Rebirth: The Highland Academy of Magical Studies

Resmion finally closed the second book and left the library. "I do not want to read the whole series in little time. I think I'll limit myself to learning about one Mantra per week," Resmion said, not wanting to rush his learning. "For a first day, it was pretty lax," Resmion said with an exasperated sigh. "Unfortunately, I have not met many people or made a single friend. That is pretty disappointing." He walked off with the three books he checked out of the library.

"Even though I had a boring day, another day is coming tomorrow, and it should have a better sequence of events," Resmion thought to himself. Resmion did not do too much today, but it was the first day. After getting lost twice, He finally made his way to his room. He got himself together and called it a night.
Aspen frowned, confused. She wanted to disagree with Lux but decided against it at this point. That isn't a way to make friends, she reminded herself. Aspen just politely nodded, following Lux up the stairs. She paused at the top, hearing a bell sound. She assumed it was the curfew bell. "I suppose I should go to my room. I'll see you tomorrow perhaps," Aspen said with a small wave and shy smile. She made her way down the stairs, focusing on not tripping and falling on her face. She opened the door to her dorm and walked in, making a beeline for her room. She would meet her roommate in the morning perhaps. She changed into her pajama pants and an oversized t-shirt. She flopped down on her bed after grabbing a book. She sat, reading and eventually falling asleep with her head on the book.
Having had a good evening, jace made his way back to his dorm having enjoyed his time with cyr. Arriving at his dorm, he didnt see his roomate so he went to his room and changed into something to sleep in. Having had a great time, he closed his eyes and soon fell fast asleep into a world of dreams curious what the next day would hold for him and all his new friends and fellow students.
Finishing his little game of making his flame-person dance, Lucian turned around, seeing Jace had come back "hey, welcome back..." he said, but Jace was only interested in getting to sleep.

Shrugging as his flame-person dissapeared Lucian made his own way to his bed, slipping under the covers "aaaah... thats better.... long day, huh?" but Jace was already asleep "well... goodnight, i guess" Lucian turned around onto his side facing to the window, he closed his eyes and before long he too was asleep...
Ellessa laid there in the grove she had found, silently clutching to the grass around her as she watched the stars shimmer in their crystal sky. Her tears had long since been dried away under the small breezes that continued to blow through, making the world seem to ebb and flow around her.

"Why did you have to die mother..." Ellessa asked silently to the heavens. "Would it not have better suited our line if it had been me instead...? Someone like me cant possibly be like someone like you... So why am I the one still here?"

It felt like hours had passed for Ellessa as she began to rise from the grove floor. Extending her hand absentmindedly in it's direction, the silken home of the demon slaying sword Vishar was pulled by the winds towards her. With no real thought, she pressed the blade to her side as she walked, the sheath sliding onto it snugly before being hurled over her shoulders.

Though her walk lacked none of it's usual grace, she had stayed in the grove longer than she meant to and her exhaustion was quickly catching up with her. Her mind recounted her steps automatically, exactly as she had been trained to do the majority of her life, and though she was barely awake she had no issues making it back to the female dormitory.

She gazed up at the window to what she knew was her room. It's curtains billowed into the room gently under the gusts that caressed against it. Ellessa kicked up hard at the wall as her body shrouded itself in wind again. Immediately after making contact, she kicked off where she landed towards a rain-gutter line and grabbed onto it. Lunging forward, a rather large burst of air exploded under her feet, propelling her up the last few feet to grab onto the windowsill which she gracefully tumbled into.

Ellessa again gazed upon Aphrodite's door, seeing the slightly undulating glow of her lights underneath it's frame. She sighed for a moment, trying to decide between trying to start a conversation or to just let things go as they were. Eventually her own fatigue made her mind up and propelled her back and into her room. Sleep came to her almost immediately as she made contact with her bed. It was so much softer than her bed back in her own home....almost like a cloud....
OOC - So begins the first full day at the Highland Academy of Magical Studies for our plucky bunch of first year students. Even though classes haven't started yet, what wonders and magic await them in their day to day lives?

The approximate time in the RP is now 8:30 the next morning.

The alarm bells in the first year dorms went off, a gentle ringing noise that would get louder and louder until every student in each building was awake.

