behind her neck, rubbing the back of her head nervously. She didn't want to explain what she was going to do, but she definitely didn't think she could do it with a tome of spells. That would be a nightmare, really.
oh... ok, uhh... well, although i do read novels, i do have more fun reading comics... how about, the Artemis Fowl graphic novel?" he asked nervously, hoping that she wouldn't start calling him a little kid or something like that, although he still reads comics, he is still trying to prove himself after all... "so, what are you gonna do?" he asked, leaning forward to get a closer look at the coins.
"Artemis Fowl, Huh? I never knew that made that a graphic novel. I have a full set of the written ones back home, though I may need to replace a few soon, I may have worn them down from frequent use." Sliding the coins into her hand, her eyes glowed a dull red for a moment, barely noticeable. Her fingers pressed into the metal, guiding it with a practiced skill as she rolled them in her hand. After a moment, she set down on his side of the table, a rather small metal figurine of Juliet Butler. "I figured it was only fair to share what I do."
"woah! really cool... thats Juliet on the coin, right? Juliet Butler?" he picked up the coin, to see if it was an illusion or not "that is SO COOL!" he exclaimed.

after this, he looked about "say, do you know when the first classes or whatever is going to get started? i'm getting really keen now!"
"I really don't know about the classes. I really hope soon. Though, breakfast would be good too." Cyr chuckled. Glancing down towards something that looked like a teachers table, she shrugged. Looking back at him after a moment, she pointed at the figurine, "You can keep that by the way, free of charge. Not that it would have cost much in the first place." Another laugh left her, her smile growing a bit wider.
Lucian smiled, holding the coin tightly and putting it in his pocket "I'll hold on it it, thanks a lot" he said, smiling a lot more "you know, you're really nice, i thought you were... honestly, a bit scary when i first saw you, but you're really cool" he said with a big grin on his face, then it dawned on him, how his words could be seen as hurtful "uhh... sorry, for thinking of you as being kinda scary..."
Cyr's eyes narrowed slightly, gazing at the younger boy through her hair. She pulled her hands back into her lap, her fingers curling up, digging into her palms. A sigh filled in the silence that she had let form before she scanned over the crowds of people. She found a small group of girls at a table three away and stood. "It was nice meeting you, Mr. Riddle." She stated softly, picking up her bag as she started for the group's table.
Highland Academy

David looked behind him,and saw that Connie was taking a knee,panting for breath. I hope they have PT here...Some good old fashioned exercise wouldn't hurt anyone,mage or no. He called out behind him, "The Grand Hall is just down this way! Big old set of ebonwood double doors! See you there!" And David was down the path. He saw several other students rushing to the Grand Hall. He wasn't late yet.


Steven didn't feel his left arm get brutalized. It was a prosthetic. A simple mundane one,to boot. No nerves. No fancy mechanics. He moved it with telekinesis. And now he tried to headbutt his foe while he was busy with a nerveless piece of polymers and iron. "Bullshit! Besides,I have a DUTY!" The last word was backed by heavy bass tones,and his eyes glowed a brilliant amber. Steven continued,and used telekinesis to swing his wrecked arm around like a club wielded by a whirlwind as he struck out with his legs and good arm. "I have a duty to protect the earth and humanity from Borghen! I'll gladly deny myself paradise if it means Borghen isn't free to deliver his twisted brand of violence to innocent men,women and children!" Steven's shadow was no longer his. Instead,a ghostly image of a robed old man was in it's place. Aenor had become manifest.
Lucian sighed after Cyr left "great Lucian, you've pissed her off... you need to keep you're big effing mouth shut..." he said quietly to himself.

Lucian also stood up and reached into his pocket, feeling the little metal figurine in there, which just made him feel even worse for saying she looked scary when he first saw her.

As David entered the hall, Lucian approached him "Hi!" he opened with "uhh, are you a first-year too?"
Connie huffed and puffed, definitely cursing her laziness now. With a little effort she got up to her feet and continued on her walk towards the Grand Hall, at a much more relaxed pace so to not end up hurting herself.


The figure took Steven's headbutt, a titanic blow that knocked it back. It hadn't expected Aenor to emerge so soon. But it was glad it did, because now the fight could be wrapped up.

Leaping back, not bothering to use the blind realm like before, the figure seemed to flicker in and out of reality, slipping around and through Steven's renewed attacks.

"Have you ever stopped to think, how you and your friends found each other?" The figure asked, taunting Steven as it suddenly snapped back into reality, it's form seeming more intimidating, slightly larger. In a swift movement it deflected Steven's broken prothetic with it's left forearm, snapping it out and catching Steven in the neck with it's hand, a quick stunning blow. "How a child like Vent became a hybrid demon, how Hope had such overwhelming quantities of magic, how Alec bore the curse of Meido, how Leslie was a figure of Death, how Joseph matured and grew so quickly as a mage, and how even you, nothing more than a freak," The figure asked, punching Steven with a telekinetic powered fist each time it said a name, "Could grow into such a formidable mage, capable of manifesting his determination and valour into a separate being?"

The figure shot it's right hand out, piercing Steven's shoulder with two fingers, destroying the nerve connections for the entire arm to the brain, licking it's lips again as the arm fell limp to Steven's side. Picking Steven up by the neck, but not completely cutting off his air flow, the figure took a deep shaky breath, as if it was excited, even aroused.

"You were all anomalies, who met at the place anomalies gather. The Academy. This story begins with that wretched, ancient institution. Steven, out of curiosity, do you know what the Akashic Records are?" The figure exposed slightly, hinting at much greater things in the works, behind the curtains.
Highland Academy

David smiled,and nodded in response to the young man's question. "First year." He approached and offered his hand for shaking. "Same as you? I'm David Anderson. It's a pleasure." His garnet cufflinks caught the light and winked in the light as he rose his arm. "I wonder why we're being brought here."