As the first few started to awaken, Professor Nexter's voice began to echo in the first year boy's and girl's dorms, the school, and the surrounding city.

"Alright, time to get up first years. Even though we have no classes today, we have some activities to begin. You will all proceed to the Grand Hall by 9:30 at the very latest. No exceptions. If I have to come find you, you won't enjoy it. That is all." He wrapped up very quickly, ending on a chilling note.

"Don't let Nexter get you all scared. I won't let him hurt you guys." The jovial tone of Headmaster Nilast chirped in, rewarding the listeners with the sigh of Professor Nexter from the background.


Tybalt rose from bed, having listened to the morning's message from Prof. Nexter and Headmaster Nilast. Welp, he thought, might as well be early to whatever they had planned for the first years today.

Getting dressed in a simple black shirt and jeans, Tybalt rubbed the back of his neck, still tired and not really wanting to go, but up and dressed regardless. He opened the door and left rather quickly, not seeing if his roommate was up or not. As he walked out of the dorm room and out onto the beautiful path that connected the boy's dorm and the girl's dorm to the school, he had to admit the Academy in the distance was a majestic and wonderfully built school. Whoever had come up with the design, and whoever had managed to put it together, they must have been masters of their craft, indispensable heroes of their time.
Resmion was already in the bathroom getting ready for the day when the morning announcements came on. This was his 1st official day, and he was pretty bored from yesterday's lack of interesting escapades, he was getting up regardless of how tired he was. From his dresser, he picked out a black and blue striped shirt and pair of slacks with a light blue flame pattern going up in a circle until it reached the pockets. He also fixed his hair making sure his bangs completely covered his right eye. He grabbed the small pouch containing his four stones and attached the pouch with a key chain on his pants. "Finally. I can walk around in some comfortable clothes. That suit was killing me," Resmion said in a cheerful tone. "It is almost like the rich don't have to breathe. What next? They learn how to manage not eating for long periods as well?" He then opened the door pretty quickly, too full of vigor to see whether Jeremy was awake or not.

As he left his dorm room and entered the eye candy the hallway had to offer. "Admiring things is a silly habit of mine. I hope it does not become an annoying vice," Resmion said taking his eyes off the hallway and setting his eyes forward. "What beauty we see. Carved by angels trapped in man. Words do no justice." "Well, that was an unexpexted haiku. If I don't get a move on, I'll be in this hallway all day long like yesterday."

Though Ellessa had been deep in sleep only moments before, she stood beside her bed with Vishar draw, carefully looking about the room. An odd sound had stirred her from an utterly dreamless night, a sound that had started off quite gentle...barely perceptible to her unconscious mind but noticed none the less. As she paced the room, carefully searching each of it's blind spots and feasible hiding places for it's intruder, the sound continued to grow in if some unusual beast of this realm were quickly closing on her from the distance.

It was when Professor Nextor's voice finally began to echo through the dormitory that Ellessa realized the sound must be the schools version of a gong, and the tension poured free of her body. She sighed heavily as she reached down to pick up Vishar's silken sheath. Rising again to her feet, she noticed her appearance in a mirror on the far end of her room, built onto some sort of swiveling mechanism so that the viewer could turn it.

"I look terrible...." She thought to herself. Her mind slowly recounted to her the events of the day prior as she began to disrobe. She had never washed up after her practices, passing out almost immediately upon her return. Slowly, she undid the bandages wrapped around her burned hand. It had healed rather nicely, no doubt hastened by what little mastery over earth style she possessed.

She slowly made her way towards her bath, only just noticing that she had never really searched her private portion of the double dorm room. She silently hoped to herself that the water would at least as steamy as the hot springs near her home. The water there would pour in through large natural gaps in the caves that ran under her manor, spilling out into a large basin that would stretch across at least half the distance of her home. Every so often, steam from the basin would rise and cool around the manor, giving it a somewhat ethereal appearance.

Smiling pleasantly, she opened the door she assumed lead to her washroom. Her smile quickly faded however as she gazed on in dismay at the pure whiteness of everything. The room possessed another faucet like the one in the main portion of the room, another mirror though this one was stationary, odd reflective curtains surrounding some odd large bowl, and cold white floors in which the reflective stone had been cut into even little squares. Most bizarre of everything in the room was a device she had at first believed to be some sort of stone chair but quickly discovered possessed water inside for some reason. It also had a bright metal arm that extended off of it's side that, when touched, would cause all of the water to drain away only to be replaced seconds later.

"Where's the bath...? Surely they do not expect us train without washing up afterwards? What about the maintenance of our clothing as well...." She thought frantically to herself. She looked around the room wildly before her gaze stopped upon the faucet. She rushed over towards it, cringing slightly at the coldness of the floor. Shoving the martial garb of the day before into it, she turned the faucet up as high as it would manage to go...trying pitifully to scrub it clean over the meager stream.
Aspen had awoken ten minutes before the announcements sounded. She had been laying in bed, continuing her book, when the voices sounded in her room as if they were actually there. She threw the warm blankets back, stepping onto the cold floor and padding to her dresser where she had neatly packed away her clothes the night before. She pulled out a pair of dark jeans and a plain grey t-shirt. She carefully and quietly closed the drawer, trying not to disturb her roommate, and walked to her bathroom. It was white, which was what Aspen expected. She turned the shower all the way up, letting steam fill the bathroom before she stepped in.

She quickly showered, dried her hair, and dressed, walking out of her dorm room. She ran her fingers through her auburn hair nervously. She wasn't so good at meeting new people and she was worried that people here might dislike her. Biting her lip, she made her way outside and down the road that lead to the Grand Hall. She knew she would be rather early but she didn't mind so much. Aspen was very much a morning person, wide awake as she walked the quiet road. It was peaceful and beautiful and Aspen felt realed instantly, as she usually did when she was outdoors.

She closed her eyes, pausing for a moment in the road to take a deep breath of the fresh morning air and calm her nerves. She could do this, she told herself.
Eroria woke up somewhat startled by the sudden announcement. She wasn't use to waking up so early and she certainly wasn't use to waking up to someone else's voice. If anyone woke her up beside herself, it was her mother. But her mother was normally soft and gentle.

While she waited for her heart to stop pounding, sh wondered if Ayama was awake. Her roommate seemed to be still sleeping when she entered the common area and did not see her. She didn't think her roommate would leave without her. Eroria nodded to herself. She was sure that she would wake soon. Eroria wasn't sure if she had thanked her for helping her to the nurse yesterday. She moved her left ankle when she thought of that. The nurse had taken care of it and the embarrassment for tripping down the stairs had faded enough. At least only Ayama was aware of it. She hadn't really answered Lucian when he asked. She was happy to know though that he was okay as well.

Eroria went to get dressed. She would wait until Ayama had woken up as well before going with her. She wanted to make friends her and she thought her roommate would be the easiest to befriend since they would be practically living with one another. Or at least sharing the same room. That and the fact that Eroria would rind it really awkward to share a room with a person she either didn't know or who didn't like her.


Bane awoken to hear his roommate leaving the room. He shrugged it off. He hadn't actually met the guy yet - what was his name? Tybat? Towel bath? Halibut? Bane smiled to himself at the last two suggestions. No it was Tybalt. At least if his memory served him correctly. Bane was in no rush to meet his him. They'd surely meet soon enough. He didn't think they'd be able to go the whole year without it. Though maybe he'd be proved wrong.

The boy stretched and chuckled at the thought of having some mysterious roommate for the whole year. He knew he should move a bit faster but he didn't have to be Grand Hall for another hour. So he took his time getting dressed. He looked at himself in the mirror he had hung above his dresser and flashed himself a charming smile. He then sighed, shaking his head at himself. Seeing that he was all set to go, he left the room and took his time walking to the Grand Hall. He hadn't really met anyone yesterday so maybe he'd find someone to talk to now.

He thought he might have found someone when he spotted someone talking to themselves. He walked over, a bit confused and a bit unsettled. He really didn't know anyone who did that.

"Are you talking to yourself or does your partner just happen to be invisible?"
Lucian's head and upper body popped up like a Jack-in-the-box, looking about "aaah, another good night sleep" he said, stretching his back and cracking his neck "now, down to business" he went with admirable gusto, he jumped from his bed and went into the bathroom, removing his pajamas and getting into the shower, he loved a good shower in the morning, he was in there for a good 10 minutes, eventually leaving with a towel around his waist, he figured Jace wouldn't mind him drying off in the same room, ass it left the bathroom open for Jace to use it.

using a miixture of the towel and his flame magic to evaporate the water off, Lucian was dry within 2 minutes, and then went about putting on some clothes, today he wore black jeans with black and white converse sneakers and a white "Avengers" T-shirt under a blue hoodie with the school's emblem on the front-right breast.