Steven continued his assault,despite his opponent using yet more of Hope's tricks to dodge his blows. The figure hurled away the prosthetic arm,and struck him in the throat,forcing him back. And then came the greatest surprise of all. Confirmation that this figure had,somehow,learned these magicks,not just stolen them. Telekinetic punches,after each utterance of a name. The internal damage was immense,and before he could react,he was hoisted up by the throat,but not before rendering his only arm worthless. At the figure's final statements,Steven spat a wad of blood that came from somewhere in his abdomen at the figure's face,and began to kick furiously,but by no means wildly,while bringing a crushing column of air on top of his foe with telekinesis. "It takes...Extraordinary...Individuals...To change...The world!" When the figure mentioned records,Steven laughed. "Want a book? Find a library." He had no idea what these Akashic Records are,and he didn't care. But as he made what would probably be his last taunt,Steven heaved a mighty kick,with the outside edge of his left foot,to his foe's neck. Getting there was easy,since he was hoisted from the ground. "My duty is still incomplete. Let me go so I can save your ass."

Borghen chose than moment to laugh.
"I think he knows the consequences of my freedom,Steven. Accept it. You've lost."
Seeing as how the meeting would soon begin, or whatever appeared to be in planning, Eeliphas made good use of the fact that no one appeared to take much note of him to silently move to one of the empty tables situated near the corner, rather preferring to have a wall in his back than a fellow human being.
"Health reason? What, why? Are there not cakes that make it so you are the opposite of fat? Is this not possible?" Ayama asked, very confused, then continued, "Are there not versions of food that are healthy even if they are not up to good taste?"


Aphrodite sighed, looking at Ellessa, it seemed to her that this young woman would need help in this world. As, she was new to it.

((Sorry for lack of stuff to use. . ))
"Yeah i'm Lucian Riddle, nice to meet you" he said with a smile, "So, what kinda magic can you do? i can do some really basic flame manipulation and illusions... but i keep hurting myself every time i do it, heh, and you?..."
Eroria knocked on the door to her roommate's room and frowned when she heard no reply. Apparently she had already left. Eroria nodded to herself. She didn't mind so much. She didn't think making friends was going to be easy. She was just happy that Ayama seemed nice.

Looking around one last time, she decided she was going to be late if she did not leave right that second. She headed out of the room and down to the Grand Hall. She paused outside of it for a moment. She slowly entered, seeing that many of the other students were here. For a moment Eroria thought to bolt. But she pushed that thought away. She instead headed further inside, not looking at anyone. She took a seat at a table only to see it was occupied by some guy. She gave him a small smile.

"Sorry. I can move somewhere else."


Bane didn't think he was going to get anything out of the guy and instead made his way to the Grand Hall. He let out a low whistle at the number of people. Even though he saw everyone yesterday it was still something. The boy wandered around, wondering if it'd be worth it to strike up a conversation.
The words of Eroria, as she took her seat, would be reacted to by a frantic head-movement of Eeliphas, whose widened red eyes took just a single second to inspect the newcomer, before his cowled visage averted his gaze again, equally frantic, eyes forcibly affixing themselves onto the other end of the hall.

Almost, he told himself, heartbeat and breathing-rythm increasing slighty. Almost would he have looked her into the eyes. It was an instinctive movement, one that he had been forced to learn in his village; looking into other people's eyes was dangerous, they understood it as a challenge, after which the punching kicking spitting and stone-throwing would take place again.

While the Lady had explained to him that this was not true with nearly everyone, it was hard to let go off a habit that he was convinced had saved him from some beatings over an entire decade at least.

Stubbornly, he kept his gaze set onto the podium, from whence the teachers and other superiors would clarify the purpose of this meeting, doing his best to ignore the presence of the girl. If he had looked at them, they would either scream and run away, or find friends to throw hard objects at him. Best not stare, no no no no.
Tybalt shrugged, and waved his hands ever so slightly.

"Don't worry about it. When it comes down to it, you can do whatever you want." He gave in, wondering why he considered it giving in. It wasn't like they were arguing anyways. Directing his gaze back at Amaya from the ceiling, Tybalt forced a smile.


Sent sprawling from Steven's once-again renewed assault, the figure's hood came off it's head, revealing it's face.

A simple androgynous visage, one that literally held no sign of gender, with simple short white hair. One eye was completely white, lacking even an iris and pupil, while the other was a bloody red. Licking it's lips again, the figure stood up, wiping black liquid from it's lips. Showing no emotion, not even the typical grin it seemed to wear constantly.

"... The Akashic Records are a knowledge pool. Held and maintained by an observing race called the Akashi, the Records are an infinite resource that contains everything in and of this universe." The figure explained, snapping it's fingers as black particles became visible around Steven. These particles had been around him the entire time, sapping memories and energy. It was how the figure somehow knew techniques Steven had seen his friends use, and then even began to use Steven's own telekinesis.

The figure began to walk towards Steven, it's smug grin returning. "When someone of great power and notability dies, they are invited by the Akashi to join them in the observatory between dimensions, and forever leave the cycle of reincarnation in effect here in your universe. Many of your friends have joined the Akashi. You shall soon as well." It said with an unmistakable air of finality, black particles flittering from Steven to it, rearranging themselves into a spear of crackling lightning, a favourite technique of Vent Aterus.

"Meet your end here and now, relic." The figure spat, hurling the spear through Steven's chest.

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