"Right, i'm ready, seeya later jace, i'm heading down for breakfast!" he grabbed his glasses and wiped some of his damp blonde hair from his eyes before exiting and making his way to where breakfast was being served, eager beyond belief to get started on his first activities.
Ellessa, finally managing to scrub her sleeveless martial outfit to some semblance of clean in the small bathroom faucet turned to look about the room frustratingly. She grabbed at a towel hanging from a simple metal rack and began soaking a corner of it under the stream from the bathroom sink. With that she scrubbed herself down as best as she could manage, feeling a combination of mortification and depression.

"I do not understand how I cannot smell these people from a mile away Grandfather...perhaps there was a spring elsewhere that I have yet to find?" She thought solemnly to herself as she finished her task and folded the towel, placing it down gently next to her sink. Looking at herself in the bathroom mirror, Ellessa tried her best to cheer up a bit before going back into her room to decide on which robe she would wear.

"There might be fighting...perhaps I should simply wear my spare sparing set?" she thought as she raised her up to better examine it. "At the very least, it is dryer than my usual set...." she continued to think to herself, refreshing her earlier misery in her mind.

She quickly threw it on and retied the red sash of her formal robes around her head as she did the day before. With that, she exited out into the shared portion of the dorm room.

The sun leaked in through the still open window, though the winds had all but faded. The sounds of birds and cicada bleated out of the woods behind the dorms. Ellessa glanced over at Aphrodite's still closed door. "Perhaps I should have simply asked her where the springs were...." she thought, but as memories of her sudden withdrawal and with everything else that had happened that day, she quickly decided she had taken the right course of action. "It's best not to bother her...I cannot lead my family if i'm so often depending upon others." she thought sternly to herself as she again jumped free of the window and started off towards the Grand Hall in a sprint.

((([MENTION=1872]Legendless[/MENTION] [MENTION=27]bettsyboy[/MENTION] The dorms rooms have been described by the thread leader as being broken into three major parts, a common area for both, and two separate bedrooms. They aren't just one large room for the both of you. I'll try to find the original post it was described in and edit in a link later)))
It took Anya about half an hour after the announcement to fully wake up. Having low blood pressure wasn't very helpful when it came to mornings. And it probably didn't help that she pretty much hated mornings. She really wanted to go back to sleep but figured it wasn't smart to defy the staff before the school year even started. Throughout her morning routine, she could feel her bed beckoning to her with promises of a magical dreamland filled with chocolate rivers and sugar unicorns. It almost broke her heart when she went out her bedroom door, the point of no return.

Making her way across the common room, she looked over at the door of the other bedroom. She hadn't met her room mate yet. After Gray never showed up yesterday, Anya came back to a silent dorm room. If her roomie had shown, she must've been asleep by the time Anya got there. Hastening down the path that left the dorms, she was able to make it to the Great Hall with about fifteen minutes to spare.


Gray was up and ready even before the announcement came on. Having already been up about an hour primping himself until everything was just right, he was wide awake. Not bothering to check up on Lucas, Gray was out the door by 8:40. Still, though he left so early, he didn't make it to the Grand Hall until ten minutes before the deadline. His "fabulous" sense of direction came into play and even with a compass and map, he had gotten lost. He really should invest in a seeing eye dog or something. But whatever. The important thing here was that he still looked fantastic.

Admiring himself in the small mirror strapped to his wrist like a watch, he spotted Anya in the tiny space of the reflective surface not already occupied by himself. As he ran to her, he tripped over his own foot. Luckily he practiced for this type of situation. As he went down, he twisted himself so that he did a somersault and was soon back on his feet before he even finished falling. Damn. Even when falling, he looked good.

Anya glanced at him before turning away with a childish pout. Not a fan of being ignored, Gray began tailing her like a puppy. "Come on, Anya. Are you mad about yesterday? I'm sorry I didn't show. I lost track of time. I'm sorry." The white haired girl turned around and looked at her old friend who had his hands clasped in a prayer-like fashion and a puppy-like look on his face. "Pwease, forgive me?" She sighed and patted the boy's head. "This is strike one okay? Three strikes and you're out."

"Yay." Gray then grabbed her hand and began pulling her around the room. "Let's go make some new friends, okay? And grace these people with my presence." Anya broke out of his grip which shocked him a bit. Was she still mad? But then she jumped onto his back, wrapping her arms around his neck. Anya pointed forward. "Onward Clip-Clop!" Shrugging his shoulders, he went along with it and continued piggy backing her around the room.
Aspen seemed to reach the top of the stairs in time for the curfew bell to ring and as she left, Lux waved to her new friend. Then turning back to her door, she took a deep breath; her roommate was probably inside already due to her late arrival. When the small girl finally gained the courage to open the door, she saw what she had expected, what looked to be her roommate, reading a book. What the girl didn’t expect was that they seemed to look alike…or maybe that was just the bluish hair influencing her.

Realizing she was just standing in the doorway, she finally took some awkward steps in, looking more like a penguin. Finally she seemed to nod, “Hi- Uh, you must be Vative…I’m Lux” she notes, pointing at herself with a slight fidgetiness. Then nodding, she closed the door and hesitantly nodded again before scurrying off to the room surrounded by her luggage. Grabbing the luggage first before fully entering the room and looking around the rather plain abode…she’d fix that eventually.

Her roommate seemed nice…from the mere moments they talked to each other, and the room was nice. Lux just felt completely out of place, but she blamed it on the fact that this was all new to her, this school…these people. When she glanced out the window towards the boy’s dorms she saw some flame dancing in one of the windows and frowned. Was some idiot first year already setting a fire? Before she could even think to act the light was out and the flames were gone… with a frown she closed the curtains. Deciding to head the warning of the bell, she climbed into bed, she hadn’t changed into pyjamas but she was sure she wasn’t the only one to sleep in her clothes tonight.


Lux’s mind decided her no longer able to sleep despite her protests to want to stay asleep; she was having a feeling she’d be up soon anyways. Luckily enough, the alarms that started, very softly at first but starting to get louder convinced her of the fact. The girl forced herself out of bed, pulling out her pigtails and dragging her feet to the shared bathroom. Pausing a moment after she stripped herself of clothes, she yawned as the announcement to the students came on.

Not bothering to listen to most of it, she turned the shower on and climbed in, washing off her sleepiness and of course cleaning her. Drying herself off and clambering back to her own room, she finally opened one of her suitcases and got dressed. Today it was a jumper and a shirt and once her hair was dry she readjusted it to a single ponytail, making her way out to the common area.

It was as good a time as any to talk to her roommate.
Waiting just inside the Grand Hall, Tybalt blinked as a boy who looked meticulously groomed had a short conversation with a girl who seemed on very familiar terms with him, and then she hopped on his back and thus began a piggyback ride. As Tybalt looked on, Celestine perked up inside his mind.

You know boy, you are permitted to make friends. You do not need to keep people at such a distance. She mentally chided him, unimpressed with his overall loner attitude. It was another thing she'd berate out of him, even if it killed her. Oh, wait. She was already dead. Tybalt didn't respond, simply ignoring Celestine's sassy comments. He just watched awkwardly, averting his eyes every couple of minutes as people around him met up, chatted, and generally seemed content.

He didn't feel unhappy, but he knew he was out of place. Being a mundane human at a magical school could make a boy feel isolated.

Now is about the time you're going to want your characters to be at the Grand Hall. You have either until tomorrow morning by my time, which is around 12 hours, or ten posts to get the Grand Hall. These activities aren't necessary, but are highly recommended. Wink wink. Nudge nudge. Coughgettothegrandhalldammitcough.

rolled over in bed, the announcement had waken him up. The harsh sunlight was now streaming through the window, glaring harshly on the sleepy boy. Lucas was not waking up in a good mood.

Having a natural connection to the moon, Lucas had always preferred the nights, and getting woken early (which it wasn't, but he would soon have to learn to deal with that) was a sure way to set him on the road to a grumpy morning. Maybe it wouldn't have been nearly so bad if he hadn't wandered the school grounds under the light of the moon last night, but the moon was almost full, and it bathed the school in a beautiful silvery light. Lucas couldn't resist. Now he was paying for it. Groaning feebly, he pulled the covers back over his head to block out the sun and drown out the sounds of birds chirping cheerfully just outside.

That didn't last long.

Not ten minutes later, he had given up on his efforts to go back to sleep and was donning a fresh set of robes to attend the ceremony at the great hall. Stifling a yawn, he groped around his belongings for a pick me up, and found it. A small flask of pure silverlight water, better know as bottled moonlight, and drank the potion in one fell swig. He had brought several bottles of silverlight with him, but didn't want to go drinking all of them at once. Silverlight awoke his blood, rousing him, and opening his eyes, much like caffeine would, but much stronger (along with a mild side effect of making his eyes reflect light like a mirror). Feeling slightly better, though not entirely enthusiastic quite yet, he grabbed his two wands and tucked them in his robe, slipped on his pendent, and went out the door.
Ellessa reached the Grand Hall with plenty of time to spare, despite her long and miserable time in her bathroom. Despite being in a sprint the entire way there, Ellessa was barely breathing heavy as she bounded up the stairs and into the Great Hall. Once again there were so many people standing about in strange clothes, all of which she now knew possessed such alien knowledge to her.

"What is this all about I wonder...?" She thought to herself upon noticing that none of their clothing seemed suitable for fighting. "Or perhaps, they are all like Aphrodite as well....Perhaps I shouldn't underestimate them."

Grabbing at the diamond knotted rope that held Vishar to her back, Ellessa carefully tried to maneuver the crowd. Her long sash tied to her head getting stepped on and muddied as she went, much to her dismay. Finally making it to a far wall, Ellessa pulled up the sash and tried desperately to remove some of the stains...her feelings of misery only deepening in the process.
Cyr had came back much later than the bell had told her to the dorm, the nurse not satisfied with letting her leave until she was sure she didn't have a concussion. Thankfully though, it allowed her to avoid her roommate for the night as she ducked into her room. When morning came around, it came much too quickly for her.

Her body ached, though the worst of the bruises were gone. Her eye wasn't swollen any longer, but it definitely hurt to open, which would make blinking a blast. Half listening to the announcements, she dug through her bags, pulling out clothes and a hairbrush. The giant sweater was a blessing for hiding the wounds, and thankfully, her hair was long enough to get pulled over the one eye and not look weird. Grabbing her other bag of books, she took off quickly, not wanting to talk to anyone until they got their first classes. Leaving the girl's dorm, she slowed down a bit, allowing herself to take in the sights of the campus.


Humming softly to herself, Vative moved between common room and bed room as she organized books she thought she'd need. She'd been up since before dawn, simply dolling about since she no longer had practice to start, or tents to set up. Or anything really. But years of waking up early had set her body into a rhythm she couldn't ignore.

On a way out of the room again, she stopped, seeing her roommate, and fellow blue haired companion out and about. A smile crossed over her face, "Well, howdy there. Good to see you up and looking refreshed." Setting the last book down, making her pile about ten books tall she set her hands on her hips, smile still not leaving her face.
Aspen arrived in the Grand Hall, noticing that there were already quite a few people there. She walked about halfway up the aisle, taking a seat quickly. She made sure to avoid eye contact as much as possible. Aspen wasn't great at meeting new people. She tended to be either very shy or talk so much that she scared the person off. She also was never one to initiate a conversation. It wasn't that Aspen minded being alone but this was the first time she had ever felt lonely. Usually she was trying to avoid conversation. She never seemed to get peace and quiet at her old school. Here, though, no one cared about who her parents were which meant no one was interested in her. She folded her hands in her lap, staring down at her entwined fingers. She wished she could go crawl back in bed with her book.

She took a glane around the hall, noticing that it was filling up rather quickly. She supposed it must be getting close to 9:30. She tried to make herself as small as possible so as to not attract attention, waiting for the moment when she could reach the refuge of her books.
Ayama awoke, and sat up in her bed. Morning had come to early for the young archess((I create my own words!)), and she was still tired. She stood, and dressed in what she deemed worthy of morning clothes. She brushed her teeth, and put her hair into a bun. She never wore make up. She hated it. She then walked to her bow, and put it around her shoulder, she didn't grab any arrows, just her bow. She then sighed, and walked to the gran hall. It was a little while before she arrived, but when she did, she saw Tybalt, and sat by him instantly. "Hello!" She exclaimed, all to bubbly, like always.

Aphrodite had not slept a wink, but she didn't look tired, nor was she. She was used to going without sleep. She put her red hair into a ponytail, and put on a few light layers of makeup. She then grabbed a pair of jeans, and put them on, then a tee shirt, and a black jacket. She sighed, and said this to herself, "Why do you feel so guilty? They abused you." She shook her head, and walked to the Grand Hall, seeing the girl with the bow, and smiling to herself, thinking, Man, have they got all kinds here, or what? When she walked in, she saw Ellessa, and walked over, and said, "Hey there, how are you this fine morning?"
Tybalt raised his eyebrow, not having expected anyone to say hello to him. Oh, he thought. It was the rather friendly girl from yesterday, the one who'd spoken to him at the opening ceremony. Tybalt gave a small smile back.

"Hello. Sleep well?" He asked, suddenly in a better mood than yesterday. After his confrontation with Constantine and meeting Cyr, he had a bit of a renewed confidence in his ability to keep up his ruse here at the Academy. And now with someone talking to him, even the least social person would feel better about their situation. Celestine chortled mentally, giving the impression if she was outside of the pendant she'd be waggling her finger at him in a knowing manner.

Typical young boy, a girl says hello and all of a sudden the sullen lone wolf becomes a cheerful social animal. She remarked snidely, to which Tybalt mentally sighed. He didn't bother offering a response, figuring if he broke concentration on the conversation at hand it might spell disaster. He would handle social situations with grace.
Ellessa looked at Aphrodite with no small level of confusion. "What is with this women...? First it's an ultimatum, friendship or enmity. Then, after I accept her friendship and think my stay in this confusing realm and away from my homeland wouldn't be as bad as I thought, she hits me for trying to save her. She apologizes and suddenly runs from me. Apologizes for running and makes me think that all has been set right only to suddenly ignore me. Now she just walks right up to me and starts talking as if nothing happened?"

Ellessa sighed faintly, trying to shake off her frustration...something she failed by quite a bit. "Today is most certainly NOT a 'fine morning'. My roommate may be possessed of enough chaos to make the touched look sane. My three hundred year old ceremonial Tāo has been trampled on but these...these horrid people. I have no place to wash my clothes and I have yet to see a single outhouse. I have no sparing partner, none of the freedom of my home and an odd voice calls out to me in my sleep. There is no Grandfather or any of the others, I have no washed my hair....AND I HAVE NOT BATHED!!!"

Ellessa's face slowly began to reveal her absolute misery as little tears began to well up in the corner of her eyes. She released her grasp of her soiled sash as she tried her best to suppress away her anguish. She tried desperately to regain her normal tranquility, to think calmly and regain her fine edge. "Why is this realm so backwards Grandfather...?"

Turning towards Aphrodite, Ellessa suddenly lunged forward into a tight hug. "Why is this this place" She began, unable to find the right words to express her thoughts. Her mind scrambled for what to say, to try to make sense of it all...but all it had managed to come up with was a frustrated growl. "Perhaps I should just....should just return home..." she said, though before this she had never quit a thing in her life.

"I don't know anybody, or anything of this realm....even the HAIR is strange..." she continued, remembering the boy with the spiked, blue tipped hair from the day before. "This place must be some nightmare...some dark figment of my imagination attempting to devour my mind...a phantasm brought before me by some malicious portion of my psyche. I feel that if I should stay in this place but one more day I might become as touched as you!" She shouted before realizing that she had just insulted the person she was clutching on to....then finally realizing that she was clutching onto her in the first place.

"I'm....I'm sorry." she said mortified. She tried to bow quickly in apology, her wild motion sending her head crashing into a small table along the wall with a loud bang. Drawing herself back into an upright position, she rubbed at her already reddening forehead while whimpering a bit in pain and confusion.
Lucian came into the grand hall, he was dressed and ready for the day, he let out a yawn as he came in, although he started off energetic, he actually didn't sleep very well at all, he was tossing and turning all night, and he accidentally summoned a flame during the night and burned his toe and it kinda hurts, luckily he didn't catch the bed on fire.

He hurried to Ellessa's side, after he heard the bang of her head hitting the table, and seeing her with a sore head "e-excuse me? are you okay? do you need to see the nurse or anything?" he had a look of genuine concern on his face, he didn't like it when people got hurt around him, he looked to Aphrodite "what happened?" still with concern in his voice, not realizing how nosy he was being.
Having woke up and got ready for the day, Jace made his way to the great hall, walking in he looked around and seen his roomate and other students as well. Walking over to his roomate he lightly punched his shoulder "hey buddy how you feeling today?" he asked looking and feeling so full of life. Looking down and seeing ellessa, he cleared his throat "well good morning to you miss....ellessa right?" he asked her as he lightly bowed remembering the night before "whats wrong you seem like something is wrong" he asked sincerley about his new friend...or at least he counted her as a friend.
David Anderson woke in his room. Before he went to sleep the previous night,he unpacked his luggage. It was consisted of clothes and hygiene products,but he also brought with him nearly a solid metric tonne of novels,all of them fiction,most included elements of fantasy. Notable authors in his collection included Eoin Colfer,Drew Karpyshyn,R.A. Salvatore,and Wies and Hickman. His luggage also contained,of course,numerous suits and ties. How he enjoyed suits. They somehow made him feel refined,mature,and somehow significant in a world where he was a mere individual among billions. He went to shower,then dressed in a suit,this one a solid smoky gray,and donned a white tie. The sole colour on the suit were the garnet cufflinks. Then came the voice,asking all first years to congregate at the Grand Hall. David smiled,and strode into the hallway outside. He was saddened that he got a room to himself. He wanted someone to bounce ideas off of,and have a chat with on their down-time. He shrugged. Maybe I'll get a roomie down the line.

Meanwhile,in Hell...

Two bitter foes clashed in ceaseless battle. One,a demon. The demon's form was truly inhuman. It had an elongated head,much like a komodo dragon,but sported a set of grand,curving horns,and bony spines along the jaw. The body was humanoid,but the flesh was a shade of red somewhere between fresh and rusting blood. Skeletal,three-digit wings sprouted from the demon's back,but the digits swept up the demon's body,rather than down. The legs had reversed knees,and ended in cloven hooves,and the hands sported two fingers and a thumb. Each hand held a weapon. In the left was a sword,or rather,the remains of one. The blade was two feet long,but beyond that length,the blade was broken off. The sword glowed a violent red,and shrieked with tormented souls. In his right hand was an enormous ringblade,which he held in the center,where perpendicular support beams met. The demon roared in fury as it swung the weapons in a cyclone of death and suffering. His opponent,however,easily dodged. "CEASE YOUR INFERNAL DANCE,STEVEN ADAMS! YOU KNOW YOU CANNOT WIN!"

The demon's opponent was a human. A man,approaching middle age. He wore an eyepatch,and one of his arms was a prosthetic. His face,and likely the rest of his body,was a busy roadmap of scars. This man was Steven Adams. Telekinetic and illusionist. A genius and prodigy in these fields,he had done things previously thought impossible with these magicks. And he fought unarmed. Steven gave a great,mirthless,guffaw. His voice was harsh,and sounded like diamonds in a blender.
"Neither can you. Here,on your home ground,we are equals. How does that feel,Borghen? The great Sicon of Rage is impotent against a mere human on his home ground."

The demon,Borghen,growled in fury.
"We are not equals. For here,I AM KING!" Borghen continued his assault,but was blown off his feet by a telekinetic burst. He rolled back,then lunged forward,driving his weapons into Steven's body. "And so,the king quells the rebellion." But Steven vanished in a dazzling display of split light,and Borghen's head bucked forward as a spear kick made contact with the base of the skull. Borghen wheeled around,but missed,as Steven had kicked off of his head,probably assisted by a telekinetic push. "How many years was it,Borghen? If neither of us had won by now,when will we?" Steven became two. Then four. Then eight. Then sixteen. He kept on multiplying,his voice drifting through the crowd randomly,all of the images mimicking his mouth movements. ​"Face it. We're both prisoners here. Just as well. The world is better off without us."

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